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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 53

by L M Lacee

  At the end of the day the house was secured, and the bears and dragons retired for the night, only to be woken early the next morning by Kai. The house was once again gone, eaten by unknown eaters.

  Ash and Ace had arrived at the eaten house and stood shocked as Ivan and George walked around the foundations, fascinated and irritated. “How… how is this possible? We have spells?” George asked over and over. None had an answer for the aggrieved bear. So once again they rolled up their sleeves and got to work, by ten o’clock the house was restored.

  Day after day the bear, and dragon brothers could not understand why each morning they rose, went to the house and found it eaten to the foundations. They would spend hours resurrecting it and decorating it and everyone would again enjoy it, only for it to be gone again by morning. On the sixth morning after fixing the house again. Ivan rumbled out. “We need a plan.”

  Ash agreed. “The spells are not working.”

  Ace nodded as he pulled on his bottom lip. “Let’s do some old-fashioned trapping.”

  George snarled. “Good idea, tonight we will sneak back, hide in the house and catch the eaters.”

  Ash laughed. “Eaters?”

  George shrugged. “Got a better name for them?”

  “Nope, like it.”


  Later that night the four males sneaked, undetected back to the house and waited. In the cold of the early morning around three o’clock, a mist rose on the streets of the Gap, muffling footsteps that walked sedately towards the gingerbread house.

  Ace whispered. “I hear something coming.”

  “Footsteps, many of them.” Ivan whispered back with a snarl. They waited longer as more footsteps drew closer. Finally, their patience was rewarded as they could hear, near silent munching coming from the walls and roof of their gingerbread house.

  Ace growled. “Now!” Bright lights snapped on, lighting the whole yard. At the same time, the four enraged brothers burst from the house brandishing weapons and yelling. Shock at what they found halted the brandishing, and yelling as the four males blinked, while their brains tried to make sense of what they saw.

  Unicorns surrounded the house. Some were still chewing while others stood four footed eyes wide in shock. “What the hell!” Ash yelled.

  “Whoa! Never saw that coming.” George announced.

  “Nah! Have to say it is a new one for me.” Ivan nodded as Ace grunted.

  Ash growled one word ceasing all eating. “Stop!”

  They unicorns whimpered with regret but stopped eating. Ash pointed to a male and then in front of him saying. “Here now and change.” As the prince he was able to enforce his demand with the power he enthused in his voice. The unicorn walked over and with a sigh changed. “Ethan!” Ash stated in shock and surprise. “What are you doing?”

  Ethan grinned at the shocked males. “Well, we were enjoying a treat until you stopped us!”

  “It is our house.” Growled Ivan.

  “You ate our house… five times!” Stated an outraged George.

  “Well yeah but who makes a life sized house out of gingerbread?”

  “We do!” Snarled George, “doesn’t mean you can eat the frigging thing. I don’t come and munch on your grass in your meadow now do I?”

  “Our grass is not gingerbread.” Yelled a voice from the dark.

  “Seriously.” Ash yelled back.

  Ethan nodded. “We cannot help it. We are drawn to the scent. It is almost a …compulsion.”

  Ivan asked. “Are you saying ginger is like… like a catnap to unicorns?”

  Another unicorn shifted and Jordan appeared much to Ash’s amazement, with a small smile he moved to them and nodded. “Well yeah, I am gathering you did not know this?”

  “Not a clue.” Ash replied then looked at the other three males with him and asked. “You?”

  They all shook their heads and said as one. “Nope!”

  Jordan shrugged and said. “We are sorry.”

  Ace looking at the young males asked softly. “Did you think we had created it for you?”

  Ethan and Jordan nodded their heads. “Yes, we are sorry to have spoilt your house but after the first night when it returned, we assumed incorrectly it seems. That you knew.”

  Ivan smiled as he told them. “Let’s do this. You eat what is left and we will call it a gift to the Gap, and you. It is no hardship for us to redo the house each morning.”

  Ash agreed. “Now we know who it is that is eating our gift.”

  Ace asked. “Is there anything you would like added?”

  Shyly a male came closer and asked. “Is there anyway the frosting on the roof could be ginger too?”

  George nodded. “No problem, I will talk to our mates they will see that it is there.” The four saluted the unicorns as they made to leave. Ivan called out. “Merry Christmas unicorns of Dragon’s Gap enjoy your gift.”

  Reighn smiled as he thought back on that puzzle, he knew that particular gift would become a tradition of the Gaps each Christmas and if he was not wrong he knew the females after learning of the unicorns taste for ginger, were thinking on how to incorporate ginger into the Easter holiday.

  A problem solved, Reighn shook his head as he looked into the flames, who knew ginger was a unicorn’s secret desire. He had noticed the house had expanded since that night, the bears and dragon’s gift was better and bigger.

  Standing Reighn stretched out his large body and walked to the glass doors staring out over the quiet night as his dragon yawned and said. It is quieter tonight.

  Reighn laughed. Well, it has to be.

  The night was definitely quieter than two nights ago, when Storm and his team had accidentally let off some of their experiments. Waking the whole town.

  Everyone had thought they were under attack, that bombs were landing and exploding, it had been chaotic. Conor and his family as well as Thorn and his had rushed in from their estates. Nobles had screamed bloody murder demanding to know who was attacking Dragon’s Gap.

  Reighn had flown in from the castle with his father, uncle, brothers and the Battle brothers prepared for war. Only to be brought up short when they landed and transformed to see, Storm, Lars, Fin and Hayden emerge from the embattled Broadswords. A place that now had a humongous hole in its side, torn out by a bomb or so Reighn thought.

  The four dragons stood in the night air with wide vacant grins on their normally composed faces. Faces that were covered in soot and it seemed each one of them was deaf. Evidenced by the yelling that commenced when they saw everyone looking at them.

  Unfortunately, no one could make sense of what they were saying as small explosions still sounded from within the building. This as well as rubble that kept falling from the hole. Reighn silenced the crowds with a look as he strode forward and demanded to know what had happened. Storm had shaken his head and yelled. “Slight miscalculation!”

  Ella and Sharm ran to the four males, instantly starting to heal the damage they had done to themselves. After a few minutes Sharm patted Hayden on his shoulder and then came to Reighn. “They will be alright a slight case of concussion and temporary deafness which we cured them all of, they will be fine.”

  “Thank you Sharm, may I talk to them now?”

  “Of course, my work is done. I am for my bed.”

  With a wave and a smile, he and Ella left. Reighn marched over to his brother and demanded, “Storm, what do you mean? A slight miscalculation.” Storm grinned a white slash in an otherwise soot covered face.

  Reighn’s dragon murmured. I have never seen brother so happy, when not with his shadow and young. Reighn silently acknowledged his observation.

  Storm grinned wider when he explained. “Too much dragon’s magic in the mix, nothing we cannot fix.”

  Lars agreed. “Don’t worry Reighn we will have it right by Christmas Eve.”

  Reighn shook his head as he muttered. “That is not my concern, your lives and limbs are.”

  His words were los
t under a roar of disbelief from the crowd of nobles as his father and uncle explained what had happened. Unlike the rest of Dragon’s Gap the nobles were not happy with the coming holiday. Conor having dispersed his people came to where the four males stood grouped together discussing the explosion, he nodded to Reighn then said. “Gentlemen, refrain from doing that again. It is disturbing.”

  They all nodded respectfully to Conor and assured him they would not do so again. Reighn sighed and wished them luck as he left others to sort out the mess his brothers and Fin and Hayden had created, he was too tired to care.

  On his return to the castle, he thankfully did not have to explain what had taken place. Ella and Sharm having already done so. Later when he fell into bed, he laughed as he realized Ciana would be fielding the Noble’s complaints in the morning and was once again thankful she oversaw the mediation court and not him.

  He did spare a thought for his brother Storm who was as his dragon had said happy. Thinking back on that night and Storm. Reighn was pleased there had been no more explosions and Storm was still happy although that thought gave him pause. Why was he still happy? He asked his silent dragon who chortled with glee. I have no idea, but I cannot wait to find out!

  Reighn made ready to go to bed. He stopped in front of the gloriously decorated tree. He, Sage and the girls spent last night decorating it. He thought he had never had so much fun as he did with his family. Choosing and helping Ava and Molly to place decorations on the tree that had been delivered that morning.

  He smiled now as his dragon laughed and started rolling around within his mind as they both remembered the trees Conor had ordered. I do wish we had a camera with us. If I remember nothing else from my life, I will remember his face when he saw those trees for the first time. It was priceless. His dragon told him between bouts of laughter. Reighn knew he should correct his dragon but in truth he agreed with him. Nothing was as funny as Conor’s expression when he had seen the Christmas trees for the first time. He was so very glad he had been present to witness it.

  Two days after the meeting, Scarlett had called to say that the Christmas trees were ready to be delivered. Reighn had been pleased for Conor as it had only been two days since discussing the trees. He would be ahead of his timetable. It seemed he was not the only one surprised, Scarlett was as well.

  Reighn had taken Sage with him to see the trees arrive and because there was a first dibs policy on the trees apparently. Whatever that was, she seemed to know and seemed to be happy about it. So they had walked the distance to the Grove and were shown into a large hall. Waiting there were Conor, Saul, Kai, Johner and Stanvis and several dragons and faeries. All ready to bring the trees in from the other Grove. Ocean stepped out from behind a screen with Ciana. “What are you doing here female?” Ocean snarled at Sage who shrugged and buffed her fingernails on her cloak. “First dibs!”

  Ciana crowed. “So not happening. We called it already.”

  “Ladies I am sure there are enough for everyone to be satisfied.” Conor told them. Reighn looked at the male and thought brave male, so very brave. As three sets of militant eyes turned to him. Ocean asked her mate in a tone that shivered parts of Reighn and many of the other males in the room. Conor was made of sterner stuff Reighn thought as he saw the male only pale a little. “Really! That is what you think my mate?”

  Conor nodded, then swallowed as he replied. “Ah yes, it was. I am not so sure now.”

  “He knows nothing, we called it already.” Repeated Ciana to Sage.

  Sage said. “Well to bad. I am here, I call it now.”

  “Nope!” The sisters said together.

  Sage growled. “When did you call it?”

  Ocean smiled. “When Conor decided to do the trees.”

  “Oh well, that is not fair. I did not know he was doing that then.”

  “Oh so sad.” Ocean and Ciana smiled at Sage who countered with. “But I am pregnant with twins!”

  Ciana shook her head at Sage. “Now that is sad, using your hatchlings to score a tree. So sad.”

  Scarlett moved to them and stopped the argument dead in the water. “Well as it is my Grove and my contact. I call it first.” All three females looked at her, then each other. “Damnit she has a point.” Ocean scowled.

  Sage sighed. “So true.”

  “Fine!” Ciana pouted.

  Scarlett smiled magnanimously around her and yelled. “Yippee!” While clapping her hands, she knew the perfect tree would be hers. Reighn took it that the argument was finished and opened the portal to a bright sunny Grove.

  “Welcome to our world.” The lovely older female greeted them.

  Scarlett moved forward. “Thank you Queen Berla. How is your King?”

  “He is well, out fishing this morning.” She looked around at the people there as Scarlett introduced everyone. When she had finished the queen inclined her head to Sage and Reighn, then addressed Scarlett. “Queen Scarlett you have many people here.” There was no mistaking the confusion she felt as it was reflected in her voice. Scarlett looked around her, feeling puzzled as well. “Yes for the trees.”

  “Really!” She shook her head and became even more confused. “I think it is excessive.”

  With those words she made a signal, and several people brought forth trays filled with small two inch high trees in bright colored pots. Conor, who had moved to beside Scarlett, blinked and said nothing. Scarlett looked up into his face that was totally without expression. Elijah touched his arm. “Conor, are you well?”

  Still Conor said nothing. Saul finally stepped forward with Ocean who looked concernedly at her mate. The queen asked. “Is he unwell?”

  Saul sad to Queen Berla. “No…no, he is a little shocked I think Queen Berla. May I ask why the trees are so small?”

  “I do not see what has him so upset? These trees are what was requested of us.”

  Conor seemed to snap out of where he had gone to and asked. “Why do you say that?”

  She pulled a picture from her pocket. “The message read. Please may we purchase trees exactly like this? And that is what we supplied.”

  A collective. “Ohhh!” Was heard throughout the room as understanding hit everyone at the same time. Reighn just stopped himself from laughing out loud as Conor nodded solemnly. “I see Queen Berla. The picture was a representation of what the trees were to look like.”

  “Oh…oh my! We did think it was strange.” She smiled and it was if the sun came out from behind a cloud. “Well never mind, we will have the order to you by the twentieth, will that be alright?”

  Relieved Conor smiled and bowed over her hand in a courtly manner. “It will be and thank you again Queen Berla.”

  She smiled and inclined her head then the portal closed. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and Ocean hugged Conor, saying. “Phew! Tragedy avoided.”

  “Just!” Ciana agreed.

  “First dibs!” Called out Sage, to moans of annoyance from Ocean and Ciana and laughter from everyone else. Reighn grinned at that memory of his shadows audacity then yawned. “Time we were in bed, my friend, tomorrow and the day after will be ones like we have never experienced before or so Edee assures me.”

  His dragon yawned, then told him sleepily. I am looking forward to Christmas?

  “How can we not, family, trees, presents? Our shadow and young. What is there not to like?”

  His dragon snorted in disgust as he said. Mazes!

  “Well yes, although everyone seems to like this one, apparently it is very clever. The unicorns, Olinda and Harper created a masterpiece I am told. People love it, and the young have hours of enjoyment.”

  Because it changes shape every day.

  “Ahh I see, well that must be fun!”

  Will you try it again?

  “No, I am forbidden. Something about flames.”

  Seems unfair to me, it is, after all, Christmas.

  “That is what I said!”


  C hristmas Eve dawned
bright and clear, not a cloud in the sky. It was a day of finalizing plans, presents to be wrapped and hidden, clothes to be chosen to wear to Christmas Eve dinner as well as for Christmas Day and of course the last of the food preparation to be completed for the Christmas Eve feast.

  It was time for Reighn and Sage as Dragon Lord and Lady to greet and welcome their large and ever-growing family to the castle for the first Christmas Eve dinner. Before the meal drinks were passed around and the young ones raced around the room or sat in chairs dreaming and discussing what Santa was to bring them. The older girls gossiped about what they may be lucky enough to get for Christmas and tried to guess what they had brought for each other.

  Adults milled around discussing the town and what had been happening and the gifts. Most were relieved the day was finally here. As Reighn stood with his brothers, Lars looked up at the beautifully decorated tree and commented. “That is one huge Christmas tree you have there, Reighn!”

  Smug Reighn nodded. “I know I called first dibs.” Which he had, causing Sage to grumble that the one in the foyer of the castle was at least three feet to small. But as Reighn told her, dibs is dibs.

  Lars shook his head as he said. “Not sure what that is but glad it worked, it is beautiful.”

  Shortly the meal was under way the young were in a fever of excitement as soon as the meal was done and the sun had set. Storm, Hayden, Fin and Lars were to release the fireworks. They were originally going to do so at midnight. Then when they realized the little ones would be in bed long before that, they revised their plans. So as soon as it was dark, the night sky would light up with wonderful explosions of color, or at least that was the plan.

  Eventually, the food was consumed, young ones fed. Dishes cleared away and cleaned, as the castle staff had the night off the clean-up was accomplished by everyone there, young included. Before they could believe it young ones and adults were bundled into coats and hats, mittens secured on hands and scarfs wrapped around chilled necks. Because it was time for fireworks and the weather had turned cold.

  Reighn and Sage with their daughters lead the way up to the top of the castle. This was where, for the next thirty minutes they, along with every living being of Dragon’s Gap were entertained. They were awed and totally unprepared for the feast of imagination that the four males had created, to delight and gift the residents of Dragon’s Gap with. For the first ever Christmas.


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