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Making Memories

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by S J Batsford

  Making Memories

  A Loving Lily Short

  S.J. Batsford


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior permission of the publisher.

  Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Please keep this book in its original state with exception of quotes used in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the Author’s imagination and used fictionally.

  Making Memories is a Loving Lily Short New Adult Romance, intended for mature viewers of 18+. Strong language and sexual situations throughout.

  First Published – 22/11/2017

  This edition published – by Batsford Publishing

  Cover design by S.J. Batsford

  ISBN: 978-0-9954944-5-9

  Formatted by Vivian Freeman

  Copyright © by S.J. Batsford


  This book is dedicated to the two people who made Christmas special for me. They’re not with me anymore but their love of Christmas will live on through me and everyone they loved.

  To my Nan and my mother in law. I wanted to release this book on your birthdays as a tribute to you both. I love and miss you more than you know.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

  Also by S.J. Batsford


  First, I would like to thank my husband and kids for putting up with my crazy schedule. Without you guys I’d be lost, I love you.

  To my amazing friends online who are always there and support me in everything I write.

  I want to thank my beta’s who got this little baby flowing amazingly. Jenny, Stephanie, Mil Va, Helen, Rhonda, Kim, Janet and Nikki, I would be lost without you ladies, you did an amazing job. I love you all dearly.

  To my fans, I am honoured to have such amazing people read my words. I write for you, I write to create worlds you can slip into and lose yourself for a little while. The support and love I receive via reviews and messages on Facebook mean the world to me, so thank you.

  I love every one of you.

  Chapter 1

  I take off as soon as my feet hit the floor, I’m so excited, I run into the living room. My face lights up as I see our tree sparkling in the corner with lots of gifts underneath it, all wrapped beautifully. Excitement bursts through me as I sprint down the hallway skidding when I reach the door.

  “Mommy, Mom. He’s been,” I squeal jumping up onto the bed. I bounce excitedly singing jingle bells at the top of my lungs until she emerges from under the quilt and drags me under growling and tickles me until I can’t breathe.

  “Have you been snooping?” My Mom asks sternly, before a beautiful smile appears across her face.

  “No, I didn’t. I just looked to see if he’d been, cross my heart and hope to die stick a needle in my eye,” I say.

  “Hmm, well, thank goodness you’ll need both eyes to open all those gifts.” She winks and pulls the quilt back. I scramble off the bed and bounce on my toes waiting for her to put on her dressing gown.

  I wake up slowly, blinking up at the ceiling feeling my heart ache for my Mom. I wipe my damp cheeks a sad smile stretches across my face as I recall her beautiful face.

  “Cariño?” Jax whispers, his sleepy voice is like a warm blanket, it lightens the sadness in my heart. “Hey, are you okay, baby?” He asks, pulling me down onto his chest.

  “I’m okay, a good memory, I promise,” I whisper, laying a kiss over his heart.

  “About your mom again?”

  “Yeah, I like remembering, seeing her again.”

  “She’s always with you, you know she would never leave you.”

  “I know,” I whisper as another tear slips from my eye. I just wish she was here for real. Especially this time of year, Christmas was her favourite.

  “Want to tell me about it?” He asks and kisses my head.

  “It was from when I was little, I used to get so excited when Christmas came. It was her favourite time of year, she made it so special. I remember her smile that morning, it was blinding, she had this glow about her when she looked at me that morning…”

  “Of course, she did, you were her world and seeing you happy was all she cared about.”

  My breath hitches at his words, more tears fall because I know his words are the truth, I was her world and she was mine. I reach up and lay a gentle kiss on his lips, silently thanking God for bringing him into my life. I would be lost without him now, the twins adore him, I adore him. He’s my rock, he’s my one.

  “What did I ever do to deserve you?” I ask, gazing into his beautiful eyes, they’re so filled with love it warms my heart.

  “You were just you, nothing more, nothing less. You deserve everything,” he whispers, kissing me again, deeper, until all I feel is his love.

  I pull away breathless, flushed and hot all over. “I love you so much,” I whisper against his lips. My heart squeezes, aching with the love I feel for this man.

  “Yo también te amo,” he whispers, laying tiny kisses down my neck. God, I love it when he speaks Spanish, especially when he uses it to say, I love you… Let’s just say he gets a reward every time and this time will be no different.

  I feel his grin against my shoulder as I climb on top of him, he knows exactly what that does to me. “You’re lucky I’m horny right now,” I mutter, biting his shoulder. He laughs as his hands caress my thighs, his thumbs just skimming the crotch of my shorts, I’m already wet and aching for him.

  “You’re lucky you have a man who speaks such a sexy language,” he says, sucking my nipple into his hot mouth through my top. My back bows pushing my breasts further into his greedy mouth. Grasping his hair, I pull him impossibly closer, almost smothering him. I need him so much my skin craves his touch like my lungs need air. My body demands his, to soothe the ache the way only he can. His eyes connect with mine as my hips move restlessly over his hard cock. Damn clothes! I curse under my breath and grudgingly pull away, I quickly rid myself of my sleep shorts and top. He gasps taking in my heavy breasts, my nipples tighten under his stare. Shoving the quilt out of my way, I slide off him and yank at his shorts, laughing at my impatient growl he lifts his hips so I can get them off. Once I have them at his ankles I pause and take him in. Every inch of tanned, toned flesh on display before me, from his broad shoulders to the tattoo crawling up his ribs… He’s mouth-watering and he’s all mine. I am one lucky bitch. He smirks as I drool over him, he knows, no matter how many times I see him in the buff I will always turn into a simpering idiot.

  “Come up here, sweetheart. I want to feel you against me.”

  I smile taking my time kissing his thick thighs, letting my tongue work over his hip before following every muscle across his belly and chest.

  “Lil’s if you don’t get your ass up here I’m gonna spank it,” he growls as I bite his nipple. I giggle looking up at him as I take his other nipple between my teeth rolling it, teasing him. As much as I love taking charge, I love when he’s a little dominant and he takes me the way he wants me.

  “Take me,” I whisper, hovering over him, daring him to do it. In a smooth move I’m on my back, then I’m flipped onto
my front. The surprised squeal that leaves my mouth quickly turns into a moan as his tongue slides down my spine. Feeling his big body pressing me into the bed has me about crazy with want. I need contact, I need to feel him slide into me, filling me. I moan loudly as he pushes his hips into my arse, the cold slide of metal is erotic as he slides across my skin. Reaching round I pull him closer. His dick nudges my arse and we both shudder.

  “Uh-huh,” he mumbles and pulls back I have no idea what he’s waiting for. I let out a frustrated groan and turn my head, I gasp when I see his hand gripping his dick tightly. I watch his hand move slowly up and down, he’s teasing me.

  “You want this?” He groans, squeezing the base.

  “Yes,” I whisper, licking my lips.

  “You need to be quiet,” he whispers, smirking at me as he leans forward onto my back and slides his cock between my parted thighs and down over my clit. I bite my lip hard as he tortures me with languid thrusts, hitting just the right spot to make me want to shout out my pleasure.

  “Please Jax, fuck me,” I groan, unashamed that I’m begging.

  “How do you want it sweetheart?” He asks, his breathing laboured now.

  “However you want to give it to me,” I moan.

  “Mmm,” he hums his approval, leaning back he lifts my legs forward until my arse is in the air and pushes into me slowly, taking his time. I enjoy every sensation that passes through me as he claims me again.

  “So, fuckin good,” he breathes, tipping his head back.

  “I need it faster, Jax,” I groan as he finally bottoms out inside me. At my words, he sits up holding onto my hips and fucks me faster, harder, he goes deeper and the bite of pain almost makes me scream in ecstasy, I writhe under him murmuring incoherently.

  “Mierda. You need to come, now,” he grates through gritted teeth, his face is red from exertion, sweat is dripping down his temples as he tries to stave off his orgasm. It’s too late for me, because one final sharp thrust and I’m there. I’m thrown into the most intense orgasm, I feel it everywhere, my whole body seizes, and I scream his name unable to silence myself any longer.

  “Mierda, fuck yes! Te amo,” I barely hear Jax’s anguished hiss. He sighs and falls onto my back crushing me into the bed.

  “Squishing me,” I murmur, making him chuckle. He rolls off me and falls to his back still trying to catch his breath. “That good, was I?” I ask cheekily draping myself across his sweaty chest.

  “Always,” he replies, pulling me up beside him fully.

  “What time is it?” I ask, yawning as he reaches for his phone.

  “Just after six, I better get up soon.”

  “Mmm, me too. Nan’s coming today,” I reply but neither of us move.

  “Did she buy more presents?” He asks, laughing, but it’s no joke my Nan has been buying everything she sees for the twins.

  “No, not today. She’s coming to bake with the twins.”

  “She does realise their still only babies, right?” He asks shaking his head.

  “Apparently, they need to start young. I think she just wants to make up for what she didn’t do with me.” I sigh, I wish she would stop beating herself up over that, but my Nan is as bloody stubborn as they come.

  “They’ll probably eat, poop and sleep through the whole thing.”

  “I know, but it makes her happy.” I shrug and kiss his chest. “Maybe I’ll help, I could use a little Christmas spirit,” I add as I feel excitement I haven’t felt in a long-time bubble in my belly.

  “Then do it, maybe we should go all out?”

  “Mom and I used to go to a Christmas market every year. It was magical, all the lights and music. People just seemed happier,” I say wistfully, remembering how everything looked as a child.

  “How do you feel about going home for a few days before the holidays?” He asks, and I look at him confused.

  “Home?” I ask, my brow furrowed.

  “To England.” He kisses my head.

  “I don’t think that’s an option this year, what with Nan being unable to fly and Ethan…” My voice drifts off as I feel his body tense. “You have nothing to worry about,” I whisper and kiss his chest above his racing heart.

  “I’m not worried,” he huffs, but I can see right through him. I know he’s worried over the whole situation with me and Ethan.

  “Jax, I know you are, but you really have no need to be. I. Love. You.” I punctuate each of those three important words with an open-mouthed kiss. He peers down at me, waiting to see how far I’ll go to convince him. “I love you,” I whisper again before biting down on his hard nipple.

  Groaning, he swoops down and kisses me hungrily, his body colliding with mine, pinning me to the bed as he looms over me. His hands and lips are just getting started when we hear the cry from the baby monitor, Jackson freezes and pulls back looking down at me. When another louder, shriller cry comes through the monitor we know our time is over, Elizabella is awake.

  Giggling at his disappointment, I push his chest gently and scoot to the bottom of the bed, taking the sheet with me as Jackson falls onto the bed groaning into the mattress.

  “Later,” I whisper and pinch his tight butt.

  “Hey!” He protests sulkily.

  Laughing, I throw on one of his t-shirts and go to see my babies. When I pop my head in the room I see both my little treasures wiggling around and thrashing their arms and legs.

  “Are mommy’s little angels hungry?” I ask smiling down at them, they look at me kicking their legs as if in answer.

  After sitting quietly and feeding, burping, changing and rocking them both to sleep I’m tired myself but I have things to do. ‘There’s no rest for the wicked.’ I smile as I hear another of my Mom’s favourite sayings.

  I enter the bedroom and my smile dissolves, I sigh disappointed that Jackson is no longer lying across the bed naked. I make the bed and pull on some trackie bottoms and a bra and go in search of Jax. I find him in the kitchen tying his shoelaces, have I mentioned that everything about this man is gorgeous? Even his broad back, his muscles jump and ripple as his moves. I sigh, leaning against the doorframe for support as I salivate over my boyfriend, I will never tire of looking at him. I’m brought back by Jackson’s chuckle, I blink and focus on his smug face.

  “You need a bib, too?” He asks, his eyes laughing at me as I blush and wipe my mouth as he stands and drinks the last of his coffee.

  “It’s your fault,” I say, going up onto my tiptoes and plastering myself against his hard chest. “I just can’t resist you,” I whisper and pepper kisses along his neck.

  “Christ,” he groans clutching me to him as I bite down on his ear lobe.

  “Just a taste, I’ll be waiting,” I say, smiling at the pained moan that comes from his chest.

  “How can I go to work with this?” He growls pushing the proof of his arousal against my belly.

  “You’ll survive,” I giggle and pull away.

  “You’ll pay for that,” he threatens advancing on me, I laugh backing away. Just when he’s about to reach for me the doorbell rings loudly.

  Throwing his head back he growls, mumbling all the time about needing to get to work. Smiling, I feel unbelievably happy as I open the door to Nan.

  “Morning honey,” she says and kisses my cheek as she enters. “Morning Jackson.”

  “Morning.” Grabbing his keys, he clasps my hand and drags me into the living room. “I’ll try and finish early today…” He whispers huskily and before I can get a word out his lips are on mine, his tongue stroking along my lip before his teeth sink in.

  “Okay then,” I whisper breathlessly and stand there dazed as he walks out the door smirking.

  Chapter 2

  I groan as the smell of gingerbread permeates the kitchen, ah, how I love that smell, my belly rumbles loudly making Nan chuckle.

  “Hungry, are we?” She asks, her smile lighting up her whole face. Now I see where my Mom got her love of Christmas from, it radiates fr
om her warming the hearts of everyone around her.

  “For gingerbread? Always.”

  “So, things are going well with you two then?” The sudden change in subject catches me off guard and I blush, scrambling for an appropriate answer, it’s not like I can tell my Nan that the sex is off the charts hot and Jackson has me wrapped around his finger, or more accurately his dick. I giggle at my thought.

  “It’s nice to see you happy and smiling again, after everything that’s happened… For what it’s worth I think he’s good for you and the twins, I think he’s a fine, fine young man,” she smirks and winks at me and I stand there staring. “You have good taste my girl,” she chuckles at my stunned face and opens the oven. I know I shouldn’t be but I’m shocked.

  “Nan!” I admonish playfully after I bounce back from my speechless state.

  “What?” She asks as she places each of the cookies on the cooling rack. “I may be a little older but I’m not dead yet, I can still appreciate a prime piece of meat when I see one.” She snickers at my face, she’s acting like a teenager for heaven’s sake.

  “Well, that’s my prime piece you’re admiring.” I smile dreamily as my thoughts go back to the way he held me this morning.

  “Okay, I think we need to finish cooking before you melt into the floor.”

  “Okay, okay. I think we need new music,” I say and grab my phone searching for what I want. Ah, there it is… A little Frank to help us get in the mood. Nan smiles at me her eyes watery. “He was always a favourite at singing carols, your mom loved his voice,” she whispers and my heart stops, sometimes I forget she is in the same boat as me, it’s our first real Christmas without Mom. The last one didn’t count since we didn’t do anything.


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