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Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack Book 2)

Page 9

by Tara Lain

  Oh God, forget thinking!

  Seth wrapped his arms around that slim body. Instant recognition. All hard muscle under that leather jacket and enough body heat to melt igloos. He yanked hard and Lindsey pressed against him. Perfect height. Cock to cock, and that cock saying howdy was one impressive beast. Did he have a sock in there? Man, a hard, throbbing sock.

  Lindsey’s tongue explored his mouth and then set up a deep fucking motion. Crazy-making. Their hips rubbed together like cats in a bag. Meeeow. But the noises coming from Lindsey’s throat were no cat. More like a big dog, low and rumbling.

  Suddenly, Lindsey pulled back and stared at Seth. He reached a hand in his pocket—a wonder there was any space in there what with King Kong—and pulled out his car key. “Want to drive?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  He pressed the key into Seth’s hand and pushed the closed hand against his own swollen dick. “Drive, big guy.”

  Whoa. Lindsey hurried around to the passenger side and got in. Seth slipped into the driver’s seat. Perfect setting. They both had long legs. The idea of driving the car was nearly as exciting as kissing Lindsey. He slipped in the key and turned on the Roadster. Silent. Some whirring and pinging but no engine sound. He put it in reverse and eased out of the parking space, the car still eerily quiet. When they got to the exit onto the road, he checked for oncoming headlights. Nothing. This area was pretty rural, so only cars coming to the club were likely to show up. “Left?”

  “Any way you want. I’ve got all night.”

  “Much as I love the opportunity, I don’t want to waste time driving.” He cocked a grin at Lindsey in the dark car.

  “Don’t worry. You won’t. Drive.”

  “Okay.” He hit the accelerator. Holy shit. Instant speed. No rumble, no roar, no lag or leaping ahead. Just zero to infinity with a touch. “Wow. This is freaky!”

  “Fun, isn’t it?”

  “Give me directions.”

  “Okay. Pull down your fly.”

  “What?” He glanced over, but Lindsey’s face was not smiling—intense, actually.

  “You want directions? You got them. Pull out your cock!”

  He swallowed but reached down and pulled the zipper on his very crowded trousers. This sounded promising.

  “Get it out!”

  “Okay, okay.” He reached in, grabbed his leaking rod, and pulled it from its prison. Man, just rubbing on his briefs was almost too much. That was one sensitive cock. The thing stuck up out of his fly like a puppet.

  “Pull the balls out too. I like balls.”

  Seth chuckled. “Your wish is my command.” He flopped his balls out of the fly. They were already so tight they barely bobbled.

  “Very, very pretty. Definitely Connecticut’s finest. Can I lick them?”

  “Shit, feel free.”

  “Drive carefully. Keep your eyes on the road.” Lindsey laughed.

  Only a small space and a brake lever separated the two seats. Lindsey leaned over, insinuated his head into Seth’s lap, and breathed. Oh man, hot breath warmed the tip of his dick.

  “He seems glad to see me.”

  Seth could barely breathe, much less talk.

  Lindsey swallowed the thing whole. Sheeee-it! Heat flashed through Seth’s balls and up his spine like he’d been shot. The car swerved. Damn. He gripped the wheel and slowed down.

  Lindsey’s lips popped off. “This is your driver training course. All gay cops must drive while receiving head.” He shoved Seth’s dick back in his mouth and sucked.

  Oh God. His hips bobbed. Fuck. Fuck. His knuckles on the wheel were white, but he didn’t want to give up and stop. The speed and sucking went together like peanut butter and jelly. The quiet in the car was punctuated by low growling sounds coming from the suckfest in his lap. What was up with the guy? But man, the sounds were right on the money. He felt like a fucking animal.

  His balls tightened further and tingling tickled at the base of his spine. “Lindsey, I’m going to come. I gotta stop. I’ll wreck the car.”

  That got his attention. He popped his mouth off Seth’s dick. Damn, but it backed off the explosion. Lindsey sat up and looked around. His usually musical voice sounded all low and growly. “Don’t come and don’t wreck the car. Pull over on the side road.” He pointed to a small packed-dirt road that wove through some trees.

  “You want me to pull this car onto that road?” His wet cock was freezing but still as hard as steel.

  “Do it.”

  He turned the wheel, and the little sports car changed direction so fast, he almost missed the road. Correcting, he bumped a few yards until shadow from the trees darkened the night completely.

  “Stop here and get out.”

  He braked, hit park, and looked at Lindsey. “What? It’s cold.”

  Lindsey didn’t answer, just opened his door and got out. “Hurry.”

  Hell, for more of what Lindsey offered, he’d go naked in Nome. He opened the door, crawled out of the car, and the cold air hit his naked cock. “I’m shrinking over here.”

  “We can correct that.” Still raspy voiced, Lindsey circled the car fast and came nose to nose with Seth. “How’d you like to get fucked?”

  Seth stood his ground. “I’m the fucker, not the fuckee.”

  “I like to top.” That was a full-on growl. Where the hell was that coming from?

  “You’re not big enough, pretty boy!” Ho-ly shit! He barely saw Lindsey move, but suddenly he twirled in space and got pushed against the car with his arm twisted up his back. It didn’t hurt, but it revved his dick into outer space. The guy was strong!

  He relaxed his bicep and went limp against the car. Lindsey kept hold of his arm, but used his other hand to unfasten the button on Seth’s pants and pull them down over his bouncing cock. The pants slid around his calves. Yeah, his cock had relaxed in the cold, but nothing got Seth hotter than a play of dominance, and his dick could now hammer nails. Who’d have thought this prissy guy had it in him?

  Lindsey’s grip relaxed. Now! Seth pulled Lindsey off balance, twisted him in front of his body, and gave him his turn reclining against the car. He stared down into that pretty face. Wow. The blue eyes glowed almost silver and Lindsey’s full lips pulled back, baring his teeth. Seth laughed. “Don’t growl at me, puppy.” He slammed his mouth over Lindsey’s. Just that fast, Lindsey’s teeth closed over his bottom lip. Shit. Seth froze. Sharp.

  Lindsey seemed to be toying on the edge of a bite, grinding his teeth back and forth across the sensitive tissue. Seth’s cock throbbed. Man, he loved this shit. He shot out his hand and grabbed Lindsey’s balls through his pants. Oooh. That felt good. He squeezed about as hard as Lindsey bit. Lindsey tightened his teeth just a fraction and Seth did the same with his hand. Standoff.

  Suddenly, Lindsey grabbed Seth’s head, hands wrapping tightly in his curls. Holding on with an iron grip, he released Seth’s lip and sank his tongue deep, deep into Seth’s mouth. Oh God, delicious. Seth let go too and pulled the man close. His trousers still bunched around his legs, hobbling him, and his cock bounced free. It rubbed against Lindsey’s trousers just enough to drive him crazy. More, he needed more. He ripped his head away and gasped. “Need more.”

  Wham! His feet twisted, his body turned, and he slammed face-first against the car. That rumbly voice tickled his ear. “Up against the car and spread ’em, cop.”

  Oh shit. A steamy hand grabbed his cock and started pumping. Relief. It wanted relief. Lindsey’s weight pressed against his back, all hot and hard as his hand cranked. “Give up and get fucked.”

  It wasn’t a question. “Yeah, yeah, anything. Just do it.”

  The weight went away. Seth gasped for breath. Before he could look over his shoulder, a hand pressed against his back and cold, wet fingers started probing his ass. “Yes!” He arched his back and pushed his butt up. “Get those motherfuckers in there.”

  “Oh, so we want it now.”

  “Shut up and fuck me before I arrest you for t

  Lindsey chuckled and shoved what had to be two fingers into Seth’s ass.

  “Not enough. More.”

  A third finger went in.

  “That all you’ve got?”

  “Not by half, big guy.”

  That sounded promising.

  The hand on his back went away and he heard a zip. The fingers pulled out of his ass. It was Seth’s turn to snarl. “You better have something impressive in mind.”

  “How’s this?”

  Oh crap. Something huge pressed between his cheeks and butted up against his hole. He’d asked for it. “You got a condom on that thing?”

  “Of course.”

  “Where did a dainty little thing like you get a monster like that?”


  “Your father some kind of horse?”

  “Yeah, I’m a centaur. You ready?”

  “More than, baby.”

  Lindsey pushed. “Harder.” Lindsey obeyed. Crap. The thing stretched his hole but couldn’t get past the tight ring of muscle. “Harder. I’m dyin’ here.”

  “You don’t bottom much.”

  “What was it about ‘I like to top’ you didn’t understand?”

  “You’re going to like this.”

  Lindsey grunted, growled, and shoved hard. Pain! Lights flashed behind Seth’s eyelids as that huge dick thrust past the obstacle and into his hole. “Shit! That’s trauma from a blunt instrument.”

  Lindsey’s body pressed tight against his back and the wrap-around hand grabbed Seth’s cock. “Gonna fuck you until you can’t stand up.”

  “You’re halfway there.” Lindsey pressed in deep and then pulled out. Seth gasped. “Hell, standing is overrated.” He pushed back and took the whole length until Lindsey’s bull balls bobbed against his ass. In deep and out. Bam. Sparkles turned to firecrackers. Right on the prostate. Yes! Jesus, it had been so long since he’d bottomed, he’d forgotten how great it was.

  The deep growling vibrated through his back. Lindsey’s hand felt like steel in velvet as he cranked faster and faster. Their hips slapped together, and shudders of perfect pleasure ripped through Seth’s balls. “Gonna come soon.’

  “Good. You’re so tight. I’m not going to have any skin left on my cock.”

  “Shit. You wanted to fuck me.”

  Lindsey breathed into his ear. “I never want to stop fucking you. They’ll find our skeletons beside the road, still fucking.”

  “Bet that’ll confuse the cops. She-it!” Lindsey picked up the pace, and Seth’s whole brain squeezed into his balls.

  What was that? Ow. Did Lindsey just bite his neck? Holy crap! Yes!

  Hot, boiling, red, black, fire, fuck! His cock sang and balls bubbled. Couldn’t last, gonna blow. “Holy crap! Jesus!” Hot spurts of spunk shot from his dick and hit the side of the car. Shot one. Head exploded. Shot two. Body followed. Everything shook like he had a disease. Yeah, the Lindsey disease.

  Against his back, Lindsey’s hips stuttered, froze, and his whole body started to shake. His fingers dug into Seth’s ass, hard and sharp. It hurt so good. Strange moaning sounds filled the night, like some kind of animal. Weird. Seth blew out his breath. Hell, Lindsey could howl at the fucking moon if he’d keep on giving Seth that kind of orgasm.

  Finally, Lindsey collapsed over Seth’s back, breathing hard, and the sharp fingers softened. Against his ass, the monster cock felt at least partly tamed.

  Seth chuckled. “I sure hope the paint on this car was tested against semen.”

  Lindsey just breathed.

  “You okay?”

  Seth felt the man’s head nod.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, darling, I’m sure.”

  “Ah, now I know you’re okay.”

  They both laughed, and it felt funny against his back.

  Lindsey took a deep breath and stood up, his cock dangling. He couldn’t walk far because his pants drooped around his calves. He bent over, pulled his handkerchief out of his bunched-up pocket, and wiped the dripping tip of his dick. Was he okay? No one was dead. That spelled success. How much the cop knew or suspected from Lindsey’s behavior, he couldn’t guess. Time would tell.

  He smiled. Fuck, it had been so worth it. He didn’t care if he got locked up in a research lab. Sex with Seth Zakowsky had been like Christmas and Halloween. He looked at the bare butt still draped over the car. “You asleep over there, darling?”


  He laughed. Maybe he’d been wrong about nobody getting killed. Gently, he took Seth’s arm and helped him straighten up. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  “Now you think of that? After you tear me in two with King Kong the Cock.”

  Oh dear. “Really, did I hurt you?”

  Seth flashed the half grin. “Fuck no. That is not an experience I would trade.”

  “Me either.” He smiled softly.

  Seth slid a finger under Lindsey’s chin and tilted his head up. The trickle of light from the moon warmed one side of the man’s face just enough to see the soft look in his eyes. “Really? I’m a pretty rough-around-the-edges guy for someone like you.”

  Might as well not ignore the wolf in the room. “Sweetheart, were you just here? I don’t exactly like my sex on Limoges china.”

  He chuckled. “I did notice a certain, uh, aggressive tendency. Shocked the hell out of me.”

  “Not in a bad way, I hope.”

  Seth took hold of Lindsey’s arms. They had to look pretty funny—two big men standing with their pants around their knees. But the expression on that man’s face outdid any romance novel. “I’d say for me, it was just about perfect.”

  Well, damn. No chance words were getting out of his mouth. He pressed his lips gently against Seth’s and got an equally gentle response. When he pulled back, he blinked. “Thank you.” He pulled his lavender neck scarf off, knelt, and wiped Seth’s cock with it. The nicely sized appendage looked happy and relaxed. He pulled up Seth’s briefs and then his pants, tucked in his shirt, and carefully fastened his fly and belt. He looked up. “Good as new.”

  “Better. Much better.”

  Lindsey stood and pulled his own pants up with him. After a little tucking and fussing, he stood in front of Seth, who gave him the once-over. “A sartorial masterpiece. No one would ever know you like to roll in the dirt.” He cocked that smile.

  “I can provide far more pristine surroundings if you’d like to come home with me.” His heart beat fast.

  Seth ran a hand across Lindsey’s hair. “I can’t tell you how much I’d like to. But I have to go home, change, and go on duty. I won’t be off until midday tomorrow. Will your sheets still be pristine by then?” What a cute grin.

  Thank you, heaven. Seth wanted to see him again. “Tomorrow afternoon, I’m picking Jazz up at school and taking him out to the stables to meet the ponies. I expect that to be followed by a gourmet meal of hamburgers and fries. Care to join us?”

  “Hey, I really like that kid. I’d say yes even if I wasn’t hoping for some more action later.” He laughed but wrapped his arms around his middle.

  Oops. Forgot the human gets cold. “Let’s get in the car.”

  Lindsey opened the passenger door and stepped back. Seth shook his head. “Unh-uh. No way, baby. After this scene, I need to be in the driver’s seat somewhere.” He tossed the car key up in the air and caught it, then laughed as he walked around to the driver’s side.


  “Yeah, I agree.” Lindsey smiled and leaned back against the wall behind the bench he sat on.

  Jasper ran a hand over the nose of the bay pony. Of course, pony only referred to its agility. The horse stood over sixteen hands high, chosen because Lindsey was tall. Jazz pressed his cheek against the horse’s soft muzzle. “I like this one best.”

  “Chiron is a very good pony. Responsive and strong. The best of the best.”

  “Thank you so much for bringing me, Linds. This is the greatest thing ever.”r />
  “Maybe you’d like to start riding lessons?

  The boy’s mouth literally dropped open. He closed it, then tried to talk. “Are you kidding?”

  “No, not at all. They give lessons here at the club. You can learn to ride and, if you like it, go on to learn polo. It will be good for your developing musculature and coordination as well.” He smiled and pointed toward the big horse that was nudging Jazz’s hand for more petting. “Plus, I think you’re a natural with the ponies.”

  “I-I could work in the stables to help pay my way.”

  “Actually, that would be great experience. I won’t always be able to drive you, since I work pretty long hours.”

  “Oh no, I can take the bus—”

  “No, no, I have a driver who I’ll send for you.”

  The kid flopped down in the straw next to Chiron. “Wow. I mean, awesome.”

  “You might not want to sit on the straw, darling. You don’t know where it’s been.” He laughed.

  Jazz shook his head. “You’re so funny. I can’t even imagine that I can ever thank you. Man, what a gift.”

  Lindsey shrugged. “I have a lot of money. I give a pile of it away to charities and such, but I seldom meet anyone who that money helps. This is a treat for me.”

  Jazz shook his head and looked down at his hands. “Not as much as for me.” He slipped a hand up and surreptitiously wiped at his cheek. Chiron leaned over and nudged his back. Jazz laughed. “Hey, boy, I get to see you more times. Man, that is so cool.” He stroked the horse’s nose. “Why’s he called Chiron?”

  “The one immortal centaur. Chiron was wise, not violent and drunken like many centaurs. He tutored Achilles and many other great heroes.”

  “Heroes like you?”

  Lindsey placed a hand on his chest. “Oh my, I’m no hero. But yes, Chiron tutors me every time I see him.”

  “Hey, he’s a smart horse. Funny, when I first met you guys, I told Seth that you and Chiron together were like that centaur in Harry Potter.”

  “Did I hear my name?” Seth’s head poked into the stall.


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