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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 20

by L M Lacee

  Claire looked out at the people who had become dear to her and knew the one to come was in a world of hurt. More than they would understand and they would expect so much from her, and why would she feel compelled to give it to them. Stanvis kissed and hugged her feeling her sadness as Lars asked the room. “We have to ask ourselves. What kind of person would you be if you were discarded?”

  Stanvis held Jacks hand as he looked at his mother and father remembering as they did a young boy so angry at the world and answered. “Angry…so very, very angry.” He told Ciana and Andre`. “It will not be an easy road for you to convince her you had no way of knowing about her.”

  “Oh!” Ciana hung her head as Thorn took her hand in his. Edith asked quietly. “You also have to wonder what kind of person the mother was to allow the twins to be split up like that. Sorry Ciana but that takes a kind of coldness.”

  Ciana waved her apology away. “I was thinking the same.”

  “She may have been lacking in maternal feelings. Some females do you know?” Verity told them.

  “Or she was a narcissist and didn’t care enough to place herself in her daughters place, growing up alone.” Frankie mumbled as Harper looked at her Frankie said, “I wonder if she is alive maybe I will go visit with her.”

  Harper nodded. “Me too!”

  “We can only wait to find out if she is, as you imagine she may be. Until then we have other things to occupy ourselves with.” Thorn announced taking the pressure of both Ciana and Andre` who was looking pensive as Ciana was sad as she said. “I know… I really do!” She squeezed his hand.

  “So where is the sister?” June asked Andre` who told her. “Coming here apparently.”

  “Can we ask the Goddesses?” Frankie mused causing Olinda to snort in disgust, “Really as if they would tell you. Goddesses like to be mysterious, they will only ever tell you what they think you should know the rest is up to us to find out. Also if they have screwed up, they will never admit it and they will definitely not help.”

  “A little Harsh and bitter there!” Whispered Charlie to Harper who whispered back “Agreed.”

  Reighn agreed with Olinda. “They will not help, neither will the Elementals, this is our concern it seems.”

  “Well where do we find her?” Frankie was not giving this up she did not like the idea of a lonely female making her way to Dragon’s Gap without knowing she had family waiting.

  “We do not, we wait for her to find us.” Reighn held his hand up for Frankie to be quiet. “I understand Frankie. I do but as Thorn said we have other concerns for right now she will come when she comes. So if no one has any more business I call this meeting to a close. We will reconvene in a weeks’ time. Conor set the plan in motion. Thorn when do you leave?”

  Ciana’s heart almost stopped at Reighn’s words and she looked at him sharply as he replied. “I will let you know my Lord it will be within the next few days.”

  “I see, please see me or my Prime before you go. Are you finding everything you and your people will need?”

  Thorn smiled as his eyes slid to Ciana. “Yes my Lord I am.”

  “Good …good, well, I am sure you all have places to be, as we do.” With that he held his hand out to Sage who took it as she rose from her seat and together they left the conference room.

  Andre` walked to where Ciana stood. “My dear I have much to do, so I will see you at our apartment later, please do not wait meals for me.”

  “Alright, Andre` you will remember to eat?” He smiled at her concern. “I will, Jenny makes sure we do but I fear we will have working meals.”

  “Okay, see you when I see you!”

  He stepped in kissed her forehead and then was gone with Fin and Conor, listening to Fin as he handed him some notes.


  C iana turned from watching Andre` walk away and almost fell into Thorn’s arms she quickly apologized. “I am sorry.”

  Thorn smiled as he righted her. “It was my pleasure.”

  “Oh well umm would you like to come and see the babies?”

  “I would be pleased too.” They left saying goodbyes to Tayne and together traveled up the lift to her floor. They arrived at the apartment just as Blossom came from the bedroom with both babies in her arms. “Lady Ciana, hello. I have just changed the girls. Little Mona is unsettled so I was going to walk with them.”

  Ciana rushed over and took Mona in her arms and cooed to her, then remembered Thorn. “Blossom this is King Thorn of the Moon Elves.”

  Blossom gave a small bow to Thorn. “Oh yes the girl’s father.”

  Thorn inclined his head in return. “Faerie Blossom I am indeed.”

  Ciana said nothing. Thorn could not help but notice her lips tighten. He wondered if it was from anger or because she was not pleased. And yet she did not contradict his statement. Blossom handed him Elara who looked up at him and blew a bubble he grinned down at her. “You are delightful little hatchling.” He looked at Ciana. “They are very much alike, are they not?”

  “Yes almost identical except Elara has grey eyes with lavender flecks and Mona has blue eyes with lavender flecks.”

  “I see that a difference that is delightful.”

  Blossom said. “I will get their bottles ready, King Thorn are you staying for lunch?”

  “Yes then we will be going out to visit the estate I acquired yesterday.” Ciana looked blankly at him. Were they? He never said anything to her about going anywhere, she did not want to ask him in front of Blossom it would not look good so she remained quiet. “Will you take the girls with you?” Blossom asked. Ciana smiled and said. “No did you not have a play date set up for them today.”

  “What is this thing called play date?” Thorn asked as he hugged the baby girl to him protectively. Ciana moved with him and the babies into the lounge as Blossom nodded her head and left for the kitchen with a small smile on her face. It seemed Lord Thorn was going to finally bond with Lady Ciana. She would start packing the babies things.

  “It means.” Ciana told Thorn as she took a seat in her favorite chair. “That the girls will go with Blossom to Claire and Lars home today where the nannies all get together and talk while the babies play.”

  He looked from both girls to Ciana and asked a little bewildered. “The girls will play?” He eyed the baby in his arms again who looked like she could barely lift her head.

  Ciana smiled at his look. “Well no, they will lie on baby air mats and look at shiny things.”

  “I see.” He did not. He had no idea what would interest a six week old baby. Not having much to do with babies as there were very few in the clan. But he tried to understand. “This is considered a good thing for babies?”

  “I think it is. They will get to see other babies and children and the nannies do not feel cut off from one another. Now what is this about visiting your estate?”

  “My Ciana you know you are my radiance. Did you imagine we would live apart forever?”

  “Well no, but I kind of would like to have had a say in my home?”

  “As I would in my radiance’s work.”

  Ciana wigged a little in her chair at his words. “Well okay I give you that although I do not need your permission to work!”

  Thorn raised his eyebrows. “Do you not?”

  Ciana narrowed her eyes as temper sparked. “No, I am my own woman. I have looked after myself for most of my life. I have no desire to hand my life over to anyone else, even though the fates have decreed him for me.”

  “Did I say I wanted you too?” He asked as he gently rocked the baby.

  “No but Phoebe told us that the males of the family decided the females fate and if she has no male. The king does?”

  He nodded. “That is so and an archaic practice I abhor, nor do I subscribe to it. I have to be honest here and say I was hopeful the one chosen for me would help me changed this law. It was originally placed into our customs by a female ancestor. Phoebe could tell you which one and why, but like you
and my siblings we find it not a law we wish to keep. It is as my sister is fond of telling me a suppressive custom.”

  “So what you are saying is, as it was a queen who first initiated this law it is only a queen who can change it?”

  “Yes, that is so.”

  “Well okay then.” He saw the militant look enter her eyes, so he hurriedly said.

  “It may take you and Phoebe time to make it known this practice is no longer acceptable. I would have Phoebe crack some skulls to get it across if I was you. In fact you should go through all our laws, and we can make changes. We are entering a new phase of our existence in a new world and we should embrace that.”

  Her mouth dropped opened in surprise. “That is so not what Phoebe told us. I am shocked, why did you frown when Reighn mentioned my job?”

  “Probably for the same reason you frowned when he mentioned the estate.”

  “Oh…oh okay.” She said sheepishly. “Well, that proves something we need to communicate before we assume anything about each other.”

  “Yes, we do, and I promise to discuss things like homes, etc. before purchasing them.”

  “And if I change my job, I promise to talk to you about it. One question though I thought Phoebe was no longer part of the clan now she is bonded to Ark?”

  He shrugged “It is one of those changes we must make. She is our archivist and my sister. Why would I lose her from our clan? It is a custom I have not adhered to although I have heard others have, and she is a battle mistress.”

  “Sage has taken her in as hers.” She thought he may be angered by that she was unprepared for his relieved sigh and smiles.

  “Thank the Goddess. I was hoping when I mention the custom to Lady Sage, knowing Phoebe would be a stickler for tradition. And worried about what was to become of her that she would take her as hers. Phoebe is wasted not using her abilities and teaching she is wonderful at both.”

  A little bewildered by the turn of events Ciana shook her head. “Your race is confusing!”

  He shrugged again. “I suppose we are. You will learn as will I but not all in one day. We should have lunch then go see if you like the estate if not we will look for another.”

  Ciana frowned. “I thought you had already brought it?”

  “No, I placed an offer pending your agreement.” Her whole body soften at his statement. “Oh, Thorn thank you.” He knew he had guessed right with her words and body language and was pleased to see a smile in her eyes.

  “You do realize that Blossom will remain our girl’s nanny?” She mentioned.

  Thorn nodded. “I do but I would like you and she to choose an Elf to help her as the girls get older. It will help bring harmony, and the girls will benefit as well.”

  “I agree and will talk to Blossom although with her she probably already knows.” Blossom walked in. “I do and Lord Thorn is correct balance and harmony is important for the home and girls.”

  “See what I mean.” Ciana told Thorn who grinned as he took the offered bottle for Elara. “I see my radiance.”

  Not long after they had eaten a delicious lunch prepared by Blossom they left to visit the estate Thorn had looked at. It was huge Ciana was surprised as they drove through iron gates and through an orchard. “Apparently it was very productive.” Thorn told her. “Of course it has been let go, but we can have that cleaned up in no time out behind the manor house are large vegetable gardens and greenhouses.”

  “Oh, I love flowers.” She told him, he smiled “There is also a greenhouse for that.”

  Ciana nodded. “I have to tell you I do not have a green thumb.” Thorn laughed. “No matter I have people who do and love gardening and working in orchards they will be happy to be working again.”

  They arrived in front of a large stone house styled in what Ciana knew to be an English Manor house. “This is gorgeous. I am in love.” She told him as she looked way up at the ivy covered stone walls and stained glass windows. Thorn smiled with relief as he told her. “It has ten bedrooms, each with their own bathroom, four lounges, one extended kitchen and many more rooms. I believe there is even a pool room although I have no idea what that is?”

  At her amused glance he said. “Let us go inside and look around.”

  Ciana moved closer to the magnificent wooden front doors and said without thinking. “We should live here!”

  “You like it?” Thorn asked eagerly, he did not want to tell her he fell hopelessly in love with the property the instant he stood upon its grounds. She looked at the tall male beside her and reached up as the car drove away at a signal from Thorn and kissed him long and deeply. When she pulled away a little breathlessly she said. “Yes my radiance, my shadow. I love it. We could raise our girls and anymore young we decided to have. This is a good place to live. It will be a nice happy home.”

  “You feel that before even looking inside?’ She looked around the grounds and back to him. “Yes…balance and harmony.”

  “So we will call it Harmony Estate.”

  She smiled brilliantly at him as he swooped her up into his arms kissing her like she had never been kissed before. Finally, he raised his head to see the dazed look in her eyes, grinning he said. “We should make this official.”

  “So romantic!” She sighed then laughed as he growled into her neck. “I will show you romance my radiance.” Laughing she kicked her legs out challenging Thorn with. “Promises…promises.” Thorn unlocked the door and before Ciana could change her mind he raced up the stairway and straight into the master suite and threw her on to the king sized bed following her down. Laying on top of her stilling her laughter until she sighed with delight as he showed her Elven romance.


  F our days later Ciana, Blossom and her girls were established at Harmony Estates much to Thorn’s delight.

  Ciana and Thorn had offered Andre` one of the many homes on the two hundred-acre estate but he had refused explaining he was new to being home with his brother and nephews and the castle was his home as it always had been. He gently told her it was a time for her to spread her own wings a new bonding was difficult enough without an over protective father living with them as well and he was not going anywhere he would always be around. She had tearfully agreed and moved out of his home.

  It was early morning, and Ciana was awake looking out on the lightening sky the babies would sleep for another hour and Thorn was curled around her back and snoring softly.

  She closed her eyes thinking she may go back to sleep but thoughts of her sister prodded her awake fully so as she watched the stars wink out she said a small prayer for her sister and hoped she would hurry home.

  She felt the moment Thorn woke, she always knew when he did. It was as though her other self-kept tabs on him, So far her dragon had not made her presence felt as in talking to her but Ciana, early in the mornings felt her stir beneath her skin. It was exhilarating and frightening, not that she let Thorn know that she felt her dragon more now that she was relaxed and happy. He tended to be intense about her dragon and talked often of when she would make her appearance.

  Ciana was not sure whether he was worried or excited to be bonded to a huge dragon that could squash him in a second. That thought often kept her up at night, the worry of hurting him scared her.

  She felt warm lips on her neck and a shiver of awareness quivered over her skin. His sleep husky voice added to her pleasure. “My sweet what deep thoughts are you thinking so early in the morning?”

  She snuggled down into his warmth. “About me, you and my sister and when you will leave.”

  “Ahah! Well, your sister will arrive when she does. I am yours forever and I leave tomorrow.”

  “So soon?”

  “Yes, we have everything in place.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “Two, maybe three days no longer, our people are very use to traveling. I want you to come with me to gather our people and bring them home.”

  “Why, I am not Elven?”
  “You are my radiance, I and my clan have waited a very long time for you. Come with me bring our people home!”

  Ciana agreed with a sigh. “Alright but we will take the babies with us. I will not be separated from them. We are just starting to bond and I don’t want to lose the ground we have made so far.”

  “I agree I too do not want to be away from them.”

  “Good. We will tell Blossom when she comes this morning. I am sure she will understand she may like the idea of holiday while we are gone.”

  “I am sure she will, although will the Dragon Lord allow us to take the babies with us?” Ciana rolled over and looked into his eyes. “What?

  “Thorn let his eyes rove over her beautiful face and thanked the Goddess for her as he said. “My sweet, our babies are the salvation of a nation, why would you think we could just leave with them?”

  “Because they are ours.”

  “Oh my love no, we like lovely Olinda and her shadow Ash are only parents, it is our honor and duty to raise them but they do not belong to us.”

  She rose swiftly from their bed. “No, I do not accept that.”

  Thorn lay back his hands behind his head as he watched her storm around their bedroom and grinned his Ciana in a temper was a sight to behold. “My radiance we will have to ask permission from Reighn.”

  She whirled around. “Permission! Not bloody likely.”

  “What are you doing now?” He asked as she started to gather her clothes. “I am showering and then going to visit my cousin.”

  “But I wanted to cuddle more!”

  She stopped and looked over her shoulder seeing him sitting in the middle of the rumbled sheets a pout on his handsome face. “You what?”

  “Cuddle!” He pouted more as he watched her eyes widen in shock. “Phoebe said we must cuddle often.”

  “Ahh… I see well we can… umm… cuddle later.”

  Thorn’s eyes gleamed with laughter as hers narrowed on seeing the smile on his lips. “Or you can get used to cuddling yourself….” Then squealed as he lunged from the bed like a torpedo. He scooped her up in his arms, causing her to drop her clothes as he walked with her into their magnificent bathroom. “We will shower then go and visit your cousin.”


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