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Winter Vibes (Mistletoe Montana Book 2)

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by Frankie Love

  Chapter Four


  I’ve seen her photos on social media, so I know what she looks like now, but I was not prepared for this. When I saw her last, she was sixteen, just growing into her curves… but now? Damn, Aspyn looks gorgeous.

  She should put on a coat because her tits look incredible in that tight little sweater, and my cock twitches as she smooths down her hair.

  “Oh, I was just taking a nap.” She licks her lips, her pink tongue darting out, and it’s impossible not to imagine that tongue doing other things. “Do you need help with your luggage or anything?” she asks.

  I shake my head, not wanting her to lift a damn finger, and Douglas says, “We’ve got it. Where are Mom and Dad?”

  She smiles, revealing the dimple in her left cheek. “I told them to have a little afternoon date. Mom seemed excited.”

  I leave to get my bags from the car, appreciating the cold temperature because my cock is a fair bit firmer than I’d like. Damn, I need to get this beast under control.

  So instead of focusing on Aspyn’s tight little body, I think how sweet she always is. Making sure her parents have a good afternoon matters to her.

  After staking claim to an empty bedroom on the lower floor, across from a bathroom, I head to the kitchen and find Douglas already there with his sister. Aspyn is pulling out food for dinner and I ask how I can help.

  “Oh, don’t you guys want to get on the mountain? Dinner will take ninety minutes or so.”

  Douglas shrugs, “Yeah? I feel bad ditching you.”

  She shakes her head, waving us off. “It’s fine. We’re having chicken and potatoes. Not complicated. Mom prepped the food this morning. Go have fun.”

  I frown, not wanting to leave. We just got here. I want to stay in this kitchen and help her, get close to her. But Douglas is amped up, and I know if I stay behind it might look suspicious. After our chat in the car I’m wondering how the hell I can make a move without pissing off my oldest friend.

  “Okay, I’m gonna go get my gear. You in, Cole?”

  I nod. “Sounds good.” He leaves the room, and I find myself alone with Aspyn. Something I’ve been wanting for god knows how long. Ever since that day at the lake, when I realized she was the one and only girl for me.

  Wearing that see-through white bikini, her tits full and round, my hands on her hips for a minute too long. Long enough for my cock to get hard and my need for her to grow into something real, tangible.

  But she’d been too young then. And the timing wasn’t right. She’d moved to Bend, her schedule was insane, and I was in the middle of college.

  Now, she is older. I’m almost done with school.

  “Shouldn’t you go get changed?” she asks, looking me over head to toe. What is she thinking?

  “Yeah, I should.” I step closer to her. “I just can’t stop thinking about how you’re all grown up.”

  She lowers her chin and lifts her bright blue eyes. “Yeah? Not just Douggie’s kid sister?”

  I clear my throat, shaking my head. Wanting to set my hands on her curvy hips and pull her close. So damn close. “I don’t see you like that.”

  She licks those lips again, stepping closer to me. “How do you see me, Cole?”

  I feel a heat between us, and our eyes lock. I’m not imagining it. My cock aches and with the quick rise and fall of her breath, her tits practically bounce — they fucking turn me on.

  “You ready, man?” Douglas asks, bounding into the kitchen.

  I cough, stepping back. “Yep, just give me a sec.”

  I leave the room quickly, my cock rock hard, and I will myself to cool the fuck down. Because even though I want Aspyn, and she might just want me, when it comes to love — nothing is ever so simple. And my best friend has made his opinion pretty damn clear.

  His sister is off-limits.

  Chapter Five


  Eating dinner is torture. I’m sitting across from Cole and all I can think about is jumping his bones.

  And the questions about my upcoming ski schedule, how my coach is treating me, what my roommates are like — which are all perfectly acceptable questions — are interrupting my time contemplating my fantasy.

  Cole was standing close to me earlier in the kitchen, wasn’t he? That look in his eyes, it wasn’t just friend stuff, was it?

  I want to be alone with him again, but all evening it’s been family time. Dinner, then card games, and we talk about the tomorrow — Christmas Eve — and how we’re going to spend it on the mountain.

  My parents are sharing a bottle of wine and the guys are drinking beer. Me, I’m abstaining. I want to keep a clear head when it comes to Cole. I already feel like I’m in an absolute fog when I am in his orbit.

  “So what are your plans after school?” Dad asks Cole. “You only have finals and then you’ll graduate with your journalism degree, right?”

  He nods, his eyes flicking over to mine. “I have interviews lined up for the first week of January. Hoping to get a job with an online newspaper.”

  “That would be great,” Mom says. “If you worked remotely, you could go stay with your parents at whatever exotic location they’re teaching in.”

  “Possibly,” he says, again looking over at me. “I’m hopeful one of them works out. I’m not ready to commit to one location at the moment.”

  “You don’t want to stay in Montana?” Dad asks. “How about Idaho or Washington?”

  “Maybe,” he says. “But I like Oregon too.”

  Oregon. Where I am. Where I train 24/7 and will be staying if I make the Alpine Team.

  I don’t want to read into his words… but gosh, it sends a thrill through me. What if Cole moved to Bend? What if we were there together…

  Douggie groans. “I can’t believe you’d consider leaving Missoula. We’ve had some good times there.”

  Cole grins. “It’s true, but I’m ready to move on. Start my life.”

  My mom smiles, finishing her glass of wine. “You’ve always had such a sensible head on your shoulders. I’m so proud of you. Are you still volunteering with foster kids?”

  He nods. “Yep, been giving them ski lessons on the little slope in Missoula. It’s awesome.”

  It warms my heart, thinking of Cole giving of his time like that. He loves to ski, same as Douggie and me, but he also has a passion for helping people — sort of like my parents. It’s one of the reasons I’m so attracted to him.

  Finally, my parents seem tired, and decide to call it a night. Douggie follows suit, and soon enough it’s just Cole and me, alone.

  Yes, I’m tired too, but I want to be alone with Cole more than I want sleep. This is only a three-day trip here in Mistletoe and soon enough I’ll be headed back to Oregon. If I want a shot at finding out his feelings, I need to use the time I’ve got before it runs out.

  The house is quiet, and I know my family are all heavy sleepers. Anything could happen. The air is hot, and I wonder if he feels it too.

  “Are you ready for bed?” he asks. We’re opposite one another — I’m on the couch, he’s in a leather chair. He’s wearing sweats and a hoodie, his hair messy, but his eyes are alert, trained on me. The fire roars beside him.

  I shake my head. “I feel like I got a second wind.”

  “I feel like I was talking a lot all night.”

  I smile. “My parents were grilling you.”

  “I don’t mind. I love your family.”

  I reach for a glass of water and take a sip. “I love that you are still giving ski lessons. I really admire that about you, Cole.”

  His eyebrows lift and he takes a final drink of his beer. “Yeah? Well, my lessons are pretty basic, I’m sure you’d give those kids a run for it.”

  “I wish I had more time. Sometimes I feel so selfish, my choices demand so much devotion. I don’t have time for much else.”

  Cole leans forward, his elbows on his knees. “But it’s incredible, your passion. Your drive.” He shakes his
head, looking at me. “You are incredible, Aspyn.”

  I feel my cheeks turn pink and suddenly the room feels like a furnace. “Are you hot? This fire’s blazing.”

  “Agreed. I’m roasting.” He turns down the gas fire, then looks to me. “How about some fresh air?” he asks, lifting his eyebrows.

  I nod, following him to the sliding glass door. He lets me pass first and I swear his eyes are on my butt. “Our feet are going to freeze.” I say, standing on the covered deck.

  “There’s a hot tub,” he says, pointing to the corner. I look, noticing it for the first time. “Want to take a dip?”

  Do I want to take a dip? It’s only one of the hottest things we could do in this very moment.

  “Sure,” I say, swallowing my excitement. My pussy already wet. Oh god, this is everything. Stay cool, Aspyn. “Should we get suits?”

  He shrugs, walking to the tub, lifting the cover. The water is heated, bubbling and steamy. “I have on boxers.”

  I nod, watching as he pulls off his hoodie and sweats, then climbs in. He is ripped, with a six-pack that I could certainly get used to, and biceps that could lift me off the ground and toss me to the bed. Our bed.

  Which, okay, sure, I may be jumping the gun a tad… but I can’t help it. The man of my dreams in nearly naked in a hot tub, waiting for me to join him.

  This is the time to get excited if there ever was one.

  I unbutton my jeans, shimming them past my hips, and then lift my sweater off. Thank the heavens I put on the red-hot bra and panties.

  “Aspyn,” he says ever so slowly as I step into the tub. I feel his eyes on me. He takes me in and instead of shrinking away from his gaze like I do all other men… I pull my shoulders back and intentionally turn around before sinking into the hot water. I know my booty looks good in this thong, and I want him to know.

  Chapter Six


  I should not have invited her into this hot tub. Because now we are both practically naked, and I am seeing all those curves of hers I’ve been dreaming about, and I don’t know how in the hell I’m supposed to recover from this night.

  Douglas thinks she is too good for me, and he is probably right. Seeing her now, like this, her huge tits pushed up in that red lace bra, her round ass so lush, my cock aches with need. I want to squeeze her ass, I want to do all sorts of things to her tits. Kiss, suck, tease — devour. I want her. All of her.

  I run a hand over my jaw, thinking of how innocent she is. And after the dinner conversation where she told her family about shows she’s been binging, the female roommates she spends the weekends with, the baking hobby she’s taken up after binging The Great British Bake Off, I know she’s a sweetheart who truly is playing by the three Ds.

  And if she isn’t dating — has never dated — that means she may be as pure as everyone thinks.

  Which makes me want her even more.

  “What?” she asks.

  “You look…” I shake my head. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.”

  “That’s what you were thinking? About time?”

  I smile. “Maybe.”

  She rolls her eyes playfully. “I shouldn’t have worn this bra in here. It might get ruined.”

  I clench my jaw. “Maybe you should take it off.”

  “Do you want me to take it off?” she asks coyly. Is she playing innocent, does she know how fucking sexy she sounds right now?

  I suppress a smile. “I’d hate to see something so nice get wasted.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.” She stands, stepping toward me, then turns, offering me her ass. “Can you help me take it off?”

  She pulls her hair over her shoulder, and I take in her spine, her hips, her ass. I don’t want to take advantage of this… Is she even aware of what she is doing?

  But I also don’t want to offend her. Because fuck, I want to see her tits bare.

  I unclasp the bra, and she places it on the side of the tub. Then she sinks back into the water, sitting next to me now. Her tits bob on the water, and I see the hint of her nipples with the light of the moon.

  It’s impossible to hold a conversation because I’m thinking about how good she looks, how I’ve been waiting years to make a move, how the chance is mine for the taking — but I can’t come right out and ask if she wants what I want… because if she doesn’t it will change things for us all. Me and Douglas and her… fuck, her parents would think I’m a goddamn creep.

  Fuck. I got to get out of this hot tub before I pull her into my lap and tell her she is everything I want, crave, need. Before I take that ripe innocence of hers and take a big fucking bite.

  “I’m burning up,” I say. “I’m gonna go back inside.”

  I stand, moving to the edge of the tub quickly, before she can see my raging hard on.

  Maybe this will upset her, but she’d be more upset if I came onto her and she didn’t want me to.

  I grab my clothes, rushing to the house, then I jump in the first cold shower I can find. Ice cold, to be exact.

  Chapter Seven


  Tears sting my eyes as I look around the empty hot tub. What in the world was I thinking? I took off my bra! Talk about forward… and if I thought I might have a chance, I clearly read the situation very, very wrong because the moment I sidled up next to him, Cole bolted for the house.

  Cringing at my mortifying move, I get out of the tub, taking off my panties, then pulling on my clothes. I pull the cover back over the tub, then make a dash for the house, my toes icy cold as I slide the door shut and lock it. I flip the lights off before walking down the hall to my bedroom.

  As I’m walking, I see the hall bathroom light is on, and I reach to turn it off, only to realize the shower’s on. Cole is in the shower, the glass door not giving him very much privacy because I can see all of him.

  And I can see that he is naked. So very naked.

  I pause, able to see him through the crack of the door. It’s wrong, to be so voyeuristic, but I catch a single glimpse and it is all I need.

  For a lifetime probably.

  Because he is in the shower with his thick shaft in his hand, getting off. He is pumping his cock nice and good, and my pussy drips as I watch him. It’s sexy as sin, water running down his slick abs. He groans as he strokes himself up and down.

  Swallowing hard, I scurry down the hall. My body on fire, my heart racing. My need to get out of these clothes immense.

  I close the door. Lock it. Then undress quickly, reaching into my suitcase for my G-spot vibrator and crawling under the covers of my bed. Naked and alone, I turn on my toy, the hum teasing me as I run my fingers over my folds. My pussy is wet, my nipples hard, and with my eyes closed, I replay everything about Cole from the night.

  I press the vibrator against my cunt, letting it fill me up and hit me in just the right place as I think of Cole. The way his ass looked in those sweats, the way he smiled, talking with my family, the way his firm body looked as he undressed and got into the hot tub. The way his hands felt, warm against my skin as he unclasped my bra… the way his hand wrapped around his thick cock in the shower, pumping himself nice and hard.

  I grind against the stimulator, an orgasm washing over me at lightning speed. I’m no longer working from the old visions of Cole, I have new raw material to work with and oh my god, is it working.

  In the morning I wake up, horny as all get out, but the smell of fresh brewed coffee has me wrapping myself in a bathrobe and stepping into the hall.

  I think I’ll be okay coming face-to-face with Cole today. I rode my G-spot vibe until the battery died last night and then I fell asleep with my fingers between my thighs, Cole’s name a whisper on my lips.

  But now I’m focusing on coffee.

  “Morning, honey,” Mom says as I enter the kitchen. “Can you go bring Cole this cup? I know how he loves his coffee in the morning.”

  “Sure,” I say, taking the piping hot mug and turning back to the hall. “Co
le,” I say, rapping my knuckles on his door, “I have your coffee.” But the door is already ajar, and it opens at my light touch.

  Revealing a very naked Cole.

  A very hard Cole.

  I gasp, practically dropping the mug, but managing to place it on the dresser before stepping out of the room, eyes wide. Throat dry. Oh my god, he looks incredible.

  Last night, in the shower, the foggy glass door obstructed my vision, but now there aren’t any barriers between my baby blues and his big thick—

  “Oh shit,” he says, reaching for a towel and covering his erection.

  “Cole!” I whisper-yell as I pull his door shut. “Lock the freaking door!”

  I back away, my body on fire, my core lit up in a dangerous way. In the kitchen I feign menstrual cramps.

  “Sorry Mom, but I really need to rest here today.”

  “You sure, sweetie?” she asks, handing me another coffee. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

  “I know, but I’m always out on the mountain, and I’d really love to take it easy so tomorrow is more fun.”

  “You sure? If you change your mind, you can always come and meet us. You know where we’ll be.”

  I give her a hug, and head back to my bedroom, grateful to be off the hook. I lock the door, and exhale slowly. Then I lick my lips, eager to get back in bed.

  Chapter Eight


  “She’s not coming?” I ask as I head out of the house with Douglas, Janet and Tom.

  “Says she isn’t feeling well,” Janet says, grabbing her skis propped near the porch. “Honestly, the poor thing is probably exhausted. Maybe a trip to the mountains was a bad idea. Aspyn never gets a chance to just relax. Maybe I should stay back?”


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