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Page 10

by Jan Irving

  “I’m Luke.” The man cocked a brow. “I’ll walk you home, earth fae.”

  Finn caught the sound of a low growl coming from somewhere amid the moss-hung trees leaning over the track. “ Don’t pay attention, cher; they won’t hurt you none.” Luke took Finn’s arm. At his simple touch, it felt for a second like a flare went off against the skin. Finn felt a quickening, as if he’d just tilled the soil for his aunt’s vegetable patch.

  “And why is that?” Finn asked. He could smell Bay Rum so close to Luke, and the scent made him almost dizzy.

  “Because I’m the big daddy,” Luke answered easily. He ruffled Finn’s hair playfully, as if he were a child. “ Don’t.” The word was painful and Finn flushed at what he’d probably revealed with that naked exclamation. Don’t treat me like a child. I am not. I want….

  Luke paused, staring into Finn’s eyes. “No one else ever see you have a thing for other men, earth fae?”

  Finn shook his head, face red as one of the prize beets he’d grown last season for the county fair.

  “Don’t be looking at me with those big, yearning eyes, boy. Be careful what you invite.” Luke walked with him in silence, both of them stealing little glances at the other. But when Luke finally put an arm around Finn under the swollen moon, Finn knew he’d been claimed.

  At the driveway where the lawn stretched out to Aunt Marybeth ’s, a Southern wedding cake of a house with white peeling paint and a long veranda, Luke stared into Finn’s eyes.

  “Please,” Finn rasped.

  “You’re so young, cher,” Luke reproved, stroking the planes of Finn’s face.

  “I know what I want.” A kiss. A sure kiss on his lips, Luke taking his mouth, cupping his jaw, exploring, so that Finn was so on fire he wanted to dry hump himself against the long muscular body, wind around him like a hungry, growing vine from his garden. He was on the verge of climax—

  Luke broke away, eyes dark and haunted, face flushed and lips ruby from the intense kiss. He nodded to the patch of sunflowers. “You the gardener?”

  “Yes,” Finn said.

  “Thought so. When I first caught your scent, I thought of the earth.” Luke faded into the trees.

  Finn hesitated before going in the house, sensing Luke was still watching.

  “Thank you for my first kiss,” he whispered.

  “Don’t thank me, little one,” an amused voice answered him. “Best you stay away from me!” Moonbeam: Tell me a bedtime story. I can’t sleep and I’m too tired to paint. But you know how it is sometimes; you can’t stop thinking about things, images, even when your body needs to rest.

  Obsidian: Out of practice.

  Moonbeam: I heard you had a son. Didn’t you ever tell him any stories?

  Obsidian: ... Moonbeam: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry, but when I dropped off work once in your office, I noticed a picture of a child on your desk and I figured... I’ve been wanting to ask you about him.

  Obsidian: His name is Aiden.

  Moonbeam: He’s beautiful, Kain.

  Obsidian: Yes.

  Moonbeam: Why do I have the impression you haven’t seen him since the fire?

  Obsidian: No, I haven’t seen him. He’s only two, so he probably doesn’t even remember me.

  Moonbeam: That’s not right. You should see him. I can feel that you care about him. Obsidian: When I want your opini—! Nick, didn’t you catch a glimpse of my face? I don’t want him to see what I’ve become.

  Moonbeam: He loved you, didn’t he? He didn’t love how you looked, he loved that you were his father. Obsidian: He’s just a baby. He doesn’t know any better. Moonbeam: You should see him.

  Obsidian: No, I don’t want him to be ashamed of me…or frightened.

  Moonbeam: Kain, you wouldn’t hurt him any more than you have me. And how you look doesn’t matter.

  Obsidian: It matters to me and most of the world. Moonbeam: Okay, picture what I’m saying.

  Obsidian: Huh?

  Moonbeam: I know my prying stirred up some feelings but stop being so testy.

  Obsidian: Start making sense. Moonbeam: I just want you to imagine that I’m there with you now. It’s pitch black in your room, but I cup the side of your face... artist’s hand mapping your features... Here is smooth, perfect... There is pitted, rough.

  Obsidian: Nick, don’t...

  Moonbeam: I don’t care what the rest of the world thinks. What you think. You’re beautiful to me. Obsidian: Fucking crazy!

  Moonbeam: :dryly: I believe that’s been established. I’m living here with you, after all. Tell me something? Obsidian: What?

  Moonbeam: You’re scarred but Finn implied that…you’re not quite human.

  Obsidian: Fire burns. It takes a long time to heal. Even someone like me. Moonbeam: Why is Ross afraid of you?

  Obsidian: You’d have to ask him that.

  Moonbeam: He was angry when he came to the house but I sensed more. Obsidian: I’d never—

  Moonbeam: I know you’d never hurt him. Tell me more about how you were burned?

  Obsidian: It doesn’t matter.

  Moonbeam: Maybe someone at the club will know. Obsidian: Stay away from the club without me! Moonbeam: Okay! Kain, I just want to understand you— Obsidian: Obsidian has left the room.

  Obsidian: I’m back online since you asked for a bedtime story and I could see how restless you are. I resorted to searching through my dusty study, I’ll have you know.

  Moonbeam: I’m glad you’re back. I hate that you go away when I get too close. Obsidian: I’ve never been…close to anyone, not even before the fire. Ross was my only friend for a long time and he—

  Moonbeam: I won’t betray you, Kain. I won’t leave you alone. My being here has to prove something. Obsidian: Possibly that you are slightly insane. Okay, one bedtime story for an artist who can’t turn off his great talent, but whose body needs to rest…

  Once upon a time, Persephone was tending to her, uh, flowers. Moonbeam: Great talent? I think I like that. As for Persephone, she reminds me a bit of Finn—you know he’s got an uncanny green thumb with the remaining plants in the atrium? Anyway Persephone was the embodiment of the Earth’s fertility, so an interest in botany tracks.

  Obsidian: Smartass. Keep interrupting me and I’ll spank you.

  Moonbeam: Why does that make me want to interrupt? Obsidian: Persephone attracted the attention of Hades, our villain. Moonbeam: Interesting. But is he a villain? He really fits the mold of both hero and villain, like the classic misunderstood gothic hero.

  Obsidian: Nick, this is my story, so let me tell it. Moonbeam: Wrong, it’s our story. And I think Hades was hot, though he acted wrongly by kidnapping Persephone and taking away her choice, but he was...lonely.

  Obsidian: He took her away from the world she knew. He put her down in the dark where the only light came from fire.

  Moonbeam: But don’t you think he provided more? I’m sure he fed her well, as you do me, and I’m sure he was an incredible lover. I can see him in the firelight, tall, dark and hot… I don’t think I’d mind being his “victim”.

  The story is a little old-fashioned, granted, since her mother bargains for Persephone’s time and Persephone doesn’t seem to have much to say about it—just a pawn tugged between her husband and her mother. But I think she ate the pomegranate seeds because she wanted to stay with him, she wanted to stop being a virgin and become a lover, and her mother always struck me as pretty fucking domineering.

  Obsidian: What could Hades possibly offer that would equal living in the shadows?

  Moonbeam: Sex. And the chance for Hades’ lover to become his own man, to grow into his choices.

  Obsidian: ... Moonbeam: I mean, I’m sure he was shocked by Hades’ taking away his choices, kidnapping him, but once he was living here, he wants...

  Obsidian: What does he want? Moonbeam: To have Hades inside him. Fire is the marriage of light and dark and what we make between us is fire.

  Obsidian: Are you sure you want to
go to the club later this evening? Moonbeam: I’m sure. And thank you for giving me the choice, although I’m suspicious of you warning me off. I wonder if it’s because you think I might learn more about you.

  Obsidian: Interesting theory. Moonbeam: On the other hand, you are entirely too calculating, so possibly you want something about you, something Mixed messages. Good thing I’m patient with you, huh?

  Obsidian: You might encounter someone I met, the night of the fire. Moonbeam: You met him at the club?

  Obsidian: I took him home. He was the one who…bit me.

  Moonbeam: Oh. Well then, I want to meet him and follow your trail of bread crumbs, but one thing better be clear: Kain, he better not bite you tonight.

  me to understand you can’t express. HEAD thumping painfully, Luke Munroe rubbed the dried blood from his lips.

  Sunlight spotlighted one dank part of the tunnel, branching beyond the old wine cellar, directly over a table with fresh herbs reaching toward the outer world.

  Finn. It looked like his doing. He was so good with plants, Lukes earth fae.

  He tried to shift himself higher, his iron chains clinking dully. Iron, which no shape shifter could break, no matter how strong.

  When the shadow fell, he braced himself for what was to come.

  “ARE you sure you want to go there, kitten?” Finn asked, still a little

  breathless, as if from running an errand. He ran a hand over Nick s charcoal silk jacket. He had helped Nick choose some clothes for his first night at Manticore with Kain so now Nick was wearing black pants and a matching silk tank top with the jacket, which Nick thought made his face and hair stand out like pale flame in contrast.

  “ Just remember what I told you about the dark, sexy monsters and… the other kind.” Finn stroked Nicks hair, holding his gaze in the mirror. “The kind you dont want to ever meet. Be careful at Manticore. Stick close to Kain.”

  “ The kind of monster maybe Mark met up with that night?” Nick swallowed, still feeling the burn of loss. What had happened to Mark was so sudden, so shocking… but he just couldnt believe Kain had had anything to do with it. Hed heard the regret, the thread of fear in Kains voice when he told Nick he was sorry hed lost his friend.

  “ I dont really care about the club,” he explained. “I want to understand Kain. Get closer to the scattered pieces hes shared with me lately. Hes a bit like a Cubist work, all planes and innuendo.” He rubbed his chin ruefully, but then asked what hed been burning to know for days, “Is he still, um, hiring young men?”

  Finn sighed. “Sometimes after a few days, he does go to Manticore or other places, brings someone home. I dont think he wants you to know. He has strong drives, kitten. And I think hes still afraid of hurting you.”

  “ I dont need to be protected from him! And I hate that hes with anyone else.” Nick played with the bottles of aftershave that Kain had provided for his bathroom. Hed barely glanced at them since usually he showered, toweled off his hair, shaved, and then typically a fragment of art would live in his head and hed forget all about everyday shit, except the basics, like underwear. Well. ..sometimes he even forgot about that, but only when his easel was set up in his bedroom.

  Softly, he asked,“Does he take them down to his dungeon?” “Yes,” Finn said. “Kitten, you dont want to know about that side of him.”

  Nick disagreed. “What does he do with them?” Finn gave an exasperated sound. “Usually lately he canes them, or watches them with someone else hes hired. He stopped using his dates sexually after you came to live here.”

  Nick breathed out a sigh and met Finn s gaze frankly. “Youre wrong that I shouldnt know what he is up to,” Nick said. “I want him. I want him so fucking much!” He was panting and defiant, tears pricking his eyes, and he was embarrassed, but Finn just pulled him into his arms.

  “Nothing good can come of this,” Finn said, shaking Nick, as if to get through to him. “One day youre going to be sorry you met him!” “ No way!” Nick vowed.“We artistic types are risk takers. I think Id forgotten that, clinging to a safe rut of a job and a safe boyfriend. Now I wont settle.”

  Finn closed his eyes tightly. “I hope you dont regret going down this road.”

  THE car was the same jungle-green as Kains eyes, low slung, expensive, but thats all Nick could make of it since he wasnt into cars. He climbed into the passenger side, heart beating fast with anticipation.

  The sleek vehicle growled as it headed down the driveway before swinging onto the road. Nick looked over at Kain, who was wearing a fedora and a black turtleneck. It made it harder to make out his features, except the light from his eyes, which seemed to glow in the semi-darkness.

  Nick watched him, but his throat felt too tight for words, for their usual back and forth. When he closed his eyes, he imagined the hustlers Kain hired, Kain taking them downstairs, handcuffing them, caning them, watching them perform and… biting them?

  He shifted, his cock stiff even as resentment flamed in him. He wanted to be the one that Kain spent his lust on.

  He wanted to take Kains hand off the wheel and press it against his erection.

  BEFORE they hit town, Kain pulled off onto the side of the road and down a deserted side street, shielded by trees. Nick s heart was thumping, his gaze focusing on Kains gloved hand, because there was something feral in his would-be lovers eyes that made them hard to meet.

  “Get out of the car,” Kain said, very evenly. “ Unbuckle your belt and hand it to me,” Kain continued in a silky voice once they were both outside. But something was riding him, Nick could see. His nostrils flared as if catching Nicks scent and his irises were blown, hungry black rimmed by green.

  He stood behind Nick and held out his palm, waiting for Nick to do what he commanded. Waiting to see if hed be obedient and put himself under Kains control.

  Sensing he was being tested, Nick set his jaw and complied, hesitantly placing the curl of leather in Kains hand, not sure if Kain meant to lash him with that belt, but if he wanted to, Nick would allow it.

  Kain shook out the leather and the moment hung, full of possibility….

  He gripped Nicks wrists together and wrapped the belt around them. “All right?” he asked. “I like you bound. Do you like it?” Nick nodded, swallowing tightly. “Yes. Only for you.” Kain cupped the back of Nick s neck, thumb caressing the skin as he guided him so he was leaning over the side of the car. Then, he reached inside Nicks silk pants, helping himself as if Nicks body totally belonged to him, fingers brushing against his needy prick.

  Nicks head fell back and he moaned at the invasion, the touch. “Did you get hard when you thought I was going to use that belt on your ass?”

  “Yes.” Nick flushed. “I dont know why. I never thought Id want that. Would it hurt a lot?” Kain shook his head. “Only enough to test your obedience. Youd come like my good boy after I was done, face down on the ground, kissing my boot.”

  Nick was panting as Kain tugged down his pants.

  “I like the Great Pumpkin on your boxers,” Kain noted with amusement. “My innocent.”

  “Thank you, but I dont want to be innocent. I want to be yours.” A finger ghosted down Nick s crack, and his thighs quivered in reaction, clenching together. “I need you to hold very still,” Kain ordered.

  Nick had a sudden hunch. “This is something to do with the club, isnt it?”

  “Yes,” Kain affirmed. Nick caught rustling sounds and then Kain s palm pressed him open, his touch firm and confident, making Nick aware of how many submissive men Kain must have handled. It was arousing, knowing he was being mastered by someone who understood his secret need.

  As he waited, sweat beginning to coat his forehead, Nicks hands clenched, testing his bonds.

  A too-broad something against his virgin opening. The fleshy head of Kains cock.

  “Breathe,” Kain coached.“Im going to open you a little.” “ Its hard to do that!” Nick squeezed his eyes shut, his body wanting to undulate, to take more of Kain, despi
te the uncomfortable burn.

  “ Hold still!” Kain stroked Nicks tense back.

  Broached, Nick tried to relax.

  Kain leaned close and licked the back of his neck, whispering, “Im going to come inside you. Dont move and dont come.”

  Nick made a thready sound. “ My slut boy, offering me your hole. And thats how I want you; I want you open to take it whenever I want. I want you to come only when I allow it, and sometimes I wont.” Kains prick nudged deeper, rubbing. “Im going to come now and Im going to enjoy it, but I dont want you to shoot, do you understand?”

  Breathless, Nick replied, “Yes, Kain!”

  “Good boy, good slut.” Kain slapped his ass and in another second gave a choked-off sound.

  Nick felt moisture filling him.

  Kain pulled away and Nick could feel his gaze on his body, his hand cupping and squeezing his ass approvingly.

  “My come is running down your legs. Do you like that?” Aroused, shaky, and still burning from the first penetration he d ever experienced, Nick whispered, “Yes. Yes, I like your come in me.”

  KAIN continued to stroke Nicks body, gentling him down from being penetrated by a lover for the first time. More than a lover—a master, since that was the role Kain had assumed.

  “ Are you aching to come?” Kain asked, lips curving.


  “I wont permit it yet.”

  Nick took a deep breath, biting his lip in disappointment. His body was singing, his nipples pointed stars, his cock hard, but he knew he was being tested.

  He held Kains gaze and then instinctively fell to his knees, bound hands in front of him.

  Kains eyes darkened further at this sudden unasked-for submission. Roughly he said, “Christ!”

  Nick let his gaze drop, waiting….

  “Open your legs. I want you to expose yourself to me. I want to see that erection I wont let you touch.”


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