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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 37

by L M Lacee

“Yes, we did, but we have powerful people here, like Edee, Claire, Reighn, and the Keepers and yet no one knows what you are? Doesn’t that seem strange to you?”

  “Well sure, now you say that, it does!”

  “Your power is growing every day. I can see it. You can see it, does it frighten you?”

  Frankie did the lip thing as she thought and finally she shook her head. “Nope don’t care.”

  Harper sighed. “Frankie, it should worry you, as it does us.”

  “No, I don’t want it too!” Frankie replied stubbornly.

  Harper rubbed her eyes. “Why?”

  “Because if it is something horrible I will have to leave and that is not happening.” The walls shook, and the floor rolled beneath their feet. Harper grimaced as she grabbed her cup. “Frankie like that, you know you did that right?”

  Frankie looked out the window and wanted to be gone from this conversation. Why? She wondered had she decided now was the time to talk about this stuff she hated all this. If she was honest with herself, it scared her. She should have left it alone.

  Frankie could feel a ball of something move in her chest and felt scared she could taste the fear in the back of her throat. “Frankie!” Harper touched her hand, “Frankie look at me, come on sister look at me.” Harper pleaded.

  Slowly, as though she was swimming in molasses Frankie moved her head up to look at Harper. It was so hard to do and seemed like ages before she could focus on her. And when she finally managed to, Harper looked like she was a long way away. “Harper, you are fading. Where are you going?”

  “Frankie!” Harper jumped from her chair. “Frankie, you are the one fading. Shit… Stay with me! Frankie stay with me hon!”

  Frankie smiled. “I want too, can’t. Got to find out.”

  Harper yelled as Frankie disappeared, she stood with her hands stretched out. “Oh my Goddess, Frankie!” She cried, then she slumped into her chair muttering, “He will kill me. They will kill me.” She slowly picked her phone up and touched a number. Johner answered on the second ring. “Harper what’s up? How’s my lady?”

  “Johner….” She choked out. “Come, I am sorry… so sorry…” She dropped her phone as she heard running feet and yelling.

  Frankie lay and stretched then frowned. Weird, I thought I was with Harper? Now why am I lying down? Strange…very strange. Then like a coiled spring she sprang from what she assumed was a bed but was a layer of white fog or cloud to a standing position. “What the hell?” She looked around, definitely not home and called out. “Where am I?”

  “Frankie Spring. I have waited a long time for you!” A voice that sounded to Frankie like he was under water stated. Frankie sat again on the cloud thing and thought about what the voice had said. “Huh! Well, who are you and my name is Frankie Kingsley?”

  “It is I, your giver of life!”

  “Shut up… giver of life, so funny.”

  When the voice did not talk again, she asked. “Oh! You were serious.” She put on her respectful voice. “Do you mean you are my father?”

  The voice returned but it sounded annoyed now.

  “No, I am your giver of life.”

  “Oh my mother, funny you don’t sound female!”

  “Impossible… No listen. I am your giver of life.”

  Frankie stood up from the soft fluffy bed or cloud or whatever it was and slammed her hands onto her hips. “Listen, giver of life. I have no idea what that means and you never told me where I am. I don’t appreciate the attitude. You were not just yanked from one realm to another if that is actually where I am, now were you?”

  “She has a point!” A light voice spoke that could have been male or female. Then the first voice asked “Really how does that help me?”

  Frankie’s lips twitched, trying not to smile at the indignant tone. The lighter voice took on a condescending tone. “Well, I was only trying to help. You are making quite a mess of it. ‘Giver of life’ where did you find that term?”

  “It is a divine term, it means…”

  “Oh, I know what it means but really!”

  Frankie cut in and yelled. “Listen you two. I don’t know what it means. Would one of you explain where and what I am doing here?”

  “Oh quite right, so sorry little one!” The light voice said as the first voice grumbled. “I was trying too.”

  “And doing a very poor job of it!” Mocked the light voice.

  “Enough!” A new voice that sounded like Reighn’s deep bass tones but had more depth and seemed to make Frankie’s body vibrate stated. “How could you two not do this? It was a simple task I set you, contact the new one and explain who she is.”

  The first voice wheezed. “Well, we did try, she is not co-operative.”

  “Oh, that is harsh. I found her charming!” The light voice crooned.

  “I second that.” Frankie stated. “You said nothing, explained nothing.”

  “Again enough! Child of light.”

  Frankie’s skin pebbled with sensation as she whispered. “Who?”

  The light voice said soothingly. “He means you dear, listen…”

  “Oh …oh okay sorry!”

  Then the bass voice began to talk. “Frankie Kingsley, who was ‘Spring”, you are the product of light. Your mother was of the light who sacrificed much to bring you into the world.”

  Frankie felt her heart race. “Oh so she is dead then?”

  “Yes dear one, she is.” The lighter voice told her. “On your arrival to the world, her only reason for existence was to birth you.”

  “Okay.” Frankie felt the sadness like an old friend well up in her heart as she asked. “My father?”

  The voice of authority answered. “There was no father. Your mother willed you into existence.”

  Frankie frowned. “She was a brownie. How could she do that?”

  “She was not a brownie.” The first voice said. “She was of the elements.”

  “What… I don’t understand?”

  The voice of authority said. “Listen and you will understand. Your mother who birthed you, willed you into existence. You were not born as the children of flesh are.”

  Frankie sat again and hung her head as she whispered. “Then I have no mother or father. I am just here…”

  “The universe is your mother and father. You are an Elemental of earth and the universe, the first of your kind!” Stated the voice of authority.

  Frankie lifted her head as she asked. “Oh like the four hooded guys?”

  “Yes, they are the Elementals of natural magic. They came back to earth to set it on its correct course once more. When the time is right, you and others like you will take over as stewards.”

  Frankie nodded. “Well, I do not know what to say to that, so I will say nothing.”

  The bass voice seemed to have a smile, when it told her. “Good, you are capable of learning.”

  Frankie rolled her eyes but did not comment.

  “You Frankie Kingsley along with more of your kind as well as the, ‘Firsts', that have come forth as well as the dragons, will together herald the next evolutionary stage of earth.”

  “Wait…wait, let me get this straight. Myself and Conor and Paige as well as some others and the dragons are going to lead the world into the next magical phase of earth. Is that what you are saying?”

  Softly the deep voice said. “Yes little one that is so!”

  “Oh, I am not old enough. I don’t know enough to do that!” Frankie could feel herself panic, her heart sped up, and her breaths came in short pants.

  “Calm sweet one, calm Frankie, child of light all is well.” The light voice soothed her, making her heart settle and her breathing calm. The first voice said.

  “At least I never made her panic!”

  The bass voice growled. “Excuse me, would you like Saturn detail for the next million years?”

  “No divine creator. I would not.”

  “Then give me silence!”

  Frankie felt better
, the sniping at each other made her feel centered. “Sorry, I panicked there for a minute.”

  The light voice said. “We find that understandable.”

  The deep voice told her. “Do not concern yourself with what you will do, you are far too young. You have many years ahead of you before you and the ‘Firsts’ are ready to lead the world into its next life.”

  “Thank goodness. So why am I here?”

  “Your power has exponentially developed. It necessitated us meeting earlier than we had expected. We needed to explain who and what you are and allow you to think about controlling your powers.”

  “Huh! I don’t understand?”

  “You, little one are the only one who can control your powers, to lessen the impact on the world from your emotions.”

  “What? I have to become emotionless now?”

  There was laughter, and then the light voice told her. “Frankie that would be impossible for you, sweet child you are all emotion. No… no, you just need to look inside yourself and find the place your power comes from and cage it, until you wish to explore its potential. Here I will show you.”

  With that Frankie was looking inside herself and was directed by a beam of silver light to a ball of blue and red slowly spinning. Oh my, is that me?

  No, it is where your power resides.

  It is pretty.

  Laughter followed this statement. It is, as you grow so will your control and power. For now place a cage like this around it. A silver box appeared around the colored ball then it disappeared. Frankie’s lips twisted as she thought then she made a box with yellow sides and gently placed the ball inside.

  Why yellow?

  It is cheerful.

  Which earned her a giggle and two grunts. She came back to herself and blinked rapidly as she asked. “Now what?”

  The bass voice told her. “Now you know how to care for the well of power. The Elementals will take over your education in the future. For now that was a very good first lessen, you are very quick and willing. You and your world will remain safe.”

  Frankie smiled at the compliment. “Thank you. May I ask who are you?”

  “We are they, who came before you.” The bass voice intoned.

  “We who allow the universes to exist.” The first voice told her.

  “Like gods?”

  “Something like that!” The light voice murmured.

  “Wow! Can you be much more evasive?”

  Then Frankie found herself in medical, surrounded by Johner, Harper Reighn and Sharm. She smiled then said. ”Hey, you look worried?”

  Johner grabbed her into his arms. “I am,”

  “Sorry I am alright. I swear.” She soothed him as he shook with her clasped to his chest. She reached out and took Harper’s hand. “Sorry, not your fault.”

  Harper nodded her throat too tight to speak. She had spent the last fifteen minutes with a frightened, angry Johner and a disturbed Dragon Lord, it was not her finest moment. Johner managed to mumble into Frankie’s hair. “I thought I had lost you.”

  “Well me too. I am sorry my love. What happened?”

  Harper managed finally to say. “One minute you were there, then you weren’t, then you were, then you weren’t?”

  Frankie grinned. “Oh okay, got it!”

  Harper nodded too. “Good…okay need to sit down now!” Reighn helped her to a seat. He shoved her head between her knees. “In case you feel faint!” He told her as she growled at him. Frankie almost laughed at the smug look on his face. Sharm tapped her nose. “Okay young lady spill, what happened?”

  She spent the next few minutes talking and for her it was without her normal rambling explanation, this was far too important to dither about with. When she mentioned Ocean, Harper’s head came up and her lips clamped together.

  Johner, Sharm and Reighn asked her questions until they felt they had the full story and Sharm finally ordered Johner to take her home. Which he did and kept her with him for the remainder of the day. Even going so far as to growl when she tried to get out of bed.


  H arper rubbed her face and yawned as she walked into her kitchen the following morning. “Good morning Joy, how are you?” She asked as she spotted the cheerful Joy munching on her cereal.

  “I am great, it is Friday.”

  Harper assumed that meant something to the teenager but having discovered that often as not it was just a statement. Harper gave the customary grunt as her only comment. It never seemed to upset Joy, who normally carried on her conversations as though Harper used words. She helped herself to the coffee and cereal then sat at the table where Joy was. She poured juice into both their glasses.

  Joy asked. “Did you have a nice time last night with Aunty Frankie and Uncle Johner?”

  “We did thank you.” She could not tell her they had spent the evening discussing Frankie’s revelations. Even still this morning Harper was having a hard time getting her head around the fact, that her Frankie was an Elemental or would be in the future. To stop her mind circling those thoughts, Harper asked. “What are you doing today?”

  “I am going to go to Kadee’s place.”


  “Harper!” Joy sighed, forgetting Harper had been away on a mission for Reighn with Charlie trying to track down the male faerie, Definiao. So far he had eluded all attempts to capture him, it was as though he knew they were coming. Giving credence to the fact, there was an informer at Dragon’s Gap.

  Harper grinned. “I was away remember?”

  “Oh yeah sorry. So Kadee and Paige Walker, the new girls I told you about when I messaged you.”

  “How do you know where they live?”

  “Me and Frankie were there when they moved into their new house and I stayed the night, it was fun. We had pizza and everything, also Kadee’s mom is mated to Conor.”

  “Wait… wait you had a sleepover and our Conor Towers?”

  “Yes, Harper, really where have you been everyone knows that!”

  “I didn’t and watch your tone missy!”

  “Sorry! Harper, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure what?” She answered absently, her mind still reeling from finding out Joy had a sleepover and Conor was mated.

  “Can I call you mom and Ace dad, Kadee and Paige are only just claimed by Ocean and Conor and they call them mom and dad already?” Harper’s whole body softened as she heard the plea behind the words, her voice became quiet, like it did when she was moved.

  Joy looked down at the table too scared to look at Harper, in case she saw rejection. Her whole face lit up when Harper said. “If that is what you want, I would love that and I know Ace will be proud to be your dad as I will be to be your mom.”

  Clint stumbled in rubbing his eyes and yawning he had spent a night out with his brother. Harper knew he and Hayden had not returned until two o’clock this morning. He was on duty at the medical center at ten o’clock she hoped he would stay awake long enough to finish his shift.

  Ace and Hayden were showering after their early morning training session which they had got into the habit of doing since Hayden had moved in with them. So far neither of the brothers had talked of moving out, so Harper left it alone, as long as they stayed here, she was happy.

  “So can I go to Kadee and Paige’s place with Frankie this morning?” Joy asked as Harper finished her cereal. “I don’t think so.”

  Joys eyes widened, “Why, is Frankie sick?”

  “No, she is okay but she is coming here. We are to go to the gallery to see some art for Edee, and I do not know this lady, so no.”

  Joy face became militant as she said. “That is just dumb, dad let me sleepover there and Conor is her mate. Saul will come and get me, what is the big deal?”

  “Well, I have said no. So you don’t get to go and if you go on much more, it will be a grounding for a week. Look you have family day Sunday and school stuff to get ready for Monday.”

  Joy stood up fast and looked at
Harper, tears filling her eyes. “She is my best friend!”

  Harper's eyebrows rose in fascination at the normally happy Joy who was so not at the moment. Clint stood eating a bowl of cereal as he listened and watched Joy and Harper. “Who is your best friend?”

  Joy stamped her foot. “You don’t listen ever! Kadee is my best friend.”

  Harper scoffed. “Pfft! Please… how can she be? You have only just met!”

  Joy remained standing her arms crossed, her face showing her anger as Ace followed by a smiling Hayden walked in. Harper asked Ace. “Did you know about Conor and this female?”

  “Ocean Walker, yes.” Ace nodded as he looked between the annoyed Harper and an obviously angry Joy, carefully he told her. “Everyone knows, they are good together. Joy stayed the night there.”

  “Conor is a really nice guy and she Ocean, is very intense.” Hayden told her as he reached up and pulled two cups down from the shelf for coffee.

  Ace asked. “Why?”

  Joy turned to him and said. “Mom says I cannot go to see Kadee. Even though she is my only best friend in the whole world and I have not seen her for two days now. She says she can’t be my best ever friend because I have not known her long enough and she does not know Ocean yet. She knows Conor and you let me stay the night there. Dad tell her she is wrong. That I can go, you let me go before!”

  Ace shook his head. “Joy I cannot…”

  “Why?” She stamped her foot again. “You are so mean, both of you, it is not fair.” She yelled at Harper, tears running down her face now.

  “Listen here, young lady. I said no and no it is!”

  “Why… tell me why?”

  Harper said quietly. “I do not answer to you. Now go to your room. You are grounded until I tell you otherwise.”

  “Fine but I am not going to family day.”

  “Fine, stay here by yourself then!” Harper yelled as Joy slammed from the kitchen. She stared at the three males.

  Ace asked “When did I get to be dad?”

  “Oh shut up!” Harper stormed from the room and they heard her slam from the apartment.

  “So... bad time to tell her I found my shadow and I am moving out then?” Hayden asked Ace who grinned at him. “There was never going to be a good time my friend.”


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