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Page 7

by Toni Goode

By the time she finished both bags she felt like a new person. Her pains were gone and filled with something else. Another hunger filled her as she looked at Demetri. Her body ached for his.

  “Ye should leave us Lad, ye dinna want ta see this and I wilna deny me wife of any carnal pleasures.” Demetri said as he walked over to Natalie and pulled her close as their mouths crashed together in a heated kiss.

  Sam huffed but quickly left the room as Demetri spun them around until her back was on the mattress and he pulled his mouth from hers.

  “God, I want you so bad. I need you inside me.” She gasped as she pulled at his shirt and he pulled it over his head and tossed it aside. He pulled on her shirt too and tossed it onto the floor. Soon all of their clothes were thrown on the floor as their naked bodies filled the bed. Demetri looked down at his wife as he held himself up with his arms.

  “Ye are so beautiful.” He said before his mouth collided with her and at that very second, he entered her body and she cried against his mouth. She never knew that sex could feel that good. She was insatiable, and he drove into her body ridiculously fast, but she wanted more, so much more. She clawed at his back and arched her neck. His fangs sunk into her as she rode wave after wave of her orgasm but then he was pulling his mouth back as her fangs descended. “Do it Lass, mark me as yer husband.” He said as she opened her mouth and quickly bit onto his neck. The sensation was mind blowing as she drank from him but then he was turning them as she broke contact with his neck and she straddled his body. His hands reached up to her breasts as she rode against him. She threw her head back as wave after wave of ecstasy came crashing around her. She had never felt anything so amazing in her life. Her orgasms were in the double digits and she still wanted more and more.

  She felt like they were floating through the air. She felt weightless and then he was staring down at her with the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen. “ I love ye me wife, Natalie.” He spoke softly as he brushed hair from her face.

  “I love you too.” She spoke the words without hesitation and without holding back. She did love him. She loved him more than she loved anyone.

  Chapter Seven

  Being a vampire definitely had its perks as Natalie was learning about her new life. Not only could she hear conversations from other rooms and it was crystal clear, but she could see the fibers of a shirt or the tiny root of Demetri’s hair on his face. Her sense of touch was amazing to, it was as if every nerve fiber in her body was activated but only in the most delicious of ways. She felt sexy and she felt desired as well as insatiable. Her and Demetri had spent almost a week in bed and it barely seemed like any time had gone by. It wasn’t until she heard Sam’s voice again that it snapped her back to reality. Vampire or not there was another world out there and one she had promised to help.

  “She has family that is worried about her and friends. I cant keep on making excuses, they will want to know what happened to her.” Sam began.

  “We wilna force her ta face them all.” Demetri said protectively as he stood in front of her brother.

  “It’s ok Demetri. Sam is right, I have an obligation to my Uncle and my friends.” She said softly as he looked at her.

  “I dinna want ye ta have ta worry about all of that.” Demetri said with concern.

  “I appreciate you trying to protect me, but you said it yourself Demetri, I would make a strong vampire and I feel stronger than I ever had.” She said honestly.

  “You look amazing Nat. I cant believe this has happened.” Sam said in shock still as he looked at his sister.

  “Well you don’t look so bad yourself baby brother.” Natalie smirked.

  “Yes, ye are strong Natalie but I dinna want ye ta push yerself too fast or too hard. Ye need to learn control first.” Demetri said softly as he walked over to her and she couldn’t get over how drawn she was to him now. Is this what it felt like to be next to your maker? She felt incredible. She felt like she couldn’t get close enough to him.

  “Well I do agree with Demetri on that. We cant have you running around all blood crazy biting everyone and trust me the first few times around humans is the hardest.” Sam said honestly.

  Natalie wrapped her fingers around Demetri’s and she smiled. “Fine, lets work on my control because I want to get back out into the field, I still have a job to do.” She said honestly.

  “But ye dinna need ta even worry about that anymore lass. We can go away from all of this and live in peace, just tha two of us.” Demetri said softly.

  “And let Aidan and his maker destroy this world while we sit back and do nothing. No way. He needs to be stopped and were going to do that.” She said seriously.

  “She does have a point. I mean at this rate Aidan and his maker will drain the world and then what? Then we all sit and rot, no thanks.” Sam said quickly.

  Demetri moved in front of Natalie and smiled at her as he brushed a piece of her hair back.

  “Do you feel that?” She immediately got distracted by him as he touched her face.

  “All tha time lass.” He said softly.

  “It’s incredible, like your finger tips are electric or something. The sensations run through my body.” She said as she licked her lips.

  “Um Hello, I am still here and not really wanting to watch my sister seduce someone.” Sam said quickly.

  “I am her husband, Lad.” Demetri said quickly, and Sam rolled his eyes at him.

  “Husband. I like how that sounds.” Natalie touched his face as their mouths grew closer to one another.

  “Seriously, come on! I get it you want to fuck but give it a rest for two seconds, so we can figure out how to save the world!” Sam huffed as they both looked at him. Demetri stepped back from her.

  “The lad is right. We should figure something out if that is what ye wish.” He said towards Natalie who was having a hard time concentrating. He looked so delicious to her. Every inch of her body wanted him, and she was literally aching for release.

  “Sure. We will get right on that. In a second, if you don’t mind Sam.” She said as Sam huffed and walked out of the room as Natalie walked over to Demetri.

  “Ye are too tempting.” Demetri said as she bit her bottom lip and touched his chest.

  “I want you. Please.” She licked her lips and he pulled her over quickly as her body crashed into his.

  “Ye are so hot and wanting. I can smell yer desire.” His hand moved between her legs and he cupped her roughly on her sensitive flesh as she gasped. “Say ye are mine.” He groaned as one finger slipped inside of her.

  “I’m yours.” She gasped as she threw her head back.

  He moved his fingers wildly inside of her and then he was unzipping his pants as he spun her around so that he was behind her and he entered her roughly as she cried out passionately. Her hands grabbed onto the dresser in front of her as he held her hips and drove into her at incredible speeds. She cried out as her orgasm ripped through her body over and over again.

  Natalie jumped in the shower after their love making session. Demetri and Sam continued their conversation. If she concentrated hard enough she could hear them but she was distracted by the feeling of the soap on her body and the water cascading all over her. Her nerves were on fire still. She wondered if that feeling would ever go away and as much as she didn’t want it to she also knew that she had to be able to focus but all she could focus on was wanting Demetri inside of her again and again.

  It was amazing how quickly she had changed her feelings. Before she changed she was unsure if her and Demetri should be together but now it felt as if she would die if she was away from him. The attraction and pull was so strong. It was intense to say the least. She quickly got out of the shower and put on some clothes. She would have to face her mortal family and friends. She wondered what they would think but oddly enough she felt at home with her decision. She felt like everything in her life was leading up to this so that she could be at this very place with Demetri. She never was one to believe in true l
ove or soul mates, but she believed now. It was empowering.

  The guys were still carrying on a conversation as Natalie came into the room. Sam looked at her with concern though and she just knew it meant something bad had happened.

  Demetri walked over to her first. “Tis something that we need ta tell ye.” He said as she looked at Sam who shook his head. He looked so sad.

  “What’s wrong? Sam?” She said as he looked up now. “Is it Eve?” She felt worry start to consume her. He shook his head no.

  “It’s Uncle Joe. He passed away Nat.” He said as she gasped and stepped back. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “What? But I just saw him not too long ago. He was going on vacation.” She said as Sam shook his head some more.

  “Yeah well apparently he knew that his end was near because he didn’t go on vacation, he went to a hospice and he died two nights ago.” Sam said with sadness.

  “Oh my god.” Natalie felt her body trembled as she stood there. Demetri put his arms around her as she began to cry but as she wiped her tears she saw blood and she jumped back some. “What is this? What’s happening to me?” She said as she wiped her eyes and more blood was on her hands.

  “Tis ok Lass. That be tha way we cry now.” Demetri said softly as he pulled her close again.

  “Great so now I am just a bloody mess.” She cried against him. “Damn it why couldn’t he have just gotten the treatment!” She yelled angrily against Demetri.

  “Nat his cancer was so far advanced that the treatment would have only made it worse. He went on his own terms like we always knew he would.” Sam said softly.

  “Yeah well it still sucks. I didn’t even get to show him the new me.” She cried against Demetri.

  “It’ll be ok Lass. He is in a better place.” He said as she pulled her head up and looked at him.

  “Do you really believe that, even with the life you live?” She asked seriously.

  “Absolutely Lass. He gets ta be somewhere that is happy and he dinna need ta hurt anymore.” He said softly as she continued to cry against him. Her Uncle was gone and now all she really had was Demetri and Sam.

  Demetri was worried about Natalie going around everyone for her Uncles funeral and so he was helping her work on her control when around humans, which surprisingly enough meant putting her around humans but in a controlled environment. Sam said this is how it worked for him. Basically, she would be put in the room with a human and have to carry on a conversation with that person and then the fun began because the person would cut themselves slightly and she would have to continue the conversation without trying to kill the human that she was talking to. Sounded easy enough until she actually tried.

  For starters the humans all smelt delicious, almost like she remembered carnival food to smell like. It was enticing and distracting all in one not to mention she could hear heart beats which meant that blood was pumping which in turn made her want to eat that person.

  Natalie looked at Demetri as she sighed. She had nearly ate two humans already and she wasn’t feeling confident about the third one.

  “Ye dinna need ta worry so much Lass, ye are doing good fer yer first time.” Demetri said softly, and she rolled her eyes.

  “I think I gave that last girl a heart attack.” She said seriously.

  “She is fine Lass, she wilna remember a thing.” He said softly.

  “Oh, great so were just persuading humans now.” She said with frustration.

  “Lass ye need ta clear yer mind.” He said softly.

  “I’m trying but all I see is food.” Natalie huffed.

  “Listen Nat I hate to say this cause I’m your brother and all but what got me through it was thinking about sex ok. Just focus on whatever the two of you do.” Sam said with a shake of his head.

  “Ye may be onto something Lad.” Demetri said as he closed in the distance to Natalie. “Close yer eyes Lass.” He said softly to her and she sighed heavily. “Trust me Lass, close yer eyes.” He leaned into her ear and spoke seductively. His words made her feel like she was hypnotized and soon she was becoming aroused all over again. He pulled back and looked at her. She licked her lips and leaned up to his mouth. “Not yet Lass, ye gotta do this first.”

  Natalie looked over at Sam and he sighed as he got to the door. “You know at this rate were never going to get this done.” Sam huffed as he left the room.

  Natalie looked back at Demetri as she pulled on his belt. “Lass, ye gotta work on control first.”

  “But I wanna work on you.” She pouted, and she grabbed him from the outside of his pants and he groaned as he put his hand on hers.

  “Tha sooner we can work on yer control, the sooner I can have ye naked in me bed.” He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it.

  “Ok.” She sighed.

  “I will be right on tha other side of this door Lass. Ye will be great.” He said as he made his way to the door and a young girl her age came walking in.

  Natalie tried to remain completely still as the girl smiled softly at her. She was completely in a trance and Natalie sighed.

  “Hi, my name is Rosalie and you are?” The girl reached her hand out to Natalie. This was the first test, being able to touch a hand, that was all but she immediately saw the pulsing vein in the neck and she could hear the heartbeat. “Hi, my name is Rosalie and you are?” The girl repeated herself as Natalie sighed.

  “Ok ok, don’t repeat it again. I’m Natalie, blah blah blah.” She took the girls hand in hers and went to shake it but having contact made her fangs descend almost immediately. She quickly covered her mouth as she pulled her hand from the girl who just looked at her and smiled. Natalie knew it was now or never, she didn’t want to miss her Uncles funeral. She closed her eyes and imagined Demetri in front of her naked. A smile formed on her lips as she reached out and shook the girls’ hand. Natalie opened her eyes and smiled at the girl. She hadn’t bit her, she hadn’t bit the human! She jumped up and down as she yelled. “I did it! I really did it!” She yelled as Demetri opened the door and Natalie ran over to him and jumped on him as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She immediately started kissing him on his cheeks and neck. “I did it, I didn’t drain her!” She said as Demetri smirked at her.

  “Ye did good Lass.” He grinned. “But ye still need ta do the second part.” He said seriously as she sighed, and he put her back on her feet.

  “Ok let’s do this.” Natalie sighed.

  It took Natalie another five tries before she could sit in the room with the bleeding human without lunging for her. It was a small victory, but it was enough so that she could say her final goodbye to her Uncle.

  Chapter Eight

  They traveled from Scotland back to the states in record time. She had never ran at warp speed before. It was exhilarating and confusing all at once. They stayed mainly in wooded areas though Demetri assured her that they were moving so fast that even humans couldn’t comprehend their speed. If anything, it would feel like a breeze moving past them.

  Natalie was surprised at how many people showed up for her uncles funeral. Not only the people at headquarters but also various supernatural beings as well showed up. He had touched many lives and it was quite overwhelming to see the outpour on support.

  Natalie tried to keep a low profile as she made her way through the church that was holding the service. It was Eve who came over to her first, looking all wide eyed and shocked. She had Dante with her and he immediately sensed the change in her, but Eve hadn’t noticed yet.

  “I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle Nat. I tried calling a few times to see how you were.” She continued as Natalie tried to focus on Demetri’s hand that was on hers and not on the fact that Eve was so close.

  “We just got back in town. I’m glad you and Dante came.” Natalie said softly and then they all found their seats and sat down.

  “Ye doing great Lass.” Demetri said reassuringly but Natalie felt like she was going to claw her way out of her own skin.
There was just too many scents in that church. This was harder than she thought.

  “I think Dante knows.” She whispered to Demetri who nodded his head.

  “He would, he’s a wolf. He can smell tha change in ye.” He said softly.

  “I hope he doesn’t say anything to Eve just yet, I want to be the one to tell her.” She said with a sigh.

  “I will speak ta him.” Demetri said as he got up and walked over to where Eve and Dante were sitting. Natalie nervously fidgeted with her hands.

  “Hey Nat, sorry about your Uncle.” James said as he walked over to her and smiled.

  “Thanks.” She swallowed hard.

  “You holding up ok?” He asked with concern and then he saw the ring on her finger. “Oh wow, so it’s true then huh?” He asked, and she hadn’t noticed that he looked at her fingers.

  “What? What did you hear?” She said with paranoia.

  “Oh, is it a secret? I wont tell anyone.” James said with a smirk and if she could sweat she would.

  “I’m sorry, what?” She said as she tried not to look at him but then she saw his neck. He was so close she could almost taste him.

  “The ring. Some people were saying that maybe you went off to get hitched, did you?” He asked, and she was snapped out of her staring.

  “Um. I. Um. Excuse me.” She said quickly as she got up and went across the room. Suddenly the place was feeling very small and the sound of all the heart beats was so loud. She could feel herself about to freak out. She quickly got out of the church but immediately she bumped into someone and she looked up to see Aidan standing there. She gasped in shock and he looked shocked too. “Aidan?” She thought maybe she was hallucinating because of her mini freak out.

  “Natalie? You’re, you’re a vampire?” He said in shock and she swallowed hard as she stood there.

  “What are you doing here? You cant be here. People are out looking for you. You have to go.” She said quickly as he continued to look at her in shock.

  “I heard about your Uncle, I wanted to pay my respects. When the hell did you become a vampire?” He said in shock as he stood in front of her.


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