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Zelspar and the Magicians

Page 16

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  “It is because in the beginning, Zelspar was like the other dragons in that he had a certain number of years to live. The second symbol came after the Ancestors had promised him the immortality of his spirit, meaning his essence would remain to live over and over through others. The third symbol is the symbol used to simplify his name over the ages.”

  “I don’t get it. Are you saying Zelspar the White Dragon is alive? I mean, living today?”

  In the short silence before her answer, the low clicking sound of the grandfather clock filled the space. A mist washed over her eyes, making them sparkle doubly bright. She smiled. “By all that is Dragon, that, Forrest, is correct indeed.”

  His mouth hung open, thoughts spinning, but words would not escape.

  Chapter 21

  Zelspar slept a sleep so deep, his chest hardly moved. He awoke to the smell of Flower Bird’s cooking and his belly groaned in hunger.

  He joined her at the fire, his eyes taking in the full platter of sweet treats she had prepared. She smiled and pushed it over to him saying, “These are the ones I made for you. My father has already eaten and has gone out to replenish our medicine supply.”

  “You will spoil this old Dragon with these sweet treats you make.” He plopped a handful into his mouth and moaned in bliss, causing Flower Bird to smile ear to ear. He finished off the platter and stretched before saying, “I will return shortly. I will chase down your lovely sweets with some greens before I wash. When I return, would you like to join me to stretch my wings?”

  “Yes, I enjoy flying with you.” Her eyes lit up at the thought. “I will be ready when you return.”

  Zelspar made short work of filling his belly and flew to a wonderful spot where the waterfalls splashed into a lake before they spilled off to feed the many streams. As he approached the water, it rippled. The great Sea Dragon, Pravietis, stirred the waters before he broke the surface.

  “Pravietis, good to see you. I am sure you know we defeated Flegmorr…”

  “Yes, your Future showed me you succeeded and now Perthorn and Kiel are free from the worry of his vile ways. Your Future is now linked with the Magicians.”

  “I have grown close to them and value their friendship. I think we are an asset to one another. I have learned many things from them, as much as they have learned from me. Yes, I foresee a long Future together.”

  “That isn’t entirely what I meant.” Pravietis swished the waters with his long tail before looking Zelspar straight in the eyes. “Your Future no longer remains with the Dragon Hails. You must leave with the Magicians. This world is still changing. New peoples are inhabiting the world in diverse places. There will be skirmishes which will develop as each group fights for their place. You are needed as much as the Magicians will be needed.”

  “I had thought…” He heaved his chest. “I had hoped to finish my years as an advisor to the Hails and enjoy the companionship of my friends.”

  “A heavy burden can only be carried by the mightiest. You did not seek to be this, but it is what you are. The same for Perthorn, and soon, Kiel. What you seek will often allude you, what you do not seek will find you. It was the unique combination of the three of you being brought together that has given the Future a brand-new possibility.”

  “Show me this Future. I have only seen a glimpse of things I could not understand.”

  “Much will still be difficult to interpret, for the Future shows us things without explanations. Look on Zelspar. Behold what awaits.”

  Zelspar stared at the water as it smoothed its surface and became glassy. He watched as they made their way from their home and flew off to the east. They came in contact with peoples and stayed amongst them sharing knowledge between them. They found portals to a land surrounded by the great waters at high cliffs. A place full of its own mysteries and legends. As he looked at the water’s surface, he saw wars break out, kingdoms rise and fall, and in the distant future, a heavy fog which hid its secrets.

  “I see a grand future, Pravietis, thank you for showing me more of the pictures I carry in my mind. How long before --”

  “You will be leaving this day. Perthorn is preparing now as we speak. He has looked into his Book of Days and is aware they must leave.”

  “Today? By all that is Dragon, Pravietis!”

  “Do not bring your anger against me. I am only here to show you the way. It is a good path, my friend, even if it isn’t the path you would choose. There is much you have to give, much left to discover. It must be this way. Have you never wondered why you never took one to be Bonded? It is because of the path you’re are destined to take.”

  “I have grown very fond of one.”

  “It is not to be, Zelspar. Her future is amongst her own peoples. They are not all gone. They will find their way home. I have seen her become a great asset to her peoples and share with them the wisdom she has gained from living with the Dragons. She will share with them the story of Zelspar.”

  “I would rather share with her peoples my story.” Zelspar heaved a sigh so deep, smoke from his belly fires puffed from his snout.

  “Time grows short. You must return and make ready to leave this day. Any variation could change the Future. Do now what you know you must.” Pravietis churned the waters and disappeared, leaving Zelspar deep in thought.

  He hastily bathed and tore through the sky to get back the Flower Bird. She was sitting on a log next to their cave. She smiled as bright as the Sun when she saw Zelspar’s approach.

  Zelspar fought back his heartache. Looking at Flower Bird, her love and dreams sparkling from her eyes, he decided to wait to tell her his news. First, he would do as was promised. First, they would fly.

  He landed and she ran to him, a-buzz with giddiness.

  “I have a bag of those sweet treats -- I made extra for you.”

  “You have already found this Dragon’s weakness.” He leaned down to allow her to climb upon his back. “I am glad you found it. You are gifted at all you do.”

  She found her space and sat with a happy heart as she threw her braids behind her. She leaned forward to rest her face against his neck, ready for the flight. Her fingers traced his scales, taking in the brilliance of the sheen. She remembered that back home her peoples would gather Dragon scale for a multitude of purposes, such as armor and platters, and even for use in making of jewelry because of their colors and beauty. A soft sigh escaped her lips.

  Zelspar gathered the wind under him and slipped into the sky. It is true he had many things on his mind, but for this flight, he wanted it to be memorable. Not only for Flower Bird but for himself. First, he lifted above their network of caves, the best home he had ever known. He and Flower Bird looked down below, answering the lifted heads with waves and Dragon greetings of hello.

  He veered off towards the vast waters, watching the sun splash against the waves, dancing its joy of a new day. They watched as the fantastic creatures of the waters broke the surface, sending cascades of water splashing down, as they passed. Each had their own call of greeting and each was answered by the two in flight.

  Flower Bird was fully alive in the moment. She could feel the heat of him beneath her, and every nuance of his muscles in flight. It was a rhythm she had learned to love; the stretching of his muscles, the ripple of scales where she placed her hands, the groans of his belly fires as they kept his flames ready. Her eyes filled with tears as she reflected, this feels like home. Not like a cave or an out building, but in the same way the heart feels when it is home…happy, safe, and content.

  The air kissed her face as they flew, drying her tears before they fell. She smiled as the wind twirled her braids, knowing it was an extended hand of Zelspar touching her. He had not noticed her special garment. The bleached tunic with its fine beading on the top, pants and moccasins. It was her matrimonial clothes. She would explain it to him after their flight. Then she and Zelspar would tell her father. She had finally found the one her heart could love again, and she knew Zelspar did too by the w
ay he looked at her, enjoyed her company, and decided to come live at their fires. Yes, he feels all the same feelings as I do. And he has given her this gift, this flight of them two, a deeper bonding between them.

  Zelspar flew on, taking in every sight in which he had become accustomed to seeing. And yet, now he realized he had been taking all of it for granted. He had grown to love this new world. They had fought hard to make it both peaceful and habitable, for the Dragons and the peoples of Urthe.

  He flew low over the place where Flower Bird had once lived, the place where her and her father had rescued Kaida and protected her until she could come home. He flew over the mountain that had crumbled and cast Flower Bird, Molakei, and Kaida into Inner Urthe. He continued to fly further to the north, a path he had not previously flown.

  His snout picked up the scent of smoke. In the distance he could see it rising into the air through a clump of trees. He set his wings to that direction. He began to see dots below. Triangle shaped buildings covered in animal hide.

  As they approached, Flower Bird was able to see the shapes below. She gasped in shock. She pointed and yelled out, “Peoples -- they may be my peoples!” Her heart raced. She could not wait to tell her father that not all of the peoples had died in the great shaking of Urthe.

  Their shadow had caught the attention of several of the land dwellers and they looked up and pointed. Zelspar circled over them, letting them all see him but, more importantly, to see Flower Bird. It is as Pravietis said, she will be able to teach them about Dragons, to teach them to live peacefully together. A tear crawled down his scales as his heart felt the pangs of loneliness. He knew he would not be with her for her teachings. His heart wanted what it could not be given.

  He tilted, allowing Flower Bird a detailed look at the encampment. She was close enough to see the look of surprise and wonder on the faces below her. She waved and yelled a greeting in her native tongue, watching as the people took in her sight, like they had seen a Vision in the sky. Zelspar turned and headed towards home, grateful he had given Flower Bird a hope for her future.

  Once they were home, Zelspar let Flower Bird slip down his scales. Her eyes were a flashing a brilliance rivaling stars. “I must go find father. I want to tell him we found the peoples. He will be so thankful! Will you come?”

  “You go, I’ll rest up and tend to a few things while you are gone.”

  “I’m so excited. He has been fearful all of the peoples had died. It will lift his spirit and give him so much hope for the future. I will not be long. I know he will want to ask you questions, and perhaps go to look himself.”

  “I am pleased our flight has brought you a glimpse of your peoples. Did you observe the path to them? We headed straight north over the mountain you once lived.”

  “Oh yes, I know the area well. We had passed that way when we were looking for our ancestors first home. My father will know right away where we saw the peoples.”

  “You must go now to find him. I will see you both here when you return.”

  In her exuberance, she pulled his neck down low and kissed his cheek before running off to find her father. Zelspar raised his arm to touch his face. A talon traced the spot where she kissed him. His heart grieved that the ancestors had allowed him to feel this joy only to take it from him. His time was too short for cursing the sky.

  He had to leave a letter for Starleira and needed to think quick. He would tell her many things. His plans were to chronicle his journey and the changes as they came. She knew that his spirit would ever remain, but she had no idea what it actually meant. She had no idea of what the Future showed Zelspar, nor the great changes Urthe would see in that Future. She must know how to track his movements, his changes, and know to pass the information through the Hails. Someday they will wish to find him and his book.

  He felt a small relief knowing that even if his book were to become lost, he would code the most telling information to a place where only those who knew the code could read it. He knew a Time would come again, when the peoples of Urthe would come into an Age of Forgetting. A time when they would not remember how Dragons and peoples lived in harmony. It must mean new Dragon Hails would find their way to Urthe because their Hails would never abandon the pursuit of peace. He sat down and wrote. He added to the letter some small symbols and a several side notations. Perhaps she would glean their meanings now. If not, she had a lifetime to learn.

  Perhaps if he wrote of the new Kingdoms of Urthe with their towering buildings of interlocking stones, Starleira would not become so hurt by his departure. He wanted to share what he had seen. The banners flying, often changing as one kingdom fell and another arose. He saw the time of Great Magic and Dragons flying with peoples. A Time where he would play a vital part.

  He watched as his light passed through many, many bodies. From Perthorn to Kiel and then from his line through many Master Magicians until he was reborn into a remarkable time. He would be with a young boy in a strange land of Magic. He, himself would come to watch over, guide, and shape him into a Future King.

  With the letter completed, he focused on the next dilemma. Flower Bird. His loneliness crept unbidden from the depths of his Soul. He shook his head and roared a heart cry. He did not want to tell her, to bring any sadness to such a happy little Flower Bird. He knew what his heart felt, knowing he was leaving. He knew her heart would surely feel the same. It nearly broke him.

  He burst through the cave and took to flight to keep himself from ripping apart the cave. He had never felt such a pain before. He had lost many family members and friends, but he had never let his heart know the feelings of love between two. Flower Bird was the closest he had come to finding one to become Bonded. He flew fast, shifting in the wind wildly at a blinding speed. He had to get far enough away that he could vent the depths of his belly-fires and let it all out without the other Dragons, or Flower Bird, hearing such a desolate sound in the air.

  Returning to the cave, he found Flower Bird in an animated conversation with her father.

  Molakei said, “What good news you brought to us, my friend! Flower Bird was telling me of what the two of you discovered.”

  “Yes, I believe they left the mountain area in fear of more quakes. The area they selected, Flower Bird informed me, is a place in which you are already familiar.”

  “It is very familiar. I am sure we will have no problem in finding it.” He shifted from foot to foot, as if ready to run straight to where the peoples were spotted.

  “We should take father there so he can see with his own eyes,” Flower Bird said enthusiastically.

  “Flower Bird, Molakei, please, I have something of importance to say…”

  “Please, my friend, tell us,” Molakei said. His excitement never wavered.

  Zelspar lumbered over to the fire pit, his tail dragging in the dust. “I have been given a responsibility. I cannot stay. I have to leave with the Magicians.”

  Flower Bird burst out, “No --” She was shocked by the news. It was the last thing her mind thought Zelspar would say.

  “It is not what my heart wants, little Flower Bird. I think you already know I would have stayed on here for the rest of my days. Pravietis came to me as I bathed. He told me the Future of this wonderful Urthe depends on me leaving with the Magicians. Since Perthorn battled for the Law of Balance, and received dominant control of Balance, we must go. There is much work to do to pass along the knowledge of Magic.”

  “I will go with you, then,” Flower Bird said in a quivering voice, tears trailing down her face. “I will help you.”

  Zelspar had only thought he knew loneliness and grief before, but it wasn’t so. Now, he truly felt it in the depths of his very Soul.

  He gently lifted her chin up and spoke softly. “My beautiful Flower Bird, it cannot be. I will keep you in my heart always, for my heart has never known this beautiful and heartbreaking feeling before. Please, listen to me. Allow me to tell you what Pravietis shared with me of your Future.”

��Please, no. I can’t-- I don’t want to hear a Future without you.” She ran and threw herself into her father’s arms, heaving.

  “Then, I shall tell it to the Walls of this home we shared.” Timeless Walls, I will tell the Future of this lovely creature and her father. They will leave this place and seek out the peoples of their kind. They will be welcomed into the group and quickly sought out for their teachings and healings. Flower Bird rises to a high position as all the peoples know she is the ‘Woman who flew with the Dragon’. They want to learn about Dragons and would like to form a relationship with them as equals. She teaches them to honor the Dragons. She shares stories of all she has known living with the Dragon Child and then, living with the Dragon Hails. She has caught the heart of a Warrior and in time, they become married and bear children to make a grandfather pleased in his old age. Now Walls, carry my words to the Woman of this abode. Tell her I have come to love her, and she will never leave the place she has won in my heart.


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