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Billy's Geeky Quest

Page 3

by J. B. Buell

Billy took a breath, trying to assess Scott’s expression as he listened.

  “I thought this theme would give you the opportunity to draw cool space stuff,” Billy went on, “and also explosive power stuff with lots of colors. If you want?”

  Scott blinked slowly, taking it all in. “Yeah,” he said, beginning to nod. “Yeah, that would work. Sounds really cool, actually. I love the contrast of space theme with a regular setting. It could be set here in New York.”

  Billy breathed out, and mimed wiping his brow in relief. “Phew! Okay, I wasn’t sure if you’d like it. I mean, I know it’s not super original or anything…”

  “No, I love it!” Scott insisted. “I love all your ideas, Billy.” He picked up the folder again to look through it.

  “Yeah?” Billy wanted to squirm in delight, but he made himself sit still.

  “Yeah, I’m real excited about this.” Scott looked at him, gave him a warm smile. “I can’t wait to start.”

  * * * *

  They discussed the comic idea some more, and by the time they got another coffee, they’d moved onto talking about their favorite sci-fi shows growing up.

  Billy was absolutely thrilled to find out that Scott was only a year older than him, so they were almost the same age and had watched nearly all the same shows as kids and teens.

  “Star Trek,” Billy said, counting off on his fingers. “Buck Rogers, and definitely Quantum Leap, because that show was the first time I ever saw any kind of different gender expression stuff on TV as a kid.”

  “Oh!” Scott said excitedly. “When he would leap into a body and it was a woman’s? Those were the best episodes!”

  “Yeah.” Billy blushed again.

  He was blushing a lot today. Scott was just really cool, and kept saying all the right things.

  Which made a nice change, Billy thought, after so many cis male geeks he met often ended up being kind of douchey, especially about gender. He was relieved Scott was nice.

  Billy wanted to stay and chat, but it was getting late and he had to go start his shift at work.

  “This sucks, but I have to go,” he said regretfully. “Got the evening shift.”

  “What do you do?” Scott asked.

  “It’s IT,” Billy said, pulling his checkered shirt back on. “I kinda lucked out with this job, because the shifts are flexible, and when I’m at work I basically sit in a quiet room with some other geeks, and we do computer stuff without ever having to deal with customers.”

  “Oh, wow.” Scott chuckled. “Can I trade? I do freelance graphic design now, and all I’m doing is dealing with clients who want something impossible.”

  “Well, we better make sure our comic sells lots of copies, then,” Billy joked, making Scott laugh.

  “That’d be amazing, but seriously, it’s fine. I just want to produce a fun comic and see how it goes. I’d really like you to write it, Billy.”

  “Me, too.” Billy grinned so wide he thought his face might split. “I guess I’ll do that treatment you suggested and email it to you?”

  “Yeah, sure. Can’t wait.” Scott stood up when Billy did. He stepped closer, and for a moment Billy thought Scott was coming in for a hug or something, and he kind of froze in surprise. But then Scott ducked his head with a shy smile, and extended his hand out.

  “Thanks for meeting up today.”

  “Oh, no problem.” Billy shifted his bag to his other hand, and went to shake Scott’s. “I mean, it was fun.”

  “Yeah.” Scott looked up at him and smiled, his blue eyes crinkling up in that genuinely happy way that Billy was starting to love.

  “Uh, well, I should let you go.” Scott released his hand.

  Billy hadn’t even noticed he was still holding on.

  “Have a good shift, Billy.”

  “Thank you.” Billy gave a little wave as he walked away. “See ya.”

  Billy left the coffee place, waving to Fatima and Iman on the way out. He was in such a good mood that he went straight to work and totally forgot he was still wearing glittery eyeliner until one of his colleagues said to him, “Uh…you got some…stuff on your eye, Bill.”

  “Hm? Oh, yeah…” Billy tried to play it off. “Yeah, it’s supposed to be there.”

  His colleague just shrugged and went back to work. Billy found he didn’t care much today because he was happy.

  * * * *

  Scott messaged him about an hour later, sending him a Star Trek meme. Billy grinned as he looked down at his phone, and sent back some laughing emojis.

  They messaged about Star Trek for a bit, then some of the newer sci-fi shows. Billy mentioned his pet peeve about robot characters getting gendered with male or female pronouns, never neutral ones, when the robot’s gender had never been specified, only assumed, which really irked him every single time it happened.

  Scott replied, Actually, I was going to ask you before, what pronouns do you use?

  Billy blinked at that, realizing it hadn’t come up until now, and Scott must not have gendered him in conversation either, or Billy would’ve noticed for sure.

  I use he, him, and also they, them, Billy replied. And he included a smiley face as a sort of thanks for asking.

  Cool, Scott wrote, with several thumbs up emojis. I was literally just telling my roommates about you and I realized I hadn’t asked yet. I’m he/him, btw.

  “Aw,” Billy murmured, and typed a reply.

  Thank you! Good to know. And I hope you were telling your roommate good things. Lol.

  Yes of course, Scott replied. I showed them your folder, they love the space/ high school idea!

  Billy beamed proudly. “Yay,” he muttered, tapping out his reply. That’s great! Speaking of space and high school, remember Galaxy High?

  Scott sent back a string of exclamation points, then replied, Literally no one ever remembers that! I loved GH!

  I still remember the theme tune, Billy bragged. Because, hey, he had to play to his strengths.

  SO DO I, Scott replied in all caps.

  Billy giggle-snorted loudly, until he got side eye from a colleague on the next bench, so he figured he’d better tone it down. He pretended to go back to work, and sneakily tapped out his next message to Scott, quoting the theme tune.

  Best theme tunes in the 80s, Scott replied. There’s no cool themes any more.

  Billy considered that for a moment and conceded Scott might be right. I think some of those 00s cartoon themes were alright, he replied.

  Maybe…Scott replied, with the laugh-crying emoji. I wanted to be an animator, once upon a time.

  Ah, Billy wrote back. Cool!

  Hey! Here’s an idea, Scott sent next, want to get take-out and watch space themed shows some time? We could take notes for the comic too?

  Billy read the message, then read it again, hardly believing his eyes.

  Scott wanted to hang out?

  Billy felt warm all over, and quickly typed back a reply.

  Sure, he sent, with a bunch of high five emojis. I’ll check my schedule, but I know I got some evenings free soon.

  Scott replied with a gif of Kermit the frog flailing.

  Billy snort laughed, then hurriedly hid his phone and pretended to do some work.

  Chapter 3: To Boldly Go…

  They’d agreed on next Saturday evening and Scott offered to use his place because his roommates apparently had a huge flat-screen set up, but they’d be out that night.

  Billy was fine with that and he was kind of curious to see Scott’s place, so he got a bus over there just after six P.M.

  Scott buzzed him into the building, and then greeted him at the door with a big smile.

  “Hey! C’mon in!”

  “Thanks.” Billy smiled back as he entered the apartment. He toed off his shoes and unzipped his hoodie, revealing the pastel colored, galaxy print T-shirt he had on underneath with a unicorn kitten print on its front.

  “Wow,” Scott said, giving Billy’s shirt the once over.

  “I know,”
Billy said with a laugh. “It’s probably the best and also the worst item of clothing I own. But, hey! It’s space themed!” He pulled on the hem to show off the design.

  “Sure is.” Scott laughed, “I love it. Puts my space socks to shame.”

  Billy looked down and saw Scott was wearing socks with little planets and rockets on them. He laughed when Scott wiggled his toes. “But they’re cool, too!”

  “You bet. Anyway, come on through! I’ve got the lava lamps on.”

  “Lava lamps!” Billy uttered excitedly, following Scott to the living room.

  The drapes were closed to blot out the lingering daylight, with novelty side lamps on all over the room; a lit globe of the Earth, a hanging lantern that looked like Saturn, and several lava lamps all in different colors and sizes.

  Billy whistled appreciatively. “This is awesome. I’m ready to blast off into space now.”

  Scott laughed at that and gestured at the couch. “Please, make yourself comfortable. You want a drink? I got beer, or soda? Then we can order the take-out.”

  “Cool. Soda works for me,” Billy said, flopping down onto one corner of the small couch.

  He looked around the room as Scott went to fetch their drinks. There was a lot of geeky stuff on display, especially on the shelves. Lots of little collectibles here and there and cult movie posters on the walls.

  There was some regular stuff too; sports things, and a poster of some dudes playing basketball. A hoop was fixed on the wall in the corner of the room, with a set of dumbbells on the floor.

  It was like, half geek den and half frat house.

  “How many roommates you got?” Billy asked when Scott came back.

  “Just two.” Scott handed Billy his soda and sat down on the couch, close but not too close.

  Billy was acutely aware of how comfortable Scott seemed next to him though.

  “They’re actually a couple now,” Scott explained. “And they got the bigger room, but they’re cool to live with. I met them both back in college.”

  Billy took a sip of soda. “Are they graphic designers too?”

  “Oh, no.” Scott laughed awkwardly. “I was a business and accounting major, so were they.”

  “Oh,” Billy said. “You made a switch to graphic design?”

  “Yeah, I self-taught for a few years,” Scott said. “Took some online classes, too. I wasn’t happy in accounting, so I’d saved up some money from my previous job, figured I’ll try my hand at being an artist in one form or another. I’m a lot happier doing art, for sure.”

  “Cool,” Billy said, nodding in agreement. “That’s awesome you did that. I hope the art gig works out for you.”

  “Same here,” Scott said. “Although, I wouldn’t mind working in a less customer focused artistic field. I’m not really used to dealing with client demands, especially when they don’t know shit about art.”

  “That sounds reasonable.” Billy chuckled. “Customers can be a pain in the ass.” He turned the soda bottle around in his hands, wanting to ask Scott more about himself. “Uh, so, you’re the single roommate, right? I haven’t seen you on Grindr or anything?”

  “Yeah, I’m single,” Scott said quietly, “but Grindr isn’t really my scene.”

  Oh, Billy thought.

  “Uh, yeah,” he said hastily. “Me neither, really. Sometimes it’s a good way to meet people and find friends though. Um…anyway.”

  They were quiet a moment, then Scott fiddled with his phone and handed it over to Billy. “Here. This is the Japanese place I’m truly in love with. Let me know what you want to eat and I’ll make the order.”

  “Yay, food,” Billy said.

  And a perfect distraction from the awkward conversation he’d initiated.

  Billy scrolled through the menu onscreen, not recognizing any of the rice and noodle dishes but willing to try. “Any recs?”

  Scott chuckled and leaned in a little closer to Billy to see the menu and point out a couple dishes. “Recs, huh. Well, this one is good. Oh, and this one…”

  Not that Billy paid much attention because he was far too aware of Scott being so close to him.

  “Uh, yes,” he managed to say, when Scott had drawn back again. “That sounds good. Let’s go with that.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, positive.” Billy had no idea what he was saying yes to, but it didn’t really matter. He’d eat mostly anything.

  “Great! I’ll just order it.” While Scott was busy on his phone, Billy tried not to watch him while simultaneously fantasizing about this being a date. He forced himself to look around the room instead, admiring some of the movie posters on the walls.

  “Okay, all done.” Scott set his phone on the coffee table in front of them. “It won’t take long, they’re basically across the street.”

  “I think I saw the place on my way here,” Billy said.

  “They’re really good. It’s my special treat food,” Scott said with a smile.

  Billy couldn’t help smile back.

  This was a treat, then? That had to be a step up from just hanging out platonically, right?

  Scott was still smiling at him, and before Billy could blush and ruin the moment by being a dork, he grabbed his bag and pulled out his notebook and pen, and also his glasses case.

  “So, um. I came prepared,” he announced, getting his glasses out of the case and slipping them on. “Don’t laugh,” he told Scott mock-sternly.

  As he’d hoped, it made Scott laugh.

  “Wait, I have mine too!” Scott leaned over the arm of the couch, his T-shirt riding up a bit to expose a flash of flat, toned stomach. He searched for a bit before sitting back down and putting on a square set of black-rimmed frames, much like Billy’s own. “Ta-da!” Scott grinned, and now Billy laughed.

  “Sweet. So, now we’ve had our magical nerd transformations, what are we watching first?”

  Scott rubbed his hands together in glee, clearly excited. “I have like, loads, but I thought while we ate dinner, we could watch Flash Gordon, because I’m sure you’ve seen it already and we can just go over some basic ideas while it’s on.”

  “Uh, yeah.” Billy clicked his pen, and pretended to be poised to write. “My body is ready.”

  Scott did a small double-take, then made a little huff of amusement. He pointed a remote control at the enormous flat-screen, bringing it to life, and Billy watched as the screen showed the star-filled expanse of space and Emperor Ming’s voice-over filled the surround sound speakers.

  “Wow,” Billy said appreciatively, glancing about to try and locate the speakers. “This is amazing.”

  “I know, right?” Scott sounded really happy.

  “Just to warn you,” Billy turned to Scott in all seriousness, “when the theme song starts, I may sing, and it may be terrible.”

  Scott gave a hearty laugh, leaning back into the couch. “You can sing! Please, do.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t reach those high notes,” Billy sighed.

  Not anymore, anyway. Thanks, testosterone.

  “I could never reach those,” Scott said, seemingly unaware of any underlying implications.

  Billy didn’t elaborate either; he didn’t want to get into the whole thing of asking if Scott was aware he was trans, not right now. He was happy just hanging out.

  Billy watched the opening sequence unfold and tried his best to sing along, or at least mime the high notes.

  He made a valiant effort anyway.

  “Oh, the comics!” he exclaimed, hurrying to write a note in his book as pictures from the old Flash Gordon comic strips showed onscreen. “Hey,” he turned to Scott excitedly, “do you remember Defenders of the Earth?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Scott grinned. “Loved it. I have it on DVD.”

  “What!” Billy couldn’t believe it. “Oh, my God. Let’s watch it later!”


  “Now that theme I can sing,” Billy boasted. “It’s in my range, anyway.”

  “I can’t
wait,” Scott said dryly, and Billy gave him side eye, as he was starting to detect a bit of sass.

  And, damn, he really liked a bit of sass.

  “Not into singing?” Billy challenged, and took a casual sip of his soda.

  “Depends,” Scott chuckled. “Maybe after a couple beers?”

  “Got it.” Billy smiled, and went back to watching the screen.

  He started diligently taking notes, mostly on background reference and set design, but it was kind of hard to concentrate with Scott sitting right next to him.

  It was almost a relief when the food arrived twenty minutes later, delivered by a young-looking kid Scott called Yuto.

  “Enjoy your food, guys,” Yuto said, before he left.

  “Aw,” Billy murmured, as Scott brought the take-out bags over to the couch. “Delivery boys get younger every day.”

  Scott laughed. “He’s the owner’s grandson, helps out sometimes. Good kid,” Scott sat back down and opened the take-out bag. “Here’s yours.”

  “Awesome, thanks.” Billy gratefully took the enormous carton of food that smelled amazing. “What do I owe you, by the way?”

  “It’s on me, don’t worry.” Scott flashed him a smile, a shy one, as he unpacked his own food.

  “Seriously? I don’t mind, Scott. Let me give you a twenty?”

  “Really, it’s fine,” Scott told him. “You can get the next one, if you want.”

  Billy blinked in surprise.

  Scott wanted to hang out with him…multiple times?


  “Okay, yeah, that sounds good,” Billy mumbled into his pot of noodles, trying to hide his blush.

  They ate their food, and watched the movie.

  Billy wasn’t sure what possessed him to suddenly blurt out, “You know, Scott, if your hair was more blond, you could cosplay Flash, easy.”

  Scott looked at him, and Billy felt his face flame hotter than ever.

  “Uh, I mean—”

  “Easy, huh?” Scott smiled. “Is that a good thing?”

  “In what universe would it not be a good thing?” Billy replied. “Look at the man!” He gestured at the screen, where currently Flash was in peril, chained up, and in leather short-shorts. “Or…maybe don’t look at him right now,” Billy amended. “I meant more the wholesome, football player look, not the…slightly dubious, BDSM look.”


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