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Bride of the Emperor (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 4)

Page 21

by Hayley Faiman

  The crowd’s cheering and excitement grows from a low hum to a vibrating, almost deafening boom as it fills the space around us. Looking down, I watch as the warriors fill the space. They are all dressed similarly to me, something that I can’t seem to quit doing even though I should be wearing the traditional toga like the rest of the men in my position.

  Standing, I release Drucilla’s hand and step closer to the edge of the podium level. The crowd noise simmers down to a low rumble and only then do I speak.

  “Thank you, warriors, for coming to the games to show your talents. Thank you, people of Savona, for coming to celebrate the union between me and Empress Drucilla. I look forward to serving you all for many years to come. Let us celebrate and enjoy today and tonight.”

  Again, the crowd roars and I lift my hand, signaling for the games to begin. And they do. The men leave the arena save two. Those two men square with one another, walking around one another, grinning as they taunt each other.

  The announcer uses his horn and the men take that as their signal to begin. Pulling their gladius out of their scabbards, the games have begun. The games that only have one ending, and one winner. Fighting to the death.

  No losers survive, only winners.

  Just as in real life.

  Chapter Thirty


  It shouldn’t be sexy.

  Watching men kill one another, it should be terrifying. Just like watching my own husband kill two men in cold blood should be terrifying as well, but for whatever crazy as shit reason, I’m not scared at all.

  I’m almost turned on.

  Well, not at the sight of the blood or the people actually dying, but at the sport of it all. The way the sun shines down, the way their massive bodies move as if they’re doing an effortless dance, the way everything they do seems effortless.

  I’m mesmerized by everything around me, even the death. When the sun begins to set, a winner is announced and everyone cheers. Looking around, I notice that the stands are just as full as they were when we first arrived.

  Reaching over to the small table at my side, I lift the goblet of wine to my lips, wishing it was water. It’s hot out here, but thankfully I’ve been covered beneath a large canvas-type fabric to shield my skin from the rays of the sun. As much as I like to think that I’m immune to the sun’s harsh intensity by being a Florida resident, I am not.

  “What happens now?” I ask, turning to look over at Tiberius.

  He hasn’t spoken to me once since we arrived, and I’m honestly cool with that because I was far too engrossed in the action to chitchat. But now, I’m wondering what exciting adventure comes next. I am starting to really enjoy this world of Tiberius’, minus the sex stuff, I don’t like much of that.

  “The warriors will celebrate.”

  “The ones who are still alive?” I ask.

  He snorts. “Those men were not my warriors. Those men were entertainment. My warriors will celebrate tonight and they will allow the winner of the games to become one of them.”

  “Are you saying those men are slaves?” I ask, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach for enjoying the games so much.

  “This bothers you,” Tiberius announces.

  My eyes widen and I lean forward. “Greatly,” I exhale. “They were fighting for their lives, not just for sport, but to be the sport I…”

  Tiberius holds up his hand. “Had they been free men, you would have enjoyed the games more? The killing, the sport?”

  Wrinkling my nose, I decide that I don’t particularly like the sound of either of them. I shouldn’t enjoy them killing each other at all, no matter their status. Licking my lips, I look down at my lap, then lift my gaze up to meet his again.

  “I’m conflicted,” I admit.

  Tiberius’ lips curve up into a grin. “You are open to the Savonaian life, melculum. There is nothing wrong with enjoying one of our greatest pastimes. Servi or free man matters not, these games have been part of our traditions since the gods created them. They are part of us.”

  “What if it was volunteer basis only?” I ask.

  Though, I do not speak the words too loudly knowing that if anyone heard, they probably wouldn’t like the idea of me suggesting things to the emperor. I’ve seen enough movies to know that the new woman who comes in and changes shit is the first to get offed.

  “This could be a possibility,” he says, though it sounds as if he wants the conversation dropped, so I decide to do just that.

  Tiberius stands and offers his hand to me. “Now, we celebrate,” he says. “Though you will not enjoy the celebration, it is tradition that we appear. We will not join in, we are there as a symbol only, you understand this?”

  Turning my head, I look back to see if Cassia and Laurentia are coming with us, but they’re already walking away, in the opposite direction.

  “Like last night, this is something that Cassia is not allowed to join in, and Laurentia is not obligated to now that she is your charge,” he murmurs.

  My stomach sinks as I realize what his words mean. This is going to be a sex thing. “Tiberius,” I breathe.

  He doesn’t stop, but he does tug me close to his side, grabbing ahold of my hand and lifting it as he holds it close to his chest. “Do not worry overly, melculum. You are required to do nothing other than watch. It would be a grave insult if you did not observe.”

  “It’s a sex thing though?” I ask.

  He chuckles. “A celebration, but yes, my people celebrate with copious amounts of sexual pleasures.”

  I want to tell him hell no. I want to go back to my room and pretend none of it exists, but I can’t. I’m the empress now, and as much as I want to run away, I can’t.

  He is making a concession to his traditions by not forcing the issue, by not requiring me to participate or participating himself.

  I need to suck it up and go.

  “Just observe?” I ask.

  He hums, dipping his chin as he touches his mouth to my fingers that he’s still holding against his chest. “Just observe, mulier.”

  “I can do that, at least I think that I can.”

  “You can,” he exhales as we walk toward a large building.

  It’s not the same place that we went to last night, it’s at least double the size and when I walk in, I gasp at the sight before me. It’s not the same size as last night because there are about triple the amount of people. They’ve started the party without us too.

  There is food and wine scattered everywhere amongst the completely nude bodies that litter the place. Last night, I was completely caught off guard and horrified by the scene in front of me. Tonight I’m still slightly horrified, but I’m coming in with an open mind.

  My newly found open mind is merely because I am not being required to join in and I feel much more comfortable about that. Tiberius and I walk through the crowd and although I felt like a queen earlier today, I feel like even more of one right now for whatever reason.

  Keeping my back straight, we walk through the people who are in various sexual positions and acts, all of which stop to turn to us and dip their heads in a small bow.

  We make our way up to two golden chairs up on a large pedestal. Tiberius helps me to my chair before he takes the seat next to mine. Again, I notice that his chair is larger than mine. It’s okay because he looks seriously hot as he sits, straight spined and looking at his people before him.

  Shifting my gaze from Tiberius, I look out at the people as well. They continue with their orgy, their respects paid to their emperor and their physical pleasure now at the forefront.

  Looking around the room, I see various things happening. Lots of oral pleasures, lots of threesomes. Lots of man on man, and to be honest, that’s the hottest and what my eyes are drawn to the most.

  “Have you ever, with another man?” I ask, out of curiosity more than anything else.

  Tiberius hums. “I have not, but Marcellus enjoys it immensely.”

  “Is he…”

sp; “He says that he wishes to marry. I thought him merely attracted to only men, he surprises me consistently,” Tiberius offers. “Is this not done in your world?”

  Turning to him, I smile. “It is done,” I say. “Maybe not this… freely?”

  He chuckles. “Yes, I’ve gathered that your world is not as free with their sexuality as mine is.”

  “It bothers you?”

  Tiberius shakes his head. “It was a surprise, but I had to remind myself that it isn’t as widely practiced in this world as it is in Savona. It doesn’t bother me, I am fine with selfishly keeping you to myself.”

  “Would you let me…” My words trail off for a moment and I have to press my thighs together just thinking about this act, because I want it, not only for him, but for myself as well. Leaning in, I clear my throat before I whisper. “Would you let me use my mouth? You don’t have to finish, but to play only?” I ask.

  “It is not done,” he grunts.

  “Yes, but since there will be nobody else doing it for you, I would like to.”

  “And you wish for me to do this as well, to denounce my masculinity?”

  I jerk back, my eyes wide. “Denounce your masculinity?” I breathe.

  “We will discuss this at a later date.”

  His words are final and I turn back to the orgy, wondering when we can leave so that I can cry in peace. There is a rumbling sound in the distance outside, but I ignore it. Instead, I stare straight ahead, seeing absolutely nothing.


  I’ve upset Drucilla somehow, though I’m unsure what I’ve said or done. She cannot think it some big surprise that I do not wish to place my mouth on her like a servi. It is not what my people do. She cannot be upset about this.

  Once we’ve stayed the appropriate amount of time, I guide my bride toward our cubiculum. The time has come for us to be together. I have waited as long as my body will allow.

  The pain has been intense, but I should and have, suffered through it. She was not ready to accept me back into her bed after the betrayal. Whether or not I was forced to betray her, I did, and that is all that matters.

  Once we are inside the warm cubiculum, I close the door and put the barrier in its place so that we will not be disturbed. Tonight is about more than just being together. This is about the future, about our people, and about healing.

  “Drucilla,” I murmur as I watch her walk over to the window.

  “The wolf is still there, there is always one there, day or night. It’s never the same one,” she breathes.

  I hum. “They watch over you, they keep you safe.”

  “It’s strange to me. You say that I’m their leader, though I have no idea how to communicate with them or what I’m supposed to be doing.”

  “The time will come where it will make sense,” I say.

  She turns her head, peering at me from over her shoulder. “Will it?”

  Nodding, I continue to watch her. “It will. The gods do not tell us their plans, but they do not make mistakes and they know what it is that they do.”

  “Always?” she asks.


  She turns all the way around to face me, the moonlight, candlelight, and firelight highlighting the most desirable parts of her body, her gown almost see-through in the lighting. Her hair is still perfectly up in the elaborate braids and twists that her girl put it in, her crown perfectly in place.

  Everything about my bride is near perfect. It is clear that the gods created her just for me. Watching her for a moment, taking her in, I wonder what our future will hold. Now that we can converse with one another, now that we can express our likes and dislikes, it is no longer up to the gods whether we get along or not.

  Aside from physical attraction, aside from destiny, we must still fall in love and before that can happen, we must fall in like with one another.

  “What are you thinking?” she asks.

  I watch as she takes a step toward me, then another. I don’t hold my breath, though that is my first reaction. This moment seems pivotal. As if I should be holding my breath, praying to the gods, or both. I do neither.

  “I am thinking that you are perfect and beautiful,” I admit. Lifting my hand, I cup her cheek, sliding my thumb along her cheek. “You are also dangerous,” I rasp.

  “Dangerous?” she breathes.

  Dipping my chin, I press my forehead against hers. “Dangerous, melculum. To my people, to my world, to my heart.”

  Saying the words, I do not know why I voiced them, but I have been thinking it lately. She is dangerous. I can feel myself falling for her, emotions that I didn’t think existed, that I didn’t know I had inside of me, bubble to the surface at the mere thought of her.

  She lifts her hand, wrapping her fingers around my wrist, she tugs my hand from her face. Then, silently, she sinks down to her knees in front of me. I grit my teeth together, unsure that I can do this to her, that I can take her this way. It is wrong. It goes against everything my people believe.

  “Tiberius,” she exhales as she begins to remove my clothes.

  Clenching my jaw, I look down at her just as she takes me inside of her mouth. I let out a grunt, the sensation of her mouth around me feeling like nothing I have ever experienced before. I want to close my eyes to really relish in the feeling of her hot wet mouth wrapped around me, but I can’t look away from her.

  I watch her, seeing her move up and down along my length and I let out a growl. I am close to spilling down her throat, so I take a step backward. My breathing comes out rapidly and I stare at her in disbelief, my empress down on her knees for her emperor.

  “Why does it feel so much better when it is you?” I ask, needing the answer more than I need my next breath.

  Her lips curve up into a grin as she rises to her feet. I watch as she tilts her head back, her gaze focused on me, her lips still smiling. Then she presses her chest against my own, lifting her hand and wrapping her fingers around the back of my neck.

  “Because you care for me, Tiberius. It is always better when you care for the person. This is an act of intimacy, it is not just mechanics.”


  Chapter Thirty-One


  Tiberius is in awe. I love it and yet, I wish that I could make him look that way all over again. Taking a step back from him, I reach for the ropes at my waist and begin to untie them. He clears his throat, then extends his arms and helps me.

  “I cannot believe that the sensations would be so different,” he murmurs as he turns me around to help me disrobe.

  Looking over my shoulder, my eyes find his before I speak. “Can’t you?” I ask. “It’s different between us than with others, is it not?”

  He frowns, then sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. “I will not speak to you about others, it upsets you.”

  Turning around to face him again, I let the gown fall to the floor at my feet. “It only upsets me if you say they were better than me or if you’re still with them,” I say.

  His eyes widen and he closes the distance between us. Wrapping his hand around my waist, he squeezes me, dipping his chin, his mouth touches mine.

  “I do not want to hear of others, Drucilla,” he rasps against my lips.

  “There have been no others,” I whisper. “At least none that I can remember.”

  Saying the words are not meant to just make him happy, to pacify him, they are indeed a truth. I cannot remember a man before him, none that meant anything. Even Chad who I thought I was in love with, who I thought broke my heart and soul, I cannot remember a single thing about him when Tiberius is nearby.

  Releasing him, I take a step back, then another until the backs of my knees hit the edge of the bed. I didn’t think that I could forgive him for being with Decima. Even if I knew that it wasn’t his fault, I just couldn’t help but think about it, about them together.

  But I want him.

  I need him.

  I’ve officially fallen.

  I’m in
love with my husband.

  I don’t even know how it happened, and I’m not in the position to question it in this moment. Instead, I want to feel, I want to feel him moving inside of me. I need that… I’m on the edge of begging for it.

  Thankfully, he doesn’t make me wait long. He walks toward me, his cock on full display and hard. He’s as ready for me as I am for him. Sinking down on the edge of the bed, I spread my legs wide.

  I expect him to dive straight into me, but he doesn’t. Instead, to my complete shock, he sinks to his knees.

  “Tiberius, you don’t have to,” I whisper.

  He tips his head back, his scarred face looking at me with softness and compassion, the like of which I have never seen before. Leaning forward, he touches his lips to my clit.

  “I know that I do not have to, Drucilla. However, I want to make you feel as good as you made me. This is what husbands and wives do in your world, yes?”

  Reaching out, I glide my nails through his hair, gripping the short strands. “Yes, Tiberius, but only if they want to,” I breathe, really, really wanting him to.

  He chuckles and the warm air slides over my pussy. Dropping my head back, I can’t stop my hips from lifting in a silent demand for his mouth to devour me. And then he does. And for a man who claimed he has never done this before, he’s excellent.

  He doesn’t make me come, as much as I want him to. His tongue slides through my slit, circles my clit, then does it again. He does it over and over to the point where I almost lose my mind. I lift my hips, trying to find the friction that I need, but he doesn’t allow it.

  When I’m so close I’m near crying, he backs away and stands up. I let out a loud cry, then a whimper. Tiberius ignores me completely. Instead, he leans over me and in one quick thrust he is buried to the hilt.

  Lifting my hands, I wrap my fingers around his biceps. His lips touch mine and I can taste myself on him. His lips continue to stay pressed against mine as he thrusts inside of me. My legs hang over the edge of the bed, my back arched as I grip his biceps tightly and whimper against his mouth.


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