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Wild Heather

Page 11

by L. T. Meade


  I do not know how I parted with Vernon Carbury. I cannot recall even tothis day whether I shook hands with him or not, or even whether hewalked with me as far as the gates of the Park. What I do remembervividly is this: that I went home to Hanbury Square like one walking ina dream. The whole world seemed to me to be filled with a wonderful newlight. In the midst of this radiance was one figure, one face; out ofthe brightness one voice seemed to speak, and one pair of eyes to shine.I was certain I did not in the least love Captain Carbury, but I didknow that our meeting had been full of keen excitement, and that I wasaltogether lifted out of myself into a new and wonderful world. I wantedto be quite alone, to think over what had happened. I was puzzled, too,at the fact that I was trembling, and that my cheeks were hot one minuteand that I felt cold all over the next.

  Morris walked discreetly behind me, and the beautiful smell of theviolets came in wafts now and then to my nostrils. During our walk homeMorris had not spoken to me. When I reached the house I went straight tomy pretty bedroom; I wanted more badly than ever to be quite by myself,but Morris annoyed me. She followed me into my bedroom, carrying theviolets.

  "Shall I arrange these in your sitting-room for you, miss?" she asked.

  "Please do," I answered; "and Morris, do not come near me for a time,for I wish to be quite alone."

  "Certainly, miss. I was to say, please, that the Major and her ladyshiphave gone on the river, but that lunch will be ready for you wheneveryou wish for it in the smaller dining-room."

  "I am not hungry, and I don't wish for lunch," I replied.

  "Shall I bring you up some tea and a lightly boiled egg, miss?"

  "Yes; that will do nicely," I answered.

  She tripped away, and I shut and locked the door. I could not bear toencounter her face, for it was full of meaning. She treated me as thoughI were slightly ill, and as though she were my nurse. I hated beyondwords the knowledge that she shared my secret with me; but then, ofcourse, I had no secret, for although Vernon Carbury had said thosewonderful, those amazing words, I did not love him back again. How wasit possible that I, a girl who respected myself, could love a man who afew weeks before had been engaged to another?

  I sat in my room, leaning back in my comfortable chair; then I startedup and paced the floor impatiently; then I tried very hard to makemyself angry with Captain Carbury--I wanted to force myself even to hatehim a little bit--but I did not succeed. I could only remember the lookin his eyes, and the smile on his lips, and the thrill in his voice,when he told me how he cared for me, and I could only recall the factthat I certainly would meet him at eleven o'clock on the followingmorning in Hyde Park.

  Morris must share my secret. It was a terrible thing to reflect about,but I could not go to Hyde Park alone; she must, therefore, accompanyme. Well, that would end the whole thing. I would tell dear, kind Vernonthat all my life long I would remember his good words to me, and that Iwould ever and ever keep him in my gallery of heroes, but that, ofcourse--and I knew that I must speak very steadily and firmly at thisjuncture of my conversation--I could never love him, nor, by anypossibility, marry him. I should be quite pleased to be his friend, butbeyond that anything else was impossible.

  There came a tap at my door. It was Morris, bearing a tray with somedelicately-prepared tea, some fragrant toast, some little pats ofdelicious butter, on a silver tray, and a nice, fresh, brown egg,lightly boiled. Morris carried the tray in one hand; in the other sheheld a great basket full of the most exquisite roses I had ever seen inmy life.

  "For you, Miss Dalrymple," she said, and she laid the basket of roses onthe dressing-table.

  "Oh! oh!" I said. I adored flowers, and I buried my face now in thefragrant blooms.

  "Aren't they beautiful, miss?" remarked Morris. "They must have cost asmall fortune."

  My cheeks were very red indeed, nor did I look up from sniffing at theflowers until Morris had left the room, closing the door softly behindher. Then I rose slowly, and carrying the basket with me, laid it on thefloor at my feet. I sat down by the table, where my small lunch awaitedme, but I did not care to eat. I began carefully to take one beautifulblossom after another out of the basket. Of course, Vernon Carbury hadsent these flowers to me; there was no doubt whatever on the subject.How reckless of him--how wrong of him! And yet, how splendidly nice anddelightful of him! But I must speak to him on this very point to-morrow.He was, of course, far from rich, and he must on no account spend hismoney on me; I would not permit it for a moment. Still, it wasdelightful to sniff these roses, and to think of him, and to wonder,deep down in my heart, what he could find in a little, insignificantgirl like me to love.

  I had finished my tea and was standing by the window, when, to myamazement, I heard a firm and determined knock at the door. Whoever theperson was who waited without, she did not linger long; she turned thehandle of the door and entered.

  It was my stepmother. Her eyes lighted up with pleasure as they fell onthe beautiful basket of hothouse roses.

  "Ah!" she said, "I might have guessed as much. This explains everything,and how lovely!"

  "I thought you were on the river," I said.

  "A tiresome thing happened," she replied, "and I have come back. Aren'tthose flowers lovely?"

  "Yes," I said. I felt quite pleased and surprised at her sympathy. Wasit possible that I had been mistaken in her all the time? Was she reallythe sort of woman who would wish me to care about a man like CaptainCarbury?

  She came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

  "Heather," she said, "you are one of the lucky people of the world. Iknew that, from the moment I laid my eyes on you; I told your father so,and for some time we both have seen what was coming. Yes; you are of thefortunate ones of the earth. Remember, Heather, in your days ofprosperity, that you will always have to thank me for this."

  "But nothing is coming," I answered, for although I was surprised andliked her for her sympathy, I would not even pretend that I cared forVernon Carbury. Then I continued:

  "It was impossible for you to know it, whatever you mean by 'it,' forany length of time, for he has only just broken off----"

  "He--he has only just broken off!" exclaimed my stepmother. "What areyou talking of, child? Really, Heather, you are the most tiresome girl Iever met. What you want, my dear, is an early engagement, and a quickmarriage."

  "Oh, just what--what----"

  "Now again you interrupt--I cannot understand you in the very least.What do you mean by 'just what--what'?"

  "Nothing, mother," I said. It hurt me awfully to say the word, but Iforced myself to do it, for father's sake.

  "I don't believe you know yourself," remarked Lady Helen. "Now, get intoyour prettiest dress. We are going to motor in the Park, you and I, allby ourselves."

  "But Where's Daddy?" I asked. "I want Daddy to come with us."

  "Your father won't be in until dinner-time; he is very busy. By the way,two gentlemen, special friends of mine--and, indeed, I think one of themis a special friend of yours--are coming to dine here to-night."

  "Oh!" I said. I felt myself changing colour.

  My stepmother gazed at me, and a curious smile, which I did not like,flitted across her face.

  "Come," she said; "you are a good girl; you are not quite as silly asyou seem, and I perceive that you are taking kindly to my arrangements."

  "Please tell me the names of the gentlemen who are dining hereto-night?" I asked.

  "I shall do nothing of the kind. I never give away my pet secrets. Youwill see them when they come, and I wish you to look your very sweetestand best. That new feathery sort of dress, with the silver embroidery,will exactly suit you. You can wear a great bunch of these roses justhere"--she indicated the front of my dress--"and Morris will arrange afew on the skirt. I assure you, with those additions to your white andsilver dress, you will, my dear daughter, be irresistible. It isn'tevery girl who does so well in her first season; but then, it isn'tevery girl who has the advantage of a mo
ther like me. Now I mustn'twaste any more time. Ring for Morris. Tell her that she is to put youinto your dark blue costume, with the blue hat to match, and the silverfox fur. Get ready as fast as you can. Ah! here you are, Morris. Attendto Miss Dalrymple, please."


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