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Under the Witches' Moon: A Romantic Tale of Mediaeval Rome

Page 52

by Nathan Gallizier


  _By Nathan Gallizier_

  _Author of "The Sorceress of Rome," "The Court of Lucifer," "The Hill of Venus," etc._

  _Illustrated by The Kinneys, cloth 12mo, net, $1.50; carriage paid, $1.65_

  This romantic tale of tenth-century Rome concerns itself with thefortunes and adventures of Tristan of Avalon while in the Eternal Cityon a pilgrimage to do penance for his love of Hellayne, the wife of hisliege lord, Count Roger de Laval.

  Tristan's meeting with the Queen Courtesan of the Aventine; herinfatuation for the pilgrim; Tristan's rounds of obediences, cut shortby his appointment as Captain of Sant' Angelo by Alberic, Senatorof Rome; the intrigues of Basil, the Grand Chamberlain, who aspiresto the dominion of Rome and the love of Theodora; the trials ofHellayne, who alternately falls into the power of Basil and Theodora;the scene between the Grand Chamberlain and Bessarion in the ruinsof the Coliseum; the great feud between Roxana and Theodora and thefinal overthrow of the latter's regime constitute some of the dramaticepisodes of the romance.

  "This new book adds greater weight to the claim that Mr.Gallizier is the greatest writer of historical novels in Americatoday."--_Cincinnati Times-Star._

  "In many respects we consider Mr. Gallizier the most versatile andinteresting writer of the day."--_Saxby's Magazine._


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