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Under the Witches' Moon: A Romantic Tale of Mediaeval Rome

Page 56

by Nathan Gallizier

  Selections from The Page Company's List of Fiction


  POLLYANNA: The GLAD Book (360,000) Trade Mark Trade----Mark

  Cloth decorative, illustrated by Stockton Mulford.

  _Net_, $1.35; _carriage paid_, $1.50

  Mr. Leigh Mitchell Hodges, The Optimist, in an editorial for the_Philadelphia North American_, says: "And when, after Pollyanna hasgone away, you get her letter saying she is going to take 'eight steps'to-morrow--well, I don't know just what you may do, but I know of oneperson who buried his face in his hands and shook with the gladdestsort of sadness and got down on his knees and thanked the Giver of allgladness for Pollyanna."

  POLLYANNA GROWS UP: The Second GLAD Book Trade Mark (180,000) Trade----Mark

  Cloth decorative, illustrated by H. Weston Taylor.

  _Net_, $1.35; _carriage paid_, $1.50

  When the story of POLLYANNA told in The _Glad_ Book was ended a greatcry of regret for the vanishing "Glad Girl" went up all over thecountry--and other countries, too. Now POLLYANNA appears again, just assweet and joyous-hearted, more grown up and more lovable.

  "Take away frowns! Put down the worries! Stop fidgeting anddisagreeing and grumbling! Cheer up, everybody! POLLYANNA has comeback!"--_Christian Herald._

  _The GLAD Book Calendar_ Trade----Mark


  (_This calendar is issued annually; the calendar for the new year beingready about Sept. 1st of the preceding year. Note: in ordering pleasespecify what year you desire._)

  Decorated and printed in colors. _Net_, $1.50; _carriage paid_, $1.65

  "There is a message of cheer on every page, and the calendar isbeautifully illustrated."--_Kansas City Star._

  MISS BILLY (18th printing)

  Cloth decorative, with a frontispiece in full color from a painting by G. Tyng . . _Net_, $1.35; _carriage paid_, $1.50

  "There is something altogether fascinating about 'Miss Billy,'some inexplicable feminine characteristic that seems to demand theindividual attention of the reader from the moment we open the bookuntil we reluctantly turn the last page."--_Boston Transcript._

  MISS BILLY'S DECISION (11th printing)

  Cloth decorative, with a frontispiece in full color from a painting by Henry W. Moore.

  _Net_, $1.35; _carriage paid_, $1.50

  "The story is written in bright, clever style and has plenty of actionand humor. Miss Billy is nice to know and so are her friends."--_NewHaven Times Leader._

  MISS BILLY--MARRIED (8th printing)

  Cloth decorative, with a frontispiece in full color from a painting by W. Haskell Coffin.

  _Net_, $1.35; _carriage paid_, $1.50

  "Although Pollyanna is the only copyrighted glad girl, Miss Billy isjust as glad as the younger figure and radiates just as much gladness.She disseminates joy so naturally that we wonder why all girls are notlike her."--_Boston Transcript._

  SIX STAR RANCH (19th Printing)

  Cloth decorative, 12mo, illustrated by R. Farrington Elwell.

  _Net_, $1.35; _carriage paid_, $1.50

  "'Six Star Ranch' bears all the charm of the author's genius andis about a little girl down in Texas who practices the 'PollyannaPhilosophy' with irresistible success. The book is one of the kindliestthings, if not the best, that the author of the Pollyanna books hasdone. It is a welcome addition to the fast-growing family of _Glad_Books."--_Howard Russell Bangs in the Boston Post._


  Cloth decorative, illustrated. _Net_, $1.00; _carriage paid_, $1.15

  "To one who enjoys a story of life as it is to-day, with its sorrowsas well as its triumphs, this volume is sure to appeal."--_Book NewsMonthly._


  Cloth decorative, illustrated. _Net_, $1.25; _carriage paid_, $1.40

  "A very beautiful book showing the influence that went to thedeveloping of the life of a dear little girl into a true and goodwoman."--_Herald and Presbyter, Cincinnati, Ohio._


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