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Her Savage Mates

Page 20

by Jayne Ripley

  Piedasa giggled. “Nothing gets past you, does it? Yes, your contract and the other slave’s contract were surprisingly cheap. I had to pay more for my darling Nahkar’s contract. Your previous owner was very upset last evening. In fact, he was eager to get rid of all three of you.”

  Darkon’s expression was grim. Jennifer had turned pale. He was used to his mate being free with showing her emotions. But it wasn’t like Darkon to wear his emotions on his sleeve, so this had definitely rattled him. It had shaken Nahkar too, especially because he feared it was a direct threat to Jennifer. Piedasa did not like her, that was easy to see.

  He cursed silently. He wished he’d never gotten involved with the princess. Not that she would’ve let him refuse her. He wasn’t a fool. Refusing one of the royal family was dangerous. But the thought that he’d taken pride in warming her bed now felt disgraceful to him. She wasn’t ten percent of the lady that Jennifer was, despite all her wealth and power.

  “Why?” Jennifer asked in a choked voice. “Why would you want to buy us?”

  “Do I need a reason, slave? Hmm. I think I’m going to have to buy you a pretty muzzle because you always talk out of turn, don’t you?”

  Nahkar growled low in his throat. He clenched his hands, filled with helpless anger. “Why did our owner sell us? I won my fight.”

  The princess gave a pitying laugh. “Oh, I think you know. There was supposed to be a dramatic ending to last night’s battle. Your owner let me know all about it.”

  In his mind, there had been a dramatic ending to last night’s fight. He had nearly ended up the zarankost’s dinner. He didn’t know what she was talking about.

  She must have read the confusion on his face. “Before the show, your ex-owner told me all about last night’s scheme as a way to curry my favor. I happily agreed because I wanted to see the three of you pay for your outrageous behavior the last time I was here.” She peered at Darkon as if he were an interesting insect. “He bet quite a lot of credits on you, Darkon Trava. Unfortunately for the three of you, so did I.” She pouted. “I lost a lot of money.” She laughed and shrugged. “I have plenty to lose, but Omgan Rarda isn’t nearly as rich as I am. He had to cover those losses. He was eager to sell your contracts to me after I told him what I have in mind for you.”

  Darkon took a step toward the princess but stopped when she looked at him and raised a warning finger. “Behave, slave. Or my bodyguards will make you severely regret it.” Her eyes slid over to take in Jennifer. “Misbehave, and I will take it out on your pet barbarian.”

  Nahkar was as furious as he was confused. He had no idea what she meant when she talked of their owner’s scheme. Did Jennifer and Darkon know something about this?

  Darkon stood as still as a statue, his muscles rigid with barely contained anger and his silver eyes full of worry. Jennifer went to his side and put her hand on his arm, comforting him with a gentle touch. Her eyes told him it would be okay, but Nahkar had a terrible feeling that this time his little mate was wrong.

  Princess Piedasa watched them all sharply. She was vain and spoiled, but she wasn’t stupid. He was sure she had her suspicions about the three of them together. Jennifer’s touch and the look in her eyes would only confirm it for her. That was dangerous information for her to have. Piedasa would use it to her advantage. She would hurt them for it when it pleased her.

  But Darkon surprised him when he spoke again, his voice filled with cold courtesy. “I beg your indulgence, Your Highness. You said you bought our contracts from Omgan Rarda? From Ketera?”

  “Yes, I did mention his name aloud, didn’t I? You seem surprised.” The princess smiled wickedly. “Oh, was his name a secret? I suppose he does have a silly flair for the dramatic. Yes, Omgan Rarda owned you. He is one of your species.” Her eyebrows rose in bland curiosity. “Do you know him then? Is this all personal? How delightful!”

  Darkon looked grim but maintained his icy courtesy, wearing it like the mask he wore in the arena. “Let me guess, Your Highness. I was supposed to die last night from that razor-dreng. They commanded me to let the razor-dreng wound me so Omgan could drive up the betting odds until Nahkar charged in and saved my life at the last moment. But that wasn’t true, was it? You both wagered on my death, didn’t you? And Omgan would have the last laugh.”

  She tapped her chin with one of those glowing nails on her long fingers. “Something like that, I think? Honestly, I wasn’t paying all that much attention to the details.” She smiled coyly at Nahkar. “I was simply looking forward to making some credits, punishing slaves, and taking my pet back to bed after the show. It has been so boring without him lately.” She pouted again. “I have decided to forgive him for his earlier backtalk and defiance because it was cute—although I will make him pay for his impertinence. I’ve been lonely since he got himself locked away for killing a few slavers like a naughty boy. But don’t worry, I’ll still enjoy punishing everyone who needs it.”

  Darkon might know the name Omgan Rarda, but Nahkar had never heard it before. He must be someone from Darkon’s past. And what was this nonsense about rigging the fights? No one had come to him with some plan for him to save Darkon’s life. Nahkar never tipped the scales in any of his fights. He never would either. He was too much of a true warrior for petty and shameful tricks like that.

  Clearly, Darkon hadn’t gone along with their plan. He’d killed the razor-dreng within seconds of the fight’s start. But now it looked like there were consequences for Darkon’s refusal to obey. One of them was being bought by the princess.

  They were so groxxed.

  “Look at the three of you with such unhappy faces,” the princess said cheerfully. “Don’t worry. I have so many exciting things planned.”

  “What things, Your Highness?” Jennifer asked warily.

  Being wary was wise. Nahkar should have been far more wary of the princess himself. It turned out he wasn’t nearly as smart as his little mate.

  “I am glad you asked, my new slave,” the princess said. “The next Aixen Arena fight will be something completely new, something very thrilling.” Piedasa made a sweeping gesture with her hand, her luxurious silks rustling. “The champion versus the second-place contender in a battle to the death.”

  “You can’t do that,” Nahkar growled. “Battles between arena competitors are against the rules.”

  She looked him over slowly, from head to toe, smirking. “Poor, Nahkar. You’re so much better using your cock than using your head. I’m part of the imperial family. I. Changed. The. Rules.”

  “Why would you want to risk Nahkar?” Jennifer asked, her voice shaky. “I thought you wanted him?”

  Piedasa’s eyes were like chips of ice as she considered his mate. “The next time you fail to refer to me as ‘Your Highness,’ I will have your tongue removed.”

  Nahkar had faced hundreds of deadly creatures in the arena. He had been owned for most of his life, fighting for one corporation or master or another. He had never felt as angry and as helpless as he did right then. Piedasa’s threat against his mate stabbed into him with a red-hot blade. He hated her for it. He loathed himself for ever getting involved with her.

  For a moment, Jennifer lifted her chin, her jaw clenched, and stared right back at the princess. He admired her spirit, even as he silently pleaded with her to give in and show the deference imperials always demanded.

  His mate was smart. She quickly hid any sign of defiance and dropped her gaze. “I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

  Piedasa stared at her, a tight smile on her lips. “Good. See that you remember. As for your question…” She paused, considering. “If Nahkar wins, he’ll be worthy to continue warming my bed. If he dies, I’ll simply find another pet. I stand to make a lot of credits on this battle to the death between Aixen champions. More than enough to make up for what I’ve paid out or lost so far, even if one of you must end up dead.”

  “And if we won’t agree?” Nahkar demanded. He should take his own advice and show her deferen
ce. He simply couldn’t. He couldn’t throw her out of his life. She owned him now. But he still dared to demand a thing or two. “If we won’t fight?”

  That seemed to amuse her even more. “Don’t worry. You will.”

  Darkon’s expression was furious. “How can you be so sure? We could easily ruin your big, live show, broadcast to billions.”

  “Unwise. Because if you don’t obey me, I’ll introduce you to the arena’s newest fighter.” Princess Piedasa pointed right at Jennifer. “There she is. I wonder how she’ll fare against a razor-dreng?”

  “You vindictive bitch,” Jennifer whispered, immediately forgetting she was supposed to be a submissive and obedient slave. Her hands were clenched into tight fists. She looked as if she wanted to kick the princess’s ass to Onocron Four and back again.

  “I’ll forgive your insult, slave,” the princess said in a voice like razorblades. “Your bleating only tells the world that I’ve won. Since my breeding is so much better than yours, one must be gracious. But if you speak to me like that again, I truly will have your tongue removed. And that will only be the beginning of your punishment. Your two new friends can watch you learn your lesson.”

  Nahkar’s head was reeling. His stomach felt sick with a mix of fury and despair. More than anything, he wanted to stop the princess from threatening his mate, but if he wasn’t careful, if he stepped out of line even a little bit, he would put them all in even more danger.

  Danger of immediate execution.

  Still, he couldn’t believe this was happening. He was furious with everyone except Jennifer. He was angriest at Piedasa, but he would also be talking to Darkon about all his secrets.

  Why had Darkon put Jennifer in danger and said nothing about it last night?

  That was something he couldn’t forgive.

  The most heart-wrenching thing was how, only a short while ago, he’d been happy lying naked in bed with Jennifer pressed against him. He’d had the inner calmness that only a winning fight and an epic fuck with someone you truly loved could give. But just like that, everything had changed. The three of them had been sold. Again. To a princess who meant to set him and Darkon against each other in the arena or she would send in Jennifer to be meat for one of the monsters, all broadcast on holo-screens.

  It made him sick. This was a nightmare. He didn’t know how he could fix it either.

  The princess gloated over her total victory. “Aw, there are those unhappy faces again. Don’t look so sad, Nahkar. It’s not a good look on a male. I will tell you what. I’ll prove I’m not a ‘vindictive bitch.’ The three of you can stay here in this palace suite…for now. I know you were first confined here because you killed a few Jandami. I say you were only having fun, so I’m lifting the restriction. You may leave the palace as you please, staying away from restricted areas like hangar bays of course. I wouldn’t want my new toys to get lost or broken before the big show.”

  Nahkar was immediately suspicious. “Why would you let us leave here?”

  “Because I want you seen in public before the big fight. It will keep interest high. Which means lots of viewers and lots of bettors. So I order you to be seen in public. Besides, keeping the three of you together right up until you have to kill each other seems like something you deserve for making my life difficult.”

  The princess stood and swept toward the suite’s big doors. She wiggled her fingers at them in an obnoxious wave and sauntered through the doorway. Her robot-synth bodyguards fell in behind her. The doors whooshed shut again.

  The room was completely silent after the princess left. They stared at each other, not knowing what to say. Had Nahkar believed they were groxxed before? Now they were triple fucked.

  The next Aixen Arena fight was in five solar-standard days. Only five days before he was going to have to kill his friend in order to save his mate.



  She wanted to puke. Her body felt ice cold. Her hands were trembling, and she couldn’t make them stop.

  Nahkar and Darkon were going to have to fight each other. They were going to have to fight in some stupid battle to the death for space television. It was sickening. She did her share of bitching about Earth and all its problems, but outer space seemed to be crazier times ten. Slavery. Corruption. Insane gladiator contests against scary monsters.

  Homesickness swept through her. It wasn’t fair that she could have the best night of her life with Darkon and Nahkar and the next morning some jealous ex-girlfriend of Nahkar’s who happened to be a princess was going to destroy her happiness with a cruel smile.

  Hot tears ran down her cheeks. She wiped them away quickly, not wanting her two males to see.

  They saw her tears anyway. She couldn’t hide anything from them.

  “Come here, na vaniya,” Darkon said, pulling her into his embrace. She resisted for all of a half second and then buried her face against his chest. More tears came. He held her tightly.

  “It’s not fair,” she whispered. “Last night, I thought I’d lost Nahkar. But…but I didn’t lose him. I gained you both in my life. Now…” She choked up, her words sticking in her throat. With effort, she forced them out anyway. “Now I’m going to lose one of you for sure.”

  “I’m not going to let that happen,” Nahkar told her. He sounded so certain of himself. She wanted to believe him. Just hearing him say the words made her feel better. But how could he be right? What could they do to stop this?

  She felt like she had after being abducted. Helpless. Terrified. Hopeless.

  “What are we going to do?” she asked. “Why is she doing this to us? She’s so hateful.”

  “Because Nahkar was involved with her,” Darkon replied angrily. “Before we saw you. You heard what she said. She thinks of us as toys. It’s clear she knows something is going on between the three of us. She wants to end that. She wants to hurt us.”

  “Don’t blame this on me,” Nahkar rumbled. He was looking angrily at Darkon. “What was it she said about throwing your fight and having me rescue you? She was able to buy us because of you.”

  Jennifer knew that wasn’t fair, but something else was bothering her too. She looked up at Darkon, frowning. “Who is Omgan Rarda? Why did that name mean something to you? Why did he…start all this?”

  Darkon’s expression was grim. She got the sense that he didn’t want to answer. The fact that he was keeping secrets from them bothered her. She didn’t want to believe he wasn't being completely honest with them. There had to be a good explanation.

  “Answer her,” Nahkar said. “And tell us what other secrets you are hiding.”

  Darkon sighed and stepped away from her. He ran a hand along the smooth skin of his scalp, over the intricate silver patterns decorating his blue skin. She yearned to comfort him—and let him comfort her—but she crossed her arms, hugging herself and only let him speak.

  “Bevelle, Omgan Rarda’s lackey, showed up in my prep room before my fight last night,” Darkon began. “Our owner wanted me to let myself be injured during the fight. When it looked like I would die and they had run up the odds, they’d send in Nahkar to save me. That was their story anyway.”

  She felt guilty about not telling Nahkar this last night. It was just that she hadn’t wanted to ruin their time together. After all, it had almost gone badly when she’d seen them nearly fighting each other over her. The last thing she wanted was to pour gasoline on the fire. So she had said nothing. She had some secrets of her own it seemed.

  Nahkar was staring at Darkon. “They wanted you to take a fall and nearly die just to make more money? You said this Omgan wanted you to die.”

  “He does. He would change the odds, up the stakes, reap the rewards.” Darkon gave a tired smile. “One of those rewards would be my death on holo-screens across the galaxy. Sure, some bettors would protest when they lost money. They would claim Nahkar had interfered, but if the princess was involved, their protests would be silenced quickly.”

rth or outer space, it seemed people were still greedy. They still cheated the system any way they could. They didn’t care about putting someone else’s life in danger. She shouldn’t be surprised, but it still hurt her heart whenever she saw it was true. “But instead you killed that monster. You did it really quickly. You knew what Omgan wanted.”

  Darkon looked down into her eyes. “I had to risk it. I needed to send a message to our owner.” He smiled a little, not his usual charming smile, but a self-effacing one. “Besides, why would I risk having this beautiful body mangled?”

  “Are you certain of that?” Nahkar asked. “You’re certain Omgan wanted his property to die?”

  “He didn’t send Bevelle to tell you about this scheme, did he?” Darkon shrugged. “They were betting against me. I was taking the fall, but they weren’t going to let me survive.”

  Nahkar glowered at him but slowly nodded. “That’s why they had me fight the zarankost. They made the last moment change because you killed the razor-dreng and ruined their plans. Why didn’t you tell me this last night?”

  “I had other things on my mind after you were almost eaten. Namely, our mate.”

  His look, his words immediately brought her back to last night. The amazing night she’d shared with these two incredible males. They had made her feel like a goddess. They made her feel beautiful and special; their desire for her had blown her mind. And their kisses, those had blown her mind too. Oh, and when they had been inside her, filling her completely, that had also blown her mind. A warm flush swept through her body. She’d never had men who could turn her on so quickly with simply a look or a few oh-so-right words. She couldn’t blame Darkon for wanting to put the stress and the danger behind him last night. She had wanted exactly the same thing. But right now, those memories and her body’s reactions were a distraction when she needed to focus on what had just happened to the three of them.


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