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Science Fiction Romance: Alien Desires (Space Cyborg Sci-Fi Romance Collection) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy)

Page 17

by Olivia Myers

  She’d tried to convince her mother to divorce Curtis, or at least have a fling with Miguel. Unfortunately, her mother claimed to love her overbearing husband. Besides, it turned out Miguel was gay.

  “Planning on taking these pints over to table fourteen any time soon, or are you just here to stand around and look pretty?”

  Duke was scowling at her again. Lexi wondered if he’d stop if she told him how hot it looked. No doubt the tall, muscular barman thought he looked intimidating when he scrunched up his dark eyebrows and looked down his slightly crooked nose at her. And it did make her weak in the knees, but for entirely different reasons.

  “If they’d been ready when I asked for them, I wouldn’t have to stand around!”

  She rolled her eyes as she loaded the heavy mugs onto her tray and stomped away from the bar. Duke grumbled behind her and since he couldn’t see her face, Lexi allowed her lips to curve.

  The second her eyes had adjusted to the gloom inside Shotguns earlier, her breath had caught in her throat. Even standing behind the water-ring stained bar, his height had been obvious. Having been tall all her life, Lexi loved a man who could tower over her a bit.

  Duke wasn’t only tall, he was broad shouldered and muscular with deep black hair, a square jaw dotted with a day’s worth of dark stubble, a strong nose that had been obviously broken at least once, and full, sensual lips. Beneath the thick, straight eyebrows, his eyes were the dark brown of freshly brewed coffee.

  In short, he was the kind of guy Lexi would have crawled all over if she’d met him at one of the tiny dives she frequented when she was on the lookout for a hook-up. Under those circumstances, she would have charmed him out of his surly mood with smiles and light touches until she had him grinning and in her bed. Instead, she’d had to meet him attitude to attitude.

  Lexi knew he’d clocked her as a spoiled little rich girl. And yes, Curtis had plenty of money. But she worked her ass off to earn her degree and only took what she needed from him. The whole reason she was looking for a job was to earn extra cash. She’d taken on two roommates to save on rent and did a lot of her shopping at sample sales and second hand boutiques. Her stepdad still paid her tuition and the lease on her car, but as soon as she could afford it, she’d stop taking that too.

  Thankfully, she’d been able to prove to Duke that she was more than just a ditz with an entitlement complex. It had been risky to physically challenge the big man, she knew that, but she’d had to show him that she wasn’t going to be intimidated by the rough clientele.

  “Lexi, honey, can I get another round o’ Jäger shots over here?”

  Axl wiggled his eyebrows at her. The rangy biker could be the poster boy for ‘rough clientele’. He was good-looking in a sharp way with sandy brown hair tied back in a bandana and dark tattoos covering every inch of his bare arms from fingertips to shoulders. Several more tats were visible above the neck of his t-shirt. He wore stained blue jeans with a hunting knife on the belt, heavy black boots, and a leather vest (he called it a cut) over a grey tee.

  When he’d first arrived, he’d given her a bit of a hard time, asking her what a ‘princess’ like her was doing in a place like Shotguns. She’d joked back, saying she was looking for her Prince Charming (not hardly). Then he’d grabbed her ass. She’d made it very clear that if he wanted to have unbroken fingers, he’d keep them to himself.

  Now, he was trying to charm his way into her panties. She might have let him, too… if not for Duke. Ever since their encounter earlier, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about how his body had felt against hers. Hot and oh-so-hard. Not to mention how good he’d smelled, like citrus and clean cotton and a hint of salt sweat.

  His dismissive comment about giving her a go if she was still around at closing had pissed her off, but it had also fired her blood. And she knew she’d gotten to him too. She’d seen, and felt, the thick erection straining the worn denim of his jeans.

  “There you go, boys.” She flashed Axl and his buddies a smile as she doled out the shot glasses without spilling a drop. “Enjoy!”

  “I’d enjoy it more if you sat right here,” one of the other scruffy bikers said, patting his broad thigh.


  She winked at the table as Duke’s shout cut through the din of the bar. “Sorry. Duty calls.” She hurried away before they could protest. By the time she’d woven through the tables and made it to the bar, Duke was — surprise, surprise — scowling.

  “Damn it, woman, could you concentrate on doing your job for more than five minutes? This a bar, not The Love Connection.”

  Lexi set down her tray and did a slow, pointed scan of the room. Not a single patron had an empty glass or bottle. When her gaze came back around to Duke, she lifted an eyebrow.

  “Good thing it’s not, because with your bad attitude you’d be shit out of lock, boss.”

  It wasn’t true. If anything, the gruff way he barked at her got her even hotter than when he’d been pleasantly polite earlier as he’d showed her where everything was and explained what he’d expect of her. Something about his furrowed brow and the twist of his lips when he gave her attitude just pushed her buttons.

  Given his response when she gave it back, Lexi suspected he felt the same. They’d been bickering and bantering all night, and it was starting to feel like foreplay. She’d spent the last several hours trying to distract herself from inappropriate thoughts about her new boss with limited success. More than one patron had commented about her ‘headlights’ being ‘on’.

  Duke turned as someone shouted from the other end of the bar.

  “Take that smart ass of yours down to the cooler and change out the Guinness before I decide to take offense and fire it.”

  Lexi snorted, but did as he said.

  And that’s how the rest of the night went. She’d been a little worried that someone would start trouble, but everyone was pretty laid back. Though, when she’d pointed that out to Duke, he’d said, “It’s only Thursday.”

  Maybe so, but it hadn’t escaped Lexi’s notice that of all the men she met that night, he gave her the hardest time of all. And by the time they were closing up, she had a pocket full of tips, sore feet, and drenched panties thanks to one surly bartender.

  Once all the glasses had been loaded into the dishwasher and all the tables wiped down, Lexi stretched, pressing her palms into the small of her back until her spine cracked.

  Duke had gone into the back a few minutes earlier to get her the paperwork she needed to fill out. She’d do it tomorrow before she came back in. At the moment, she was beat and looking forward to crawling into her own soft bed.

  Alone, unfortunately. As much as Duke lit her fire, it probably wasn’t the best idea to sleep with her boss. At least, that’s what she kept reminding herself as she made her way down the hall toward Duke’s office.

  He had his back to the door, head bent as he rifled through a battered metal filing cabinet. Lexi took a moment to admire the strong lines of his back and legs. Her avid gaze lingered on the taut curves of his ass. She didn’t normally care one way or another about a guy’s ass, but there was no denying that Duke’s was a spectacular specimen. She wanted to grab a double handful and squeeze. Maybe take a bite of that firm muscle.

  Her nipples tightened with desire and heat fluttered low in her belly.

  Lexi jerked her eyes away, scanning the room instead. The office was small, with plain white walls and thin grey carpet on the floor. The big desk, littered with piles of paper, took up most of the space. A combination bulletin board/dry erase board hung behind it. The filing cabinet and safe lined one wall. The other sported a few framed photographs. She was unsurprised to see one of Duke in some sort of military uniform in a desert climate, surrounded by several other men dressed similarly.

  The smile blazing from beneath his helmet was a bit of a shock though.

  Another photo showed him in front of a Christmas tree with an older couple and an arm around a woman who looked so much
like the delicate, feminine version of him that she could only be a sister. There were several more, Duke with various family members and friends. Two in particular caught her eye though, both of them of him by himself.

  One showed him standing behind the bar, arms crossed and brow furrowed in the now familiar scowl. But there was a twinkle in his eye and the corner of his mouth was turned slightly up as if he was fighting off a grin. He looked a couple years younger and the bar looked significantly less scuffed up. Taken when he first bought it, perhaps. Lexi could easily imagine his sister behind the camera, trying to cajole a smile out of him.

  The other was a candid outdoor shot of him in three quarter profile. He was dressed casually in a t-shirt and cargo shorts, sunglasses covering his dark eyes. What was remarkable about it was that he was halfway up what looked to her like a nearly sheer cliff face. She could see the black lines of the harness around his thighs and waist and the very thin (in her opinion) rope disappearing above him, but the sight of him clinging to the rock, the muscles of his arms and calves bulging with tension, took her breath away.

  “You ever been?”

  Duke’s low voice made her heart skip a beat. She dragged her attention away from the picture to find him staring at her, a sheaf of papers in his hand. Her throat made a dry clicking noise as she swallowed.


  “Rock-climbing,” he clarified, nodding at the picture she’d been ogling. “Ever been?”

  “Oh. No. It… uh… looks fun.” It looked scary as hell, but Lexi had always liked a challenge.

  She watched his full mouth curve upward. The smile wasn’t quite as bright as the ones he sported in the pictures on the wall, but it was still enough to make her clench her thighs together.

  “It’s a total rush. It gets your heart pumping and when it’s a really good climb you feel it in your whole body. It’s… exhilarating.”

  Lexi’s blood seemed to have been replaced with thick honey. It trickled through her veins, slow and sweet. Looking into Duke’s dark eyes, she felt heavy and warm and ripe. Her tongue slid out to toy at the corner of her mouth.

  “Oh? I like the sound of that.”

  Duke seemed to realize the effect his words had on her, because the smile faded, replaced by a heated look from beneath his heavy brows. The papers fluttered to the floor as he closed the short distance between them.

  They’d been dancing around the attraction between them since the moment she’d walked through the door, so it was absolutely no surprise to Lexi that the minute Duke’s mouth touched hers she went up in flames.

  He angled his head and took her lips with savage grace. Lexi opened for his tongue, sucking at the slick muscle as it invaded her mouth. Duke growled, the sound reverberating deliciously through her chest. His big hands clutched at her hips, blunt-tipped fingers digging into her flesh through the denim of her skirt.

  She reached up, standing on tip-toe and wrapping her arms around his muscled shoulders. The hair at the nape of his neck was short and silky. She scratched at it lightly with her fingernails.

  Duke shoved her back against the wall, rattling several things on the shelf above their heads. A coil of soft rope slid down from its place looped around a bracket to brush her cheek. One calloused hand skated down her thigh to tease the back of her knee. When it trailed back up her thigh, he hiked her skirt with it.

  Lexi nipped his lower lip, pressing her shoulders back against the wall as he pulled her leg up around his waist. She hooked her boot heel behind his thigh and arched her hips, undulating to press against the prominent ridge of his erection.

  “Christ, I can feel how hot you are.” He groaned the words against her ear before trailing wet, open mouthed kisses down her throat.

  She lifted her other leg, letting him take her weight as she locked her ankles behind his back. Duke shoved up her shirt and bra, his mouth latching onto the hard tip of her breast and sucking greedily, making her arch and cry out. Her fingernails dug into his biceps as her hands roamed his arms and chest.

  “Duke, please, fuck… just…” Lexi didn’t know what she was saying. Her brain was all white noise and pleasure, her skin aflame everywhere he touched her. One minute his big hands were kneading her ass as he devoured her breasts, turning her into a writhing, whimpering thing.

  Then he pulled her grip from around his neck, clutching both her thin wrists in one broad palm and pressing them over her head. Her fingertips brushed the underside of the shelf as his left hand fumbled at her shoulder.

  She tried to turn her head to see what he was doing, but he caught her mouth in another bruising kiss. It became clear a second later anyway when she felt him wind the first loop of rope around her wrists.

  “What…? Ah!” Lexi’s eyes widened at the sensation of Duke pulling the rope taught. Her arms weren’t fully extended, she could bend her elbows a little, but the binding was secure. She could feel the blood tingling in her fingertips and lips and nipples. Her clit throbbed.

  Duke pinned her against the wall with his hips and stroked his hands down her body. He started at her bound wrists and trailed his palms along her forearms, giving biceps a little squeeze before continuing down her shoulders. The brush of his fingers against the side of her breasts and her ribs had her gasping and jerking in his grip. He stared down at her, eyes intent on the rise and fall of her flushed breasts and the quivering of her stomach muscles. Once he was again cupping her buttocks, he thrust languidly, rubbing his still jean-clad cock against her.

  Lexi had had enough of foreplay. The whole night had been one long tease. She wanted the barriers between them gone. She wanted to be flesh to flesh. She wanted, no needed, him inside her.

  She stretched her neck, swiping her tongue across his lower lip.

  “Are you just going to rub up on me like a high school virgin, or are you going to fuck me?”

  Fire flared in Duke’s dark eyes at her words.

  “Christ, woman. Do you ever shut up?”

  She remembered their encounter earlier and grinned up at him. “Make me.”

  His mouth was on hers a second later, hotter and harder than before. One hand left her ass and she heard the rasp of his zipper. The sound alone made her buck and moan. He tugged aside her panties and then she finally felt the press of hot, smooth flesh against her sex.

  Her thighs tightened around his waist and she rolled her hips, trying to pull him into her.

  Duke growled, shifted his stance, and then buried his considerable length in her slick, snug passage with one hard thrust.

  Lexi had thought he looked thick earlier when she’d seen his erection straining against his jeans, and now, feeling her sensitive tissues stretch to accommodate his girth, her suspicion was born out. Her inner muscles tightened around him. She whimpered at the delicious squeezing sensation.

  He seemed to appreciate it too, moaning against her jaw as he withdrew and then thrust again.

  “Harder,” she panted. “Faster.”

  Duke obliged, setting a thrilling, punishing pace. With her arms bound, she could only cling to him with her legs and let him take her. And he did. His hands were hard and steady on her ass, easily taking her weight as he slid in and out of her slippery sheath.

  Every deep, rocking thrust of his hips glided the flared head of his cock over her g-spot, twisting the burning pleasure within her tighter and tighter.

  His mouth never left her skin, his lips, tongue, and teeth dragging over her collarbone, her throat, her chin. He bent to suck and nip at her breasts, making her gasp and arch up to press herself to his lips. Lexi could feel her orgasm building, throbbing in every cell. Even her fingernails tingled with pleasure as Duke used his entire body to make her feel good.

  When he kissed her, she tipped over the edge, crying out her release into his mouth.

  He rode her through it, suckling her lower lip gently between his even as his pace increased and grew uneven. Lexi could sense he was close, could feel it in the tightness of his grip and the
urgency of his thrusts.

  She trailed her lips along his jaw, feeling the rasp of his stubble, to take his earlobe between her teeth and flick it with her tongue. She breathed the words into his ear.

  “Do it. Come for me, Duke.”

  Lexi felt another all over shiver of pleasure as he slammed into her all the way to the hilt, pinning her to the wall, and tightened her legs mercilessly to hold him close as she felt the warm pulse of him within her. He buried his face against her neck, shuddering and moaning.

  For several long moments, the only sound in the room was their ragged breathing. Lexi tipped her head back against the wall, enjoying the warm lethargy spreading through her tired muscles. Opening her eyes, she caught sight of her bound wrists and felt a faint spark of arousal fire in the pit of her stomach. The blue and yellow rope looped around her arms reminded her of what they had been discussing when things took a turn for the physical. Lexi giggled.

  “Well, if rock climbing is anything like that, I will definitely be giving it a try.”

  Duke lifted his head. When their gazes collided, his brown eyes were still hazy with pleasure, but the familiar furrow appeared between his brows. Then he followed her look to her bound wrists. Lexi watched a flush darken his cheeks and he bit the corner of his lip. The gesture was uncertain and curiously endearing.

  He reached up and unwound the rope, rubbing at her wrists with gentle fingers. His eyes remained on her arms as he coughed slightly to clear his throat.

  “I, ah, didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  Lexi felt the broad grin stretching her cheeks. She touched still tingling fingers to the rope. “Do you mean with this?” She arched her hips, making him give a sharp gasp. “Or this?”

  “Either,” he said, stepping back and lowering her gently to her feet. He still wouldn’t meet her eyes. Lexi took a minute to smooth her clothes back into place and let him collect himself. When they were both once again clothed, she caught his eye and patted the center of his chest.


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