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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 33

by L M Lacee


  W hile Conor was taking the girls to the castle, Ocean went back home and slipped up the stairs to an empty room on the second floor where she decided to open a portal. Which, thanks to an inquisitive Kadee who had read about portals and how the dragons used them to go from one place to another, had given her the idea.

  The room she had decided on using was not big enough for more than a bed and side table. But it would be ideal to store all her mother’s paintings once she got them from her storage unit in Hawaii. Where after her mother had passed away, she had placed them for safe keeping.

  Of course she had never opened a portal before. The knowledge just seemed to be there waiting for her to look for it, Like a memory. She frowned as she stood hands on hips looking at the outside wall, she wondered if it was her memory or her dragons. Deciding to take a gamble she was not crazy she asked her dragon she knew lay within her, silent, watching waiting. Well, which is it? She received no reply, but she knew she was there she had felt her stir more since she had her session with the punching bag.

  You may as well talk to me. I am not opening the portal until you do and you know how stubborn I can be! Suddenly it was as if a door opened a light voice answered. You can be so very stubborn.

  Really I am stubborn you have been moving around and making suggestions for days now and not once have you said hello!

  I was waiting.

  I don’t understand. For what?

  An invitation. One would have been nice.

  Oh! Well, I am sorry this is all new for you and me as well. I understand that, so much is happening all at once. Ocean blew a breath out as she thought of the last few days.

  Yes so many new and exciting adventures. Her dragon stated with what could only be termed a happy voice. Ocean grinned and said.

  Well, that is one way of thinking. Okay so let’s get this portal opened and bring all her work here.

  Because you want it or to annoy that artist Harper Easton or because you wish to have it for your own pleasure?

  Her name is Harper Battle now.

  You did not answer my question?

  Ocean sighed. She had not answered because she did not want to look at her motives but now she was forced to. She examined the reason for her decision and honestly said. Both but annoying Harper is a bonus.

  She is a very talented artist or at least your mother thought she was.

  I know she is. There is no denying that, but she does have a tendency to be judgemental and not always in a good way. A Miss Righteous!

  You are jealous of her!

  Maybe, Helena and Harper got on well. Helena enjoyed her. It was not the same with me, she had no time or love for me.

  She was guilty, that is why!

  Maybe you are right. Ocean agreed sadly as she opened the portal to inside her storage unit and started hauling the paintings into the room. Her mother had left a huge body of work behind, most of, if not all she had never shown. It took Ocean three quarters of an hour to swap it from the storage unit to the room. Once she was sure she had everything, she closed the portal and stood looking at all the work her mother had done. Ocean, tired, dusty and with muscles aching knew she would have to go through every canvas but not today, bringing it here was enough for now.

  It was still early after she saw to Parker who thankfully had slept through the transfer of paintings. She then showered in a bathroom which was newly finished and attached to what looked like Paige’s room.

  She decided to go look at some photos she had taken on her travels and see if any were viable. She and Conor had chosen an office each. His was very much the masculine one, while hers, she thought may have been a secretary’s. It was not decorated how she would like but for now it would work.

  Ocean had forgotten she had to transfer all her data from her laptop to her new computer. So instead of sorting through photos she spent time setting up her home computer and downloading and uploading her work. Finally after two hours she was finished and just in time as Parker wanted a bottle. When she had seen to her needs, she walked around the house to see what miracles had been accomplished.

  She entered the kitchen and was thrilled to see her design come to life it was spectacular. Ocean could see years of love and laughter filling this room.

  The natural stone was still visible and the stone floor had been cleaned and re-grouted or cemented whichever it was. Ocean was glad to see the rather large holes in-between the stones were all gone there were cupboards under counters and an island made from black granite. Her table was refurbished and sat proudly in front of a sparkling clean bay window with a window seat. She turned around in delight and stopped when she saw a lovey pink and red butterfly hovering outside the window in the sunlight.

  She walked to the back door and noticed it was huge and a stable door, how clever. Especially for little cubs, she opened it allowing the butterfly to fly in. Landing on the floor the butterfly, which was no butterfly grew to become. “Birdy hello.”

  “Good afternoon I was hoping to catch your attention!”

  “Oh, why, did you need something?’ Ocean moved Parker higher on her shoulder as she rubbed her back Parker snuffled then slept on. Birdy smiled at the picture they made. “Yes, I was wondering if you were in need of a cook and housekeeper.”

  “Oh, I have not given it any thought.” At the resigned expression that crossed the faeries face, Ocean smiled and said. “Although now you mention it, I am seeing pitfalls if I take on a lion or lioness that maybe seen as favoritism. The same applies if I take on a dragon they will think I do not like them.”

  She sighed, “Either way it bodes ill for all of us.”

  Birdy nodded and said. “But if you take me on, no one can say anything. We faeries are everywhere and accepted, plus no favoritism.”

  Ocean lead the way back to her office as she thought about what Birdy said. They stopped at the foot of the stairs as they heard creaking from above. Birdy stepped in front of Ocean and Parker and hissed softly, “Stay behind me and make for the door if you need to.”

  Ocean was going to say it was probably one of the workers but had no chance as Birdy produced a long blade.

  “Oh my.” Ocean murmured as she looked up to where Birdy was staring. When one of the male dragons came to the top of the stairs noticing the faerie and blade he nodded. “I apologize, we are installing bathrooms. I did not know you were employed. I will inform you when we are here from now on.” He told Birdy who inclined her head and disappeared her sword. Ocean smiled up at him, she thought it was Ian. “Thank you, the kitchen is beautiful just what I wanted and more. Birdy is our new chef and housekeeper.”

  He nodded with a smile. “That is good and thank you we know your style now the bathrooms will reflect that.”

  Her smile grew. “You are amazing, absolutely amazing.” He saluted the two of them and moved off Ocean still smiling told Birdy. “Got to love dragons’ magic.”

  “They do good work. So I am hired?”

  “Please, anyone who will defend me and mine like you just did, earns a place in my home.”

  “I thank you.”

  They entered Ocean’s office and took their seats. Ocean looked at the faerie and bit her lip before she asked. “Please don’t take this the wrong way but will you be able to stand your ground against the Lions?”

  Birdy replied with absolute honesty. “The Leo, never, unless he was half dead, in fact I am not sure anyone other than the Dragon Lord could.” She shook her head at Ocean’s raised eyebrows. “The other lions male and females, yes. I was a guard for the High Queen and recently joined Queen Scarlett’s unit. I am professionally trained, I am intelligent and quick. Also, I am a damn good cook. I am professionally trained for that position as well.”

  “Okay, so we will have some lion and dragon staff you will be our chef and head housekeeper. I work, Conor works. You would be responsible for running our home. I expect you to pick reliable people to come in daily to clean and tidy. It is
a huge house, so we will need an army. The girls are old enough to look after themselves and their own rooms, this one.” She nodded to Parker in her arms. “For a few more months is all mine and her fathers, after that, we will work something out.”

  Birdy smiled. “So when do I start?”

  Ocean nodded. “When will your Queen let you go?”

  “She already did.”

  “What if I had said no?”

  Birdy shrugged. “I would have returned to another Grove.”

  “Tell me why us, why now?”

  Birdy looked at Ocean “I am tired of killing, of always wondering if someone wants to kill me to get to someone else. I want to have a light.” At Ocean’s confused frown, she said “Light is mate in faerie.”

  “Oh okay.”

  “I would like to one day have young. For once I would like to do what I want. Cooking, caring for a home, for people who don’t expect any more than good honest food and a clean environment to live in.”

  Moved, Ocean said softly, “Well this is the right place for that as you can see we are remodelling. Will you live in?”

  “Yes, I can live at the Grove, but I wish to stay here. I should tell you my cousin Kai, if it is permissible will share a place with me. He is hoping to join the sheriff’s department.”

  “Oh, okay.” Ocean thought about that, “Is he a warrior?”

  Birdy anxiously nodded. “Yes, he is trained, and I should tell you he is the High Queen’s brother but he renounced his title, he wants to live here and hopefully find his light as well.”

  “Well, I have no problem with that, but we will have to talk to Conor about him.”

  “I understand, Lions can be territorial.”

  “So I have heard, I would think it will not be a worry, if he is as nice as you.”

  Birdy grinned. “Kai is a gentleman and a deadly foe.”

  “Good, so extra security for the girls, can’t have enough. I am thinking.”

  “Why do you think you would require that?”

  “Again that is up to Conor, to discuss with you and your cousin.”

  “Alright, so Lady Ocean, We are set?’

  “Yes except for pay. Unless you know how much you should receive?”

  Birdy looked nonplussed. “No idea!”

  “Huh, well Conor and Claire may know.”

  She passed Parker to Birdy as she came around her desk and asked. “Wait one minute!” Ocean went out and called. “IAN!”

  “Yes Lady Ocean.” He had called back before he appeared again at the top of the stairs.

  “Tomorrow can you come back and fix the cottages out back?”

  “All five of them?”

  “Yes please and can you make them two bedrooms each with en-suites and kitchens?”

  “Of course we will do that and the stables and swimming pool when we do the tennis court.”

  Ocean blinked as she asked him, “We have all those?”

  “You will tomorrow.” He grinned as he returned to what he was doing, leaving Ocean laughing as she called out. “Thank you. Oh Ian there is pizza for dinner tonight you are both welcomed to join us!”

  There was silence as Ocean thought maybe she had caught them both of guard, a happy and surprised. “We will, thank you.” Floated back down to her.

  She went back into the room. “So there will be a place for you tomorrow to call your own and pizza tonight if you would like to stay. You should invite Kai. Oh what are your last names?” She asked Birdy.

  Birdy hesitated for a minute then shrugged. “It is Rainstree.”

  Not realizing Birdy was using the High Queens last name. Ocean grinned. “Okay so great.”

  Birdy asked. “Ahh, you do not recognize my name.”

  “I have been here two days, so sorry, no I do not.”

  “We are related to the High Queen and King.”

  “So you told me and I say, good for you, will it interfere in working here?” Ocean asked, more to take the worried look from the faerie’s eyes than she really cared.

  “No…no, she knows we are both wanting to say here.”

  “Well good so…” Just then the two bears, George and Ivan arrived. “That will be the painters, want to see the house?” Ocean asked.

  Birdy nodded. “Very much. They placed Parker in her bassinet Ocean had in her office and with the baby monitor in her pocket Ocean and Birdy greeted the bears and their workers, and together they all toured the house.

  When the girls and Conor, with Joy as well as Frankie, and her shadow Johner along with Kai arrived, followed by Claire and Lars, as well as Claire’s Kammy and baby. Ocean was pleased her home was filling with warmth.

  Kammy fell into instant hero worship with Paige much to her amusement. When Ocean found out the two dragons, Ian and Adam lived alone she offered them a cottage each to live in.

  With a look at Conor, who nodded, they agreed instantly.

  Kai spent time with Conor and was accepted to be a deputy as well as funnily enough his second. Like Saul, he told her later it was not a matter of choice it was as though he was a missing piece of the puzzle. Conor told her his lion felt connected instantly, which translated to Conor.

  Conor liked the idea of Kai and Birdy living at the estate as did the girls who were thrilled to learn she was going to live with them. Kadee especially, Ocean heard her asking a few times to see Birdy’s wings, which she finally promised she would show her the following day.

  Kadee was delirious with happiness. She had a new mom and dad. Her new best friend was having a sleep over. She had a tour of the castle and gone shopping. They had brought heaps and they had a new home and to make it all so much better Birdy who she liked a lot was going to come work and live in her home.

  She looked around and felt safe and happy since she had left her grandpa’s, with a look at Paige she knew she felt the same.

  The dinner morphed into a party when Saul delivered a stack of pizzas. He was pleased to be included as part of the family and was happy when Adam told him they were fixing the cottages, as he was to live in one. Ocean looked around her kitchen with Conor by her side and Parker in his arms and was happy.

  So happy! Murmured her dragon contented to be with her young and shadow. Conor’s deep voice broke into her reverie as he whispered. “I can feel your happiness from here. You know I am staying the night?”

  She coughed when the bite of pizza got stuck in her throat, when she could breathe again she nodded and said. “Yep sure do!”


  She looked at him and grinned as her eyes twinkled. “Honey I will rock your world!”

  Conor grinned and just stopped himself from whooping with delight, instead he told her. “I will keep you to that promise.”

  “Aww honey that was not a promise. That was a warning!’

  Many hours later as Conor shut the bedroom door after settling Parker into her room, he stripped off his shirt as Ocean stood by the French doors brushing her hair. She wore a thin purple nightshirt made of silk. Conor fingered the material. “This is nice.”

  Ocean frowned and cocked her head to the side. “You sound different, why?”

  “I am worried.” He confessed, as she turned and dropped the brush onto the floor, when she saw his half-naked body, she slipped her hands around his neck. “Why, because you are big?”

  Conor grimaced. “No! I had not thought of that.”

  “Oh, well is it because we don’t know each other very well?”

  “Not that either!”

  “Oh, well is it…”

  “Ocean it is because you are delightfully beautiful, and I feel under pressure.”

  “Oh!” She smiled as she nipped his chin with her teeth, making him bite back a groan of desire.

  “Well, we could just cuddle!”

  Conor stilled, had he heard right, he looked down into her smiling eyes. “Excuse me?”

  Softly, she whispered. “Cuddle, lions like to cuddle.”

  “Where did you
learn that bit of information from?”

  “Kadee, she read all about it and told me. She said I was to make sure I cuddled you a lot tonight so you will not want to leave us!”

  “Cuddle!” Conor growled as he picked her up and walked to their huge bed. “I will show you cuddle female.” After he had placed her in the middle of the bed, he stripped of the rest of his clothes much to Ocean’s delight and then laid down on his back and said. “Alright, rock my world!”

  Ocean after one stunned moment, laughed and tackled him. Over the next few hours, she showed him how their world could rock together repeatedly.

  While Conor and Ocean were cementing their mating, Reighn was standing pensively on his balcony waiting for Sage to join him before they retired for the night as had become their custom.

  “What has you so upset?” Sage asked Reighn as she wiggled into her favored chair with her small glass of watered down wine that Sharm allowed her.

  “Someone opened a portal.”

  “That male, Definiao?”

  “No, it was dragon magic.”

  “I thought you halted that.” Reighn turned to her and sipped his whiskey as he eyed her over his glass she was looking beautiful even more so with his hatchlings lying in her body. “I did.”

  Sage’s mouth fell open as she asked. “Someone opened a portal by overriding your commands, is that even possible?”

  “It would seem it is possible. Yes, someone did bypass my magic to do so.”

  Sage sipped her wine trying not to make a face at the watered-down version and worked at assimilating this information. “You are positive? It was not that male?”

  “Most definitely.”

  “Who could do that then? You are the strongest dragon here!”

  “Exactly!” Reighn said then took a swallow of his drink as Sage sipped hers. He looked out over the land and felt his dragons pride at what they had accomplished so far and his relief in knowing his mother and all female dragons would soon know the thrill of flying. Sage asked interrupting his thoughts, “Do you know who it was?”

  “Yes.” He turned and smiled at her slightly stunned face. “Why do you look puzzled my love?”

  “I sort of am confused, you are not out there storming around throwing the person responsible in a cell.”


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