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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 24

by L M Lacee

  Soothingly she asked Paige. “How old are you and Kadee?” Paige mumbled, but it was clear to Ocean’s ears. “I’m thirteen almost fourteen and Kadee is twelve. Why?”

  Ocean made a flicking movement again with her finger as the waitress came over with a large tray of food and drinks. Once she had deposited the plates and refilled Ocean’s coffee, she tucked the tray expertly under one arm and braced the other on her hip. “Look I know it is not any of my business but you should know those four over there.” She nodded her head back to the men at the counter. Ocean looked to where she indicated and then back at the waitress with a raised eyebrow and smiled as the waitress said. “One of them is the Fire Chief, and he’s got a bee buzzing about these young ones.”

  Ocean was nodding before she had stopped speaking, the girls were eating as though they had never seen food before. Their eyes wide with apprehension. “Oh not a problem, if you would like. I will talk to him and Connie?”


  Ocean rose from her seat saying to the girls. “Finish your food but seriously slow down, you will get sore stomachs at the rate you are shoveling it in. We have time I swear. So Connie, what I was saying was thanks for looking out for the girls. If you have a minute, could you warm this up for me?”

  She handed her a baby bottle, her girl was going to wake soon. So apart from getting ahead of the crying, she also elevated her standing in the eyes of Connie, who smiled. Her suspicion that the woman was one of the good ones was confirmed. Working on the belief that no one with a baby was a bad person. Connie, the waitress, had a spring in her step as she accepted the bottle and walked over to the men at the counter who had frowns on their faces.

  Ocean slowly drifted towards the men and stopped close to the man with the heavy frown. She knew he would be the Fire Chief. He was the oldest one there, plus he just had the look of command about him.

  “So gentlemen, I was just telling Connie here, that I was mighty glad that there were still people in the world who cared about a couple of young girls. She told me of your concern but as I told her. I am going to make sure they get to where their grandpa wanted them to go. I will be sure to tell him how you were undertaking to look out for his girls.”

  By the time she had finished talking, all the frowns were now smoothed off their faces. It was the mention of the grandfather that turned the tide in her favor she knew. This was not Ocean’s first experience with honest, hardworking, country folk. When she was sure they had relaxed, she changed the subject. “Connie says that you are all fine men.” And didn’t all their chests puff out a little at that, even the Chiefs!

  “She said you were Firemen?” At their affirmative nods she asked. “Well, it seems I have a need. I was told by the lady at the store that I needed to have one of you gentlemen install the carrier I just brought for my baby girl. Apparently it has to be done right and believe me. I looked at it. I cannot make head nor tail on how it is meant to be done.”

  The Chief nodded to the younger man at the end of their four stools. “Jerry, there will get that installed for you, ifen you’d like to go with him. He is the best at carriers and baby seats for youngins.”

  The young man turned a shade redder than he had been, at the praise from his chief. He puffed his chest out a little more and stood quickly from his stool. Ocean smiled kindly at him. “Well, that would be great. Now if I could prevail on you gentlemen to keep an eye on my girls there, while I show Jerry the car.”

  “You go on Misses. We will make sure your young isn’t bothered.” The chief told her as the other men nodded their agreement with the statement.

  Ocean had no problems about leaving the diner. With a quick word to the girls, she swiftly left with Jerry and she was charmed when he opened the door for her.

  When she showed him her truck and the carrier he gave her a quick lesson on how to place the baby in it. He then hustled her to go inside out of the cold wind, promising to have it completed in a few minutes. So she left him to it and raced back inside slipping back into her seat with a small wave to the men.

  Just as Connie brought the warmed bottle over. The baby started to stir. When Connie made to move off, Ocean halted her with. “Girls, please tell Connie what flavored milk shakes you like?” Then she said. “Could you please make them large and to go also could I have a large coffee to go as well.”

  The girls politely gave their preferences all the while watching Ocean remove her tiny bundle from the basket. She moved the blanket from the baby’s face and looked up to find three sets of eyes on her and the baby.

  Connie drew in a sharp breath as she said. “That babe is only hours old and you missy don’t look like you just gave birth?” At her tone the girls stopped eating the last of their food. Their eyes swinging from Connie’s to Ocean, finally stopping on the baby. Ocean smiled and answered. “I did not but nevertheless she is mine. Her mama could not take care of her, I guess that is what happens when you are a child yourself!” She raised her eyebrows at the glowering woman before her and watched as her expression morphed into sad acceptance. “I suppose it is. Babies having babies, what is the world coming too?”

  Ocean hummed as she shook her head in agreement her eyes sad too. Connie nodded her head, thinking her assumption that this woman was a good one was proved without a doubt. Not many would take on an infant that was not theirs. She turned and wandered behind the counter refilling cups as she went.

  The girls both stared, opened mouthed at Ocean. “Wow, I thought she was going to call the police.” Paige said as Kadee nodded. “Me too, that was scary shit!”

  “Language.” Ocean murmured. “I had it handled. Now I don’t want to nag but seeing as the little one here has woken, we have two, maybe three hours before she wakes again. And I don’t know about you two but I think we have spent enough time here.”

  Just as they both agreed. Jerry came back in and said. “It is all finished ma’am.”

  “How much do I owe you Jerry?”

  The young man gulped. As he looked at the two girls who were staring at him as he slowly went redder than he had been, when he had approached her.

  “Oh no, ma’am, no charge it was my pleasure.”

  “Why thank you Jerry, my daughter and I really appreciate it. I know I will feel good knowing she is safe in her carrier now.” Ocean told him kindly. He really was a sweet boy. He nodded a few times and backed away. Words had finally deserted him.

  The girls ducked their heads giggles escaping. Ocean’s voice was stern and filled with warning as she scolded. “Laugh and I will be very angry. That young man did me a very big favor, and you will not belittle him or me with your childish behavior.”

  She heard their audible swallows and could scent the trace of fear at her words and tone, their. “Yes ma’am!” Was respectful, quietly they finished their drinks, shooting worried glances towards her as she fed the baby. Ocean let them stew for a few minutes. Then in a completely different tone of voice that radiated happiness she said with her eyes on the baby as she sucked on her bottle.

  “When we are finished here, we will be going. So if you guys need to use the restroom, do so now because we aren’t stopping for another two hours.”

  The girls giggled in relief at her relaxed tone and scampered from the booth towards the restroom. Ocean looked at her baby and shook her head mumbling under her breath. “That’s right Ocean, whether you want one or not, you have yourself a family. Two, almost teenagers and a baby, not even a full day old.” Sighing she continued on her quiet rant. “Yeah cause giving this baby up would be so easy. Not! … And getting rid of those sweet wounded girls would be a joy. Not! … Face it Ocean, it isn’t happening, you are a mom, accept it and move on.”

  She almost giggled herself, at her thoughts. Her next ones wiped the smile from her mind. I guess I can say goodbye altogether to finding a husband. Not that I had much luck in that regards anyway. Men do not like short, chunky women, especially when they have anger issues. So as she looked down at he
r baby and she was hers, there was no denying the feelings she had for the babe in her arms, she whispered. “Sorry little one, no daddy. I will just have to be enough for you and your new sisters.”

  The baby blinked at her twice, which Ocean was coming to realize was all she would commit to as far as talking went. She placed the baby on her shoulder and rubbed her back. She grinned and whispered out the side of her mouth, “Smart girl!”

  By the time the girls were back, Ocean had finished feeding the baby and done a quick diaper change, the dirty diaper she would dispose of outside. While the girls retrieved their back packs, she lifted the basket and diaper bag walked over to the checkout, nodded to the men. The girls grabbed up their shakes and her coffee. Ocean pulled two, one hundred dollar bills from her pocket. She dropped the money by the till, asking a stunned Connie. “This should cover ours and the men’s breakfast, yes?”

  At her nod she continued. “Please keep the change and thank you for your help.”

  With that she indicated the girls to follow her and was glad to hear them politely thank Connie for her service. They both threw Jerry, the young man a smile as they left and kindly looked away before his face caught fire again. She was proud of them as if they were her own, and when they glanced her way she let them see that she was.

  Their smiles grew wider, they may be wary of her but they sought her approval, it was a start. The air was chilly, snow was on the horizon, Jerry had said earlier. Ocean believed him as she hurried to her truck unlocking it by remote before she got there and saw the baby carrier. Newly installed she placed the baby in and did up the straps according to the instructions Jerry had given her. She snuggled the baby with a blanket and closed the door shutting out the cold. The girls stood shivering in their jeans and tees. “Do you girls have anything warmer?”

  “We could have. Grandpa packed most of this for us. Kadee told her.

  Paige answered. “We haven’t looked yet?”

  Ocean nodded a story for later, right now she needed to get on the road. Clothes, they could do later as the heater in her truck was good enough.

  “Okay.” She said as she opened the tail gate and placed the Moses basket in. “Girls put your bags in here until later and then figure who goes where and jump in, it’s cold.”

  Shivering and goose bumped they shoved their bags in the bed of the truck. Paige opened the passenger door and scowled at Kadee when she complained. A hurried conversation in whispers that Ocean plainly heard. These girls had not mixed with shifters enough or at all, so did not know shifters, even half shifters had hearing as good as bats. Ocean decided to keep that gem under her hat for now as she listened to the quick fire exchange, she frowned. “I want to sit in front.” Kadee grumbled as Paige hissed. “No! Listen we don’t know anything about her. So I will sit in front and you be ready to jump if we have too, okay?”

  “But I like her!”

  “Yeah, well me too but she is still a stranger, we have to be on guard.”

  “Are you going to tell her about grandpa and what he told us, cause she has a baby and a strange name and purple hair, Paige?”

  Paige didn’t answer her. Kadee grabbed her sister’s arm and shook her. “And the letter Paige you have to give her the letter.”

  Their grandpa had slipped the letter in the pocket of Paige’s jeans telling her to give it to the woman with the baby and the unusual name. He told them she would have purple hair, and she would be at the diner but Paige was hesitant to do it. What if Ocean was the wrong lady, what then? Paige said nothing just stared ahead at the open door. Kadee unhappily started to walk around to the back door as she passed Paige she said. “You better give it to her Paige.”

  Paige jumped into the truck. “Yeah…Yeah!”

  With both girls in, Ocean shut the tail gate and leaned on the metal, Interesting!

  Life took many turns and here was another one. Paige and Kadee were young, too young to be on their own, making adult decisions. That was what Ocean was for. Trust would come in time. If it had not before they reached their destination she would force the issue, she hoped she wouldn’t have too. Wind whipped around her reminding her she had no time to waste. Ocean moved swiftly, jumping in her seat and turned the key. The heater blazed before they had even driven from the car park. It was eight thirty in the morning.

  They still had a long way to go before nightfall and they had baby breaks and food stops to contend with. Road trips, Ocean sighed quietly, were never what you expected. Out the corner of her eye, she watched the sisters ignore each other.

  She would give them until the next baby stop, then they would have words. She grimaced inwardly, fun times.

  Paige stared out the side window. They had been driving for about an hour already. She looked back at Kadee and saw she had fallen asleep as she cleared her throat and blurted out. “Our grandpa, he said that we had to go to that town and wait for a lady with a weird name and purple hair. She would have a baby, and she would look after us. Is that you?”

  Ocean smiled. “Well let’s see I was in a small town, and I have a weird name. I like to call it plum not purple and I have a baby. So I am guessing your grandpa was physic or something, because it sure sounds like me.”

  “He wasn’t physic, he was really afraid and he said he had a vision, the Goddess told him to get us out of town.”

  “Yeah, I have heard of that happening!” She looked over at the young girl. “He wasn’t crazy, you know. There are Goddesses. They are real. They are for our kind, apparently shifters and half shifters.”

  “Have you met one?”

  “Nope, but I have met people who have.”

  Paige said softly. “So grandpa was right, we are shifters?”

  “Well, I think you are half shifters.”

  “So, what kind?” She asked, and Ocean could see she was intrigued with the idea. “I would guess, but I am not very good at knowing things like that. I would say lion.”

  “Oh! Yeah, that makes sense.”

  “Paige sweetie, your grandfather was scared and I am guessing he knew he couldn’t protect you or Kadee. He was a really brave man, to love you so much. To trust you as he did, he let you go, hoping you would stay safe until I arrived. A very special man just like his granddaughters.”

  Paige sniffed. “Yeah, he was. I loved him heaps. I will miss him.” She started to cry, soft sounds of heartache filled the car. Ocean let her have the time to get the tears out, knowing there would be more, later. After a few minutes Paige sniffed, and wiped her face on the tissues Ocean handed her. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Tell me what your grandfather told you about why you had to leave?”

  “He said we were shifters. Our dad was a lion, our mom was a half lion and our grandmother was a full lion and that some bad people were coming to get us for their breeding program. He gave me a letter for you, telling you all about them and he hoped you would stop them. Can you?”

  Ocean shook her head. “I cannot by myself but I will hope where we are going, there are people who will know people who can do so or will be able to themselves. Should we look for your grandfather?”

  Paige said sadly. “No.”

  Ocean was sure she heard the girl’s heart breaking as she said. “No, our granddad, he said once we were gone he would go to join grandma. She died five years ago same as our mom and dad and he missed her. He said he had waited to deliver us as he had promised grandma and the Goddess, now it was his turn to find her.” She paused for a minute then asked softly. “Do you think he will find grandma?”

  Ocean sighed. “I do… I really do, he was a good honest man. Who raised good honest girls for the last five years alone and did a good job. He kept his promises. I would think a Goddess would reward a person like that.”

  “Yeah!” Said a small voice from the back. Kadee whispered. “I am going to believe he is with granma and mom and dad because I don’t want to think of him all alone. Is that okay Paige?”

  “Yeah Kadee it is. We will belie
ve that.”

  “Well, I like that idea too.” Ocean told them both.

  Kadee murmured. “I am going to miss grandpa. I loved him heaps.” Paige pushed her hand back, and the girls held hands as Kadee cried her own tears. Ocean drove and said nothing, letting them grieve for a very special man they had loved.

  A few miles were traveled in silence apart from sniffles and quiet words between the two girls. Eventually, Paige passed Kadee her shake and turned back around, the first round of grief was finished. There would be more Ocean knew. Paige asked Ocean. “You are a shifter too, what are you?”

  “Good question, I don’t know, I have never met my father. My mother would not allow me to mix with shifters or talk about what I was. So I grew up fairly ignorant but I have always known I was not a full human.” Ocean asked. “So why did you end up living with your grandfather?”

  Paige said sadly. “Our parents died in a car accident with our grandmother when we were real little. I was eight I think and Kadee was smaller.”

  “Well, I am really sorry to hear that.” Now she knew why they had not known they were lions, it would seem their parents probably thought they had time to tell them sadly they were wrong. Poor granddad, so much grief, so much pain. Ocean felt for the man, two little girls to raise all by himself and just marking time until he could go join his mate.

  Ocean shook her head. He had such hard decisions to make tell or not tell. Until time ran out and he had no choice. Yet he still did not tell them, left that to me! Ocean thought. I am not sure how I feel about that. It seems kind of cowardly. Although if he had no idea how to tell them maybe he did the right thing. A moot point now, she reasoned.

  He had to let them go and hoped they would be safe. She hoped someone out there would tell him they were safe, that she had them. That his girls were going where the Goddess had told him they needed to be. Neither of the girls spoke again and when Ocean saw a sign for a gas station and rest stop ahead, she turned off the highway and drove to it.


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