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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 12

by L M Lacee

  In typical fashioned Harper asked. “Why are you here?” Which managed to spark another bout of temper, maybe she was becoming prone to the hormones as Sharm said she may. Blah! Sage shrugged and gave Harper a stern look and hoped it carried the full weight of her displeasure. Harper returned the look with a smirk, so Sage assumed it did not come across or Harper was immune to looks of displeasure.

  Ace in his charming way greeted her with his normal courtesy she was becoming use to from the Battle brothers. “Lady Dragon welcome.”

  Ciana was her calm self which worried Sage some, it did not seem natural or maybe she was just used to the volatile nature of the females of her family.

  “Hello Lady Sage. Is Elara well?”

  “She was when I left but missing her mother.”

  Ciana smiled. “Well I will be home and with her sister very soon I hope.”

  Sage looked at the so far quiet female who had to be an Elf. “Good evening.”

  “Good evening Lady Dragon.” Ace made the introductions “Lady Dragon Sage this is Phoebe Moonwalker sister to the Elven King Thorn Moonwalker.”

  “Sage inclined her head and said. “I see, welcome to our world your brother Tayne is doing well he is recovering faster now Sharm our chief healer treated him for iron poisoning.”

  “So he was not poisoned?”

  “Oh no, not as we know it. Apparently the knife blade he was struck down with was iron based it cut deep and poisoned his blood which poisoned his body.” She looked at Phoebe. “If he had not received treatment when he did he would have not made it.”

  Phoebe sighed. “I am grateful as annoying as he can be, he is dear to me.” They all laughed at her dry tone.

  “Well Ace if you can explain what has happened so far?” With help from Phoebe they filled her in on what Sparrow had found out and what they decided to do. Sage nodded. “So I saw when I arrived.”

  Ciana said. “If we are finished talking, I would like to go get my baby!”

  Sage told them. “Their magic is harmless although we could have done with Frankie.”

  Ace agreed. “True she would have been useful and amusing. Unfortunately, she would have wished to look at everything.”

  Harper agreed. “See you get annoyed with that too?”

  “Well annoyed is maybe too strong a word. Where are you going Ciana?”

  “To get my baby girl.”

  “Oh yes of course. Why do you distract me?” He asked Harper as he hurried after Ciana and Phoebe who was following Ciana. Harper grinned at Sage as Ace quickly walked to where Ciana was mounting the steps to the house. The door was opened as they walked up the steps by a female in her late forties or younger, she was dressed in a long flowing caftan or what was commonly called a witches robe. Ciana looked her over and was amused to see her hair matched the soft mauve color of her robe. She was not beautiful nor was she plain she was just nice.

  “Welcome, what can I do to help you this fine evening?”

  Ciana told her. “I have come for my baby.”

  As the others approached the door, she held it wider and introduced herself. “I am Herb witch Sonia Rhodes.”

  Another female that looked very much like the first stood behind her except she was a little thinner than the rounder Sonia. Her hair was light blue color as was her caftan. “Oh Linda these people have come for the baby.” Sonia seemed flustered but Phoebe thought it was more for show, like they were playing a part in a play. Sage said. “Do you know who we are?”

  “No Madam we do not.” The female named Linda answered her.

  “I am Dragon Lady Sage!” At the announcement of her name, the veneer of a flustered female vanished, and they both gasped and fell back farther into the house. Ace advanced with Harper followed by Ciana, Phoebe and then Sage who produced a blue globe and threw it towards the ceiling where it hung.

  They all walked into a lounge room that was decorated as one would assume a witch’s parlor would be, with heavy brocade curtains and dark wood furniture. Bunches of dried herbs; lavender, oregano, rosemary and thyme that hung on the walls to name a few. Sage pointed to the blue ball slowly revolving on the ceiling.

  “That will collect all the stray bits of magic you have left lying around.”

  She frowned at the sisters, “Shame on you both practicing magic you are ill equipped to do. Ciana go with Harper and get the baby please. You two sisters sit down and I will decide what I am to do with you.”

  Harper followed Ciana out of the room figuring they would find the baby upstairs, as the female named Linda asked Sage. “Who are you to give orders in our home?”

  Ace snarled annoyance hammering at his nerves. ”She is the Dragon Lady now sit or I will make you!”

  The two females sat promptly in the chairs fear evident on their faces and eyes as they stared at the male who seemed to be changing before their eyes. Sage asked. “Ace what bothers you?” He shrugged off Sage’s question and looked around as though trying to find what it was that was annoying him.

  Phoebe spoke for the first time addressing Sage, “Dragon Lady the magic is making him annoyed.”

  Sage nodded as she mumbled. “Oh of course.” In a louder voice she said “Ace dear go outside and guard the front door.”

  He frowned harder. “Does it need guarding?”

  “Well, I would think so. We are your females in here with a hatchling.”

  He immediately strode to the door completely forgetting that she was a witch or that Harper would kill at any provocation, and Sage was sure the battle mistress with her would not be slow in taking action.

  He got to the lounge doorway and turned to look at her. His green eyes snapping fire. She could see his dragon running under his skin as his eyes elongated she said soothingly. “It will be alright battle mistress Phoebe will protect me with or without ‘magics’. She is a fierce warrior.” Phoebe grinned and nodded to Ace and then to Sage at the compliment of her skills.

  With a sharp nod and a growl as he passed both females he stomped from the house. They could hear him slam the door and step onto the small porch. Sage sat opposite the females as Phoebe stood behind her chair her hands resting on her knives.

  Sage sighed as she looked at the two sisters. “You had no right to keep that infant from the ones who came to pick her up. She does not belong to you your job was to safeguard her for the Goddess. Why did you do so?”

  Shamed they both looked down neither spoke, “You will answer me here or in front of the witches’ council which I preside over. I am giving you this opportunity to save your gifts and possible your very lives, you do not know whose child and grandchild you withheld. You know as well as I do if you go before the council they will be forced to strip your powers from you.”

  “And you will not?” Sonia asked.

  “No, I am willing to listen. This is your one chance to persuade me to protect you and your gifts. Make it good!”

  Linda heaved a deep sigh and took her sisters hand in hers. “Once we realized our spells had more potency, it was as if we could not stop. We produced cures, actually cured the towns people who came to us. Our potions were stronger we knew we could heal, truly heal people it was scary to just give that away.”

  Sonia looked at her sister with love and said quietly. “We hoped that we could cast one final spell, we knew we had to give her up. It was just one powerful casting right?”

  She asked her sister who nodded. “Yes just one…”

  Sage asked “You wanted to cast for what?”

  They looked at her and then Phoebe with tears in their eyes as Linda whispered. “We just wanted a chance to be loved we hoped to call our mates to us. Just one chance at happiness.”

  Sonia said sadly. “We know it was wrong but…” She with her sister cried lonely tears as they held each other. Sage shook her head as Phoebe asked. “The males you turned away with your spell, do you know what happened to them?”

  They nodded as Linda said. “Yes once we found out, we decided to alter
the spell we created to free them instead.”

  Sage held her hand out. “Get it for me.”

  Sonia wiped her face and hurried into the next room Sage stopped Phoebe from following as she mind sent. It may be best to not follow the witch from beneath the blue orb until I have all their magic.

  Ahh good idea can all your kind do this mind talk?

  If not we are taught. Are you not?

  No, we all do not have the ability.

  I see.

  They could hear the witch shifting paper and things around, Ciana and Harper came back down the stairs. Ciana had a baby wrapped in a silver blanket while Harper carried a bag over her shoulder. “Where is Ace?” She asked not seeing him in the room. Sage told her. “He is on the step guarding.”

  The ‘magics’ were too much for him she mind sent.

  Huh! Is that what is annoying?

  Probably! Then Sage told them both. “Ace is waiting for you outside. Harper take her back to Dragon’s Gap and tell my Lord we will wait here for him.”

  Harper looked over at the silent female and then Phoebe. ”You will be alright?”

  “We will be. Thank you Harper.”

  “Very well but do not get hurt I cannot stand the roaring.” She grumbled.

  Sage with a smile in her voice inclined her head. “I will not. Ciana is she well?”

  Ciana smiled and said in a subservient voice. “Yes thank you my Lady.”

  Sage sighed and mock growled. “Oh go away with you two.”

  At the same time Sage was talking to the witches Reighn was opening the portal right into the center of the cell the King of Elves was incarcerated in. Storm walked in “King Thorn are you ready to leave?”

  Thorn smiled. “We are, your faerie warrior warned us you were to open a portal.”

  Storm put his arm out in a warriors salute as Thorn clasped it. “I am Storm Kingsley brother to the Dragon Lord who awaits you through the portal.”

  “Your Dragon Lord is here?”

  “It seems his shadow demanded he come.” He said this with a wry twist of his lips accompanied with a shrug, in a, what can a male do gesture. Charlie walked through the silvery oval. “Will you hurry we have places to go. Oh hello! Well…” She demanded of Storm who smiled and said to all the startled males there. “This delightful female is my shadow Lady Charlie.”

  “You allow your female to war with you?” A male asked as they all eyed Charlie who was dressed for battle in black leathers with guns strapped to her thighs and a rifle slung across her back. Storm watched the males as Charlie’s whole body became one taut arrow directed at the hapless male. Before she could explain to the male warrior up close and personal with her guns, Storm told him. “Yes when they are warriors in their own right. Do you not?”

  He directed this question to the male who first spoke but included all the males present. A male answered and his voice held a touch of awe as he looked at Charlie “No our females are to be protected.”

  “How sad for them,” Storm said. “Not to be able to use their talents and abilities if they have any. What a waste for your race. Our Dragon Lord does not differentiate if a warrior is capable regardless of sex they are valued, as my shadow is.” To Charlie he said. “We are coming now.” With a nod and a smile for him alone she about faced and started to walk from the cell calling over her shoulder. “I don’t see movement!”

  Storm called back just holding back his laughter. “My love there are locks!”

  Charlie stopped and if possible her back became more rigid. “Oh…oh okay!”

  She turned again and came back in and mumbled. “Forgot about that.”

  She walked to the cell door and placed her hand over the lock and pushed with her power. The door sprang open. She then walked through the door and did the same on the other two cells releasing the Elves trapped inside. They hobbled some helping others out and followed her through the oval portal. Thorn looked after her and said “A remarkable female. Do you have many like that at your Dragon’s Gap?”

  “We do, many, although to be fair I should tell you Charlie and her sister Harper are unique.”

  “I would like to meet the sister of your Lady.”

  “Really, well, that will be interesting.” Was Storms only comment! Then just before they were to step into the glowing doorway Thorn stated. “I wish to visit the fat male who hurt my brother.”

  Storm did not answer just walked through and Thorn raised his eyebrows and wandered after him. Reighn closed the portal turning to the male as Storm introduced Thorn to Reighn. “Dragon Lord this is the Moon Elves King, Thorn Moonwalker.”

  Reighn inclined his head as did Thorn. Sparrow detached herself from the branch of a tree and flew down to the ground then grew saying. “We thought you may want to visit the male. We have him secured at his home.”

  Thorn nodded to her “We will go now?” Reighn shook his head as Charlie said. “King Thorn is it not normal to ask you hosts permission?”

  Thorn stood still as his men all stilled at her. Carefully he clarified. “I may have misheard?”

  “You did not.” Reighn’s deep bass voice rang out across the area sending slight shivers of dread down the backs of the Elves. Thankfully their powers were nulled otherwise each of them would have morphed into battle mode. “This is my world, and you are a guest here until I say otherwise.”

  “Yet I am the King of Moon Elves and granted permission to hunt on this world by the Moon Goddess herself in a vision quest.”

  Thorn returned and he was amused rather than annoyed if the shoe had been on the other foot he would be doing as the Dragon Lord was. Reighn acknowledged the Elven Kings words. “Mayhap this is true, but I am the Dragon Lord caretaker of this world.”

  Thorn looked at his warriors. “My Radiance, she who you call shadow is here, the infant I was to retrieve from the witches is mine. It was hoped by offering her to the female she would consider that an introduction.”

  Charlie looked at Storm with a frown in her eyes as he mind sent. It is an old fashioned custom which was common in the past.

  Weird, he should have come to us first.

  Some races have not been on Earth for centuries or longer they will not realize the customs have changed.

  Yeah, I see that.

  Reighn nodded. “I see and yet that will only allow you a reason to request to live here.”

  “So what must my people and I do to show our worthiness?”

  “Have your warriors go with my people and receive treatment for the iron poisoning and rest. Then when we have finished our business here we will discuss your application to live on Earth.”

  “And the fat male?”

  Reighn asked. “How well do you fare?”

  Thorn smiled. “Well enough to deliver my promise to him.”

  “Them by all means, go with Commander Sparrow and finish your business.”

  “I thank you Dragon Lord.” Reighn nodded he knew that for the king not to finish his promise would eventually make him feel less in his own eyes and the eyes of his warriors.

  “We will talk later King of the Elves.” Reighn opened a portal before Thorn signalled his warriors to enter he ordered. “Go my warriors and receive treatment, rest eat and heal. Wait for my return.” They saluted him with their arms over their hearts and walked through the silver door way and as it closed. “My Lord I will take King Thorn with me to visit the male.” Reighn nodded. “Do you require a portal?”

  Thorn smiled as he said. “No thank you. I will enjoy the stretch of my legs. I am sure with my delightful guide I will not get lost.”

  Sparrow smiled at his compliment. “I will endeavour not to lose you King Thorn.” Together they nodded to Reighn and left to walk to the house of the male Thorn had promised would regret meeting him without bars between them.

  Reighn grinned at his uncle after Sparrow and Thorn had departed. “Uncle would you be interested in visiting the sheriff with Lars while I and Stanvis, along with Storm and Charlie, v
isit the male called Judge?”

  “Of course not.” He looked at Lars who smiled and stated. “I would be ever so delighted to accompany you uncle.”

  “Why do you annoy him before you even get there?” Stanvis asked his brother who grinned at him and told him. “I live for danger.”

  “Does your shadow know you take these type of risks?” Charlie asked the grinning fool of a male. “Because I can talk to her for you, if you like, and explain that you are a risk taker. I am sure she will be so understanding of this penchant you have for danger.”

  Lars scowled at her saying. “No need to be so literal!”

  “You are a fool!” Andre` quoted with a laugh.

  Reighn sighed as he opened a portal for the two males. “Thank you nephew.” Lars threw him a cocky grin as he stepped through the portal with Andre`.

  Reighn then said to Storm, Charlie and Stanvis. “We will go visit this judge person?” They slowly made their way down the hillside as Stanvis asked, as if he did not already know. “What is a judge person?”

  Charlie looked at him seeing the twinkle in his eyes and sucked in her bottom lip then said. “A judge administers justice in the human world.”

  Stanvis nodded his head with a serious look on his face and said. “Really, tell me more?” Which Charlie proceeded to do in excruciating detail!

  Storm raised an eyebrow at Reighn who shrugged as he wondered if Charlie missed the fact Stanvis thought he was being funny. Storm was going to tell her then decided the joke was on Stan who had to endure the lecture.

  Instead, he asked Reighn “Why are we walking and they all got portals?”

  Reighn quirked an eyebrow at his brother knowing walking did not hinder him or tire him. “Do you know where this judge person is?”

  Storm scratched his cheek as he thought back on the conversations at the camp site. “No!”

  Charlie smiled as she heard Reighn sigh. She then turn to a sighing Stanvis who was regretting his earlier joke. “Do not be such a prat next time, and I will not lecture you.”

  Stanvis smiled “Huh! I did not think you understood.”

  “Seriously I live with your brother.”

  “That is true. I forgot that.”


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