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Absolute Pleasure

Page 1

by Erika Wilde





  Copyright © Erika Wilde, October 2019

  Cover Photo: Wander Aguiar Photography

  Cover Design: Maria @ Steamy Designs

  Editor: Amy Knupp, Blue Otter Editing

  Developmental Editor: Dana with Danja Tales

  Back Copy Edits: Three Point Author Services

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the Author.

  Created with Vellum


  Main Blurb

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  By Erika Wilde

  A contemporary fairy tale with a dirty, sexy twist! ABSOLUTE PLEASURE is a modern, sinfully seductive take on Cinderella.

  * * *

  Meet Hunter Wilder, a man who doesn’t believe in happily-ever-after’s. Cursed by loss, he’s a closed book with an emptiness he can’t escape.

  * * *

  Until he meets her.

  * * *

  Elaina Darien may be gorgeous and driven, but her story is more than it appears. The death of her father left her with a wicked stepmother intent on sabotaging the business her parents worked so hard to create. She’s a damsel who may be in distress, but is in no desire of a prince.

  * * *

  When one enchanted night of all-consuming and absolute pleasure brings two damaged souls together, will this Cinderella take a chance on her happy ending, or will they watch their fairy tale disappear at the stroke of midnight?

  * * *

  (ABSOLUTE PLEASURE is a STAND-ALONE, second chance fairy tale romance. No cheating. No cliffhangers)

  Chapter 1

  “Please tell me that you aren’t going to keep yourself holed up in this office the entire weekend. It’s Saturday, and you shouldn’t even be here as it is.”

  Elaina “Elle” Darian glanced from her computer screen to Penelope, her best friend and one of Darian Commercial Realty’s top agents. The other woman stood on the opposite side of Elle’s desk dressed in a pair of black designer jeans that undoubtedly cost a small fortune, along with a trendy top. Her friend had expensive taste, but then again, her commission checks easily supported her love of all things that were currently in fashion.

  “Then what are you doing here?” Elle volleyed back, arching a brow.

  Penelope was no stranger to working long hours, including weekends. It was why she was so successful as a commercial real estate agent. But her friend also liked to have fun outside of the office and was always trying to make sure Elle did the same. Unfortunately, Elle didn’t have a whole lot of playtime in her life, not when she was desperately trying to save the firm from bankruptcy.

  “I’m here because I want to make sure my best friend isn’t working herself into an early grave.” Penelope walked around to Elle’s side of the desk and sat down on a very small surface not covered by files or paperwork and crossed her arms over her chest. “In fact, I’m here to kidnap you because you have a formal fairy-tale ball to attend tonight and I want to make sure you go, because you deserve to have an enjoyable night out that’s all about you.”

  Elle exhaled a weary breath and sat back in her chair. When the gold-embossed invitation to the exclusive Wilder Way ball had arrived at her childhood home—which she currently shared with her stepmother, Helena, and two stepsisters, Claire and Gwen, since her father’s death over two years ago—she’d barely had a chance to let her excitement bloom before Helena snatched the invite out her hand, then rushed off to tell her daughters that they were finally going to attend one of the most lavish parties of the year.

  Elle honestly had no idea how they’d gotten invited to the opulent ball in the first place, when the Darians were far from rich, powerful, and influential. The donation to attend cost a small fortune, and she could only surmise that her manipulative stepmother had something to do with it, though surprisingly Elle’s name had been included when Helena was all about exclusion when it came to her stepdaughter. But a few days later, when Elle came across the invitation again and pulled it from the envelope, she realized that the reply card that had been tucked inside was now gone.

  “Where is the RSVP card to the Wilder Way ball?” Elle asked her stepmother. After giving it some thought, she’d decided that attending a fairy-tale ball would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience she didn’t want to miss out on.

  Helena glanced up from the book she was reading on her chaise lounge in the living room, her dark eyes unapologetic as she petted Lucian, the gray cat curled up in her lap that Elle privately called Lucifer since the feline was as mean as the devil himself to everyone except Helena.

  “I already sent it out, Elaina,” she replied casually and shrugged. “I figured you weren’t interested in attending since you usually spend your Saturdays at the office, so I went ahead and RSVP’d for myself, Claire, and Gwen.”

  Anger and frustration tightened in her chest, and maintaining a calm composure took effort. “Maybe you should have asked me?” Elle suggested.

  Helena sighed in annoyance, as if Elle was nothing more than a nuisance to her. “Well, it’s too late now, Elaina. The RSVP card has been sent.” She lifted her book back up to read, dismissing Elle and the entire conversation as insignificant.

  It had taken every ounce of control Elle had possessed not to snap at her stepmother for being so thoughtless . . . except she’d learned that Helena was a master at twisting things so that Elle would end up looking and sounding petty. It was always a no-win situation with her stepmother, who’d become so cruel and contemptuous toward Elle since her father’s passing, and it was a waste of breath to argue with her. And until Elle figured a way out of the financial strain Helena had managed to put both the house and business under, she was stuck living with the woman, Claire, and Gwen.

  Elle returned her attention to Penelope and smiled wistfully. “As much as I might want to go to the ball tonight, there are two major issues keeping me from attending.”

  Penelope tossed her silky black hair over her shoulder and flashed Elle an optimistic grin. “Trust me, there are no obstacles we can’t overcome. One way or another, we’re going to make this happen.”

  She appreciated her friend’s positive attitude, but there were some things that couldn’t be changed at this point. “It might be difficult for me to actually get into the ball,” Elle told her. “While the invitation was addressed to the Darian family and had my name on it, Helena conveniently left my name off the RSVP card, which is what matters.”

  “She’s such a bitch,” Penelope said vehemently, having witnessed the harsh way Helena treated Elle on a regular basis. “Why didn’t you tell me what she did?”

  Elle shrugged. She’d confided in Penelope over her initial excitement of getting an inv
ite but hadn’t had the courage to tell her friend that the opportunity had been literally ripped from her grasp by her wicked stepmother. “Because it was just another malicious and hurtful incident in a long line of them, and there wasn’t anything I could do to change what she’d already done.” And unlike her stepsisters, Claire and Gwen, throwing a tantrum wasn’t Elle’s way of dealing with disappointments.

  Penelope exhaled a huff of breath. “You’re a Darian, more than she or her spoiled rotten daughters ever will be.”

  A sad smile sat on Elle’s lips. “True, but the fact remains that my name isn’t on the list to get inside that party tonight.”

  “You are not going to miss out on this ball,” Penelope insisted, her tone emphatic. She tapped a finger to her chin, her beautifully shaped brows creasing thoughtfully. “Do you still have the actual invitation?”

  Elle’s unhappy smile turned into a Cheshire cat grin as she unlocked one of the drawers on her desk and slid it open. Inside were a few of her father’s personal things that meant everything to her and she never wanted Helena to have possession of, and right on top was the cream-colored, gold-embossed invitation to the Wilder Way ball.

  After learning Helena had deliberately left her name off the RSVP card, Elle had taken the elegant stationery, just to watch her stepmother fret over where it had disappeared to, which had given Elle a small semblance of satisfaction. But with Helena and her stepdaughters’ names now on the RSVP list, they didn’t need the actual invitation to get inside. Just proof of their identity.

  “Actually, I do have the invitation right here,” she said, lifting it for Penelope to see. “Not that it does me any good on its own.”

  Penelope clasped her hands in front of her, her green eyes alight with excitement. “Oh, that’s where I beg to differ, my friend. That’s your golden ticket into the ball right there.”

  Elle frowned, not sure how Penelope had come to such a conclusion. “How do you figure?”

  Penelope plucked the elegant stationery from Elle’s fingers and tapped the front of it. “Your name is on the envelope, and the actual invitation is still inside. Between that and showing your ID to prove who you are and that you were invited to this ball, they aren’t going to turn you away.”

  While she appreciated her friend’s enthusiasm, Elle was far more skeptical of that plan. “I’m not sure that’s going to work. They have people RSVP for a reason.”

  Penelope rolled her eyes at Elle’s doubtful attitude. “Come on, Elle. Be bold and daring. You have to try. I’ve heard that this ball is going to be unlike any others that the Wilder Way Foundation has thrown. Just pure fairy-tale fantasy. Hell, I’d go if I could.” A devious smile curved her mouth. “And just imagine the look on Helena’s, Claire’s, and Gwen’s faces when they see you there. Oh, my God, that would be such a sweet retribution.”

  Elle couldn’t deny just how much that idea appealed to her, but there was still another huge issue holding her back, which she expressed. “Even if I wanted to go”—which she really did—“or your crazy idea for me to get in worked, I’m in no position to attend such a luxurious, elegant ball. I mean, look at me,” she said, her tone wry as she swept a hand from her head down toward her legs, and she knew it wasn’t a pretty sight. “Not only do I not own a proper ball gown to wear to such an extravagant function, my hair is an absolute disaster. I desperately need a trim and my blonde highlights touched up because my roots are showing, and my nails are a cracked mess.”

  The last thing she’d had time for lately, not to mention the extra money to spend on, was self-pampering. Even her basic wardrobe was in dire need of updating, but Elle couldn’t justify the expense when it was taking every penny she could pinch to keep her, and the business, afloat.

  A bitter look passed over Penelope’s expression. “Funny how your stepmother and sisters found the time to do all that . . . in Paris.”

  Elle winced, because she was still reeling over the substantial bill that her stepmother dropped on her after the two-week holiday abroad. “Yeah, well, someone has to keep this business running while they’re out attempting to spend money faster than it’s coming in.”

  Helena had insisted Paris was a business trip to garner new clients, but from what Elle could tell, there had been nothing business-wise to justify the thousands of dollars that had been spent on the company’s credit card that was now precariously close to reaching its max limit. Fourteen nights at a five-star hotel. The finest restaurants every evening. Indulging in every spa treatment available. Visiting salons that had cost a small fortune, and shopping sprees at exclusive, designer boutiques.

  The trio had returned from their vacation—Elle refused to acknowledge it as a business trip—refreshed, glowing, and excited about the one-of-a-kind, handmade gowns they’d commissioned specifically for the Wilder Way ball. Elle couldn’t deny that the dresses had been beautiful, but inside, her stomach was in knots over the unnecessary expense.

  “You’re doing this,” Penelope insisted, bringing Elle’s attention back around. “You never do anything for yourself. Your nose has been to the grindstone since your father’s death two years ago and Benjamin kicked you while you were down. Asshole,” she muttered beneath her breath.

  Yeah, Elle wholeheartedly agreed that Benjamin had been an asshole. A few weeks after her father’s funeral, when Elle’s world felt as though it was falling apart at the seams and she’d needed Benjamin’s support the most, he’d decided her life was filled with too much drama—i.e., the antics of her stepmother, Claire, and Gwen and the financial mess she’d discovered in the wake of her dad’s passing—and announced that he needed someone with less baggage who could dedicate more time to him.

  She mustered a smile for her friend, who was trying so hard to bolster Elle’s morale. “Clearly, you didn’t hear what I just said about looking frumpy and having nothing to wear, not to mention I can’t afford the extra expense.”

  Penelope shrugged. “Consider this an early birthday gift from me.”

  Elle laughed. “My birthday isn’t for another five months.”

  “Like I said, an early birthday gift.”

  “The ball is today, Penelope,” Elle said, shaking her head as she checked the time on the small digital clock on her desk. “As in seven hours from right now. There isn’t any place that is going to fit me in so last minute for everything I need done, and we don’t have the time to find an appropriate ball gown for me to wear.”

  Penelope looked unconcerned. “Do not doubt the power of my networking skills and the contacts and connections I’ve made over the years of selling real estate. You need a fairy godmother, and that’s going to be me. I’m going to glam the hell out of you.” Grinning, she waved a hand in the air as if twirling an invisible magic wand above Elle’s head that would transform her right then and there. “Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. By the time I’m done with turning you into a modern-day Cinderella and you walk into that ballroom, jaws are going to drop and your Prince Charming is going to sweep you off your feet.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Elle said with a laugh, more to appease her friend.

  “Trust me. I got this.” Penelope grinned, picked up her phone, and started making calls.

  Chapter 2

  Six and a half hours later, Elle stood in front of the full-length dressing mirror in Penelope’s Manhattan apartment, unable to believe it was her reflection she was staring at. Honest to God, Elle hadn’t thought her friend’s makeover would be possible in such a short amount of time, but Penelope had pulled every string available and called in every outstanding favor owed to her in order to turn Elle from a pauper into a princess, and the end result was stunning. She’d never felt so glamorous or gorgeous in her entire life.

  Their first stop this afternoon after leaving the office had been to Penelope’s favorite vintage clothing shop, where the owner had pulled three possible gently used ball gowns for Elle to try on. The first two had been pretty, but the moment she’d slipped into the dreamy purple dress,
she’d known it was the one and Penelope’s gasp of awe confirmed Elle’s intuition.

  The design was strapless, leaving her shoulders bare, with a crystal-embellished bodice that fitted perfectly to her ample breasts, giving them a nice lift and bit of cleavage yet still holding them in. The waist was cinched tight from the corset-style fastenings at her back, outlining her curvy figure, and from there yards of light, airy lavender chiffon flowed to the floor around her feet like a soft cloud of fabric.

  Elle’s blonde hair had been cut and highlighted by an available stylist at Penelope’s salon who’d worked on her treatments between other clients. At Penelope’s insistence, the girl had gently swept the front of Elle’s hair away from her face and secured those loose strands at the crown of her head with a few crystal-encrusted pins and combs that her friend had purchased at the vintage clothing shop, on the sly and as a surprise for Elle. The rest of her hair tumbled down her back in gorgeous cascading waves. The overall effect was a soft and romantic style that was both classic and sophisticated.

  Another technician did her nails, while a makeup artist worked her magic on Elle’s face, first plucking and shaping her unruly brows, then creating a soft, natural look that enhanced her features and made her skin appear as smooth as porcelain. The kohl liner, plum shadow, and temporary lashes she’d applied made Elle’s eyes look much bigger and bluer than normal.


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