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Stuck in Canny Valley

Page 4

by Alden Odessa

  Before I left the bar, I took a quick look at my stats:

  H: 97 $: 4755 BR: 43 T: 31 DOM: 51 PRW: 65 STR: 12

  I managed to spend $240 bucks in this joint and still hadn’t gotten laid, but I would say that so far, everything had been a very successful test. This game had the best user interface, or at least most realistic, of any I had ever played. Hell, a better UI than I could have possibly imagined. I made a mental note to see if there was any way to actually invest in the company that made it. Once this game caught on it was going to do gangbusters. The world would never be the same.

  This shit was real. From the way the drinks tasted (and were starting to give me a buzz) to the way Sierra’s tits felt. Hell, just breathing the air in here felt real. This was incredible.

  I started to work my way through the crowd and to the front door. I walked out, tipped my head to the bouncer standing by the door and headed back out into the street.

  No sooner than I stepped out a heard a voice from beside me, beckoning me over. I looked to my left, and there, just right out in the open, was a man standing in a long coat and a fedora hat, his face slightly obscured by the rim of it.

  I pointed at myself, making sure he was talking to me. He nodded his head and waved me over. I got to him, and he looked just like an ordinary man. Not that much dissimilar from how my own avatar looked.

  “You lookin’ for company, bub,” he said. This game had a real thing for pronouns.

  “You talkin’ about—”

  “Girls. Ya need a lady?”

  Fuck yeah, it was about time. “That is exactly what I need.”

  He reached into his coat, and for a moment I got a little anxious. What if this was actually illegal in the game? What if this was an undercover cop? Worse, what if this guy had a gun? Shit, was I gonna get shot or robbed?

  My fear abated as soon as I saw him pull a tablet out of his jacket and turned it on. On the screen were digital boxes with girls in them.

  “See any you like?” he said and then handed me the tablet.

  I saw about ten, just on the first page. It started lowest to highest, price wise. I looked over each girl, the first one was short, small breasts and a little pudgy. She was cute though, and she was honestly just normal. Looked like a normal woman that I may have worked with. Or hell, normal like I might be married to! I didn’t go through all of this for normal though, I was looking for something extraordinary! I made a note of the price of that first girl, $400.

  Not too bad.

  I could just jump into this game, find this dude and bang a pretty decent woman for four hundred credits. That’s not bad. I scrolled through, and the women got better and better as I went. The prices also made pretty big jumps. By the end of the first screen, I was staring at a good-looking brunette, with big boobs and a round ass. She was $1000. I looked over at her description where it listed her stats.

  Face: 6

  Breasts: 6

  Butt: 7

  Sex: 5

  Wow, you gotta love those stats. Next to it was more description:

  STRENGTHS: Oral, Pillow Talk


  How the fuck were you bad at anal? Honestly, I didn’t want to find out. I noticed there was another screen, so I slid my hand across the tablet and went to the next page. The girls here were even better and then I saw her. It was the first girl. The one for the welcome screen, the one that almost made me come just from looking at her. I tapped on her stats.

  Face: 8

  Breasts: 9

  Butt: 9

  Sex: 9

  And then her descriptions:

  STRENGTHS: Oral, Aggressiveness, Anal, Vaginal, Pillow Talk

  WEAKNESSES: Expensive

  Uh-oh, I hadn’t even looked at the price. I looked down at it, $2000. Whew, that was a lot, it would take almost half of my credits. I’m not exactly in my right frame of mind right now, and would honestly do just about anything to get my rocks off, especially with the girl from the welcome video.

  “That one,” I said, without hesitation.

  “Excellent choice, my man,” he said. “Just click the purchase button.”

  I did as he instructed. And as soon as I did, there was a red flash in the corner of my eye as two thousand credits were deducted from my bank. Whatever, worst case scenario I'd just buy more credits later. For now, I had one thing on my mind, financial consequences be damned!

  I handed the tablet back to him, and he put it back into his jacket. He then reached into a different pocket and pulled out a card. He handed it to me, and it read:

  The Reference

  Room 790

  “What’s this,” I asked, and before the words even left my mouth, I knew the answer and was already embarrassed for being such a noob.

  “Hotel Room, Ronette is waiting.”

  “Where is The Reference?” I asked, again, showing my newness to this.

  He turned and pointed across the street. I had been standing right beside it earlier. It was a tall, blue, green and pink neon-lit building. The market I had gotten the orange from earlier was on the first floor. I had ended up doing more work than I had needed to get at my final destination, but oh well, all’s well that ends well I guess. I looked to thank the man that I had just purchased from, but he was gone already. Leaving nothing to remember him by but a white card that had the name and room number of my date for this evening.

  I didn’t even hesitate. I put the card into my front pocket and jogged across the street to The Reference.


  No More Foreplay

  The Reference was an upscale hotel. Though I must admit, this was the first hotel that I had been in in the game, so I didn’t have anything to compare it to. That being said, if this were in my own world, it would be considered pretty posh.

  I walked into the lobby and glanced around. It was an upscale crowd, but again, I haven’t spent much time in the world, so I don’t know how to define things. The men were dressed in suits and the women in nice dresses. Their dress ranged from an evening at the opera to high school prom to dinner party, make of this description what you will!

  The furniture in the lobby was quite lush. Soft, velvety fabric on all of the tuft-buttoned couches and high wingback chairs sat on top of ornate rugs, all standing in front of the deep brown wood and gold of a classically styled hotel lobby desk.

  It all looked like it stepped out of The Great Gatsby.

  I reached into my front pocket and pulled out the white card. Room 790. I could only assume this would be on the seventh floor, so I wasted no time in finding an elevator.

  Once I did, I had to take a moment to appreciate the design of the hotel lobby. I hate to sound like a stuck record here, but the production design of this game was truly top-notch. It had a Future-past feel to it. The lobby felt rather art-deco, but it had all the modern amenities of the future. Prostitution by tablet but yet the elevator had an old-fashioned lever ran by an attendant.

  The carpet that I walked on was soft as a cloud, and I could actually smell the wood oil from the pillars and trim of the lobby. I was anxious to find out what the rooms were like, even though; there was a good chance that I wouldn’t even think to look until after my rendezvous with Ronette.

  I stepped off the elevator on the seventh floor. Plush carpeting all down the hallways, red and white which mixed nicely with the dark wood of the trim on the walls. The walls themselves were a light shade of tan that appeared darker than it was simply because the hallway was lit with warm candlelight. Turned out to be faux candlelight as the lantern sconces that adorned the walls were illuminated with LED bulbs.

  It still gave it an old-time feel without the open flame danger.

  I was looking ahead, and the room number in front of me was 701. It seems like I had a bit of a trek in front of me. I walked to my left as I noticed that the numbers went in ascending order. My heart was starting to race, not because of all the walking I had done, but just out of sheer anticipation. I hadn’t g
iven my own health any thought so far. I wasn’t exactly in ideal health, but so far, no amount of physical exertion had seemed to affect me. I didn’t know if that was the design of the game or a particular attribute of my character specifically. I hadn’t ‘opened this baby up’ yet to see what she could do, so I didn’t even know if I could run out of breath. When you consider the most physically taxing thing I had done so far was get an aggressive lap dance, I really had no idea what kind of shape I was in, inside the game.

  I just assumed that I had the ability to run until my heart was content and leave it at that. Again, it wasn’t the brisk pace I was walking that was causing my heart to jump in my chest. It was Ronette.

  Ronette, the girl from the opening tutorial. I couldn’t believe I was finally going to get to see her again. I say finally as if this had been some sort of grand quest. I’d eaten an orange, smoked a cigarette, drank some whiskey and gotten a lap dance. Didn’t exactly have to slay a monster to get here! Not to mention I had only been inside the game for an hour, tops.

  Either way, I was looking forward to it, as I should, having spent two grand on sleeping with her.

  Maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up. I’ve been building this moment up in my mind for months, ever since I put down money for the crowdfunding of the game. There was no way that the game was going to meet my expectations, but for this very moment at least I still had hope.

  I reached Room 790 after what felt like an hour-long search (ten minutes at the max) and wondered what I should do. Should I knock? Is that what was customary? Do I try to open it? Is it locked?

  I decided to knock, and then my choice was made for me. As I knocked on the door, it opened on its own. It opened wide, even though I had barely tapped it.

  I saw the room. The design was similar to everything that had come before. On the other side of the room, in front of a wide picture window overlooking the rest of the city, was a bed.

  When I saw what was on it, I knew that the months of anticipation had been worth it and I was not going to be disappointed.

  She was on top of the covers, completely naked.

  She was laying on her stomach; she had her hands under her chin, bent at the elbows, she was looking right at me. I walked into the room, and she smiled at me.

  “Good to see you again,” she said. Was it possible she remembered me from the opening tutorial or was this just part of the gameplay? Did the program automatically set this up, knowing a player would pick her? Hell, of a behavioral study they had going on here.


  “Just call me Ronnie,” she said, her voice even better in real life—or whatever this was.

  I felt something kick in, inside of me. Either my prowess or my dominance. “Greetings Ronnie, my name is Buster,” I said with complete confidence as I took off my jacket and started to unbutton my shirt. “Are you ready to get fucked?” Who was I right now?

  Oh yeah, Buster Rockknocker. I could get to like this.

  She sat up and rolled into a sitting position, all in one fluid motion. She leans back on her arms, fully exposing her magnificent tits, just as perfect, more so, than they had been the first time I saw her. She was sitting on her butt on the bed with her knees in the air and then she parted them. I could see that gorgeous shaved pussy that I had only glimpsed in the opening tutorial.

  “I was hoping you would ask,” she said.

  I took off my shirt and then undid my belt and trousers. I pulled them off and threw them on the floor, the only thing that was left was my boxer briefs that now seemed to fit a little snugger.

  I had a brief moment of hesitation. With the exception of pulling my dick out in the alley, I still hadn’t really seen what I was going to be working with. I knew when I took off my underwear I was going to be fully hard. I was so ready for this.

  I pulled down my underwear, and even though I didn’t want to take my eyes off of her, I wanted to see what Buster Rockknocker had to offer. I looked down and the first thing that I noticed, oddly enough, was that I wasn’t looking over something. For years I’ve been looking over my fat gut to see my dick. I don’t remember the last time I looked down, and the first thing I saw was my dick. But that’s what happened this time.

  Sticking out from beneath my flat, six-pack abs, was a damn fine-looking erection, if I don’t say so myself. I certainly didn’t have time to measure, but it looked about ten to eleven inches, and thick and smooth. It was a good-looking dick. I stopped admiring myself as quickly as I could because the last thing you want to do in a situation like this is get caught admiring your own dick.

  When I looked at her, our eyes didn’t meet. I wasn’t the only one that was admiring my dick. If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it, but she actually licked her lips. Without even looking at my face she took her hand and put it in her crotch and started touching herself. She bit her lip and said, “I have to suck that cock.”

  Always being a man who considered himself thoughtful of other people's wants, I walked to the edge of the bed. She quickly scooted to the edge herself and didn’t hesitate. She took my dick in her hand and then slid it into her mouth.

  It felt amazing.

  This was the moment I had been waiting for, the promise of a true to life sexual experience. This game was everything it promised and more. This was more than just a true-life experience; it was better. This was better than the real thing. This game wasn’t selling something real, it was selling a fantasy, and it did a fantastic job of it.

  She put her hands on my hips and sucked back and forth on my shaft, getting well over half of it in her mouth. She didn’t put it all in, and I couldn’t blame her, this was a pretty big weapon I was packing. She hummed as she did it, almost getting off on it as she bobbed up and down on my dick.

  She stopped sucking it and took her hand and grabbed it towards the bottom. She took my dick and started beating her own face with it. “I love your cock so much,” she said with her eyes closed, just hitting her lips and cheek with my shaft. She started stroking it and opened her eyes, looking right at me. “Please fuck me with this.”

  Again, always a people pleaser, I took my hands and reached under her armpits and lifted her up. I looked at her for a second. She hadn’t let go of my cock; she was still stroking it, she got closer to me so that she could rub the head of my cock on her clit. I just wanted to look at her for a moment. I took my hands and squeezed her tits together. They were huge and soft without even a hint of sag. I rubbed her tits and then leaned my head down to suck on her nipple. I bit it with my teeth, and she let out a sigh of pleasure, continuing to stroke my cock into her pussy.

  “Please fuck me,” she said, almost in a whisper.

  I stood back half a step and turned her around and then bent her over the bed. I didn’t even pause; I had been waiting long enough for this. I slid my dick into her, and she let out a loud groan. “Oh, it’s so good,” she said. I didn’t slowly work it all the way in; I went right for it, balls deep. “So big,” she groaned.

  I wasn’t here for romance; I wasn’t here for games. I was here to fuck, and I thrust into her harder and harder. She started to squeal with each thrust, repeating the words “Fuck me, fuck me,” over and over again. I started going harder; I pumped and pumped. I would have been out of breath already in my real body, but in this one, I was able to pump her like a fire engine. No matter how hard I went, she just kept telling me, “Harder! Harder!”

  I did, I kept going, as hard and as fast as I could. It felt phenomenal, every stroke getting me closer and closer to climax. I almost wanted to slow down, make it last, but she kept screaming and slamming her ass back into my groin. I was repeatedly coming a little more than halfway out of her before slamming it in, giving her at least seven inches of thrust and massive girth with each one. She wanted more and more; she couldn’t get enough.

  “I’m gonna come in your pussy,” I said before I even thought it.

  “Come in my pussy, motherfucker. Come
in my pussy!”

  “I’m gonna come.”

  “Give me that come in my pussy!”

  I thrust harder and harder; I was almost there, I was finally going to come in the game, this was worth every red cent! It was going to be a massive load; I could feel it rising. I grabbed onto her ass and squeezed, digging my nails into her cheeks.

  “Give me that come in my pussy! Give me that come!”

  I let go of myself, I felt otherworldly. Felt like I was floating into the air on some sort of wave of euphoria. I leaned back, taking my dick all the way to where the tip of it was just barely inside of her pussy. I could see the ridge on her lips. I then, slowly, pushed forward, and a wave of come came shooting out of my dick, and she screamed as I shot my load inside of her. She shook with every blast and groaned with approval. Until finally the last blast of come shot into her, and I leaned back and let my dick fall out of her.

  I was light headed all of a sudden. I used her ass to hold myself up. She reached back and took my hands as she turned around and sat on the edge of the bed. She put my hands on her shoulders and looked at my dick. She took both hands and wrapped one firmly around the base of my cock, and then with the other one, she stroked the length of me forward. She put her mouth around the tip of my dick and sucked on it while pulling the last strands of come out of me.

  Wow, what a woman. My only thoughts on the whole occasion were: What’s a ten-level sex like?

  She stopped sucking but still held on to my dick. With her tongue, she licked the ridge of the head of my cock. It was almost painful to my post ejaculation erection.


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