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The History of Pendennis

Page 77

by William Makepeace Thackeray

  CHAPTER LXXV. A Chapter of Match-making

  Upon the platform at Tunbridge, Pen fumed and fretted until the arrivalof the evening train to London, a full half-hour,--six hours it seemedto him; but even this immense interval was passed, the train arrived,the train sped on, the London lights came in view--a gentleman whoforgot his carpet-bag in the train rushed at a cab, and said to the man,"Drive as hard as you can go to Jermyn Street." The cabman, although ahansom-cabman, said Thank you for the gratuity which was put into hishand, and Pen ran up the stairs of the hotel to Lady Rockminster'sapartments. Laura was alone in the drawing-room, reading, with a paleface, by the lamp. The pale face looked up when Pen opened the door.May we follow him? The great moments of life are but moments like theothers. Your doom is spoken in a word or two. A single look from theeyes; a mere pressure of the hand may decide it; or of the lips, thoughthey cannot speak.

  When Lady Rockminster, who has had her after-dinner nap, gets up andgoes into her sitting-room, we may enter with her ladyship.

  "Upon my word, young people!" are the first words she says, and herattendant makes wondering eyes over her shoulder. And well may she sayso; and well may the attendant cast wondering eyes; for the young peopleare in an attitude; and Pen in such a position as every young lady whoreads this has heard tell of, or has seen, or hopes, or at any ratedeserves to see.

  In a word, directly he entered the room, Pen went up to Laura of thepale face, who had not time even to say, What, back so soon? and seizingher outstretched and trembling hand just as she was rising from herchair, fell down on his knees before her, and said quickly, "I have seenher. She has engaged herself to Harry Foker--and--and Now, Laura?"

  The hand gives a pressure--the eyes beam a reply--the quivering lipsanswer, though speechless. Pen's head sinks down in the girl's lap, ashe sobs out, "Come and bless us, dear mother," and arms as tender asHelen's once more enfold him.

  In this juncture it is that Lady Rockminster comes in and says, "Upon myword, young people! Beck! leave the room. What do you want poking yournose in here?"

  Pen starts up with looks of triumph, still holding Laura's hand. "She isconsoling me for my misfortune, ma'am," he says.

  "What do you mean by kissing her hand? I don't know what you will benext doing."

  Pen kissed her Ladyship's. "I have been to Tunbridge," he says, "andseen Miss Amory; and find on my arrival that--that a villain hastransplanted me in her affections," he says with a tragedy air.

  "Is that all? Is that what you were whimpering on your knees about?"says the old lady, growing angry. "You might have kept the news tillto-morrow."

  "Yes--another has superseded me," goes on Pen; "but why call himvillain? He is brave, he is constant, he is young, he is wealthy, he isbeautiful."

  "What stuff are you talking, sir?" cried the old lady. "What hashappened?"

  "Miss Amory has jilted me, and accepted Henry Foker, Esq. I foundher warbling ditties to him as he lay at her feet; presents had beenaccepted, vows exchanged, these ten days. Harry was old Mrs. Planter'srheumatism, which kept dearest Laura out of the house. He is the mostconstant and generous of men. He has promised the living of Logwood toLady Ann's husband, and given her a splendid present on her marriage;and he rushed to fling himself at Blanche's feet the instant he found hewas free."

  "And so, as you can't get Blanche, you put up with Laura; is that it,sir?" asked the old lady.

  "He acted nobly," Laura said.

  "I acted as she bade me," said Pen. "Never mind how, Lady Rockminster;but to the best of my knowledge and power. And if you mean that I amnot worthy of Laura, I know it, and pray Heaven to better me; and if thelove and company of the best and purest creature in the world can do so,at least I shall have these to help me."

  "Hm, hm," replied the old lady to this, looking with rather an appeasedair at the young people. "It is all very well; but I should havepreferred Bluebeard."

  And now Pen, to divert the conversation from a theme which was growingpainful to some parties present, bethought him of his interview withHuxter in the morning, and of Fanny Bolton's affairs, which he hadforgotten under the immediate pressure and excitement of his own. And hetold the ladies how Huxter had elevated Fanny to the rank of wife,and what terrors he was in respecting the arrival of his father. Hedescribed the scene with considerable humour, taking care to dwellespecially upon that part of it which concerned Fanny's coquetry andirrepressible desire of captivating mankind; his meaning being, "Yousee, Laura, I was not so guilty in that little affair; it was the girlwho made love to me, and I who resisted. As I am no longer present, thelittle siren practises her arts and fascinations upon others. Let thattransaction be forgotten in your mind, if you please; or visit me with avery gentle punishment for my error."

  Laura understood his meaning under the eagerness of his explanations."If you did any wrong, you repented, dear Pen," she said; "and youknow," she added, with meaning eyes and blushes, "that I have no rightto reproach you."

  "Hm!" grumbled the old lady; "I should have preferred Bluebeard."

  "The past is broken away. The morrow is before us. I will do my best tomake your morrow happy, dear Laura," Pen said. His heart was humbled bythe prospect of his happiness: it stood awestricken in the contemplationof her sweet goodness and purity. He liked his wife better that she hadowned to that passing feeling for Warrington, and laid bare her generousheart to him. And she--very likely she was thinking, "How strange it isthat I ever should have cared for another! I am vexed almost to think Icare for him so little, am so little sorry that he is gone away. Oh, inthese past two months how I have learned to love Arthur! I care aboutnothing but Arthur: my waking and sleeping thoughts are about him; he isnever absent from me. And to think that he is to be mine, mine! and thatI am to marry him, and not to be his servant as I expected to be onlythis morning; for I would have gone down on my knees to Blanche to begher to let me live with him. And now--Oh, it is too much. Oh, mother!mother, that you were here!" Indeed, she felt as if Helen were there--byher actually, though invisibly. A halo of happiness beamed from her.

  She moved with a different step, and bloomed with a new beauty. Arthursaw the change; and the old Lady Rockminster remarked it with her shrewdeyes.

  "What a sly demure little wretch you have been," she whispered toLaura--while Pen, in great spirits, was laughing, and telling his storyabout Huxter--"and how you have kept your secret!"

  "How are we to help the young couple?" said Laura. Of course Miss Laurafelt an interest in all young couples, as generous lovers always loveother lovers.

  "We must go and see them," said Pen.

  "Of course we must go and see them," said Laura. "I intend to be veryfond of Fanny. Let us go this instant. Lady Rockminster, may I have thecarriage?"

  "Go now!--why, you stupid creature, it is eleven o'clock at night. Mr.and Mrs. Huxter have got their nightcaps on, I dare say. And it is timefor you to go now. Good night, Mr. Pendennis."

  Arthur and Laura begged for ten minutes more.

  "We will go to-morrow morning, then. I will come and fetch you withMartha."

  "An earl's coronet," said Pen, who, no doubt, was pleased himself,"will have a great effect in Lamb Court and Smithfield. Stay--LadyRockminster, will you join us in a little conspiracy?"

  "How do you mean conspiracy, young man?"

  "Will you please to be a little ill to-morrow; and when old Mr. Huxterarrives, will you let me call him in? If he is put into a good humour atthe notion of attending a baronet in the country, what influence won'ta countess have on him? When he is softened--when he is quite ripe, wewill break the secret upon him; bring in the young people, extort thepaternal benediction, and finish the comedy."

  "A parcel of stuff," said the old lady. "Take your hat, sir. Come away,miss. There--my head is turned another way. Good night, young people."And who knows but the old lady thought of her own early days as she wentaway on Laura's arm, nodding her head and humming to herself?

  With the early morning came Laura and Ma
rtha according to appointment;and the desired sensation was, let us hope, effected in Lamb Court,whence the three proceeded to wait upon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Huxter, attheir residence in Charterhouse Lane.

  The two ladies looked at each other with great interest, and not alittle emotion on Fanny's part. She had not seen her "guardian," as shewas pleased to call Pen in consequence of his bequest, since the eventhad occurred which had united her to Mr. Huxter.

  "Samuel told me how kind you had been," she said. "You were always verykind, Mr. Pendennis. And--and I hope your friend is better, who was tookill in Shepherd's Inn, ma'am."

  "My name is Laura," said the other, with a blush. "I am--that is, Iwas--that is, I am Arthur's sister; and we shall always love you forbeing so good to him when he was ill. And when we live in the country,I hope we shall see each other. And I shall be always happy to hear ofyour happiness, Fanny."

  "We are going to do what you and Huxter have done, Fanny.--Where isHuxter? What nice, snug lodgings you've got! What a pretty cat!"

  While Fanny is answering these questions in reply to Pen, Laura says toherself--"Well, now really! is this the creature about whom we were allso frightened? What could he see in her? She's a homely little thing,but such manners! Well, she was very kind to him,--bless her for that."

  Mr. Samuel had gone out to meet his Pa. Mrs. Huxter said that the oldgentleman was to arrive that day at the Somerset Coffee-house, in theStrand; and Fanny confessed that she was in a sad tremor about themeeting. "If his parent casts him off, what are we to do?" she said. "Ishall never pardon myself for bringing ruing on my 'usband's 'ead. Youmust intercede for us, Mr. Arthur. If mortal man can, you can bend andinfluence Mr. Huxter senior." Fanny still regarded Pen in the light ofa superior being, that was evident. No doubt Arthur thought of the past,as he marked the solemn little tragedy-airs and looks, the little ways,the little trepidations, vanities, of the little bride. As soon as theinterview was over, entered Messrs. Linton and Blades, who came, ofcourse, to visit Huxter, and brought with them a fine fragrance oftobacco. They had watched the carriage at the baker's door, and remarkedthe coronet with awe. They asked of Fanny who was that uncommonly heavyswell who had just driven off? and pronounced the countess was ofthe right sort. And when they heard that it was Mr. Pendennis and hissister, they remarked that Pen's father was only a sawbones; and that hegave himself confounded airs; they had been in Huxter's company on thenight of his little altercation with Pen in the Back Kitchen.

  Returning homewards through Fleet Street, and as Laura was just statingto Pen's infinite amusement that Fanny was very well, but that reallythere was no beauty in her,--there might be, but she could not seeit,--as they were locked near Temple Bar, they saw young Huxterreturning to his bride. "The governor had arrived; was at the SomersetCoffee-house--was in tolerable good-humour--something about the railway:but he had been afraid to speak about--about that business. Would Mr.Pendennis try it on?"

  Pen said he would go and call at that moment upon Mr. Huxter, and seewhat might be done. Huxter junior would lurk outside whilst that awfulinterview took place. The coronet on the carriage inspired his soul alsowith wonder; and old Mr. Huxter himself beheld it with delight, as helooked from the coffee-house window on that Strand which it was always atreat to him to survey.

  "And I can afford to give myself a lark, sir," said Mr. Huxter, shakinghands with Pen. "Of course you know the news? we have got our bill, sir.We shall have our branch line--our shares are up, sir--and we buy yourthree fields along the Brawl, and put a pretty penny into your pocket,Mr. Pendennis."

  "Indeed!--that was good news." Pen remembered that there was a letterfrom Mr. Tatham, at Chambers, these three days; but he had not openedthe communication, being interested with other affairs.

  "I hope you don't intend to grow rich, and give up practice," said Pen."We can't lose you at Clavering, Mr. Huxter; though I hear very goodaccounts of your son. My friend, Dr. Goodenough speaks most highly ofhis talents. It is hard that a man of your eminence, though, should bekept in a country town."

  "The metropolis would have been my sphere of action, sir," said Mr.Huxter, surveying the Strand. "But a man takes his business where hefinds it; and I succeeded to that of my father."

  "It was my father's, too," said Pen. "I sometimes wish I had followedit."

  "You, sir, have taken a more lofty career," said the old gentleman. "Youaspire to the senate: and to literary honours. You wield the poet'spen, sir, and move in the circles of fashion. We keep an eye upon you atClavering. We read your name in the lists of the select parties of thenobility. Why, it was only the other day that my wife was remarking howodd it was that at a party at the Earl of Kidderminster's your name wasnot mentioned. To what member of the aristocracy may I ask does thatequipage belong from which I saw you descend? The Countess Dowager ofRockminster? How is her Ladyship?"

  "Her Ladyship is not very well; and when I heard that you were coming totown, I strongly urged her to see you, Mr. Huxter," Pen said. Old Huxterfelt, if he had a hundred votes for Clavering, he would give them all toPen.

  "There is an old friend of yours in the carriage--a Clavering lady,too--will you come out and speak to her?" asked Pen. The old surgeonwas delighted to speak to a coroneted carriage in the midst of the fullStrand: he ran out bowing and smiling. Huxter junior, dodging aboutthe district, beheld the meeting between his father and Laura, saw thelatter put out her hand, and presently, after a little colloquy withPen, beheld his father actually jump into the carriage, and drive awaywith Miss Bell.

  There was no room for Arthur, who came back, laughing, to the youngsurgeon, and told him whither his parent was bound. During the whole ofthe journey, that artful Laura coaxed, and wheedled, and cajoled him soadroitly, that the old gentleman would have granted her anything; andLady Rockminster achieved the victory over him by complimenting himon his skill, and professing her anxiety to consult him. What wereher Ladyship's symptoms? Should he meet her Ladyship's usual medicalattendant? Mr. Jones was called out of town? He should be delighted todevote his very best energies and experience to her Ladyship's service.

  He was so charmed with his patient, that he wrote home about her to hiswife and family; he talked of nothing but Lady Rockminster to Samuel,when that youth came to partake of beefsteak and oyster-sauce andaccompany his parent to the play. There was a simple grandeur, a politeurbanity, a high-bred grace about her Ladyship, which he had neverwitnessed in any woman. Her symptoms did not seem alarming; he hadprescribed--Spir: Ammon: Aromat: with a little Spir: Menth: Pip: andorange-flower, which would be all that was necessary.

  "Miss Bell seemed to be on the most confidential and affectionatefooting with her Ladyship. She was about to form a matrimonialconnexion. All young people ought to marry. Such were her Ladyship'swords; and the Countess condescended to ask respecting my own family,and I mentioned you by name to her Ladyship, Sam, my boy. I shall lookin to-morrow, when, if the remedies which I have prescribed for herLadyship have had the effect which I anticipate, I shall probably followthem up by a little Spir: Lavend: Comp:--and so set my noble patientup. What is the theatre which is most frequented by the--by the higherclasses in town, hey, Sam! and to what amusement will you take an oldcountry doctor to-night, hey, sir?"

  On the next day, when Mr. Huxter called in Jermyn Street at twelveo'clock, Lady Rockminster had not yet left her room, but Miss Bell andMr. Pendennis were in waiting to receive him. Lady Rockminster had had amost comfortable night, and was getting on as well as possible. How hadMr. Huxter amused himself? at the theatre? with his son? What a capitalpiece it was, and how charmingly Mrs. O'Leary looked and sang it! andwhat a good fellow young Huxter was! liked by everybody, an honour tohis profession. He has not his father's manners, I grant you, or thatold-world tone which is passing away from us, but a more excellent,sterling fellow never lived. "He ought to practise in the countrywhatever you do, sir," said Arthur--"he ought to marry--other people aregoing to do so--and settle."

  "The very words that her Ladyship used
yesterday, Mr. Pendennis. Heought to marry. Sam should marry, sir."

  "The town is full of temptations, sir," continued Pen. The old gentlemanthought of that houri, Mrs. O'Leary.

  "There is no better safeguard for a young man than an early marriagewith an honest affectionate creature."

  "No better, sir, no better."

  "And love is better than money, isn't it?"

  "Indeed it is," said Miss Bell.

  "I agree with so fair an authority," said the old gentleman, with a bow.

  "And--and suppose, sir," Pen said, "that I had a piece of news tocommunicate to you."

  "God bless my soul, Mr. Pendennis! what do you mean?" asked the oldgentleman.

  "Suppose I had to tell you that a young man, carried away by anirresistible passion for an admirable and most virtuous youngcreature--whom everybody falls in love with--had consulted the dictatesof reason and his heart, and had married. Suppose I were to tell youthat that man is my friend; that our excellent, our truly noble friendthe Countess Dowager of Rockminster is truly interested about him(and you may fancy what a young man can do in life when THAT family isinterested for him); suppose I were to tell you that you know him--thathe is here--that he is----"

  "Sam married! God bless my soul, sir, you don't mean that!"

  "And to such a nice creature, dear Mr. Huxter."

  "Her Ladyship is charmed with her," said Pen, telling almost the firstfib which he has told in the course of this story.

  "Married! the rascal, is he?" thought the old gentleman.

  "They will do it, sir," said Pen; and went and opened the door. Mr. andMrs. Samuel Huxter issued thence, and both came and knelt down beforethe old gentleman. The kneeling little Fanny found favour in his sight.There must have been some thing attractive about her, in spite ofLaura's opinion.

  "Will never do so any more, sir," said Sam.

  "Get up, sir," said Mr. Huxter. And they got up, and Fanny came a littlenearer and a little nearer still, and looked so pretty and pitiful,that somehow Mr. Huxter found himself kissing the little crying-laughingthing, and feeling as if he liked it.

  "What's your name, my dear?" he said, after a minute of this sport.

  "Fanny, papa," said Mrs. Samuel.

  CHAPTER LXXVI. Exeunt Omnes

  Our characters are all a month older than they were when thelast-described adventures and conversations occurred, and a great numberof the personages of our story have chanced to reassemble at the littlecountry town where we were first introduced to them. Frederic Lightfoot,formerly maitre d'hotel in the service of Sir Francis Clavering, ofClavering Park, Bart., has begged leave to inform the nobility andgentry of ------shire that he has taken that well-known and comfortablehotel, the Clavering Arms, in Clavering, where he hopes for thecontinued patronage of the gentlemen and families of the county. "Thisancient and well-established house," Mr. Lightfoot's manifesto states,"has been repaired and decorated in a style of the greatest comfort.Gentlemen hunting with the Dumplingbeare hounds will find excellentstabling and loose-boxes for horses at the Clavering Arms. A commodiousbilliard-room has been attached to the hotel, and the cellars have beenfurnished with the choicest wines and spirits, selected, without regardto expense, by C. L. Commercial gentlemen will find the Clavering Armsa most comfortable place of resort: and the scale of charges has beenregulated for all, so as to meet the economical spirit of the presenttimes."

  Indeed, there is a considerable air of liveliness about the old inn.The Clavering arms have been splendidly repainted over the gateway. Thecoffee-room windows are bright and fresh, and decorated with Christmasholly; the magistrates have met in petty sessions in the card-roomof the old Assembly. The farmers' ordinary is held as of old, andfrequented by increased numbers, who are pleased with Mrs. Lightfoot'scuisine. Her Indian curries and Mulligatawny soup are especiallypopular: Major Stokes, the respected tenant of Fairoaks Cottage, CaptainGlanders, H.P., and other resident gentry, have pronounced in theirfavour, and have partaken of them more than once both in private and atthe dinner of the Clavering Institute, attendant on the incorporationof the reading-room, and when the chief inhabitants of that flourishinglittle town met together and did justice to the hostess's excellentcheer. The chair was taken by Sir Francis Clavering, Bart., supportedby the esteemed rector, Dr. Portman; the vice chair being ably filledby Barker, Esq. (supported by the Rev. J. Simcoe and the Rev. S. Jowls),the enterprising head of the ribbon factory in Clavering, and chiefdirector of the Clavering and Chatteris Branch of the Great WesternRailway, which will be opened in another year, and upon the works ofwhich the engineers and workmen are now busily engaged.

  "An interesting event, which is likely to take place in the life of ourtalented townsman, Arthur Pendennis, Esq., has, we understand, causedhim to relinquish the intentions which he had of offering himself asa candidate for our borough: and rumour whispers" (says the ChatterisChampion, Clavering Agriculturist, and Baymouth Fisherman,--thatindependent county paper, so distinguished for its unswervingprinciples and loyalty to the British oak, and so eligible a medium foradvertisements)--rumour states, says the C. C. C. A. and B. F., "thatshould Sir Francis Clavering's failing health oblige him to relinquishhis seat in Parliament, he will vacate it in favour of a young gentlemanof colossal fortune and related to the highest aristocracy of theempire, who is about to contract a matrimonial alliance with anaccomplished and lovely lady, connected by the nearest ties with therespected family at Clavering Park. Lady Clavering and Miss Amory havearrived at the Park for the Christmas holidays; and we understand that alarge number of the aristocracy are expected, and that festivities of apeculiarly interesting nature will take place there at the commencementof the new year."

  The ingenious reader will be enabled, by the help of the aboveannouncement, to understand what has taken place during the little breakwhich has occurred in our narrative. Although Lady Rockminster grumbleda little at Laura's preference for Pendennis over Bluebeard, those whoare aware of the latter's secret will understand that the young girlcould make no other choice, and the kind old lady who had constitutedherself Miss Bell's guardian was not ill pleased that she was to fulfilthe great purpose in life of young ladies and marry. She informed hermaid of the interesting event that very night, and of course Mrs.Beck, who was perfectly aware of every single circumstance, and kept byMartha, of Fairoaks, in the fullest knowledge of what was passing, wasimmensely surprised and delighted. "Mr. Pendennis's income is so much;the railroad will give him so much more, he states; Miss Bell has somuch, and may probably have a little more one day. For persons in theirdegree, they will be able to manage very well. And I shall speak to mynephew Pynsent, who I suspect was once rather attached to her,--but ofcourse that was out of the question ('Oh! of course, my lady; I shouldthink so indeed!')--not that you know anything whatever about it, orhave any business to think at all on the subject,--I shall speak toGeorge Pynsent, who is now chief secretary of the Tape and Sealing WaxOffice, and have Mr. Pendennis made something. And, Beck, in the morningyou will carry down my compliments to Major Pendennis, and say that Ishall pay him a visit at one o'clock."--"Yes," muttered the old lady,"the Major must be reconciled, and he must leave his fortune to Laura'schildren."

  Accordingly, at one o'clock, the Dowager Lady Rockminster appeared atMajor Pendennis's, who was delighted, as may be imagined, to receive sonoble a visitor. The Major had been prepared, if not for the news whichher Ladyship was about to give him, at least with the intelligencethat Pen's marriage with Miss Amory was broken off. The young gentlemanbethinking him of his uncle, for the first time that day it must beowned, and meeting his new servant in the hall of the hotel, asked afterthe Major's health from Mr. Frosch; and then went into the coffee-roomof the hotel, where he wrote a half-dozen lines to acquaint his guardianwith what had occurred. "Dear uncle," he said, "if there has beenany question between us, it is over now. I went to Tunbridge Wellsyesterday, and found that somebody else had carried off the prize aboutwhich we were hesitating. Miss A., without any compunction
for me, hasbestowed herself upon Harry Foker, with his fifteen thousand a year. Icame in suddenly upon their loves, and found and left him in possession.

  "And you'll be glad to hear, Tatham writes me, that he has sold three ofmy fields at Fairoaks to the Railroad Company, at a great figure. Iwill tell you this, and more when we meet; and am always youraffectionate,--A. P."

  "I think I am aware of what you were about to tell me," the Major said,with a most courtly smile and bow to Pen's ambassadress. "It was a verygreat kindness of your Ladyship to think of bringing me the news. Howwell you look! How very good you are! How very kind you have always beento that young man!"

  "It was for the sake of his uncle," said Lady Rockminster, mostpolitely.

  "He has informed me of the state of affairs, and written me a nicenote,--yes, a nice note," continued the old gentleman; "and I find hehas had an increase to his fortune,--yes; and, all things considered, Idon't much regret that this affair with Miss Amory is manquee, thoughI wished for it once, in fact, all things considered, I am very glad ofit."

  "We must console him, Major Pendennis," continued the lady; "we must gethim a wife." The truth then came across the Major's mind, and he sawfor what purpose Lady Rockminster had chosen to assume the office ofambassadress.

  It is not necessary to enter into the conversation which ensued, or totell at any length how her Ladyship concluded a negotiation which, intruth, was tolerably easy. There could be no reason why Pen shouldnot marry according to his own and his mother's wish; and as for LadyRockminster, she supported the marriage by intimations which had verygreat weight with the Major, but of which we shall say nothing, as herladyship (now, of course, much advanced in years) is still alive, andthe family might be angry; and, in fine, the old gentleman was quiteovercome by the determined graciousness of the lady, and her fondnessfor Laura. Nothing, indeed, could be more bland and kind than LadyRockminster's whole demeanour, except for one moment when the Majortalked about his boy throwing himself away, at which her ladyship brokeout into a little speech, in which she made the Major understand, whatpoor Pen and his friends acknowledge very humbly, that Laura was athousand times too good for him. Laura was fit to be the wife of aking,--Laura was a paragon of virtue and excellence. And it must besaid, that when Major Pendennis found that a lady of the rank of theCountess of Rockminster seriously admired Miss Bell, he instantly beganto admire her himself.

  So that when Herr Frosch was requested to walk upstairs to LadyRockminster's apartments, and inform Miss Bell and Mr. Arthur Pendennisthat the Major would receive them, and Laura appeared blushing and happyas she hung on Pen's arm, the Major gave a shaky hand to one and theother, with unaffected emotion and cordiality, and then went throughanother salutation to Laura, which caused her to blush still more. Happyblushes! bright eyes beaming with the light of love! The story-tellerturns from this group to his young audience, and hopes that one daytheir eyes may all shine so.

  Pen having retreated in the most friendly manner, and the lovely Blanchehaving bestowed her young affections upon a blushing bridegroom withfifteen thousand a year, there was such an outbreak of happiness in LadyClavering's heart and family as the good Begum had not known for manya year, and she and Blanche were on the most delightful terms ofcordiality and affection. The ardent Foker pressed onwards the happyday, and was as anxious as might be expected to abridge the period ofmourning which had put him in possession of so many charms and amiablequalities, of which he had been only, as it were, the heir-apparent, notthe actual owner, until then. The gentle Blanche, everything that heraffianced lord could desire, was not averse to gratify the wishes ofher fond Henry. Lady Clavering came up from Tunbridge. Millinersand jewellers were set to work and engaged to prepare the delightfulparaphernalia of Hymen. Lady Clavering was in such a good humour, thatSir Francis even benefited by it, and such a reconciliation was effectedbetween this pair, that Sir Francis came to London, sate at the head ofhis own table once more, and appeared tolerably flush of money at hisbilliard-rooms and gambling-houses again. One day, when MajorPendennis and Arthur went to dine in Grosvenor Place, they found an oldacquaintance established in the quality of major-domo, and the gentlemanin black, who, with perfect politeness and gravity, offered them theirchoice of sweet or dry champagne, was no other than Mr. James Morgan.The Chevalier Strong was one of the party; he was in high spirits andcondition, and entertained the company with accounts of his amusementsabroad.

  "It was my Lady who invited me," said Strong to Arthur, under hisvoice--"that fellow Morgan looked as black as thunder when I came in. Heis about no good here. I will go away first, and wait for you and MajorPendennis at Hyde Park Gate."

  Mr. Morgan helped Major Pendennis to his great-coat when he was quittingthe house; and muttered something about having accepted a temporaryengagement with the Clavering family.

  "I have got a paper of yours, Mr. Morgan," said the old gentleman.

  "Which you can show, if you please, to Sir Francis, sir, and perfectlywelcome," said Mr. Morgan, with downcast eyes. "I'm very much obligedto you, Major Pendennis, and if I can pay you for all your kindness Iwill."

  Arthur overheard the sentence, and saw the look of hatred whichaccompanied it, suddenly cried out that he had forgotten hishandkerchief, and ran upstairs to the drawing-room again. Foker wasstill there; still lingering about his siren. Pen gave the siren a lookfull of meaning, and we suppose that the siren understood meaning looks,for when, after finding the veracious handkerchief of which he came inquest, he once more went out, the siren, with a laughing voice, said,"Oh, Arthur--Mr. Pendennis--I want you to tell dear Laura something!"and she came out to the door.

  "What is it?" she asked, shutting the door.

  "Have you told Harry? Do you know that villain Morgan knows all?"

  "I know it," she said.

  "Have you told Harry?"

  "No, no," she said. "You won't betray me?"

  "Morgan will," said Pen.

  "No, he won't," said Blanche. "I have promised him--n'importe. Waituntil after our marriage--Oh, until after our marriage--Oh, how wretchedI am," said the girl, who had been all smiles, and grace, and gaietyduring the evening.

  Arthur said, "I beg and implore you to tell Harry. Tell him now. It isno fault of yours. He will pardon you anything. Tell him to-night."

  "And give her this--Il est la--with my love, please; and I beg yourpardon for calling you back; and if she will be at Madame Crinoline's athalf-past three, and if Lady Rockminster can spare her, I should so liketo drive with her in the park;" and she went in, singing and kissing herlittle hand, as Morgan the velvet-footed came up the carpeted stair.

  Pen heard Blanche's piano breaking out into brilliant music as he wentdown to join his uncle; and they walked away together. Arthur brieflytold him what he had done. "What was to be done?" he asked.

  "What is to be done, begad?" said the old gentleman. "What is to be donebut to leave it alone? Begad, let us be thankful," said the old fellow,with a shudder, "that we are out of the business, and leave it to thoseit concerns."

  "I hope to Heaven she'll tell him," said Pen.

  "Begad, she'll take her own course," said the old man. "Miss Amory isa dev'lish wide-awake girl, sir, and must play her own cards; and I'mdoosid glad you are out of it--doosid glad, begad. Who's this smoking?Oh, it's Mr. Strong again. He wants to put in his oar, I suppose. I tellyou, don't meddle in the business, Arthur."

  Strong began once or twice, as if to converse upon the subject, butthe Major would not hear a word. He remarked on the moonlight on ApsleyHouse, the weather, the cabstands--anything but that subject. He bowedstiffly to Strong, and clung to his nephew's arm, as he turned down St.James's Street, and again cautioned Pen to leave the affair alone. "Ithad like to have cost you so much, sir, that you may take my advice," hesaid.

  When Arthur came out of the hotel, Strong's cloak and cigar were visiblea few doors off. The jolly Chevalier laughed as they met. "I'm an oldsoldier, too," he said. "I wanted to talk to you, Pendennis. I havehea
rd of all that has happened, and all the chops and changes that havetaken place during my absence. I congratulate you on your marriage, andI congratulate you on your escape, too,--you understand me. It was notmy business to speak, but I know this, that a certain party is as arranta little--well--well, never mind what. You acted like a man and a trump,and are well out of it."

  "I have no reason to complain," said Pen. "I went back to beg andentreat poor Blanche to tell Foker all: I hope, for her sake, she will;but I fear not. There is but one policy, Strong, there is but one."

  "And lucky he that can stick to it," said the Chevalier. "That rascalMorgan means mischief. He has been lurking about our chambers for thelast two months: he has found out that poor mad devil Amory's secret.He has been trying to discover where he was: he has been pumping Mr.Bolton, and making old Costigan drunk several times. He bribed the Innporter to tell him when we came back: and he has got into Clavering'sservice on the strength of his information. He will get very good payfor it, mark my words, the villain."

  "Where is Amory?" asked Pen.

  "At Boulogne, I believe. I left him there, and warned him not to comeback. I have broken with him, after a desperate quarrel, such as onemight have expected with such a madman. And I'm glad to think that heis in my debt now, and that I have been the means of keeping him out ofmore harms than one."

  "He has lost all his winnings, I suppose," said Pen.

  "No: he is rather better than when he went away, or was a fortnight ago.He had extraordinary luck at Baden: broke the bank several nights, andwas the fable of the place. He lied himself there with a fellow by thename of Bloundell, who gathered about him a society of all sorts ofsharpers, male and female, Russians, Germans, French, English. Amory gotso insolent, that I was obliged to thrash him one day within an inch ofhis life. I couldn't help myself; the fellow has plenty of pluck, and Ihad nothing for it but to hit out."

  "And did he call you out?" said Pen.

  "You think if I had shot him I should have done nobody any harm? No,sir; I waited for his challenge, but it never came and the next time Imet him he begged my pardon, and said, 'Strong, I beg your pardon; youwhopped me and you served me right.' I shook hands: but I couldn't livewith him after that. I paid him what I owed him the night before," saidStrong with a blush, "I pawned everything to pay him, and then I wentwith my last ten florins, and had a shy at the roulette. If I had lost,I should have let him shoot me in the morning. I was weary of my life.By Jove, sir, isn't it a shame that a man like me, who may have had afew bills out, but who never deserted a friend, or did an unfair action,shouldn't be able to turn his hand to anything to get bread? I made agood night, sir, at roulette, and I've done with that. I'm going intothe wine business. My wife's relations live at Cadiz. I intend to bringover Spanish wine and hams; there's a fortune to be made by it, sir,--afortune--here's my card. If you want any sherry or hams, recollectNed Strong is your man." And the Chevalier pulled out a handsome card,stating that Strong and Company, Shepherd's Inn, were sole agents of thecelebrated Diamond Manzanilla of the Duke of Garbanzos, Grandee of Spainof the First Class; and of the famous Toboso hams, fed on acorns only inthe country of Don Quixote. "Come and taste 'em, sir,--come and try 'emat my chambers. You see, I've an eye to business, and by Jove this timeI'll succeed."

  Pen laughed as he took the card. "I don't know whether I shall beallowed to go to bachelors' parties," he said. "You know I'm goingto----"

  "But you must have sherry, sir. You must have sherry."

  "I will have it from you, depend on it," said the other. "And I thinkyou are very well out of your other partnership. That worthy Altamontand his daughter correspond, I hear," Pen added after a pause.

  "Yes; she wrote him the longest rigmarole letters, that I used to read:the sly little devil; and he answered under cover to Mrs. Bonner. He wasfor carrying her off the first day or two, and nothing would contenthim but having back his child. But she didn't want to come, as you mayfancy; and he was not very eager about it." Here the Chevalier burst outin a laugh. "Why, sir, do you know what was the cause of our quarrel andboxing match? There was a certain widow at Baden, a Madame la Baronnede la Cruche-cassee, who was not much better than himself, and whom thescoundrel wanted to marry; and would, but that I told her he was marriedalready. I don't think that she was much better than he was. I saw heron the pier at Boulogne the day I came to England."

  And now we have brought up our narrative to the point, whither theannouncement in the Chatteris Champion had already conducted us.

  It wanted but very, very few days before that blissful one when Fokershould call Blanche his own; the Clavering folks had all pressed to seethe most splendid new carriage in the whole world, which was standing inthe coach-house at the Clavering Arms; and shown, in grateful returnfor drink, commonly, by Mr. Foker's head-coachman. Madame Fribsby wasoccupied in making some lovely dresses for the tenants' daughters, whowere to figure as a sort of bridesmaids' chorus at the breakfast andmarriage ceremony. And immense festivities were to take place at thePark upon this delightful occasion.

  "Yes, Mr. Huxter, yes; a happy tenantry, its country's pride, willassemble in the baronial hall, where the beards will wag all. The oxshall be slain, and the cup they'll drain; and the bells shall pealquite genteel; and my father-in-law, with the tear of sensibilitybedewing his eye, shall bless us at his baronial porch. That shall bethe order of proceedings, I think, Mr. Huxter; and I hope we shallsee you and your lovely bride by her husband's side; and what willyou please to drink, sir? Mrs. Lightfoot, madam, you will give tomy excellent friend and body-surgeon, Mr. Huxter, Mr. Samuel Huxter,M.R.C.S., every refreshment that your hostel affords, and place thefestive amount to my account; and Mr. Lightfoot, sir, what will youtake? though you've had enough already, I think; yes, ha."

  So spoke Harry Foker in the bar of the Clavering Arms. He had apartmentsat that hotel, and had gathered a circle of friends round him there. Hetreated all to drink who came. He was hail-fellow with every man. He wasso happy! He danced round Madame Fribsby, Mrs. Lightfoot's great ally,as she sate pensive in the bar. He consoled Mrs. Lightfoot, who hadalready begun to have causes of matrimonial disquiet; for the truthmust be told, that young Lightfoot, having now the full command of thecellar, had none over his own unbridled desires, and was tippling andtipsy from morning till night. And a piteous sight it was for his fondwife to behold the big youth reeling about the yard and coffee-room, ordrinking with the farmers and tradesmen his own neat wines and carefullyselected stock of spirits.

  When he could find time, Mr. Morgan the butler came from the Park, andtook a glass at the expense of the landlord of the Clavering Arms.He watched poor Lightfoot's tipsy vagaries with savage sneers. Mrs.Lightfoot felt always doubly uncomfortable when her unhappy spouse wasunder his comrade's eye. But a few months married, and to think he hadgot to this! Madame Fribsby could feel for her. Madame Fribsby couldtell her stories of men every bit as bad. She had had her own woestoo, and her sad experience of men. So it is that nobody seems happyaltogether; and that there's bitters, as Mr. Foker remarked, in the cupof every man's life. And yet there did not seem to be any in his,the honest young fellow! It was brimming over with happiness andgood-humour.

  Mr. Morgan was constant in his attentions to Foker. "And yet I don'tlike him somehow," said the candid young man to Mrs. Lightfoot."He always seems as if he was measuring me for my coffin somehow.Pa-in-law's afraid of him; pa-in-law's, ahem! never mind, butma-in-law's a trump, Mrs. Lightfoot."

  "Indeed my Lady was," and Mrs. Lightfoot owned, with a sigh, thatperhaps it had been better for her had she never left her mistress.

  "No, I do not like thee, Dr. Fell; the reason why I cannot tell,"continued Mr. Foker; "and he wants to be taken as my head man. Blanchewants me to take him. Why does Miss Amory like him so?"

  "Did Miss Blanche like him so?" The notion seemed to disturb Mrs.Lightfoot very much; and there came to this worthy landlady anothercause for disturbance. A letter, bearing the Boulogne postmark, wasbrought to her one
morning, and she and her husband were quarrellingover it as Foker passed down the stairs by the bar, on his way tothe Park. His custom was to breakfast there, and bask a while inthe presence of Armida; then, as the company of Clavering tired himexceedingly, and he did not care for sporting, he would return for anhour or two to billiards and the society of the Clavering Arms; then itwould be time to ride with Miss Amory, and, after dining with her, heleft her and returned modestly to his inn.

  Lightfoot and his wife were quarrelling over the letter. What was thatletter from abroad? Why was she always having letters from abroad? Whowrote 'em?--he would know. He didn't believe it was her brother. Itwas no business of his? It was a business of his; and, with a curse, heseized hold of his wife, and dashed at her pocket for the letter.

  The poor woman gave a scream; and said, "Well, take it." Just as herhusband seized on the letter, and Mr. Foker entered at the door, shegave another scream at seeing him, and once more tried to seize thepaper. Lightfoot opened it, shaking her away, and an enclosure droppeddown on the breakfast-table.

  "Hands off, man alive!" cried little Harry, springing in. "Don't layhands on a woman, sir. The man that lays his hand upon a woman, save inthe way of kindness, is a--hallo! it's a letter for Miss Amory. What'sthis, Mrs. Lightfoot?"

  Mrs. Lightfoot began, in piteous tones of reproach to her husband,--"Youunmanly! to treat a woman so who took you off the street. Oh, youcoward, to lay your hand upon your wife! Why did I marry you? Why did Ileave my Lady for you? Why did I spend eight hundred pound in fitting upthis house that you might drink and guzzle?"

  "She gets letters, and she won't tell me who writes letters," said Mr.Lightfoot, with a muzzy voice; "it's a family affair, sir. Will you takeanything, sir?"

  "I will take this letter to Miss Amory, as I am going to the Park," saidFoker, turning very pale; and taking it up from the table, which wasarranged for the poor landlady's breakfast, he went away.

  "He's comin'--dammy, who's a-comin'? Who's J. A., Mrs. Lightfoot--curseme, who's J. A.?" cried the husband.

  Mrs. Lightfoot cried out, "Be quiet, you tipsy brute, do," and runningto her bonnet and shawl, threw them on, saw Mr. Foker walking down thestreet, took the by-lane which skirts it, and ran as quickly as shecould to the lodge-gate, Clavering Park. Foker saw a running figurebefore him, but it was lost when he got to the lodge-gate. He stoppedand asked, "Who was that who had just come in? Mrs. Bonner, was it?" Hereeled almost in his walk: the trees swam before him. He rested once ortwice against the trunks of the naked limes.

  Lady Clavering was in the breakfast-room with her son, and her husbandyawning over his paper. "Good morning, Harry," said the Begum. "Here'sletters, lots of letters; Lady Rockminster will be here on Tuesdayinstead of Monday, and Arthur and the Major come to-day; and Laura isto go to Dr. Portman's, and come to church from there: and--what's thematter, my dear? What makes you so pale, Harry?"

  "Where is Blanche!" asked Harry, in a sickening voice--"not down yet?"

  "Blanche is always the last," said the boy, eating muffins; "she'sa regular dawdle, she is. When you're not here, she lays in bed tilllunch-time."

  "Be quiet, Frank," said the mother.

  Blanche came down presently, looking pale, and with rather an eager looktowards Foker; then she advanced and kissed her mother, and had a facebeaming with her very best smiles on when she greeted Harry.

  "How do you do, sir?" she said, and put out both her hands.

  "I'm ill," answered Harry. "I--I've brought a letter for you, Blanche."

  "A letter, and from whom is it, pray? Voyons," she said.

  "I don't know--I should like to know," said Foker.

  "How can I tell until I see it?" asked Blanche.

  "Has Mrs. Bonner not told you?" he said, with a shaking voice;--"there'ssome secret. You give her the letter, Lady Clavering."

  Lady Clavering, wondering, took the letter from poor Foker's shakinghand, and looked at the superscription. As she looked at it, she toobegan to shake in every limb, and with a scared face she dropped theletter, and running up to Frank, clutched the boy to her, and burst outwith a sob--"Take that away--it's impossible, it's impossible."

  "What is the matter?" cried Blanche, with rather a ghastly smile; "theletter is only from--from a poor pensioner and relative of ours."

  "It's not true, it's not true," screamed Lady Clavering. "No, myFrank--is it, Clavering?"

  Blanche had taken up the letter, and was moving with it towards thefire, but Foker ran to her and clutched her arm--"I must see thatletter," he said; "give it me. You shan't burn it."

  "You--you shall not treat Miss Amory so in my house," cried the Baronet;"give back the letter, by Jove!"

  "Read it--and look at her," Blanche cried, pointing to her mother;"it--it was for her I kept the secret! Read it, cruel man!"

  And Foker opened and read the letter:--

  "I have not wrote, my darling Betsy, this three weeks; but this is togive her a father's blessing, and I shall come down pretty soon as quickas my note, and intend to see the ceremony, and my son-in-law. I shallput up at Bonner's. I have had a pleasant autumn, and am staying here atan hotel where there is good company, and which is kep' in good style. Idon't know whether I quite approve of your throwing over Mr. P. for Mr.F., and don't think Foker's such a pretty name, and from your account ofhim he seems a muff, and not a beauty. But he has got the rowdy, whichis the thing. So no more, my dear little Betsy, till we meet, from youraffectionate father, J. Amory Altamont."

  "Read it, Lady Clavering; it is too late to keep it from you now," saidpoor Foker; and the distracted woman, having cast her eyes over it,again broke out into hysterical screams, and convulsively grasped herson.

  "They have made an outcast of you, my boy," she said. "They'vedishonoured your old mother; but I'm innocent, Frank; before God, I'minnocent. I didn't know this, Mr. Foker; indeed, indeed, I didn't."

  "I'm sure you didn't," said Foker, going up and kissing her hand.

  "Generous, generous Harry!" cried out Blanche, in an ecstasy. But hewithdrew his hand, which was upon her side, and turned from her with aquivering lip. "That's different," he says.

  "It was for her sake--for her sake, Harry." Again Miss Amory is in anattitude.

  "There was something to be done for mine," said Foker. "I would havetaken you, whatever you were. Everything's talked about in London. Iknew that your father had come to--to grief. You don't think it was--itwas for your connexion I married you? D---- it all! I've loved you withall my heart and soul for two years, and you've been playing with me,and cheating me," broke out the young man, with a cry. "Oh, Blanche,Blanche, it's a hard thing, a hard thing!" and he covered his face withhis hands, and sobbed behind them.

  Blanche thought, "Why didn't I tell him that night when Arthur warnedme?"

  "Don't refuse her, Harry," cried out Lady Clavering. "Take her, takeeverything I have. It's all hers, you know, at my death. This boy'sdisinherited."--(Master Frank, who had been looking as scared at thestrange scene, here burst into a loud cry.) "Take every shilling. Giveme just enough to live, and to go and hide my head with this child, andto fly from both. Oh, they've both been bad, bad men. Perhaps he's herenow. Don't let me see him. Clavering, you coward, defend me from him."

  Clavering started up at this proposal. "You ain't serious, Jemima? Youdon't mean that?" he said. "You won't throw me and Frank over? Ididn't know it, so help me ----. Foker, I'd no more idea of it than thedead--until the fellow came and found me out, the d----d escaped convictscoundrel."

  "The what?" said Foker. Blanche gave a scream.

  "Yes," screamed out the Baronet in his turn, "yes, a d----d runawayconvict--a fellow that forged his father-in-law's name--a d----dattorney, and killed a fellow in Botany Bay, hang him--and ran into theBush, curse him; I wish he'd died there. And he came to me, a good sixyears ago, and robbed me; and I've been ruining myself to keep him, theinfernal scoundrel! And Pendennis knows it, and Strong knows it, andthat d----d Morgan knows it, and she knows it, ever
so long; and I neverwould tell it, never: and I kept it from my wife."

  "And you saw him, and you didn't kill him, Clavering, you coward?"said the wife of Amory. "Come away, Frank; your father's a coward. I amdishonoured, but I'm your old mother, and you'll--you'll love me, won'tyou?"

  Blanche, eploree, went up to her mother; but Lady Clavering shrank fromher with a sort of terror. "Don't touch me," she said; "you've no heart;you never had. I see all now. I see why that coward was going to giveup his place in Parliament to Arthur; yes, that coward! and why youthreatened that you would make me give you half Frank's fortune. Andwhen Arthur offered to marry you without a shilling, because he wouldn'trob my boy, you left him, and you took poor Harry. Have nothing to dowith her, Harry. You're good, you are. Don't marry that--that convict'sdaughter. Come away, Frank, my darling; come to your poor old mother.We'll hide ourselves; but we're honest, yes, we are honest."

  All this while a strange feeling of exultation had taken possession ofBlanche's mind. That month with poor Harry had been a weary month toher. All his fortune and splendour scarcely sufficed to make the ideaof himself supportable. She was wearied of his simple ways, and sick ofcoaxing and cajoling him.

  "Stay, mamma; stay, madam!" she cried out, with a gesture which wasalways appropriate, though rather theatrical; "I have no heart, haveI? I keep the secret of my mother's shame. I give up my rights to myhalf-brother and my bastard brother, yes, my rights and my fortune.I don't betray my father, and for this I have no heart. I'll have myrights now, and the laws of my country shall give them to me. I appealto my country's laws--yes, my country's laws! The persecuted one returnsthis day. I desire to go to my father." And the little lady swept roundher hand, and thought that she was a heroine.

  "You will, will you?" cried out Clavering, with one of his usual oaths."I'm a magistrate, and dammy, I'll commit him. Here's a chaise coming;perhaps it's him. Let him come."

  A chaise was indeed coming up the avenue; and the two women shriekedeach their loudest, expecting at that moment to see Altamont arrive.

  The door opened, and Mr. Morgan announced Major Pendennis and Mr.Pendennis, who entered, and found all parties engaged in this fiercequarrel. A large screen fenced the breakfast-room from the hall; andit is probable that, according to his custom, Mr. Morgan had takenadvantage of the screen to make himself acquainted with all thatoccurred.

  It had been arranged on the previous day that the young people shouldride; and at the appointed hour in the afternoon, Mr. Foker's horsesarrived from the Clavering Arms. But Miss Blanche did not accompanyhim on this occasion. Pen came out and shook hands with him on thedoor-steps; and Harry Foker rode away, followed by his groom inmourning. The whole transactions which have occupied the most activepart of our history were debated by the parties concerned during thosetwo or three hours. Many counsels had been given, stories told, andcompromises suggested; and at the end, Harry Foker rode away, with a sad"God bless you!" from Pen. There was a dreary dinner at Clavering Park,at which the lately installed butler did not attend; and the ladies wereboth absent. After dinner, Pen said, "I will walk down to Clavering andsee if he is come." And he walked through the dark avenue, across thebridge and road by his own cottage,--the once quiet and familiar fieldsof which were flaming with the kilns and forges of the artificersemployed on the new railroad works; and so he entered the town, and madefor the Clavering Arms.

  It was past midnight when he returned to Clavering Park. He wasexceedingly pale and agitated. "Is Lady Clavering up yet?" he asked.Yes, she was in her own sitting-room. He went up to her, and there foundthe poor lady in a piteous state of tears and agitation.

  "It is I,--Arthur," he said, looking in; and entering, he took herhand very affectionately and kissed it. "You were always the kindest offriends to me, dear Lady Clavering," he said. "I love you very much. Ihave got some news for you."

  "Don't call me by that name," she said, pressing his hand. "You werealways a good boy, Arthur; and it's kind of you to come now,--very kind.You sometimes look very like your ma, my dear."

  "Dear good Lady Clavering," Arthur repeated, with particular emphasis,"something very strange has happened."

  "Has anything happened to him?" gasped Lady Clavering. "Oh, it's horridto think I should be glad of it--horrid!"

  "He is well. He has been and is gone, my dear lady. Don't alarmyourself;--he is gone, and you are Lady Clavering still."

  "Is it true? what he sometimes said to me," she screamed out,--"thathe----"

  "He was married before he married you," said Pen. "He has confessed itto-night. He will never come back." There came another shriek from LadyClavering, as she flung her arms round Pen, and kissed him, and burstinto tears on his shoulder.

  What Pen had to tell, through a multiplicity of sobs and interruptions,must be compressed briefly, for behold our prescribed limit is reached,and our tale is coming to its end. With the Branch Coach from therailroad, which had succeeded the old Alacrity and Perseverance, Amoryarrived, and was set down at the Clavering Arms. He ordered his dinnerat the place under his assumed name of Altamont; and, being of a jovialturn, he welcomed the landlord, who was nothing loth, to a share of hiswine. Having extracted from Mr. Lightfoot all the news regarding thefamily at the Park, and found, from examining his host, that Mrs.Lightfoot, as she said, had kept his counsel, he called for more wineof Mr. Lightfoot; and at the end of this symposium, both, being greatlyexcited, went into Mrs. Lightfoot's bar.

  She was there taking tea with her friend, Madame Fribsby; and Lightfootwas by this time in such a happy state as not to be surprised atanything which might occur, so that, when Altamont shook hands with Mrs.Lightfoot as an old acquaintance, the recognition did not appear tohim to be in the least strange, but only a reasonable cause for furtherdrinking. The gentlemen partook then of brandy-and-water, which theyoffered to the ladies, not heeding the terrified looks of one or theother.

  Whilst they were so engaged, at about six o'clock in the evening, Mr.Morgan, Sir Francis Clavering's new man, came in, and was requested todrink. He selected his favourite beverage, and the parties engaged ingeneral conversation.

  After a while Mr. Lightfoot began to doze. Mr. Morgan had repeatedlygiven hints to Mrs. Fribsby to quit the premises; but that lady,strangely fascinated, and terrified it would seem, or persuaded by Mrs.Lightfoot not to go, kept her place. Her persistence occasioned muchannoyance to Mr. Morgan, who vented his displeasure in such language asgave pain to Mrs. Lightfoot, and caused Mr. Altamont to say, that he wasa rum customer, and not polite to the sex.

  The altercation between the two gentlemen became very painful to thewomen, especially to Mrs. Lightfoot, who did everything to soothe Mr.Morgan; and, under pretence of giving a pipe-light to the stranger, shehanded him a paper on which she had privily written the words, "He knowsyou. Go." There may have been something suspicious in her manner ofhanding, or in her guest's of reading, the paper; for when he got upa short time afterwards, and said he would go to bed, Morgan rose too,with a laugh, and said it was too early to go to bed.

  The stranger then said he would go to his bedroom. Morgan said he wouldshow him the way.

  At this the guest said, "Come up. I've got a brace of pistols up thereto blow out the brains of any traitor or skulking spy," and glared sofiercely upon Morgan, that the latter, seizing hold of Lightfoot by thecollar, and waking him, said, "John Amory, I arrest you in the Queen'sname. Stand by me, Lightfoot. This capture is worth a thousand pounds."

  He put forward his hand as if to seize his prisoner, but the other,doubling his fist, gave Morgan with his left hand so fierce a blowon the chest, that it knocked him back behind Mr. Lightfoot. Thatgentleman, who was athletic and courageous, said he would knock hisguest's head off, and prepared to do so, as the stranger, tearing offhis coat, and cursing both of his opponents, roared to them to come on.

  But with a piercing scream Mrs. Lightfoot flung herself before herhusband, whilst with another and louder shriek Madame Fribsby ran to thestranger, and calling out "Arm
strong, Johnny Armstrong!" seized holdof his naked arm, on which a blue tattooing of a heart and M. F. werevisible.

  The ejaculation of Madame Fribsby seemed to astound and sober thestranger. He looked down upon her, and cried out, "it's Polly, by Jove."

  Mrs. Fribsby continued to exclaim, "This is not Amory. This is JohnnyArmstrong, my wicked--wicked husband, married to me in St. Martin'sChurch, mate on board an Indiaman, and he left me two months after, thewicked wretch. This is John Armstrong--here's the mark on his arm whichhe made for me."

  The stranger said, "I am John Armstrong, sure enough, Polly. I'm JohnArmstrong, Amory, Altamont--and let 'em all come on, and try what theycan do against a British sailor. Hurray, who's for it?"

  Morgan still called out, "Arrest him!" But Mrs. Lightfoot said, "Arresthim! arrest you, you mean spy! What! stop the marriage and ruin my lady,and take away the Clavering Arms from us?"

  "Did he say he'd take away the Clavering Arms from us?" asked Mr.Lightfoot, turning round. "Hang him, I'll throttle him."

  "Keep him, darling, till the coach passes to the up train. It'll be herenow directly."

  "D---- him, I'll choke him if he stirs," said Lightfoot. And so theykept Morgan until the coach came, and Mr. Amory or Armstrong went awayback to London.

  Morgan had followed him: but of this event Arthur Pendennis did notinform Lady Clavering, and left her invoking blessings upon him at herson's door, going to kiss him as he was asleep. It had been a busy day.

  We have to chronicle the events of but one day more, and that was a daywhen Mr. Arthur, attired in a new hat, a new blue frock-coat and bluehandkerchief, in a new fancy waistcoat, new boots, and new shirt-studs(presented by the Right Honourable the Countess Dowager of Rockminster),made his appearance at a solitary breakfast-table, in Clavering Park,where he could scarce eat a single morsel of food. Two letters were laidby his worship's plate; and he chose to open the first, which was ina round clerk-like hand, in preference to the second more familiarsuperscription.

  Note 1 ran as follows:--

  "Garbanzos Wine Company, Shepherd's Inn.--Monday.

  "My Dear Pendennis,--In congratulating you heartily upon the event whichis to make you happy for life, I send my very kindest remembrances toMrs. Pendennis, whom I hope to know even longer than I have alreadyknown her. And when I call her attention to the fact, that one of themost necessary articles to her husband's comfort is pure sherry, I knowI shall have her for a customer for your worship's sake.

  "But I have to speak to you of other than my own concerns. Yesterdayafternoon, a certain J. A. arrived at my chambers from Clavering, whichhe had left under circumstances of which you are doubtless now aware. Inspite of our difference, I could not but give him food and shelter (andhe partook freely both of the Garbanzos Amontillado and the Tobosoham), and he told me what had happened to him, and many other surprisingadventures. The rascal married at sixteen, and has repeatedly sinceperformed that ceremony--in Sydney, in New Zealand, in South America, inNewcastle, he says, first, before he knew our poor friend the milliner.He is a perfect Don Juan.

  "And it seemed as if the commendatore had at last overtaken him, for,as we were at our meal, there came three heavy knocks at my outer door,which made our friend start. I have sustained a siege or two here, andwent to my usual place to reconnoitre. Thank my stars I have not a billout in the world, and besides, those gentry do not come in that way. Ifound that it was your uncle's late valet, Morgan, and a policeman (Ithink a sham policeman), and they said they had a warrant to takethe person of John Armstrong, alias Amory, alias Altamont, a runawayconvict, and threatened to break in the oak.

  "Now, sir, in my own days of captivity I had discovered a little passagealong the gutter into Bows and Costigan's window, and I sent Jack Aliasalong this covered way, not without terror of his life, for it had grownvery cranky; and then, after a parley, let in Mons. Morgan and friend.

  "The rascal had been instructed about that covered way, for he made forthe room instantly, telling the policeman to go downstairs and keepthe gate; and he charged up my little staircase as if he had known thepremises. As he was going out of the window we heard a voice that youknow, from Bows's garret, saying, 'Who are ye, and hwhat the divvleare ye at? You'd betther leave the gutther; bedad there's a man killedhimself already.'

  "And as Morgan, crossing over and looking into the darkness, was tryingto see whether this awful news was true, he took a broomstick, and witha vigorous dash broke down the pipe of communication--and told me thismorning, with great glee, that he was reminded of that 'aisy sthratagemby remembering his dorling Emilie, when she acted the pawrt of Cora inthe Plee--and by the bridge in Pezawro, bedad.' I wish that scoundrelMorgan had been on the bridge when the General tried his 'sthratagem.'

  "If I hear more of Jack Alias I will tell you. He has got plenty ofmoney still, and I wanted him to send some to our poor friend themilliner; but the scoundrel laughed, and said he had no more than hewanted, but offered to give anybody a lock of his hair. Farewell--behappy! and believe me always truly yours, E. Strong."

  "And now for the other letter," said Pen. "Dear old fellow!" and hekissed the seal before he broke it.

  "Warrington, Tuesday.

  "I must not let the day pass over without saying a God bless you, toboth of you. May Heaven make you happy, dear Arthur, and dear Laura. Ithink, Pen, that you have the best wife in the world; and pray that,as such, you will cherish her and tend her. The chambers will be lonelywithout you, dear Pen; but if I am tired, I shall have a new home to goto in the house of my brother and sister. I am practising in the nurseryhere, in order to prepare for the part of Uncle George. Farewell! makeyour wedding tour, and come back to your affectionate G. W."

  Pendennis and his wife read this letter together after Doctor Portman'sbreakfast was over, and the guests were gone; and when the carriage waswaiting amidst the crowd at the Doctor's outer gate. But the wicket ledinto the churchyard of St. Mary's, where the bells were pealing withall their might, and it was here, over Helen's green grass, that Arthurshowed his wife George's letter. For which of those two--for grief wasit or for happiness, that Laura's tears abundantly fell on the paper?And once more, in the presence of the sacred dust, she kissed andblessed her Arthur.

  There was only one marriage on that day at Clavering Church; for inspite of Blanche's sacrifices for her dearest mother, honest Harry Fokercould not pardon the woman who had deceived her husband, and justlyargued that she would deceive him again. He went to the Pyramids andSyria, and there left his malady behind him, and returned with a finebeard, and a supply of tarbooshes and nargillies, with which he regalesall his friends. He lives splendidly, and, through Pen's mediation, getshis wine from the celebrated vintages of the Duke of Garbanzos.

  As for poor Cos, his fate has been mentioned in an early part of thisstory. No very glorious end could be expected to such a career. Morganis one of the most respectable men in the parish of St. James's, and inthe present political movement has pronounced himself like a man and aBriton. And Bows,--on the demise of Mr. Piper, who played the organ atClavering, little Mrs. Sam Hunter, who has the entire command of DoctorPortman, brought Bows down from London to contest the organ-loft, andher candidate carried the chair. When Sir Francis Clavering quitted thisworthless life, the same little indefatigable canvasser took the boroughby storm, and it is now represented by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. BlancheAmory, it is well known, married at Paris, and the saloons of Madame laComtesse de Montmorenci de Valentinois were amongst the most suivisof that capital. The duel between the Count and the young and fieryRepresentative of the Mountain, Alcide de Mirobo, arose solely from thelatter questioning at the Club the titles borne by the former nobleman.Madame de Montmorenci de Valentinois travelled after the adventure: andBungay bought her poems, and published them, with the Countess's coronetemblazoned on the Countess's work.

  Major Pendennis became very serious in his last days, and was neverso happy as when Laura was reading to him with her sweet voice, orlistening to his sto
ries. For this sweet lady is the friend of the youngand the old: and her life is always passed in making other lives happy.

  "And what sort of a husband would this Pendennis be?" many a reader willask, doubting the happiness of such a marriage and the fortune of Laura.The querists, if they meet her, are referred to that lady herself, who,seeing his faults and wayward moods--seeing and owning that there aremen better than he--loves him always with the most constant affection.His children or their mother have never heard a harsh word from him; andwhen his fits of moodiness and solitude are over, welcome him backwith a never-failing regard and confidence. His friend is his friendstill,--entirely heart-whole. That malady is never fatal to a soundorgan. And George goes through his part of godpapa perfectly, and livesalone. If Mr. Pen's works have procured him more reputation than hasbeen acquired by his abler friend, whom no one knows, George livescontented without the fame. If the best men do not draw the great prizesin life, we know it has been so settled by the Ordainer of the lottery.We own, and see daily, how the false and worthless live and prosper,while the good are called away, and the dear and young perishuntimely,--we perceive in every man's life the maimed happiness, thefrequent falling, the bootless endeavour, the struggle of Right andWrong, in which the strong often succumb and the swift fail: we seeflowers of good blooming in foul places, as, in the most lofty andsplendid fortunes, flaws of vice and meanness, and stains of evil; and,knowing how mean the best of us is, let us give a hand of charity toArthur Pendennis, with all his faults and shortcomings, who does notclaim to be a hero, but only a man and a brother.



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