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Alpha's Moon: A special forces shifter romance

Page 9

by Renee Rose

“So that’s settled,” I say a few hours later, as we turn into the resort entrance. “That’s our story. We just stick to it, and it’ll be fine.” But when we pull up to the lodge, I feel my face stiffening into a frozen smile. There are tons of fancy cars being valeted—Porsches, Land Rovers, even a Maserati. Big money, fast cars, people in expensive clothes drinking too much and pretending they’re important—this is my dad’s world. He’d be rubbing his hands together at all the potential business contacts. He’d see this wedding as a networking event.

  Scott definitely will be working the crowd while he’s here. I can almost hear him lecturing me on how to behave, so he can make a good impression. My shoulders rise towards my ears, stiffening in defense at the memory.

  Scott wanted a Stepford Wife and made it clear I couldn’t quite fit the part. I was always a little off, too honest, too quirky, too much of myself. He and my dad always tried to iron out the lumps in my personality. They squashed me down, but I could never lie flat.

  Like a doormat.

  I yank open the door and jump out of the wagon before Deke can come around and let me out.

  “Relax,” he takes my hand, his big one enveloping mine. “It’s gonna be okay.”

  “Of course,” I say, but my calm is as fake as our relationship.


  I’m not sure the last time I felt so light. Sadie makes me laugh. She’s fucking adorable.

  The resort is set in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristos. I might be able to slip away and go for a run, maybe. Work some of this pent-up lust out of my system. I’d love to run now, but Sadie’s too keyed up, and it’s making all my protective instincts surge out of control. Which is a recipe for disaster.

  Lance was right. If Sears even comes near her, I could lose it.

  And that kill wouldn’t be one I’d survive. Rafe would have to put me down for good.

  I put a protective arm around her as we cross the lobby. She leans into me almost unconsciously. Win. By the time we get to the front desk, she’s smiling again, a genuine smile, not that pinched awful thing that clashed with the anxiety in her scent.

  My presence seems to help her tension. Maybe I can try other ways to relax her. If she'll let me. I need to think of this as a job. I’m here with a mission—be Sadie’s fake date. Protect her from her ex. I’m not here to mate her, despite what my wolf seems to think.

  “We’ll need to add an extra room,” she tells the front desk person. “I called about it earlier.”

  “I’m sorry miss, we’re at 100 percent occupancy.” The front desk guy eyes me, and I tighten my hold on Sadie’s shoulder.

  Sadie shoots me a glance. “But when I called that’s not what you said.”

  I keep quiet as Sadie and the resort receptionist try to figure it out. My wolf is fist-pumping the whole time. He doesn’t mind sharing a room, a bed. Hell, he was looking forward to it. But he’s not the one who has to hold back. To try not to claim Sadie the second I get her alone. Sink my teeth in that sweet-scented flesh of hers and permanently mark her as mine.

  “Deke, I’m sorry.” Sadie turns to me, chewing her lip. “There’s only one room.“

  “Babe. It’ll be fine.” I say and run my thumb over that worried lower lip. Her pupils dilate and arousal flares in her scent. “We’ll work it out,” I promise.

  I’ll give you a workout. My dick is stiff in my jeans.

  “Besides, isn’t this good? People won’t wonder about the status of our relationship. They’ll believe… we’re together.” I swallow what I was about to say. They’ll know you’re mine. My wolf wants to howl the news until the lodge rafters shake. I’m going to have to work hard to keep him in check. Especially if we’re sleeping in the same room together.

  “You’re right. This is good. It’s fine. It’s all fine.”

  I make a light circle on her lower back with my palm as she convinces herself. I hate seeing her agitated. She sighs and turns into me, and my arms shoot around her like I was made to hug her. I grit my teeth and hope my dick doesn’t skewer her belly. But when Sadie melts against me it’s all worth it.

  “Feel better?” I murmur into her hair.

  “Yes. Thank you.” She smiles up at me, and fuck if I don’t want to kiss her here, now, in front of everyone. Trouble is, I wouldn't stop with a kiss.

  “Sadie,” I murmur, and then my muscles stiffen as I get whiff of Douchebag Cologne. Or whatever gag-awful scent Sadie’s ex is wearing. I look over Sadie’s head and sure enough, there’s Scott Sears swaggering in his preppy clothes.

  Part of me wants to throw Sadie over my shoulder and race up the stairs to our room. The other part of me wants to throw Scott out of the lodge. He’s wearing hiking boots that look expensive but never worn. Not a speck of mud on them. How long would this douchebag actually survive on a wilderness trek? My wolf wants to chase him down the mountain and find out.

  “Incoming,” I whisper into Sadie’s ear. “Hold tight to me.”

  Sadie’s brows knit together in confusion, but she clings tighter, with her arm around my middle. I tuck her right to my side, under my arm, and damn if she doesn’t fit perfectly. Then she sees who I’m talking about.

  “Oh,” she breathes.

  “You got this.” I nuzzle her head.

  “Sadie?” Scott spots us by the front desk. His gaze bounces from me to her. Emotions flit over his face in comical progression—surprise, annoyance, anger—and settle on fake happy. “It’s so good to see you here.” He sounds smooth and casual, but he doesn’t look at me, and his scent stays angry.

  “Yeah, I took the day off work. Deke drove us down.” She turns further into my body and puts her hand on my chest, giving me a little smile that I can’t help but return. “We had such a great road trip. He made it perfect.”

  Scott looks like he got a whiff of roadkill. His fake smile slips a little bit.

  “Thanks, babe.” I squeeze her close and dip my head to breathe in her sweet scent. She’s totally sincere. She looks back at Scott, though, and her scent changes. I think she feels a little bad for Scott.

  “I hope this won’t be too awkward for us,” Sadie says.

  “No, no,” Scott forces out. “I’m actually seeing someone now. She’s a model. She’s going to try to get away to meet me here.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful,” Sadie says. Not a whiff of jealousy in her scent. Just relief.

  Scott, however, is lying. He pulls out his phone and waves it. “I, uh, gotta take this,” he says, even though his phone is not ringing. “See you tonight?”

  “Yes.” Sadie waves, and I steer her towards the grand staircase. The bellhop already took our bags to our room.

  As we ascend, I look back down at Scott. He’s ducked in the corner, hunched and on the phone, probably phoning an escort service to see if he can drum up a weekend date. Heh.

  Score one for the fucked up werewolf.

  Chapter 8


  Our room is bright and spacious, with a view of the mountains, which sprawl just outside. I’m relieved. I might be able to hike far enough out to shift and run to take the edge off. Tight quarters and too many humans make me antsy. Not to mention the sexual tension.

  Even as I think about leaving for a run, though, my wolf resists.

  Like he’s not willing to leave Sadie’s side, even for a minute. The urge to protect her is overwhelming.

  I stand at the window while Sadie moves around, unpacking. For such a small person, Sadie takes up ten times as much space as you’d expect her to. It’s her scent, her sunny energy and her smile. The rest is clothes. She brought a lot of clothes for a four day trip.

  “That went well.” She bustles back and forth between the bathroom and the bedroom, spreading her stuff everywhere. Good thing the room is big. There’s a nice king bed made of rustic logs that should be sturdy enough to take what I’m capable of dishing out.

  I shake my head to dismiss that thought. We’re in the same room, but I’m going to be a gentl
eman. I’ll sleep on the floor.

  Unless she makes the first move, my wolf counters.

  “I think we should be fine this weekend. Scott should leave me alone with you here.”

  “He better,” I grunt. I hate hearing his name on her lips. He doesn’t deserve her time and attention. Neither do I, I remind myself.

  Sadie wrinkles her nose. “Do you think he really has a new girlfriend?”

  “Nope.” I turn from the window and uncross my arms, so I look less intimidating.

  Sadie’s lips quirk, and her eyes dance with amusement. “You think he was lying?”

  She’s so trusting, it’s cute. Except that dickbags like Scott take advantage of her. I give her a soft look. “Babe.”

  “Oh. I guess it couldn’t be that easy.” She gnaws her lip again.

  A knock sounds on the door. “Room service,” a helpful voice trills outside.

  Even though it’s probably not a danger, I stride to the door before Sadie can get there, my need to play bodyguard raging.

  “Sadie Diaz?” The lady’s brows shoot up when her gaze meets my chest and then has to rise to find my face.

  “Yes,” Sadie calls from behind me.

  The woman uncovers a tray of fresh chocolate strawberries. There’s a note with them. “From your secret admirer,” she gushes, winking at me like I sent them.

  Dammit. The thought hadn’t occurred to me. I’m not sure I even knew that was a thing until this moment. But Sadie sure as hell deserves them, even if they are from her dickwad ex.

  “Oh,” Sadie says without much enthusiasm. She shoots me an apologetic look. “Great.”

  I take the tray and shut the door.

  Sadie opens the card. “Enjoy your stay. Let’s talk soon,” she reads the note aloud.

  I try to keep from growling out loud.

  “Yuck. This is so like Scott. He doesn’t stalk in ordinary ways. He throws his money around and puts apps on my phone and then just won’t leave me alone even though I have you here. I’m obviously with you, but he has to prove he’s the bigger man with a bigger bank account or something—”

  “Huh. He’s pretty brave. Does he think I won’t rip his arms off for moving in on my fake girlfriend?”

  Sadie lets out a soft laugh, the awkward tension leaving her.

  “Hey.” I cross and settle my hands on either side of her head, cupping her cheeks. “I’ll keep him away from you.”

  “Thanks. I’m so glad you came with me. I was absolutely dreading this weekend, but now...”

  “Now what?” I don’t know why her answer seems important. Mission critical, even.

  She flushes and shrugs. “It seems like it might be fun.”

  My dick punches out against my zipper. Fun is definitely on the agenda for me, too.

  For Sadie, of course. I’m not here for me. It’s all part of the mission.

  And if that mission involves giving Sadie Diaz orgasms until she screams, so be it.


  There’s a second sharp rap on the door. I open it and greet the bellhop, who’s delivering a welcome basket from the bride and groom. “Welcome reception at five,” he reminds me, and I thank him.

  “Welcome basket delivery.” I set it down and unpack it. “Oh good, there’s a folder with our itinerary for the weekend.” I set that aside. The rest of the basket is all fun stuff, and I announce each item like a dork. “We also got champagne and hand engraved glasses.” The glasses read Whine on.” Jenn has come to our Whine Wednesdays when she’s in Taos. “And this cute little white bag that reads bridesmaid, slippers—I can use those for the spa day.” I’m babbling now, but Deke’s listening.

  I heave a giant sigh. “I’m just trying to figure out how it’s going to go.”

  “It?” Deke stands right behind me, making goosebumps race across my skin.

  “This weekend. This whole thing. I need structure, Deke. I need a plan.”

  He cocks his head to the side, his dark eyes squinting at me for a moment. Then he says, “Okay.”


  He waves a big hand. “Talk me through it.”

  “Really? You're not going to just tell me to go with the flow?” He seems like that sort of guy.

  “This is our mission. We never go into a mission without a plan. Of course, when things go sideways, we have to improvise.”

  I grab the folder and flip it open. “Our theme is “Romantic rustic,” I read aloud. “The attire is “Mountain Chic” I turn to Deke and ask with fake seriousness, “Are all your outfits Mountain Chic?”

  “Don't know what that means, but I doubt it.” His lips quirk.

  I grin back, feeling better already. Deke makes it all better.

  “Well, all my outfits are mountain chic, so we’ll be fine.” I turn back to the itinerary to read through it. The bed creaks as Deke shifts positions. His weight makes the bed dip, and I half roll into him. Now we’re face to face, close enough to kiss.

  “Is that what you call this?” he murmurs. His fingers pluck at my little yoga top.

  I feel his touch through my clothes. My core clenches. “No, this is athleisure wear.”

  “Don’t know what that is, either.”

  “Fancy workout clothes. I’ve also got a closet full of off-duty kindergarten teacher chic. Mostly jeans, ballet flats and cardigans.” I shift a little closer to him. A few more inches, and my breasts will touch his chest. Not that I’m intensely aware of that fact or anything. “I’m sure you’re super interested in all my fashion choices.”

  “Maybe I am.” His hot breath warms my face. His finger traces the neckline of my shirt. “But I admit, I’m more interested in what’s underneath.”

  My nipples tighten. “Oh yeah?” I’d move even closer, but then I’d be actually climbing him. DO IT! My ovaries shout. They hold up a sign that reads: GET THE DICK.

  “I have to confess, this is not my usual op, but I am definitely up to the unique challenges it presents.” His eyes crinkle.

  I laugh. “I know one of those challenges is putting up with my anxiety.” I grab the itinerary and toss it away.

  “Oh, I think I know what to do with your anxiety,” he murmurs.

  I shoot him an inquisitive look, but he’s rubbing his face, looking away like he didn’t mean to let that slip out.

  The rest of the basket is filled with snacks and spa samples. There’s also a note from Jenn thanking me for being a part of her and Geoff’s special day. Plus a personalized calendar with pictures of Jenn and me and Geoff. Unfortunately Scott is in a lot of them. Ugh.

  “I’ve never been to a wedding,” Deke rumbles. “Is this typical?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. The average wedding cost is like thirty thousand.” Jenn and Geoff are definitely spending way more.

  “Jesus. You gonna do this?” He waves a hand at the basket.

  “Um, do what? Use the spa samples?”

  “Get married. Spend thirty thousand on a wedding.”

  “Ummmmm.” My brain shorts out. “I want to get married. One day. I want kids. And my dad will probably insist on a big fancy wedding for networking purposes.”

  “Fuck your dad,” Deke says with such beautiful nonchalance I want to record him, so I can play it over and over again with a beat track. “Don't care about him. What do you want?”

  Suddenly, I get this image of me and Deke standing on a mountain top, holding hands. I’m in a cute but simple white summer dress, and Deke’s in his usual attire. My girlfriends and Deke’s biker buddies stand behind us, clapping. Rafe’s the officiant, and after Deke and I kiss, we all head to picnic tables for barbecue. Simple. Casual. Beautiful. I feel it with such a strong sense of longing. And suddenly there are tears in my eyes because it’s all I want.

  Eek—too clingy. Deke said he doesn’t do relationships. He’s going to be a fling for me. Just a fling.

  “I’d prefer something more casual,” I whisper. “Outside. A few friends, maybe my mom. An officiant and a picnic afterward
s. That’s it.” I summon my courage and ask, “What about you? What’s your dream wedding?”

  “Never getting married,” he says, and my dreams die with a little sad trombone sound. “Not for me, babe.”

  “Okay, gotcha.” I start packing up the basket stuff. This is not a date, I remind myself. But he did kiss me. Maybe he can be my bodyguard with benefits. Just for the weekend.

  I pause with the champagne in hand and consider opening it, but it’s a little early for drinking. Don’t want to go to the reception tipsy.

  “Sadie,” Deke murmurs.

  “Yes?” I answer but don’t look at him.

  “The dream with the white picket fence and kids, it's not for me.”

  I frown because he sounds sad again. I’m about to ask why not when the phone by the bed rings. I reach over and grab it.

  “Sadie! You're here!” the bride shrieks in my ear. There’s squealing in the background. Jenn must be with her other bridesmaids, hitting the champagne early.

  “Just got in.” I sit on the bed.

  “Come down!” Jenn says. “We’re in room 404.”

  “Um…” I glance at Deke. The last thing I want to do is leave Deke and go party with the wedding crowd. I feel a little guilty about that—the wedding is the main reason I’m here. “I’m actually a little tired. See you at the reception?”

  “Okay, fine. If you and Scott can’t drag yourselves away…” She giggles. Someone in the background shouts something I don't quite hear.

  “See you,” I quickly make my goodbyes and hang up. Crap. I need to tell Jenn I’m not with Scott anymore. I guess it was too much to hope Scott would tell Geoff, and it’d get back to Jenn.

  “Fuuuuudge,” I groan and sag backwards onto the bed with my hands covering my face. Is it too much to ask for everything to be called off, so I can stay in the room and seduce Deke? Climb over his walls and get to know him?

  Get to know his dick, my ovaries prompt. “Arrrrrrghhhh.”

  “Everything okay?” Deke asks.

  “This stuff just stresses me out. I can handle twenty-eight squirming kindergarteners, but formal social affairs remind me too much of suffering through my dad’s cocktail parties as a kid. I’d so much rather stay holed up in this room with you.”


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