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Page 12

by Toni Goode

  “Emma lets go!” Tami grabbed her arm as she had stopped to get a better glance at the guy who was half out of the ground now. “Emma!” Tami yelled now as she pulled on Emma’s arm.

  “That looks like a man.” Emma said in shock, but Tami wanted no part of it. Clare was already long gone.

  “Cool, a man in the dirt. Lets go!” Tami pulled on her arm and Emma left this time but not before stealing another glance of the blue-eyed man.

  Aidan moved the dirt from his eyes as he locked in on her. It was Natalie, he was sure of it. The long black hair and her blue eyes. He saw a spark of recognition in her eyes. Confusion filled him as he looked around the ground. Where was he? Natalie was running off now, he could barely make her out in the distance, but her scent was strong. He pulled his body up out of the ground. How had he gotten there? Looking around seemed like a war zone and he had seen many of those over the thousand years he had been alive. The area around him was demolished and the air was thick with smoke.

  He finally stood up and looked around, one thing he knew for sure was that he was hungry. Very very hungry!

  Meanwhile states away Sam sat in the back of the strip club he owned. He watched as the girls moved their bodies. He had hand picked everyone of them and he was damn proud of it. He was finally an entrepreneur and a damn good one. His club was one of the most popular ones in his territory.

  One of the blonde vampires walked over to him and handed him a bottle of synthetic blood. She grinned and him and proceeded to give him a lap dance. He didn’t deny her, but he felt something odd as she danced. It was almost like a calling in the distance. A calling to him. The vampire girl ground her body against him and he stopped her now with his hand as he stood up. The feeling he had was so odd and then a familiarity of it came crashing back to him.

  “Sir are you ok?” The vampire asked him as he turned from her and he left without speaking. He moved fast across the different borders. He couldn’t believe what he was feeling at the moment. Only one person had the power to do this. Aidan.

  He hadn’t seen Aidan since that fateful day and well after that a lot of things went to shit such as the human race. He moved at warped speed as he entered an abandoned territory. That place was still recovering from the nuclear weapons and most of the species that stayed there were horribly mutated. He quickly looked to the left and began to run towards the scent in the air. It was the scent of blood, real blood. He hadn’t smelt that in over thirty years. He followed it and then stopped as he saw the remains of a dead animal on the ground. He touched it and fresh blood went on his finger. He brought it up to his lips and licked it.

  “Took you long enough.” Aidan said as Sam spun around and looked at him with shock. He was naked and covered in dirt. He looked like death warmed over. His beard was overgrown, and his hair resembled a caveman with dreadlocks.

  “Jesus it is you, Aidan.” Sam said in shock.

  “Yeah what the hell man. What happened? How long was I out of it?” Aidan asked as he wiped the dirt off of his face.

  “It’s been fifty years man. Jesus you stink.” Sam shook his head quickly. “You’ve been buried this whole time?”

  “I guess so. But what happened, this place looks like a damn bomb went off. I couldn’t even find any food.” Aidan said with a shake of his head.

  “Yeah you don’t want any food here, trust me. And a bomb did go off, a bunch of them did. Dude you need a shower, bad. You smell like desiccation.” Sam shook his head.

  “A bomb? Fuck, I did sleep through a lot.” Aidan shook his head. His mind went back to her, to Natalie. “I saw her.’ He finally added.

  “Saw who? Come with me dude you need a shower bad.” Sam said as Aidan began to walk with him.

  “Natalie. I saw her.” Aidan began as Sam looked at him.

  “I haven’t heard anyone speak her name in almost fifty years.” Sam said honestly.

  “Well I saw her. I mean it looked like her. I’m sure it was.” Aidan said with confusion.

  “She is dead Aidan and she isn’t coming back.” Sam said with a shake of his head. “Your delirious from hunger, lets get you a decent meal.” Sam said as the two of them took off quickly.


  Aidan took a swig of the bottle of blood and promptly spit it out as he looked at Sam. “What the hell is that? Fucking disgusting!” He snapped.

  “It’s not so bad, trust me.” Sam said quickly.

  “Well no thanks, get me a girl or two.” Aidan began as Sam shook his head.

  “There are no more humans, so there are no girls out there to drink.” Sam said seriously.

  “Your shitting me, right?” Aidan said in shock. This is like waking up to a nightmare.

  “We live on synthetic blood now.” Sam began as Aidan laughed but he saw that Sam wasn’t joking.

  “Your serious?” Aidan said in shock.

  “Listen take a shower, wash the rot off of you and I will get you a substitute ok. The shower is that way.” Sam said as he pointed down a hallway as Aidan stood in the living room of a penthouse apartment. He was naked, dirty and fucking starving! He would take care of the dirt first and the rest later. He quickly headed towards the bathroom.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Aidan took an hour long shower. He forgot how much he had liked showers, but his mind kept going to her. He thought of one particular time that they were in the shower together, it was from a very long time ago.

  “Am I still your dirty little secret?” He pulled back from her lips and raised an eyebrow at her.

  “You could be a clean one.” She grinned as she took his hand and walked him over to the shower and she turned it on.

  Aidan stepped in the shower next to her and the water splashed on them both. He looked incredibly sexy being wet. His beard was growing a bit wild now and it only added to his already smoldering look. His blue eyes looked at her with such intensity that it made her feel weak.

  “You know I could get use to this.” He finally spoke as he grabbed the shower sponge and liquid soap.

  “I think you may be onto something.” She grinned as he ran the sponge over her body, just skimming the top of her breasts as she inhaled sharply.

  “You are a dirty girl.” He smirked as he now ran the soapy sponge over her breasts and she bit her lip as he moved closer to her. “My dirty girl.” He said as he lifted up her arms and ran the sponge over her arms, breasts and then down her stomach as his eyes blazed with desire. He moved closer to her as he lifted her leg up a little and he ran the sponge over one leg and then the next as he avoided the area between her legs. Her body ached for his touch and he was playing the game of seduction. He knelt in front of her as he ran the sponge back and forth over her legs. His blue eyes looking up at her as he used his other hand to run up the back of her thigh as she gasped softly at his touch. “So impatient.”

  “You’re a tease.” She moved her hand to his long mohawk.

  “Is this what you want sweetheart?” His hand moved dangerously close up her thigh and towards where she wanted him most. The sponge grazed her sensitive flesh between her legs and a small moan left her mouth. She had to put her hand on the shower wall to brace herself. The water cascading down her body and the sponge torturing her was almost too much to bear. As the water began to wash away the soap on her body his fingers replaced the sponge as he slid one then two fingers inside of her as she threw her head back and moaned. “God your so freaking beautiful. I want you to cum for me, can you do that Natalie?” His words nearly made her orgasm right then and there but what he did next made her cry out in pleasure. His hands moved to her ass and then he lifted one leg over her shoulder as his mouth dove between her legs.

  Her hands went in his hair as she threw her head back as wave after wave of ecstasy filled her body.

  Aidan slowly moved back up her body as his hands slid against her slick skin. His tongue left a trail behind his hands and soon he was pulling her close as his mouth crashed into hers.

/>   Her hands slid over his body as she grabbed the soapy sponge from his hands and her mouth pulled from his. “My turn.” She smiled seductively at him as he licked his lips. Desire oozing out of him as she began to direct him on what not to do. “No touching.” She grinned at him as his hand went to touch her breasts. “I can’t get you clean if you distract me.” She continued as she ran the sponge over his chest and then slowly up and down each arm. She moved the sponge back to his chest. She ran the sponge over his ribs and then lower as he groaned deep.

  He was incredibly hard and erect as he stood there under the water. She moved her sponge down one strong thigh as she knelt down in front of him. Mimicking the same movements that he had made on her. She avoided his erection as she moved up and down his legs with the sponge but as she moved the sponge back up his stomach, her breasts slid against his erection as he growled deep. “So impatient.” She smirked at him as her hand finally ran across his erection. His body tensed as she grabbed his powerful erection in her hand and now he threw his own head back. “Is that what you want?” She said seductively towards him.

  “God yes.” He groaned as his hands went into her hair as he directed her mouth against him. They moaned in unison as she took his length into her mouth and throat. “Fuck! That feels so good, just like that.” He kept his head back as she moved her mouth over and over again. Natalie moaned against his body and he felt his release building quickly. He needed to feel her body against him. As much as he wanted to lose himself in her mouth. He also wanted to be inside her body and so he pulled her up quick as his mouth crashed into hers.

  Before she could think he lifted her up and penetrated her body as he pushed her up against the wall. She cried out in pleasure into his mouth. Both of their release came hard and fast until Natalie was panting against his neck as he held her up against the shower.

  Aidan snapped the thoughts out of his head as he stood in the now cold water. He turned off the shower and proceeded to clean himself up. Next thing he needed was a shave. Desiccation wasn’t always easy on the body.

  “Wow you look alive again so to speak.” Sam laughed as he walked into the living room where Aidan was standing.

  “You live here?” Aidan asked as he looked around at the apartment.

  “One of the places I have. This is what is left of New York City. Most of it is shit but there’s a few good areas.” Sam said honestly as she grabbed a bottle of blood out of the fridge and he held it out for Aidan.

  “Your serious about this shit, aren’t you?” Aidan grabbed the bottle and looked at it.

  “It’s a means to an end. Without it we would all end up in the ground and I would rather enjoy what’s left of this world.” Sam said with a smirk.

  Aidan took a sip and swallowed it down. It tasted like pure shit, but he drank it anyway. “So, you going to give me the quick summary of what the fuck happened over the last fifty years?” He finally said as he took a seat on the couch.

  Sam began the long story of the human wars that broke out and then the supernatural war against the humans. So much death and blood shed on both sides. Destruction left in its wake and in the end only the strongest survived. The species split into their prospective territories and they all abided by rules. Three elders came into play and they keep everything calm. They are working on rebuilding the new world and for the most part it is working though many territorial fights still break out between species. The world is definitely far from perfect but it’s the only world they have now.

  Aidan listened in shock. He thought he had heard everything by now with being over a thousand years old but even this surprised him. A world without humans seemed like a crazy theory but it was reality.

  “So, uh, yeah that’s about it. Wild, huh?” Sam said as if he was unaffected and he sort of was by now.

  “Where’s Lana?” Aidan asked.

  “She took off a while ago. The war really messed with her head.” Sam said seriously. “Same with Dante, after he lost Eve he was never the same.”

  “Eve died too?” Aidan asked in shock. He was surprised that so many people were gone.

  “Yeah, I had left town by then, but I heard about it. “ Sam said seriously.

  “So, then you started a strip club?” Aidan asked as he sipped the blood drink that tasted like shit.

  “Yeah well it was something to pass the time and we all need something to keep our minds occupied. Nothing like eternity to start to freak people like us out. Without humans for food, well we improvised in a lot of ways.” Sam said seriously.

  “I see that. I’m starting to feel like I woke up at the wrong time.” Aidan shook his head. “What about the witches?”

  “Oh, lets, not drag that back up again Aidan. That’s all in the past now ok. We don’t bother them, and they don’t bother us.” Sam said honestly.

  “But they killed her in cold blood.” Aidan shook his head as anger filled him again.

  “Yeah and over time we killed twice as many of them. It’s even now. The quicker you see that, the quicker it will be over and done with.” Sam stood up now. “Want to see the club?”

  “Yeah I guess so, there is nothing else to do around here.” Aidan stood up as well. “About that girl earlier.” He began as Sam sighed.

  “Listen Aidan. A lot of people look like people we use to know but she is gone. And I don’t know about you but I’m not a fan of all that witchy multiple lives bullshit. You live once, and you die, or you don’t die. Either way your not being reborn multiple times. That’s just some witchy folklore.” Sam said as they got to the door. “ You need to get laid man, then you will feel better.” He said seriously as they walked out.

  Meanwhile a town away Emma went walking into the store her family owned. It was a book and old relic store made just for witches. It had everything from rare herbs to ancient books and objects used in spells. She worked there most days when she wasn’t going to the local witches college. Her current major was on white magic and healing spells. She was following in her mothers foot steps and after her death nearly ten years ago it was just her and her father Raymond running the store. Most of her friends had moved out of their parents place but she was still living at home because who would take care of her father if she wasn’t there? The idea was frightening. He could barely boil water, but he was a really powerful witch, she had to give him that. She only hoped to be half that powerful one day.

  She got into the store as the bell went off alerting her presence there. “I’m back dad, I’m going to clean up the aisles.” She called out knowing he was probably just sitting in his office. He hadn’t been the same since his wife died, Emma’s mother. He had been quieter and more depressed looking as the years went by not to mention that he wouldn’t date anyone. He wasn’t a bad looking man either. He was pretty old in age, but he barely looked forty. He was in good shape, he had short dark hair and blazing brown eyes. He worked out daily and sometimes people who didn’t know them thought they were dating. Witches weren’t considered immortal but like the wolves who also weren’t immortal, they aged incredible slow. Emma would probably look the same as she did now until she was in her sixties. She looked like a typical witch, black hair and blue eyes. She dressed with lighter clothes though not like her friends who worshipped black clothes. She liked color and she used it a lot.

  Her father on the other hand wore black every day, she had never seen him wear any other color. His life though was one of sorrow. The great wars had taken a lot of his elder family and friends. His sister’s death was what hit him the hardest. Her name was Marianne and she was killed by a vampire. Her father hated them. In his perfect world every single one of them would be dead. Emma was on the fence about it though. Surely not all vampires were bad. She didn’t have any vampire friends but the ones she had met in passing had been harmless to say the least. Emma was very empathetic towards all species. It was one of her downfalls. She cared too much about people, including strangers.

  Her mind when to the man back at th
at abandoned town. Who was he? Why was he there? Had he been buried? She had so many questions and no answers but one of the bigger questions was why did he looked at her the way he did. As if he could see through her soul, it was an odd feeling.

  She shook the images out of her head as she grabbed the books that were left on the table and she began to put them back where they belong.

  Emma sat across from her father at the dinner table. They lived upstairs from the shop they owned. Dinner laid out on the table as they ate in silence. Her father had a book in his hand as he read and ate at the same time.

  “Was the shop busy today?” Emma asked to make small talk.

  “Not really, Margaret came by with her son Alex, they were asking for you.” He said nonchalantly as he peered over his book at her. “Alex is a nice strong man. You really should take him up on his offer to go out sometime.” He added, and she sighed heavily.

  “Dad I’m not interested in Alex ok. He is just weird.” She said honestly. She hated that her father was always trying to set her up with someone. She was perfectly fine being alone. She had never dated anyone and even though that was pretty unusual for her age, it didn’t bother her. She didn’t find anyone who kept her attention enough and she didn’t want to date just for the sole purpose of dating. She watched enough of her friends in relationships and none of them were ever really happy, why would she want to do that?

  “Emma you’re the last in the blood line, time is ticking.” He said seriously, and she put her fork down now.

  “Dad lets not do this ok. I don’t want the pressure of the bloodline ok.” She said sarcastically as she stood up and grabbed her plate.

  “Our blood line is everything Emma. You know that. There comes a time when you need to start thinking about the future.” He said sternly.

  “I’m twenty years old. I want to think about books and nature. I don’t want to think about repopulating the world, ok.” She huffed as she walked out of the room and now he sighed heavily. She tossed the dishes in the sink and stared out the window. Sometimes she wished she could just disappear. She hated that her father tried to plan out her future. Who gave a shit about a bloodline anyways? Times were different now. She wanted to travel, and she wanted to see what was left of the world she lived in. The world use to be so different then it was now, and she longed for the way things use to be. How life use to be before the new world order came into play. She began collecting things from that time ever since she could go off wandering on her own. She had quite the collection too. She had old cell phones, magazines, books and computers.


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