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Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series

Page 8

by Michelle Areaux

  I couldn’t understand what Donovan was talking about, but the way Zane flinched when Donovan spoke, something told me there were secrets still swirling around that none of us knew yet. I wasn’t sure if that should frighten or interest me.

  Finally looking back over at me, Donovan pointed a finger in my direction. “Be careful, Audrey,” Donovan warned, before bumping Zane with his shoulder and walking away.

  I was left standing there, my mouth wide and almost to the floor.

  “What is he talking about? What are you training Marcus and Alex for? Why should I be careful?” The questions poured out of me as tears spilled from my eyes.

  Pulling me back to him, Zane tried to console me as I began to sob. Maybe it was because I had been caught doing the one thing I was forbidden to do. Maybe it was the menacing warning from Donovan. Or, maybe it was because I was completely out of my element. Either way, I was beyond emotionally wrecked and I was due for an emotional breakdown.

  “Donovan is just trying to freak you out. Like I told you, he and I have a very rocky past. I will deal with him. You just need to rest,” Zane said, taking my hand.

  We were alone now and the world around me seemed to stop. Zane was looking at me in a way that was almost indescribable. I felt my heart flutter as an intense warmth seeped into my cheeks. We had been building up to a moment of weakness that we both knew would break so many rules. However, in this moment, I could tell that neither of us cared.

  We leaned into one another, my heart racing, his eyes seeming to call out to me like a siren.

  As his lips brushed against mine, I felt a cold shiver race down my spine. His breath was just as icy, but it seemed to cool the raging fire inside of me.

  I placed my hands on his chest, not sure if I meant to push him away or pull him closer, but as our bodies collided, I felt him quicken our kiss.

  When I finally managed to pull away, I realized my eyes had been closed. With my chest heaving and breathless, I slowly forced my eyes open. Zane, too, seemed to be struggling to control his emotions and his lips twisted into an adorable smile.

  “Well, that was...unexpected,” he said.

  Still panting, I tried to speak. “Yeah. Did we just break a bunch of rules?” I asked.

  Nodding his head, Zane’s smile seemed to be permanently stuck to his chiseled face. “Yes, but it doesn’t matter anymore. For you, I would break every rule,” he breathed.

  There was a genuine emotion laced behind his words. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt at the thought that he could get into trouble. We had both crossed a line, but if I wasn’t getting hurt, was it really that bad?

  “I don’t want you to get into trouble,” I began. “I like you, but I know my time here is limited. For you, this is forever,” I stated.

  Regardless if neither of us wanted to bring it up, the fact that I was a human and would eventually have to move on with my life outside of this school, was a force we would have to discuss at some point. Zane was ageless-- his life would continue on like a revolving door, while mine had an expiration date on it. A relationship between us would be...tragic.

  Folding his hands over mine, Zane stopped me from saying anymore. “There is no need to talk about any of that now. Let’s just see where this goes. We can just take it slow,” he added.

  I nodded, unsure of what else to say. Still holding my hands, Zane nodded toward the hall and I knew it was time for me to get back to my room. It had been a long night.

  He began to lead me back down the hall toward the wing that contained our bedrooms. I knew he was right; rest was exactly what I needed. But right now, I craved answers.

  Knowing it was too late and everyone was too worked up, I decided to just let it all go for one night. Because in the morning, I was bound to figure everything out on my own.

  Chapter 14

  When I imagined where I would be my junior year of high school, the last place in the world would be at a Vampire school. I had considered the possibilities that I would be immersed in an intense theatrical program, fighting for a chance to shine-- not fighting for my life. But here I was, living a scene from a fantasy novel and the crazy thing is: I am surviving.

  After my kiss with Zane, I realized that everything was changing. I was changing.

  Throughout the morning, I seemed to move in and out of my classes like a zombie. I hadn’t been able to sleep the night before; I was too amped up from my kiss and the thoughts that came with it.

  When lunch finally arrived, Eden led me to our table. She had caught up with me in the halls, and I hadn’t heard her calling my name until she landed herself directly in my face.

  “Earth to Audrey,” she said, waving her hands in front of me.

  “What?” I asked, shaking my head, startled.

  “I have been calling your name. Are you ignoring me?” she asked, looping her arm though mine and walking me into the cafeteria.

  “No, sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night and I have been trying to practice my lines for my monologue,” I said, mustering a smile.

  “Yeah, I heard you flopping around your bed all night,” Eden giggled, sitting down at our table.

  I sat down next to her and laid my head down. I buried my face in my arms and sighed.

  I felt Zane’s presence before he even said a word to me. Sitting next to me, he brushed his hand gently along my arm and I felt goosebumps appear. Smiling, I lifted my head to smile at him.

  I heard Eden groan beside me before she jumped up to get her food. Their hatred for one another was almost comical at times.

  As Zane sat there with me, curious eyes roamed over us. “Why is everyone looking at us?” I asked, awkwardly glancing around the room.

  “Because I can’t seem to leave your side,” Zane said, never taking his eyes off of me.

  “What do you mean? They know you are one of my guards, isn’t that your job?” I argued.

  Shaking his head, Zane leaned back in his chair and relaxed, dripping his arm across the back of my chair. “Sure, they know I am one of your guards, but there are three of us for a reason: so, we can all take breaks, not hoover too much. But, I can’t just let anyone protect you. Outside of a few guys from my old high school, I haven’t really dated much. More than anything, I would say they are surprised to see me falling for you,” he said.

  Falling for me?

  His words hit me like a tidal wave. I knew he liked me and our spark and connection was strong, but did he feel the same way for me as I did for him?

  Leaning in, I lowered my voice so others around us couldn’t hear me. “But, if they know how you feel, won’t you get into trouble?” I asked.

  “Let me worry about that. I know this whole Vampire world is still new to you, but outside of here, there are humans and Vampires co-existing. Some, even build relationships and live together. It isn’t something talked about for our safety and the safety of humans, but it does happen. We just have to be careful…” Zane trailed off, leaving the implication of what he was saying hanging between us.

  He didn’t need to say it for me to understand what he was talking about. If we were to ever move further-- into a physical relationship-- I could end up hurt or even dead. I shuddered just thinking of that.

  There was so much at stake being here and falling for Zane. But, my heart wasn’t reasoning with the logical part of my brain. They were at war with one another and I was afraid one of us would become a casualty.

  I had been so wrapped up in my conversation with Zane, that I didn’t realize others had joined the table. Clearing his throat, Donovan sat down across from us.

  “Don’t you ever take a break?” Donovan asked Zane.

  Eden eyed her brother and I, too, looked up and glared at Donovan. As much as he hated Zane, he also seemed to enjoy pestering him, too.

  I found Zane’s hand and held it, hoping he would ignore Donovan.

  “I would if Audrey didn’t like having me around so much,” Zane said, a twinkle in his eye.
  Donovan placed his hands on the wooden table and, I swear, I heard wood crunching and splintering under his grip.

  “Drop it, Donovan,” Eden warned.

  “Yeah, listen to your sister,” Zane quipped.

  Donovan stood forcefully, his chair scooting back on the tile floor and bringing unwanted attention to our group.

  “Stop!” I shouted, before Donovan could open his mouth and say anything else to trigger Zane. “I get it, you both hate one another. But, I refuse to be part of this game you all like to play,” I stated, before dropping Zane’s hand and standing. I looked down at a now bewildered Zane. I could see hurt forming in his eyes at how I had lashed out. “I am going to the theatre department. Zane, I will meet you later and we can talk,” I finished, gathering my courage and stomping out of the loud cafeteria.

  I didn’t care that all eyes were on me, staring with mouths wide open at the scene that just happened. If they wanted drama, then they would have to find me on stage. I refused to act out here.


  I spent one glorious hour in my theatre class, pretending to be someone else as I read lines and stood on the brightly lit stage. Jordan watched from the audience, a scowl painted across his face, but I didn’t care. His annoyance with me only fueled me to put more passion into my lines.

  When class was finally over, Jordan followed me as I made my way straight to my room.

  Clearing his throat, Jordan ran to get in front of me.

  “Umm, aren’t you supposed to go eat?” he asked.

  I had stormed past the cafeteria without even giving it a second glance. I was ready to sit in my room, maybe catch up with a good book or scroll through Netflix. I just needed to relax and forget about the drama that was inflicting its way into my life--outside of the theatre.

  Stopping, I pivoted on my heel so that we could be face-to-face. “Listen, I don’t need you telling me what I am supposed to be doing,” I snapped.

  Jordan rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms across his chest. “I’m not trying to tell you to do anything,” Jordan fired back. “All I know is humans require food for nutrition, not just taste like us Vampires do,” he snarled, flashing his pearly white fangs at me.

  It was the first time he had ever acted as though he was trying to intimidate me. It didn’t work, but I appreciated his effort.

  “You can retract your sharp teeth,” I chided, crossing my arms, too. “I’m sure the Dean wouldn’t appreciate you trying to scare me,” I finished.

  “And, I’m sure Zane wouldn’t appreciate you snooping in his business. Look,” he began, sighing and running his hand along his chiseled jaw. “I will have the cafeteria send up dinner once you are in your room. My role here is security and to tag along behind you so you don’t get yourself killed. Just mind your business and I’ll mind mine,” he stated.

  Our conversation was over and I was happy to be done talking with him. I continued on to my room, huffing and puffing the entire way.

  Once inside my room, I slammed the door closed, rattling the door frame.

  I fell onto my bed and stared up at the white ceiling above me. Feeling like the black sheep of the elite, I couldn’t help but wonder what part I would need to continue playing here at the House of Shadows.

  It seemed I had more enemies than friends and everywhere I looked, I was reminded of how out of my element I truly was. I wasn’t a quitter and regardless of how much I knew I should leave; I wasn’t ready to end my time….just yet.

  Chapter 15

  “Have you heard?” Eden asked, looping her arm through mine and shoving a flyer in my face.

  I stopped walking and grabbed the paper that was assaulting me. “Have I heard what?” I asked, taking the flyer and reading it.

  Seems like the House of Shadows was attempting to embark on a real high school event. A Fall dance was approaching and as the flyer stated, all students were welcome to come and dance, feed, and crown the fall king and queen.

  We were on our way to the library. I had a ton of reading to do for my English class and Eden needed to work on her math. Apparently, being around for a few decades, the Vampires didn’t just learn math skills, they learned how to use math to track their prey, to create codes for their ID’s which kept them from being undetected in government databases and helped them map out their investments.

  I had attended my fair share of dances as a high school student, I had a strange suspicion that this dance would be much different than any other I had experienced.

  “We will have to get permission to go shopping, but this will be fun!” Eden excLained.

  “Fun?” I laughed. “I guess you haven’t been to many high school dances,” I mocked.

  Eden opened the glass doors to the library and we moved quietly inside. Lowering her voice, Eden walked us over to a table in the back. “And, I guess you haven’t been to many Vampire dances,” she taunted. We sat down and she leaned across the table, smiling as she spoke. “I’ve been to many, many high school dances, but trust me when I say, none compare to ours. Forget gymnasiums and streamers. We go all out. There will be a band playing, party planners decorating the main ballroom, and the best dressed teens that would make the Kardashians blush,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  I guess she was right, I wasn’t aware of how Vampires partied. “Either way, I’m not really into dances,” I added.

  “Why not? You can shimmy up next to some hottie and look hot all night,” she giggled, opening her notebook.

  Smiling, I opened my textbook and peered down at my notes on the classic American writers. “One thing you are forgetting, those hotties consider me their next meal,” I stated.

  Eden thought on this for a moment. “That might be correct for most of the guys around here, but Zane seems to like you,” she said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  “I know you all still hate one another, but I do like Zane. I am just being cautious because…” I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about my fears that Zane could be hiding something. That would be like throwing more fuel to the already blazing fire of hatred between them.

  Eden raised her eyes at me, waiting for me to continue.

  “Well, you know. He’s a Vampire and I am a human,” I said. While it wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t the real reason I needed to be more protective of myself.

  “Exactly, you are nothing more than his next meal,” a voice said from behind me.

  From the look of disgust on Eden’s face, I knew exactly who was standing behind me. Turning, I spotted Brie’s smug smile glaring at me.

  “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” I asked, slumping back down in my seat. She wasn’t worth my time to get up and punch her.

  “What fun would that be?” Brie asked, pulling out the chair beside me. She sat down, pivoting her body so that she was facing me. I gave Eden a bewildered look which she gave back to me as well.

  “Why don’t you run along, Brie?” Eden said, her voice filled with hate. “I’m sure there’s somewhere for skanks like you to hang out,” she finished.

  Ignoring Eden, Brie continued to stare at me. “Listen Human, you mean absolutely nothing to me, but ever since you arrived, things around here have changed,” Brie began.

  Her eyes began to darken, black veins filling the spaces around her temples. Crimson red stared back at me as Brie began to transform in front of me. Seeing her eyes fill with what looked like blood startled me. Scooting my chair back, I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped from my lips. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach as fear began to reign.

  “What is happening to you?” I asked, my voice rising.

  “Brie, calm down,” Eden warned.

  “I can’t help but be a little upset that Zane seems to follow you around here like a lost puppy dog. It’s really pathetic if you think about it. I mean, we have gone above and beyond to assimilate into the human world. We even have this ridiculous school to ensure we are safe to be around you...animals,” she said, waving her h
ands in my face.

  My once fear now turned to rage as she insulted me. “Now hold on,” I shouted, jumping up and knocking my chair back. A loud thud resonated throughout the library and a few people turned to stare at the spectacle I was causing. “We have been over this a million times! I didn’t want to be here. It was a mistake, one that could have cost me my future and my life. Now Zane, he and I have a connection--despite the fact that I am just a human,” I said, purposely making the word human sound dirty.

  “Maybe you are just jealous,” Eden pipped in. “I mean, you have been chasing after Zane for decades. He has never given you the time of day. Looks to me like this is just mean girl bullying because of jealously,” Eden snarled, placing her hands on the table and rising up out of her seat.

  I appreciated Eden sticking up for me, but I could fight my own battles.

  “That’s insane!” Brie began to argue.

  “No, it’s true!” I said, cutting her off. I invaded her personal space and made sure she knew I wasn’t afraid of her. While she looked like a true demon, she was nothing more than a selfish girl envious of someone else. We may be at a school for Vampires, but apparently teen drama remained the same wherever you went. Standing nose to nose with Brie, I conjured up the confidence I needed to stand up to her. “You don’t know me. You have no idea what my life is like. I lost my mom when I was a little girl. I have lived practically alone as my dad drowns himself in his work. Then, the one glimmer of hope I had of getting my foot through the acting door, was destroyed when I discovered my dad signed me up for the wrong school. While it is still a mystery as to how a human slipped past your system, your anger is misdirected. If you like Zane, go after him. If you don’t want me here, go tell the Dean. But, it’s time to get off my back and stop this disgusting behavior,” I snarled.

  I quickly gathered my books and turned to a very stunned looking Eden. “Sorry to cut our study session short, but I think I need to find somewhere else to hang out now,” I said.


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