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If I Did It Prove It

Page 6

by Valarie Deshazier

  “Well hello Nikki…Jasmine,” I spoke as I walked up.

  They really didn’t speak back which was cool with me. I didn’t give two fucks. I just added fuel to the fire that was hidden underneath.

  “Heyyy John…Chad,” I voiced with a slight smile on my face.

  “Ms. Lane,” John replied verbally while his eyes was saying hello, hello I hope to see you later.

  Nikki and Jasmine looked at each other like what the hell was all that.

  “How are you?” Chad asked me.

  “I’m great and hoping to be even better later,” I smiled as I gave John a glance.

  “Hold up, what is all this about?” Jasmine asked as she pointed from me to John.

  “What are you talking about?” I inquired.

  “Nikki I know you are not going to stand here and let this bitch disrespect you like that,” Jasmine spat.

  “First, who are you calling a bitch? And second, no one is being disrespectful other than you,” I uttered.

  “Why did you speak to my husband like that?” Nikki questioned.

  “I just spoke. I didn’t know it would be a problem speaking to anyone. Didn’t mean to cause you to feel some type of way,” I smirked.

  “You are tripping Nikki. Don’t pay her any attention Porsha,” John stated.

  Chad was just off to the side shaking his head because he knew what was going on.

  “Now it’s Porsha. What happened to Ms. Lane?” Jasmine observed.

  Right then I realized that Nikki really wasn’t the ringleader, Jasmine was. I knew their emotions was going to help me finish them both off. I just needed a few more days to make sure that everything was in place.

  “Is there something going on that I need to know about?” Nikki yelled at John.

  Everyone around turned to see what was going on. I was smiling because things were about to get heated up.

  “There’s nothing going on Nikki. All I did was speak to the man. I didn’t know speaking to him was going to cause a problem,” I declared.

  “Well don’t be speaking to him,” Nikki replied.

  I just threw my hands up in the air as if I were defeated. I gave John a look letting him know that I would see him later. He gave me a slight nod in a way of telling me indeed he will. I smiled and walked off. As I was walking away I could hear Nikki and John saying words to each other. Not sure what was said, but I do know that it wasn’t pleasant words.

  I went home and relaxed a little. I needed to do something that would spark some true emotions with Nikki. I knew what to do so I sent out a text to someone I knew could help me. I took a shower and laid down for a few hours before I kicked things in high gear that night. All I knew, was if I played my cards right I would have one more down with just one more to go. I called Shantrice because I hadn’t talked with her in a few days, and plus I needed to inform her of some things.

  “Bitch, why are you just now calling me? I have called and texted you. I thought them hoes had found you out and did something to you!” Shantrice yelled into the phone.

  “Now you already know that I’m well prepared for them hoes.”

  “Yeah you right.”

  “I have been taking care of business.”

  “Good. So, what’s next?”

  “Well, that brings me to the reason why I’m calling you now.”

  I went on to tell Shantrice about what was about to go down that night. She was all into it. She told me to be careful, but I knew I was good. I was stronger mentally and physically than I had ever been in my life. There was no way that I was going to allow some dried-up hens to defeat me this time around. After I ended my call with Shantrice I went and took a shower and laid down for a while.

  Once I woke up and got dressed, I looked at the clock and saw that it was ten thirty p.m. I gave myself a once over in the mirror and of course I was killer ready. I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out. This night I had a one-track mind which someone must die. I knew who I wanted to take out, but the way I was feeling it didn’t matter which one.

  Chapter Fourteen

  If I didn’t know anything else, I knew that John was going to be at the bar. And nine out of ten Nikki was going to be there too. So, when I got to the bar I scanned the parking lot to see if I could spot Nikki’s car. Of course, I did along with Jasmine’s. All I could do was smile. I gathered myself together and put on my game face and headed inside.

  I went straight the bar and ordered me a drink. I turned around and leaned back on the bar so that I could have a good view of everything that was going on. I saw that Nikki, Jasmine, John, and Chad was sitting towards the back and it looked as if they had been sitting there for a good while. There were quite a few empty glasses on the table. I took a few sips of my drink and just stood there watching them. I was waiting on the right moment to cause a nice little scene. It didn’t take look for that moment to come.

  John was in the right position that he could see me clearly. We caught eyes and smiled at each other. He looked away but quickly looked back into my direction and we locked eyes again. I believe that after a few times, I assume gave Nikki a reason to turn to see who John was looking at. When she laid eyes on me her demeanor changed. Which then caused Jasmine to look around at me. I politely raised my glass towards them and smiled before taking a sip. Next thing I knew they were both coming my way.

  “Why are you making eyes at my husband?” Nikki spat loudly as she walked up on me.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” I replied taking another sip of my drink.

  “Oh bitch, you know just what she is talking about,” Jasmine chimed in.

  I looked at Jasmine and politely placed my drink down on the bar before I replied to her.

  “I’m not going to be other bitch. So, I suggest that you don’t call me that again.”

  “You will be whatever I want you to be, BITCH!” Jasmine yelled.

  I smiled and before I could say anything or do anything else I heard.

  “Why are you to so damn evil? This lady hasn’t done anything to either of you,” John stated from behind them.

  “Why are you defending her?” Nikki turned around to face John.

  “It’s not about defending anyone. It’s about you two thinking that y’all can just treat people any kind of way and I’m over it,” John voiced.

  “You are standing up for her like you are fucking her or something,” Jasmine blurted out.

  Chad damn near choked on his drink when Jasmine said those words. John wasn’t sure if he wanted to be honest or not. He looked at me and I just humped my shoulders.

  “So, you are fucking her?” Nikki yelled loudly.

  Everyone in there was focused on us. We had become their entertainment and I was cool with that.

  “You need to calm down. People are starting to watch,” John told Nikki.

  “I don’t give a damn who is watching. Are you fucking her or not?” Nikki spat.

  “What if he was? What would you do about it?” I asked.

  “Really bitch,” Jasmine bawled.

  “I warned you about that bitch word. It would be wise if you reframed from calling me that,” I spoke calmly.

  “I can’t believe you are cheating on me with her,” Nikki cried as she pointed at me while looking at John.

  “Cheating would have to assume that we are fucking. I haven’t touched you in years. Hell, we don’t even talk. With Porsha I can just be myself,” John confessed.

  “So, you are fucking her,” Nikki stated in disbelief.

  “It’s over Nikki,” John said loudly.

  “What do you mean over?” Nikki questioned.

  “I mean, I’m done with you. I don’t want to be with you anymore. I’m sick of you and your punk ass kid. You so busy doing you that you haven’t even noticed that I only have a few things at the house. I moved out years ago. I’m sick of playing the game with you. I’m out,” John disclosed before walking out of the bar.

  Chad looked around at
us before he took off behind John.

  “Damn Nikki you just going to take that? What are you going to do?” Jasmine questioned.

  “Looks like to me there’s not much that you can do but suck it and move the fuck on,” I uttered right before I took my drink to the head.

  “Why don’t you just shut the fuck up,” Jasmine voiced.

  I leaned in and whispered in Jasmine’s ear, “Payback is a bitch, not me.” I turned and walked out.

  I sat in my car for a while just waiting. It seemed like it took forever for Nikki and Jasmine to come out of the bar. Jasmine was trying to get Nikki to ride with her, but Nikki refused. Nikki felt that she needed to go find John and talk with him. Jasmine was like fuck him we need to go find that bitch Porsha. I started to get out the car and handle Jasmine’s ass because I was so sick of her calling me a bitch. I had to hold it together because she was going to get hers no matter if it was then or later.

  However, they got into their own cars and went two different ways. I pulled off and drove right behind Nikki. At first I didn’t know where she was going, but she finally ended up at her house. I parked down the street so that no one would see me at her house. I popped my trunk and pulled out some clothes that was a little more appropriate for the occasion.

  “I would like a drink,” I stated as I walked into Nikki’s kitchen where she was sipping on some wine.

  “How the fuck did you get into my house?”

  “All that don’t matter, but what does matter, is the reason why I’m here,” I informed her as I point my .45 at her.

  “You going to shoot me over John?”

  “Naw, I’m not going to shoot you. However, if I have to I will.”

  “What do you want Porsha?”

  “I would like a drink.”

  She proceeded to fix me a drink.

  “Also, I would like for you to stop calling me Porsha,” I said as she placed a glass of wine in front of me.

  “What would you like for me to call you, homewrecker?” she asked as she sat down at the other end of the table.

  “You can call me by my name.”

  “I did…I called you Porsha,” she stated with a confused look on her face.

  “Cookie…you can call me Cookie,” I said as I took a sip of wine.

  The look on her face informed that she was lost, and I couldn’t allow that.

  “You are looking confused, so let me help you out. Years ago, you and your crew used to bully me and my cousin Shannon. You remember Shannon don’t you? You know the one that you caused to kill herself.”

  “Oh my god. It can’t be,” she stated in shock.

  “Oh, it’s me.”

  “I’m so sorry, but it wasn’t supposed to happen like that,” she tried to explain.

  “Well, it did and now it’s your turn,” I said as I pulled out another gun.

  “So, you are going to kill me now?”

  “No, you are going to do it for me.”

  I got up and placed the second gun in front of her. She looked at it and then back up at me.

  “Yeah, that’s the same gun that you handed Shannon, and now you are going to do the same thing she did with the same gun.”

  Tears started to form in my eyes, but I held it together.

  “Please don’t do this.”

  “I’m not doing anything you are.”

  “So, this is the real reason you are here. It had nothing to do with the center.”

  “Yes, but the center is a big part of me being here as well.”

  “Cookie I’m so sorry for what happened, but we were young and didn’t understand what we were doing.”

  “I’m not trying to hear all that. Pick the gun up and put it to your head and pull the trigger.”

  We went back and forth for a while, but she finally got the point and did what she was told. I walked out the same way I came in feeling vindicated. It was one more that I need to handle and then it would all be over. I got in my car and drove home. I needed a nap.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next morning it was all over the news that Nikki Moore had committed suicide. I sat there drinking me a cup of wine with my legs crossed as the news said she did it because her husband cheated. I couldn’t enjoy my wine because there was a knock on my door. I cut the television off to go see who it was. When I saw that it was Detective Kane, I just rolled my eyes before opening the door.

  “Why are you at my house?” I asked as I opened the door.

  “I’m sure you have heard that Nikki Moore committed suicide.”

  “Yes, and what does that have to do with me?”

  “Last night you and Mrs. Moore had words, is that right?”

  “Yeah, and what’s your point?”

  “The point is not long after that she ends up dead. Don’t you think that is kind of odd?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Hmm, so what did you ladies have words about?” he inquired.

  I smiled and stated very calmly, “Her husband and I fucking.”

  “So, you were having an affair with her husband?” he asked as he wrote something down on his little note pad.


  “You don’t seem bothered by the fact that you were sleeping with someone’s husband.”

  “Why should I? It happened and that’s that.”

  “Something about all of this just isn’t adding up to me.”

  “Look, I don’t know what you want from me and I really don’t care what is or isn’t adding up to you.”

  “May I ask you where you were last night around two a.m.”

  “Right here in my house in my bed. So, if you don’t mind I have better things to do than stand here talking about nothing with you.”

  He just stood there looking at me like I was crazy. I gave him a look like are you leaving or what.

  “We will talk again Ms. Lane,” he stated right before he walked away.

  “I look forward to it,” I replied.

  He turned around and looked at me, I smiled and closed my door. It was like he wanted it to be me, but I didn’t give a fuck. He was going to have to work hard to prove that I had anything to do with it.

  I took a shower and got dressed and headed up to the center. It was a quiet day, not much was going on. Everyone was just whispering about Nikki killing herself. I guess halfway through the day around three or four in the afternoon, Ryan came into my office.

  “Hey, I got your message, you wanted to see me,” Ryan stated as he stood at my office door.

  Oh, that’s right, you don’t know who Ryan is…lol. Well let me back up and let you in on just who Ryan is. I told you that Nikki’s son was being bullied, right. Well Ryan is the kid that was doing the bullying. Well technically he’s not a kid. He just look like one. Ryan is damn near thirty but looks like he’s twelve. Okay now back to what I was saying.

  “Yeah, I do. Come on in and close the door.”

  “What’s up?” Ryan said as he took a seat.

  “I’m not going to need your services any longer. Here is the rest of your money and I need you to leave town tonight,” I replied as I placed an envelope of money on the front edge of my desk.

  “Are you sure.”

  “Yes, I’m more than sure. I appreciate everything.”

  “No problem. Anytime you need me just give me a call.”

  I nodded my head with a smile and Ryan grabbed the envelope of money and walked out of my office. I guess about an hour later I closed everything and left. As I was walking to my car I was ran up on, walked up on, whatever you want to call it by Jasmine.

  “I know you had something to do with Nikki’s death,” she spat as she approached.

  I turned around and looked at her for a second. I wasn’t sure if I was going to entertain her at not, but then I said why the hell not.

  “Now why would you think I had something to with her killing herself?”

  “Because every time someone is around you they die. Asia, Lisa, and now Nikki. I
don’t know why you are doing this, but you are not going to get away with it.”

  I laughed which seemed to make Jasmine a little upset, but who cared about her getting upset.

  “You think it’s funny, but it’s nothing funny about people losing their lives.”

  “You know you are right. It’s nothing funny about it, especially when you give them the gun to do it with and say nothing,” I uttered the last part in her ear.

  I got in my car and drove off while she was standing there not sure what to say or do. I knew she was pondering on what I had just said. She might have thought about going to the police, but she had no proof. However, it was her turn to pay the piper.

  Later that evening, I was home watching the news when the news caster said BREAKING NEWS: The gun that was used in Nikki Moore’s suicide was the same gun used in the suicide of Shannon Green fifteen years ago.

  It was breaking news to them, but it was something that I knew already. I also knew that it was going to be used once more.

  Two Days Later

  I was at the diner and had just finished eating when Detective Kane sat down in front of me.

  “What do you want now?” I asked shaking my head.

  “Why can’t I find anything on you? It’s like you don’t exist or something.”

  “You can only find something if there is something to find. So, I guess it’s nothing for you to find, so let it go. But if this is your way of working up your nerves to ask me out then don’t waste your time because the answer would be…a no,” I stated as I got up to leave.

  I could feel him watching me as I walked out of the diner. I didn’t care because I was going to finish things tonight. I had somewhere else I needed to be.

  I drove to the park and sat on the bench. It was truly a beautiful day and I wanted to take it all in. I sat out there for at least two hours before I decided to leave. When I returned to my car there was a package in the passenger seat. I smiled because I already knew what it was. I went home and made a few calls then I took a nap. When I woke up it was about seven p.m., so I got dressed and headed out.

  I pulled up at this hotel and sat in my car and waited. What was I waiting on you might ask? Well, I was waiting on a special guest, and it didn’t take long for them to get there. I watched as they went into the room and closed the door. I waited another five minutes before I grabbed the package off the passenger seat and exited my car.


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