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Fierce Cyborg

Page 7

by Nellie C. Lind

  “Technically, it wasn’t me who kidnapped you.”

  “Technically, yes, but since you’re the face of the Fighters, you’ll take the blame, so let’s start with the food, shall we?”

  The leader remained silent; just watched her for a long and painful minute.

  Tense excitement filled her as she stared right back. Despite everything, despite him seeing her as the enemy, her attraction for Nightmare washed over her.

  He was beautiful, with his dark features, shining eyes, and fit body. Despite Carolyn’s bad intentions, she’d created a masterpiece.

  He was like a painted canvas Jade couldn’t stop admiring.

  That was both exciting and terrifying.

  Exciting, because he made her heart pound, terrifying because she was far from safe in his presence. Especially when they were on their own. He’d said he wouldn’t hurt her, but he had other things in store for her, for sure.

  Butterflies danced in her stomach, and her body tingled all over as she watched him. The need to touch him, to trace her fingers down his muscular arms was strong, but she reminded herself to stand still, to not approach him.

  Every Fighter would blame her if Jade triggered his bond, no doubt assuming she’d done it on purpose. Some of them would likely attack her in pure rage, and Nightmare would attack the Fighters, and the war would be on.

  She closed her eyes to shake the feelings off. This wasn’t the right place or time for her emotions to act up.

  No, it didn’t matter how much she wanted to be in his arms. She could never— literally never—touch him.

  Not even if he allowed it.

  Her chest tightened. She’d been alone for so long.

  For years, she’d told herself she didn’t date because of work, but deep down, she’d always known.

  It had always been because of him.

  The lump in Jade’s throat grew. It was almost impossible to hold back the sob that wanted to break free. Somehow, she succeeded and continued their staring contest.

  Nightmare wasn’t a fool. He knew what would happen if he touched her, but that pinch of longing in his eyes was unmistakable.

  After all, his bond still screamed for a new bound one—like it’d done for about forty years.

  The worst part was, his longing wasn’t directed at her. No, the worst part was his longing was directed at her because she was a woman without a cyborg.

  Any woman would do as long as she wasn’t a cyborg’s bound one, and that stung like hell.

  Nightmare finally stood. “Fine,” he said, breaking the awkward silence. “Let’s go to the kitchen and make you a sandwich.”

  Jade’s jaw dropped. “What? You want me to go with you?”

  “Yes.” He looked at her, as if his suggestion was nothing special.

  She looked around the room. “I thought I was your prisoner.”

  He nodded. “You are, so running away is pointless. Besides, you’d get lost down here in minutes. Finding a way out would be almost impossible. We’re far below ground, and the tunnels go on for miles.”

  Jade snorted. “Yeah, I figured that much.”

  “Then, follow me.” He opened the door.

  She hesitated. “I don’t know if this is such a good idea. Every cyborg out there hates me.”

  His lips twitched. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  Heat spread in her chest. The thought of him ‘protecting her’ filled Jade with a pinch of joy, but then reality hit. “You’ll only do that because you need answers.” The joy faded away.

  “I’ll protect you because I’m not the monster you believe me to be.”

  “You’re not a monster to me. You never were.”

  Surprise painted his shining cyborg eyes.

  She inhaled sharply. Shouldn’t have said that.

  Nightmare took two fast steps closer and invaded her personal space.

  Jade winced. Instinct told her to move, but she remained where she stood, just inches from him, feeling the heat of his body slowly linger onto hers.

  “What exactly am I to you?” he demanded, but there was a pinch of curiosity as well.

  She swallowed. “A cyborg that needs help.”

  “What kind of help would that be?”

  “You’re lonely, in a lot of pain. A bound one … would help you feel better.” Jade had to push the last part of her statement past her lips.

  She expected him to explode, like he’d done in the past whenever she’d mentioned a new bound one, but Nightmare stood still.

  When his gaze landed on her lips, her heart almost stopped.

  He met her gaze again. “And where exactly would you find a woman brave enough to become my bound one?”

  Jade blinked. Hadn’t expected that question. Was still waiting for an outburst. “Well, I … um …”

  He snorted. “You can’t even think of one. I’m sure no woman who volunteered to become a Fighter’s bound one would ever choose me.”

  “That’s not true!” Jade cringed on the inside. She’d screamed the answer.

  Suspicion darkened his features. “Tell me her name.”

  Jade kept her mouth closed.

  No woman had ever picked him — apart from her.

  “If you can’t tell me a name, then tell me how many.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “One.”

  Nightmare frowned. “That’s interesting. It almost makes me curious.” His expression went cold. “But not curious enough. She’s only wasting her time.”

  His words cut like daggers, but at least, he didn’t seem to suspect she was talking about herself. “I think she already knows.”

  “Good. Shall we?”

  Jade’s heart pounded.

  While he’d been unconscious, she’d been locked in her room to be kept away from the Fighters, or in the infirmary, where Celise or Blaze kept an eye on her.

  Now, Nightmare wanted her to follow him to the kitchen, and the kitchen would, most likely, not be empty. “I still don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Stop being such a coward.” He grabbed her and pulled her out of the room.

  She gasped and yanked free.

  The leader sighed. “Holding your hand isn’t enough for the bonding process to initiate.”

  “Oh.” Jade relaxed—a little.

  Disappointment shone in his eyes. “You must find the thought of being my bound one repulsive.” He grabbed her hand again.

  Jade wanted to scream that she wasn’t the slightest repulsed, but remained silent. It was for the best if he believed that, but why had he sounded so disappointed?

  Was there a small spark of interest in him after all?

  One he was trying to hide?

  No, of course not. It was all in her imagination.

  He only reacted like that because his bond demanded a bound one, and she was an unbound woman close enough for him to touch.

  She looked at their linked hands as he made her walk down the hallway. If this was harmless, she’d take it. Every second of skin contact with him counted. Who knew how long it would last?

  Nightmare led her through long white hallways and after a few turns, she was completely lost, but he walked on with determination.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked.

  He gave her a side-look. “Doing what?”

  “Taking me to the kitchen. Other Fighters will be there.”

  “Yes, and you’re hungry.”

  Jade tried to free her arm, but his grip was like solid rock. “They don’t like me. You’re putting me in danger.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m their leader, and they’ll trust my judgment. We’ll go, fix you a sandwich, and once your stomach is happy, we’ll continue our little talk.”

  “And if they don’t trust your judgment?”

  He gave her another side-look, this time darker.

  Jade looked away, unable to avoid the emotional havoc Nightmare awakened inside her every time he looked at her. Even his unpleasant expression trigger
ed a reaction. If only he could continue looking at her, but it would be nice if it was in a kinder way. A love-struck gaze wouldn’t be so bad.

  “I’ve been the Fighters’ leader from the start. No one has ever rebelled against me, because they know they have nowhere else to go, and they know I’m the only one who can help them.”

  Jade startled at his last words. “How exactly do you help them?”

  His lips twitched, but the black in his eyes intensified. “Give me one good reason I should tell you.”

  The words hit her hard. The ache in Jade’s chest increased, and jealousy swept over her. Why couldn’t she gain his trust like Celise had?

  It’d been fifteen years, and she wasn’t even close to achieving one-tenth of what her colleague had achieved in just a short time.

  Sure, constantly arguing with him didn’t help, but at the same time, she’d lost count of all the times he’d done things to piss her off.

  Like several years ago, when he and the Fighters had robbed a food store. The police had been over-powered easily, and the officer’s handcuffs had been used against them.

  They’d been cuffed to their cars, and Nightmare had left a note that said, “I hope you like my gift, Jade.” He’d even waved with a wide grin toward the store’s security camera.

  They couldn’t continue like this.

  “I would like to know.” She stayed calm, but shivered on the inside.

  With impossible speed, Nightmare released her hand and grabbed her throat, glaring with his shining eyes. There was nothing but darkness and hate in them. “You don’t deserve to know.”

  Jade didn’t move. She didn’t even flinch when his grip tightened. Instead, she held his gaze, refusing to reveal the fear he’d evoked yet again within her. Her breathing came fast, her body trembled, sweat broke out on her forehead, but thankfully, she could fill her lungs with air this time.

  She must’ve triggered something. What, she didn’t know, but why this sudden reaction?

  Jade had expected torture and pain when he’d entered “her” room. She’d expected fury and danger, as soon as she opened her mouth, but they’d somehow managed to have a “normal” conversation.

  Up until now.

  There were two ways she could go from here.

  Either react with anger, scream, and make a scene in a desperate attempt to save her life, or …

  Jade raised her trembling hands slowly as she held his gaze.

  He could break her neck, and that would be it. He had complete power over her. Nightmare could do whatever he wanted, and she wouldn’t be able to stop him. In the end, it’d be her heart that’d hurt the most, but not once did she look away from his furious countenance.

  He bared his teeth when she carefully laid her shaking hands on his arm, unable to stop that one tear from running down her cheek.

  Pressure, she told herself.

  The heat from his bare arm grazed her skin. “I’ve always been the one fighting for you Fighters.” Her statement shook, making it difficult to speak. “I was the one who convinced the Council of MedAct to let you live all those years ago.” Another tear ran down. “I’ve been fighting for your survival ever since I became MedAct’s CEO. I made them sign a contract promising they’d never try to kill you. It was a contract stating every cyborg’s life is precious. Without it, they would’ve continued hunting you all like animals.” She took a shaky breath. “Why do you think we don’t do anything to any of you once we catch a Fighter? We never force you, and we only drug you for everyone’s safety.”

  Some of his anger subsided and slid into a frown. “The police still hunt us like animals.”

  “We’ve told them not to hurt you, but unfortunately, they don’t always listen.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Why would you do all that?”

  “Because you matter to me.” Jade swallowed against his grip. That could be interpreted wrong. She needed to correct. “You all do,” she added. “Don’t you see? I’ve always wanted to help you.”

  Suspicion shone from his shining eyes.

  Jade relaxed when he finally let her go. She rubbed her throat but didn’t say anything. Her skin was warm and tender from his hold. If she was lucky, she wouldn’t have any bruises.

  “I don’t believe you.” Nightmare looked calmer, but the rage was still there.

  “I don’t expect you to, but it’s the truth.”

  After an angry mumble, he grabbed her hand again and continued down the hallway.

  Apparently, the conversation was over.


  “This is a very, very, very bad idea,” Nightmare heard Jade say.

  She stared, with wide eyes at the open double doors to the kitchen as they approached. Her steps slowed. The strength she usually radiated wasn’t there anymore.

  She feared for her life.

  It was so obvious, impossible to miss, and it took Nightmare off-guard. He couldn’t get used to seeing her like this, so small, so vulnerable … so fragile. It stirred something within him.

  A need to protect?

  No. Yes?

  Could it really be that?

  Sounds of male voices from the kitchen filled the hallway. Jade froze and let out a gasp, then pulled her hand, trying to free herself from his grasp.

  If he let go, she’d run back the way they’d come, away from the prominent danger lingering in front of them.

  They hadn’t met anyone on their way to the kitchen, but they were about to come face-to-face with several Fighters, and none of them were fond of Jade.

  All Fighters hated Jade.

  They hated everything she and MedAct stood for. The company had betrayed them, fooled them, and played with their lives.

  The Fighters were convinced MedAct knew exactly what they were doing, tricking innocent women into creating cyborgs that, soon or later, would suffer from losing their bound one.

  Cyborgs lived longer than humans, after all.

  He stilled.

  There was something there. A feeling. It awakened within him, and stirred his bond as it wrapped itself around him like a silky veil, soft, and comfortable.

  Yes. He recognized it.

  He knew what it was, and strangely enough, one part of him liked it.

  The need to protect.

  The bond wanted him to protect her.

  Jade was doomed without him.

  She wasn’t in her world anymore. Everything down here was hostile. Every single Fighter. Every single room.

  She wouldn’t even find her way out without him.

  Jade was like a child who needed guidance to understand the world she’d entered, to learn how to survive within it—and that did funny things to him.

  He watched the beautiful brunette tremble. She probably believed this was a punishment; that he’d let the Fighters at her.

  She’d been prepared for pain when he’d entered her room.

  Nightmare had seen it in her eyes, and he didn’t doubt that went through her mind right now.

  He used to fantasize about how he’d kill her once she was in his grasp, how he’d make her pay for what she and her company had done to every cyborg who’d been created under her name, but now, when she finally was here, that hatred wasn’t there. Instead, there was something else …

  It pulled him in—no, seduced him, made him drown …

  Without a second thought, Nightmare pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her. The heat from her body instantly hit him in the chest, making him gasp.

  Jade tensed and tried to pull herself free. “What are you doing?”

  He was unable to answer. He had no idea anyway, but it felt amazing to have her this close. Her nearness made his body shiver, turned his knees weak, and his heart went into overdrive.

  He had to be in heaven.

  Nothing could feel this good, her warmth, the sounds of her rapid breathing, and her hands on his arms.

  It was like a drug he couldn’t get enough off.

  Nightmare pulled he
r even closer and leaned down, searching for the place that would spike the heat in his body. It was a promise, something inside him whispered that. It would make him feel so much better. He wouldn’t be disappointed.

  Her lips.

  When he saw them, a fire awakened within Nightmare, a fire he’d never experienced before, and he had no power over it.

  It devoured him, fogged his mind as it sang stronger within every cell of his body.

  He couldn’t resist the pull, the need to kiss her.

  As if in trance, he aimed for her lips.

  Jade reared back, and her palm jarred his cheek.

  Nightmare twitched and straightened his back.

  Her dark eyes were slits. “Have you lost your mind?”

  He blinked, rubbing his cheek. Had he done something wrong?

  How could it have been wrong when it’d felt so good?

  Nightmare blinked again, then shook his head. A moment ticked by, then another. It clicked.

  Realization washed over him like a splash of ice-cold water. He sobered. A second later, he was two steps away from her.

  He’d been so close.

  So damn close!

  The bond had lured him into a place of comfort, and he’d almost kissed her.

  Not once had he considered what the kiss would trigger. All his sanity had evaporated.


  Maybe he had less control than he’d thought.

  “You said holding my hand wouldn’t trigger anything, and yet, you almost kissed me,” Jade hissed, but held her voice low.

  Had she whispered to prevent the Fighters inside the kitchen from hearing?

  He clenched his fists. “I won’t touch you again.” He made his voice cold, but the anger wasn’t directed at her.

  Nightmare was angry at himself, no, not angry, furious.

  He’d almost ruined everything. It made him nauseous.

  He leaned forward and dizziness hit. The need to throw up was overwhelming.

  He’d almost jeopardized everything. Literally everything!

  Jade placed her hands on her hips. “Look. You don’t have to explain anything. I understand what’s going on. I assume you haven’t been close to an unbound woman for a long time, and that makes the bond go haywire. Am I right?”


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