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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 42

by L M Lacee

  Storm raised surprised eyebrows as he asked Saul. “When did he do this?”

  Saul grimaced. “When we first arrived, I was exhausted.”

  Reighn laughed along with the others. “It was very good he has done so!”

  “So you say. Your paws were not aching for a month afterwards.”

  Reighn smiled as all his teams assembled. When he was sure they were all there, he told them. “I will open a portal where Leo Conor indicates. For those of you who are dragon, remain human. Shifters shift and faeries the same. You will be our scouts. Do not engage, just find them and report back.”

  Hayden slipped in beside Sparrow she took his hand, her eyes hard chips of ice. He squeezed her hand in comfort. She nodded but did not look at him again. Conor shifted to human. “I have them.”

  Reighn moved to him as Conor lent his head near him. It looked like he was telling him where to open the portal but in actual fact, Conor slipped along the mental pathway they had established months earlier. Reighn I have them they are here. He showed him the ground, trees and the cabin. I have it, Conor.

  When they were finished, Reighn turned and looked at Ace, Ark and Ash as he said. “They are using the Tomas’s old cabin.”

  All three Battle brothers jerked at the use of the hated last name belonging to their father. Ace said. “I thought that place was torn down.”

  “Apparently not.” Ash muttered as Ark suggested. “We could do it now with the rats in it.”

  Reighn grinned. “I like that idea. I know the co-ordinates. We will arrive a click away scouts will go through first.”

  Instantly Elijah, his guards, Kai and Sparrow with a squeeze of Hayden’s hand shrunk. Saul and several wolves shifted. When Reighn opened the portal they went through first and disappeared.

  Conor, who had not shifted, stepped through with Andre` who asked him. “You did not shift.”

  Conor shook his head. “My beast would kill whoever was there or near her, you included if I let him out. So best not to tempt him.”

  “You have much restraint.” Andre` told him with admiration coloring his voice.

  Conor grimaced. “It is hard won, but for my beast’s sanity and my mate, who would not be pleased to learn he had killed on her behalf. Especially her new family. I will not release him. Although if she is not alive, all restraints are gone.”

  Andre` nodded. “For my family I thank you, also know this, if they have hurt my daughter I will unleash the wrath of my dragon. We have just found her, to lose her now is not worth thinking about!”

  “I agree.” Conor growled. “We will keep each other sane and human for now.”

  “For now!” Andre` stated, both knowing death would follow in their wake if she was dead. Within a short time the scouts returned, Elijah reported. “They are here.”

  Sparrow said. “They have set traps for your kind and mine.”

  Storm asked. “Could you make out what they were?”

  Elijah squatted down and drew a circle. “They have encased the cabin twenty feet out, with a wire it is set in the ground.”

  “With what?” Storm asked.

  “They have adapted those damn sticks that have electricity and there is wire around the doors and windows from what I could see.” Kai told them. While every one of the dragons and faeries frowned in worry, the shifters along with Saul and Conor were smiling. “Why is this amusing?” Ace asked Conor.

  Bringing the others attention to him and the shifters. Saul drawled. “Isn’t that amazing, fancy them using that nasty old electricity.”

  “Doesn’t seem fair somehow!” A tall rangy lean male who was obviously a wolf with blue grinning eyes stated.

  Ark said. “Why are you grinning, it is not fair. We cannot beat that?”

  “See this is the problem with only magic uses.” Saul said to Conor as Ace snarled to Storm. “Can I beat him?”

  Kai growled. “No, that is my job. Get on with it, Saul, stop playing. What have we missed?”

  The shifters laughed at Saul’s affronted look as Conor told them. “It is not their fault. They do not really live and understand the outside world.”

  “But you would think the great, Definiao Kiltern would know?” Saul said with disdain.

  Conor smiled. “Well yes, although a great male like he probably never even thought about it, which would be Loa’s job.”

  “What are you talking about?” Storm growled starting to get annoyed now with all the references to magic and not knowing something.

  “Electricity has to have an off switch!”

  “I thought only the one who turned it on could turn it off.” Ark asked, and Conor realized he was serious. “No, anyone can, I will make sure you are all instructed on how electricity can be used later.”

  There were several smiles and nods as Conor said to Saul and the wolves. “Go find the generator.”

  They shifted and were gone only to return minutes later with a location of the generator. “We have it.” Saul told them “It’s under cover, they camouflage it with brush.”

  “Now what?” Andre` asked Reighn, who grinned without humor and said. “We go and talk to the happy couple.”

  “Will they come out?” Someone asked.

  Conor nodded, “Yes.”

  “What about Lady Ocean? Will they bring her out with them?” Fin asked Reighn, who again nodded.

  “He will have to, to prove he is superior, that he has her life in his hands.”

  “And then we cut the electrical supply and rescue my Ocean.” Conor growled.

  “That easy?” Someone asked Conor who nodded as Reighn said. “Yes that easy, he wants an audience we will give him one. Plus we will have the element of surprise, remember they are not expecting us. I am sure we would have been contacted later and told where to meet, when Loa was back at the Grove.”

  “Acting all innocent.” Sparrow muttered seeing the whole scene in her mind’s eye. There were a few grunts and snarls at Sparrow’s comment.

  “So we have that going for us, the surprise of being confronted by all of us. They of course will feel safe as well behind this wall of electricity.”

  “What of Loa?” Elijah asked Reighn who shrugged. “We will leave that to you, bring her down so she can still stand trial.”

  Conor waved two wolves over, “Shut it down at the Dragon Lords command.”

  “Very well Leo.”

  Reighn called out, “We move out, surround the cabin take down any who try to escape, non-lethal, we want them to answer for their betrayal.” When he finished speaking, they all moved out at a run with the scouts leading the way.

  Within a short time the cabin was surrounded. Reighn saw the two wolves split off and go into a small covered shed, one came out and waved his arms, signaling they had the generator.

  Conor stood with Reighn on one side and Andre` on the other. Saul and Kai were to the right side of the cabin he could see the faeries and members of his pride standing between the dragons. There were twenty feet between the cabin and the ring of warriors. Storm stood on Reighn’s other side Lars and Stanvis beside him. He watched a dragon signal, letting Storm know everyone was in position. Storm nodded to Reighn. Taking a deep breath in Reighn and his dragon called out.

  “Come out Delfiniao Kiltern and Loa Karten. Wanted traitors. Come out and show yourselves!”

  Loa fell from her chair as Definiao dropped to the floor, he hissed at her. “You were followed!”

  “The fuck I was.” She snarled back as she crab crawled towards the window.

  “Then explain how they found us and why now?”

  “I don’t know, they were not meant to.”

  “But they have, you fucking whore of an idiot female!” Definiao snarled at her with contempt spilling from his mouth.

  “Shut the hell up Del’. You crazy bastard, I told you this was a stupid plan being here. But no you had to play the big…”

  “Come out Delfiniao Kiltern and Loa Karten there is nowhere for you to go!”

  Definiao screamed out. “Never! I will kill her first!”

  Loa hissed as she sat up under the window. “Like hell you will kill her, we need her. She is our only way out of here.”

  “Do not tell me what to do. You fool, I know that but they do not.”

  Loa took a breath and looked out the window. “Thank the Goddess they are behind the wall of electricity. It worked.” She laughed. “I told you, they are stuck there.” She started to get up when Definiao snarled. “Bullets can still pass through it, can they not?”

  Loa slumped down against the wall. “Yeah right and do not call me an idiot cousin, we are from the same blood remember.”

  Reighn called again. “Come out Delfiniao Kiltern and Loa Karten.”

  Definiao called back. “We don’t want to die!”

  “You will not die today.”

  “What assurances do I have?”

  “My word as the Dragon Lord that is all you will get.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Loa’s eyebrows rose at the back and forth conversation. “What are you doing, are we going to give ourselves up, Del?”

  “Wait Loa …Wait!”

  Loa slumped back watching her cousin, he was up to something.

  Reighn called back. “I do not care if you do or not this is my final warning, come out or you will both die!”

  “She will die too. Your precious Lock!”

  “That is risk I am willing to take. Are you?”

  Loa looked at her cousin. “Well?”

  “We have no choice, if we stay here we will die eventually, whether she lives or dies they will kill us.”

  “So what do we do, die later? Either way we are dead.” Loa stated.

  “Will we? I have a plan.”

  Loa prayed. “Dear Goddess another one?”

  Definiao’s face twisted in rage as he snarled. “Shut up, this one is fool proof. Even you should be able to carry it through.”

  “You know Del’ I could kill you and be a hero if I played it right. Tell me why I need you?”

  Suddenly the rage morphed into smiles and a beguiling tone entered his voice. “Loa my dear cousin. You know I value you and this will work. It is simple and we will both survive. Because we are the last of our line we owe each other to live our lives as the rulers of this world and beyond. It is our dream. Remember? No one can take it from us. We have worked too hard to fail now at the finish line.”

  Loa looked away and sighed he was right but still. “Fine but we rule fifty, fifty?”

  Definiao smiled. “Of course… of course, would I cheat my only living blood relation?”

  Loa muttered so he could not hear. “In a heartbeat.” But smiled and they shook hands. “So what is the plan?”

  When they did not hear anything or see any movements Storm said. “Looks like he didn’t believe you?”

  “He will.” Reighn said. “He wants an audience to his greatness.”

  “You seem sure of that.” Conor commented.

  “I know him. He needs to tell me how he is better than me. That I am not anything more than a lowly lizard.” Just then the door to the cabin opened.

  “Don’t shoot, we are coming out!” Called Loa. She walked out with her hands in the air. Behind her was Definiao who was holding in front of him upright Ocean. She was unconscious and tied around her neck and waist to Definiao. Conor drew in a breath as Reighn said. “Steady do not react, it is what he wants. Give him nothing, do not weaken our position.”

  Conor gripped Andre`s arm. “That means you too.” He whispered to him, Andre`s dragons snarled deep in his chest. Reighn called out. “Does she live?”

  “She lives just!” Loa smirked as she said. “She is asleep kinda!”

  They walked halfway to the line of warriors, Loa in the front and Definiao with Ocean tied to him behind her.

  Reighn said. “Well, let’s get this done. What do you want Definiao?”

  “I want an assurance we will have our day in court. We demand a trial to be attended by the world. I like how you conducted the trial of the dragons minus the Elementals. We demand that.”

  “I see and for that I get what?”

  Definiao laughed. “Freedom as will I, together we will see if the people of the world worship you or me as they should as they will.”

  “No! That serves you, not me.”

  “I will give you my network.”

  Loa hissed. “What are you doing?”

  Definiao grinned at her. “I will not need it, will I? When I am overlord.”

  Reighn said. “A tempting offer but why will the people of the world want you as leader?”

  “They will you fool of a dragon. What do you think I have done all of this for? Waged this war for. To over throw you from the position you are unworthy to hold…

  He ranted on as Storm asked. “Really! Do we have to listen to this much longer? He is a raving lunatic and is hurting my ears. Can I just shoot him?”

  Reighn sighed. “Charlie’s solutions are not always the right way of doing things!”

  Storm sighed as well. As he looked at the male spewing forth his achievements and how clever he was compared to Reighn or at least he thought that was what he was saying. He decided not to listen to the fool as he answered Reighn. “And yet in its simplicity it works!”

  Reighn agreed. “You are right, let’s end this.” Storm brought his hand to his inside coat pocket, as Reighn hurriedly said. “Without gunfire.”

  He was positive he heard Storm sigh. Reighn called out. “Enough!”

  The male stopped talking and looked at Reighn who said. “I am sick and tired of listening to an arrogant self-indulgent asshole that thinks the world revolves around him and only him. We are not here to dance to your tune. We never were, you are a speck on the horizon of my consciousness, when and only when, I allow myself to think of you.”

  “How dare you!” Definiao raged. “I am the only true divine being. I have lived lifetimes waiting for the day to take my rightful place as a ‘First’ and Overlord of the world and beyond, then amongst the Gods and Goddesses. And you will not thwart my divine right to do so!”

  Reighn looked at him. “And to do that, you have to kill and sacrifice my people?”

  “No, you fool, not just dragons. All the peoples of the universes.”

  “To achieve what?” Conor asked as he took a step closer to the ring of wire.

  “Watch out!” Loa hissed, “He is going to charge it.”

  Definiao snorted as he mumbled. “And if he does, he dies. I win still.”

  Loa looked at him from the corner of her eyes as she said. “That is not the plan cousin.”

  Conor called out. “You think history will remember you as someone of worth?”

  “I am someone of worth, and I will prove it!”

  Definiao called back. Conor laughed a harsh sound of contempt. “I have news for you that is never going to happen. I am a ‘First’ as many before me and many after me will be but you are not and never will be! Nothing you ever do will make you so!”

  “You lie I am a “First’, I am divine!” He screamed as his face twisted into a caricature of a humans.

  “I do not lie.” Conor stated. “Ask those that stand behind me and see if what I say is a lie!”

  From behind Conor rose ghostly forms out of the ground. Males and females of all races and universes. Every one of them a ‘First’ who originated a new species drifted to stand directly behind Conor.

  “Dear Goddess he is divine.” Lars said stunned as his eyes like everyone else’s beheld the ghosts of the past. Reighn asked. “Who did you think ‘First’s were?”

  “Not this!”

  Dragon Lord Kato Kingslayer and his shadow Cailin Kingslayer ‘First’s of the dragons moved forward they stood next to Conor as Kato Kingslayer raised his hand and between one blink of an eye and another. Ocean was taken from Definiao arms. Her lax body filled Conor’s arms as he cradled her next to his heart.

sp; “I thank you my Lord.” Conor bowed his head to the Dragon as the Dragon Lord bowed his and said.

  “As we the ‘First’s of all species thank you and your daughter for what you are to do.”

  Then he and his Shadow turned to Reighn and bowed deeply. All the dragons, Reighn included returned the gesture.

  As suddenly as they arrived, they were gone. Before Definiao and Loa recovered their wits, the generator stopped working and Sparrow raced across the land, faster than an eye could follow. She grew and hit Loa hard dropping her to the ground.

  Saul rose up behind Definiao knocking him out from behind, instantly there was someone to gag and cuff the male and female faeries. Reighn opened a portal to the medical unit under the castle, Conor walked through with Ocean in his arms.

  Reighn looked around and told Fin and the Battle brothers. “Find what you can, then burn it to the ground. Commander Ace portals are yours.”

  “Thank you my Lord.”

  He and Andre stepped through the glowing doorway to join their family in a vigil for one of their own.


  M inutes after Conor walked through the glowing doorway and placed Ocean on the bed. Paige and Kadee came running in, only to halt when they saw their mother on the bed, pale and with marks around her neck. “Oh mom.” Paige cried as Kadee screamed. “No mommy… no!”

  Paige turned to Conor. “Daddy what happened?”

  He scooped them to him, Kadee sobbing as Paige held tears in her frightened eyes. “Hush now my sweet girls your mom is getting the best care. Your Uncle Sharm and Aunt Ella will look after her now.”

  Conor could barely look at his pale barely breathing mate. His heart ached for her, his beast snarled out his rage at the male who had done this.

  “But why won’t she wake?” Paige asked him as he hugged her. “She was drugged.” Sharm told them. “We will heal her, I have called for more healers.” He told Conor who nodded as Reighn, Sage and Andre` walked in.

  “Granddad!” The girls called as they threw themselves into his opened arms. Ciana went to Conor and hugged him. “Conor, she will be alright.”

  “Will she?” He whispered aware the girls were close to them. “She has not woken!”


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