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Bride of the Emperor (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 4)

Page 13

by Hayley Faiman

  “And he didn’t speak English at all?” she breathes.

  “Not a single word, and I don’t know what he spoke. It sounded a little like Italian, but not quite. It was sexy, but I understood absolutely nothing.”

  She doesn’t speak immediately, no doubt letting it all soak in. “You must get back to him, Dru.”

  “I know,” I whisper. “But, I don’t know how.”

  “You have magic, can’t you conjure up some spell?” she snaps.

  I almost laugh, but if I do, then I’ll certainly start crying all at the same time. I miss him. I have magic, but I don’t know how to use it and all I want to do is go home, but then hearing my mom’s voice and talking to her, I kind of want to stay too.

  I am so lost.

  Chapter Eighteen


  If it wasn’t for Marcellus, I would be lost. My frater is indeed my right-hand man in most of my emperor’s duties. He also is the man in charge of finding someone to help me bring Drucilla home.

  Therefore, when he rushes onto the practice field, calling my name. I stop and turn to face him, dropping my gladius immediately. He is out of breath as he arrives in front of me, inhaling deeply, then letting go on a sigh.

  “Talk to me,” I demand.

  He shifts his gaze behind me, but doesn’t speak. Brutus arrives at my side, far too curious for his own good, but I do not mind it so much. He is a good man to have an ear as well and give his advice and opinion.

  “I have found someone. The maga,” he announces.

  “Explain,” I demand.

  He clears his throat and begins to tell me about a woman that is rumored to be the most powerful witch in all of Savona, she is called the maga.

  “Is she here?” I ask.

  He shakes his head slowly. “I have sent for her, but I do not know if she will come willingly. She has been in hiding, afraid that she would be banished to Curia with the others.”

  “Promise her no such thing would happen under my rule,” I growl.

  Thinking of the venefica and Curia angers me instantly. My blood boils and I wonder if the men are too tired to spar some more, as I have a newfound energy. Waiting for Marcellus to reply, I catch a glance of Decima walking around the grounds alone. She stops, her gaze catches mine, and she smiles.

  I cannot stand her. Nothing about her do I like. Both times I have lain with her has been nothing but deception and magi. I will never make her my empress, she will never birth my child. I will not allow it.

  “Perhaps if you went to speak to her?” Marcellus asks.

  Flicking my gaze from the venefica, I arch a brow as I look at my brother. “How far away is she?” I demand.

  “Sucidava,” he says.

  “That is three days’ ride. Who will keep Decima in line?”

  Though since making my deal with her a few days ago, she has not been a problem, but I cannot ensure that if I am not here to watch her.

  “Take her with you. The maga is said to be able to control the venefica, she is that strong.”

  “Send a messenger. Tell the maga that the emperor is coming.”

  Without another word, I turn from my brother and walk directly toward Decima who is still watching me with her curved lips turned up. Her eyes widen and even brighten before my own as I approach her.

  “Have the famulus pack enough for a six-day trip. We depart imminently,” I announce.

  Not wishing to hear her voice, I turn from her and walk back into the domum. I decide to call on my own servi to pack my things. He doesn’t need much instruction, he has been my private servi for at least a decade.

  Sitting in my office chair, I bow my head and pray to the gods. I wonder if I should make a sacrifice or not. In the end, I decide to go ahead and I make a sacrifice to the god, Rex.

  Taking a sheep, I guide it to the temple and spend a while not only making the sacrifice, but asking for guidance and wisdom. Then, for the first time in my life, I ask the gods for help. I have never needed help, not from the gods, nor have I ever wanted it. Not until now.

  “Help me, gods. Help me find and bring back Drucilla. I think that I love her.”

  There is thunder that cracks and rolls outside, but I ignore it, knowing that I will ride Felix through whatever storm is heading my way so that I may get to the maga and ask her for more help.

  I will end up owing more than I can ever repay, but that is a debt that I am willing to have against me, especially if it means having Drucilla back. I will pay any cost, whatever it is, to have her again.

  Leaving the temple, I make my way toward Felix. He neighs and I slide my hand down his neck. What is it? I ask him.

  There is a storm, it is not natural.

  Looking up, I notice that the clouds are purple. The same color as the venefica’s mist, the same color as Drucilla’s eyes, her tears, and the same color as the storms that she could bring in with her emotions.

  It is either the venefica’s playing or it is Drucilla.

  Felix doesn’t respond immediately, he neighs again and I take the moment to mount him as Brutus races toward me. I watch as Decima and her trunk come toward me in a horse-drawn chariot.

  “This will slow us down,” I announce.

  “Six days is quite a bit, I need my things,” she snorts.

  “Then you will travel alone,” I state.

  She harrumphs but doesn’t make a move to remove herself from the chariot. Instead, she holds my eyes with her own. She expects me to back down, perhaps she’s trying to manipulate me with magi, but it won’t work, not this time.

  “Perhaps one of your men can guide me?” she asks coolly.

  I let out a snort, but I do not allow just one man to assist her. “No tricks,” I bark as I call over four men to guide her toward the maga.

  She knows not where we are going. I do not plan on telling her, either. Only my men know, and that is the way I plan on keeping it from now until our arrival. We will ride ahead of her, by days, and hopefully by the time she catches up, the maga will be able to do something.

  Jerking my chin up, I send a silent message to Felix and tell him to ride hard and fast toward our destination. He whinnies and takes off quickly, leaving a trail of dust behind him and in Decima’s face. I try not to smile at that fact, but I cannot help myself.

  Bending slightly, I face forward, I focus and I ride. Felix, my trusted friend, does not dally. In fact, we do not stop until he cannot go any longer. Brutus and three other men are with me, their horses also keeping pace as they are warriors and warriors’ steeds.

  We all make camp, though I wonder if the weather will hold as the thunder rolls through the sky and it is still a hazy purple with mist all around us.

  “Is it magi?” Brutus asks.

  “Yes, though I am unsure of which kind. I wish that Drucilla’s was a different color,” I mutter. “I do not like this.”

  “We will find her, we will bring her home,” Brutus ensures, though I cannot be so confident.

  I am hopeful, and this is my final hope. I have sacrificed to the gods, I have asked for their help, and now I am going to the maga.


  It has been a week. No, I take that back. It has been two weeks. The hospital stay was fruitless. Chad couldn’t figure anything out. No tests yielded a single result. He has called me every single day since I was released, as much as I want to tell him to fuck off, the sexy bastard is wearing me down. But then I remember Tiberius and the fact that Chad is so not him, which makes me feel sick, and I don’t end up returning his call.

  Work has also been lackluster. I go in, do the bare minimum and come home. I find myself staring at my powered off television screen for hours. I see nothing, not a single thing.

  I think, and I daydream. I wonder where Tiberius is, then I wonder what or who he’s doing. Then I get pissed off. It’s a cycle that I need to break, because as each day passes, I come to the conclusion, to the realization, that I won’t be going back to Savona ever again.r />
  Then there’s the matter of my magic. It’s gone. I cry myself to sleep every night and my tears are clear. They aren’t purple anymore. I stare out of the window when I’m feeling sad and overwhelmed, depressed and yet, the sky is blue and the sun shines.

  Even if I had a hope that whatever magic I possessed could spirit me back there, it was dashed when I realized that I only had magic back there, not here.

  My cell phone rings and I let out a sigh as I reach for it. Glancing down at the screen, I expect to see Chad’s name flash. This is about the time he calls me every day, on his way home to his wife from work, the creep.

  It’s not Chad.

  In fact, I don’t recognize the number. I hesitate. I almost don’t answer it, because hello, you never know who could be calling you randomly, and usually it’s just a solicitor call of some kind. Something almost demands that I answer this one, though, so as I slide my thumb across the screen, I wonder what the fuck I’m doing answering.


  “Dru?” a voice asks.

  It sounds so faint, so far away, and although the line crackles and I have to strain to hear, I know exactly who it is.

  “Birdie?” I shout.

  “Oh my god, you can hear me. I didn’t know if this would work, but it did, and you can hear me, and it’s really working, I can’t believe this. I just can’t believe it, Dru can hear me,” she rambles and cries, I actually hear her hiccough at the end.

  “Birdie, what the hell?” I demand.

  There is a moment of silence and then she speaks again. “You need to come here, Dru. Things are getting weird.”

  “I can’t. I was sent home. I can’t get back, if I could I would,” I whimper.

  There is another long silence, then I can only understand every three words. “We… you… please.” Then the line goes completely dead.

  Going to my contacts, I find the icon for recent calls and touch the screen of the number that just called me, my hands shaking uncontrollably. Holding my phone to my ear, I wait. It rings once, then the voice on the other end of the line informs me that the call cannot be made as dialed.

  “Shit,” I shout before I toss the phone onto the floor in front of me.

  Pinching my eyes closed, I wonder how the hell I am going to get back there, to Tiberius and Birdie. Then I realize this is the confirmation I needed.

  My sisters are there.

  My lips begin to tremble and tears stream down my cheeks. My sisters are there and I’m here. They’re gone in another freaking world, and I’m here.

  Reaching out for my phone, I find my mom’s name on the contacts and touch it. I haven’t called her at all since I appeared back here. I meant to, but then I did that convulsing thing and ended up in the hospital and to be honest I’ve been in a daze for two freaking weeks.

  “Dru, why are you calling me? Why are you here? You haven’t made it back to him yet?” my mom asks, no, demands.

  Pressing my lips together, I roll them around a few times before I let out a sigh. “It was beautiful, Mom.”

  “What was?” she asks.

  I have told her most of my story, but I didn’t tell her the name of Tiberius’ country, I don’t know why I kept it from her the first time we spoke, maybe because it felt far too personal and I was far too raw at the time.

  “Savona, it’s where I was transported to. You were right. My sisters were there, somewhere. I didn’t see them, but I know they’re there. But there’s a prophecy and I’m supposed to be there to fulfill it or something bad will happen to their people, to their entire world.”

  My mother doesn’t speak, she doesn’t say a single word. I told her so many details the first time we talked, but in true Dru form, I held back so many as well. I’m afraid that she’s passed out or something, when she finally does speak.

  “Let me call my friend. She’ll know what to do. I’ll call you right back.”

  The line goes silent and I pull my phone away from my ear and stare at it. My mom hung up on me. Shaking my head, I let out a heavy sigh and stand from the sofa. Walking over to the window, I open it and stick my head out slightly.

  Tilting my head up, I look at the clear blue sky. Not for the first time, not even the dozenth time, I wish to be back in Savona. I wish to be back with Tiberius. I wish to be with my sisters. I wish and wish and wish so hard just to be where I am supposed to be—where I’m meant to be.

  Chapter Nineteen


  That pain. That radiating pain slices through me again and thankfully I haven’t left for work yet because it brings me to my knees instantly. Slapping my hand out in front of me, I grit my teeth and let out a moan, trying to be quiet enough that I won’t upset my neighbors.

  Breathing through the pain, I stay on the ground until it subsides. It’s taking longer with each bout of whatever this is. I don’t understand it and even my regular doctor looked at all of the labs that the hospital ran and can’t see any reason why I would be feeling this way.

  It doesn’t matter what the doctors say, I know exactly why I am getting sicker and weaker with each passing day. I’m away from Tiberius. I’m away from his land, the land where I’m meant to be. I’m away from my people and my sisters.

  My phone rings from my purse and I reach out, fumbling until I can slide it in front of me. After sliding my finger across to answer it, I touch the speaker icon.

  “Hello?” I ask.

  “You’re not okay,” my mom announces.

  “I told you I was having pains. I’m not okay,” I whisper.

  She hums, though doesn’t say anything right away. “I think one of my friend’s friends can help.”

  “That sounds promising,” I state sarcastically.

  There’s a long moment of silence and I hear my mom let out an annoyed sigh. “She lives in the area. She’ll be over tomorrow at ten. Let her inside. Her name is Valeria.”

  “Mom?” I call out. She doesn’t say anything and I know that she’s just waiting for me to speak. “Thank you for trying to help. Even if it doesn’t work, thank you.”

  “And if it does?” she snaps.

  “I love you forever and I’ll miss you always.”

  I hear her sniffle, then her voice comes out on a whisper. “I will always love you, my little Cilla. I want you to go and be happy, don’t worry about me, I’ll see you in my dreams.”

  “Mom,” I whisper.

  She doesn’t allow any more tears or sadness, instead she just ends the call. If I called her back, I know without a doubt that she wouldn’t answer.

  This was her final goodbye and maybe it should be upsetting, because it wasn’t hearts and flowers, it wasn’t tears and memories, but it was my mom and I’m not mad about it at all.

  When I’m able to breathe again, when the pain is just a heavy ache in my belly and no longer debilitating, that is when I stand. Smoothing my hands down the front of my skirt, I decide to call in sick for today and tomorrow.

  I don’t have any sick time. I don’t have any vacation either, but I don’t care. My job doesn’t mean what it used to anymore—nothing does. The only thing that I can think about is finding my way back to a magical, mystical world—finding my way back to Tiberius.

  My front door opens and I spin around, letting out a squeal as Chad walks through the door. I look down at the lock, silently wondering how the hell it wasn’t locked. I’m usually really anal about locking doors, there’s no way that I left it unlocked.

  “I knocked,” he lies as he walks into the room and closes the door behind him.

  Blinking, I take a step back. I’m confused, I was standing right here and while I’ve been a bit lost in my own head, I don’t think that I would’ve missed hearing a knock on the door. There’s no way I just didn’t hear. And looking at him, a feeling of dread slides down my spine. Something is wrong—he is wrong.

  “Why are you here?” I hesitantly ask.

  “I have called you every day for almost three weeks,” he ann
ounces. “If this is you playing hard to get, consider me intrigued.”

  “I’m not playing anything, Chad. I don’t want to date you. I don’t want anything to do with you,” I state as I take a step backward.

  He smirks, taking another step toward me, then another and another until I’m backed up against the wall. Lifting my head, I look up into his eyes and I shrink back against the wall as much as I can, but there’s nowhere for me to go and I can’t get any smaller.

  “You do want me, Dru. I just didn’t realize how much I’d missed you and want you, too.”

  His words, the way he says them, they send a chill down my spine. Then there is the way his eyes are watching me. They’re sharp, too sharp. He is not just watching me, he is watching his prey.

  “Please leave me alone, Chad. I don’t want you. I’m married.”

  “I don’t see him anywhere, and I’m married, too. It’ll be fun, you and me again, knowing that nobody will get hurt this time.”

  He lifts his hand and slides his thumb across my jawline. “Baby,” he coos. I hate it, immediately.

  My stomach cramps and I try to shift away from him, but he has me pinned. I don’t want his touch, it causes me to feel sick and I want nothing to do with him or his touch. I try telling him again that I don’t want him, that I’m married, happily. He doesn’t buy it, at least doesn’t want to, anyway.

  When Chad leans his face down, his lips brushing mine, I put my hands between us and try to push him away, but he’s too strong. When his tongue slides across the seam of my lips, I whimper in pain. When he tries to force his tongue into my mouth, I sink my teeth down and I bite him.

  Chad pulls away instantly, anger burning bright in his pretty eyes. “You fucking cunt,” he snaps, his eyes igniting with something that I can’t read.

  Then just when I think he’s going to step away from me and walk out of my apartment, he lifts his hand. It slices through the air and lands on my cheek. My entire body shifts to the side and I land on the floor.


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