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Girls & Sex

Page 27

by Peggy Orenstein

  221When a Dutch national poll found that most teenagers still: Schalet, Not Under My Roof.

  221Compare that to the United States, where two thirds: Martino, Collins, Elliott, et al., “It’s Better on TV.”

  222Either way, closeness can be compromised: Schalet, Not Under My Roof.

  223Girls are still more likely than boys to report: Vanwesenbeeck, “Sexual Health Behaviour Among Young People in the Netherlands.”

  223Dutch girls who have multiple casual partners: Schalet, Not Under My Roof.

  235After studying the Dutch: Schalet, “The New ABCD’s of Talking About Sex with Teenagers.”

  236They particularly wanted to know more from us about: Alexandra Ossola, “Kids Really Do Want to Have ‘The Talk’ with Parents,” Popular Science, March 5, 2015.

  236All the more reason to take a deep breath: Schear, Factors That Contribute to, and Constrain, Conversations Between Adolescent Females and Their M––others About Sexual Matters. William Fisher, a professor of psychology as well as obstetrics and gynecology, found that teens who felt positively about sex were more likely to use contraception and disease protection. They were also more likely to communicate with their partner. Fisher, “All Together Now.”

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