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A Groom for Carrie

Page 9

by Marie Higgins

  As a boy, Cade had a dog – Rusty. The dog helped him herd sheep from time to time. Rusty had been Cade’s best friend for the longest time. He had come to know that dog well, especially when he’d nearly killed him when Rusty was a pup.

  Not knowing what dogs could eat – and especially, what they could not eat – Cade had given Rusty a taste of his eggs, and within hours, the dog became violently ill. Cade had learned quickly not to feed the dog from the table.

  Cade’s thoughts screeched to a halt. Eggs! He had fed PJ eggs the day he’d gotten sick. In fact, every day since Cade had fed that to the boy. What if the boy was allergic to that food? Carrie had mentioned that day she’d caught Cade feeding PJ that he had never eaten eggs before.

  Excitement shot through Cade, and he sat up straighter. His mind continued to spin with memories of when he was a doctor working with Brian Dawson. A woman had come in to see Doctor Dawson, and her face was covered in a rash. Her face was pasty, and she had a small fever. She also complained of not keeping any food in her stomach since the night before. Doctor Dawson had diagnosed her as being allergic to shellfish.

  Cade now knew how to treat PJ!

  Slowly, he lifted out the chair and carried PJ out of the room. He tiptoed to Tilly’s room, and thankfully, her light was on, which he could see from under the door. He knocked. “Tilly?”

  Seconds later, he heard the floor creak as she walked toward the door. She opened the door but stood behind it, trying to hide her white nightgown. Her eyes were wide as she glanced from him to PJ.

  “Do you need my help with the baby?”

  “Yes. I think I know what’s wrong with him, but we need to find stinging nettle. I know it’s late, and there is snow on the ground, but—”

  “I have some tea.”

  Cade stopped, not certain he heard correctly. “You have tea?”

  “Yes. I have seasonal allergies, and so I have already prepared stinging nettle tea for whenever I need it.”

  Relief swept over him. Thank you, Lord! “We need it now. Get some ready, and we’ll have PJ drink it.”

  She hurried back into her room and grabbed her wrapper. Within seconds, she was bustling out of the room and hurrying toward the kitchen. Cade turned up the kitchen lamp as Tilly found a kettle and placed it on the wood-burning stove, which, thankfully, was still warm from supper. Next, she opened a cupboard and withdrew a glass jar with the plant's cooked dried leaves.

  “What do you think he’s allergic to?” Tilly asked as she prepared the tea.


  She gasped. “I gave him some this morning.”

  “We have all given him some for the past few days.”

  “Why do you think that’s it?”

  Cade glanced down at PJ, who thankfully, was still asleep. Slowly, Cade moved to the kitchen table and sat on the chair. “When I was a young boy, I had given my dog an egg, and it made him really sick.” He shrugged. “I just followed the strong instincts inside me that this was what happened to PJ.”

  “Oh, I pray you’re right.”

  “You know.... I think I am.” He smiled, feeling good about the decision. Of course, it was the Lord who put the idea in his head.

  It took another fifteen minutes, but soon the water was warm enough to prepare the tea. Cade gently shook the baby awake, softly calling the boy’s name. When PJ opened his eyes, he frowned and started scratching his arms in discomfort.

  “Here, PJ,” Cade said, bringing the teacup to the boy’s mouth. “Drink this. It will make you feel better.”

  At first, PJ pushed it away, but when Tilly came over to assist, the boy followed directions. Gradually, he began to drink more until the cup was empty. Cade smiled at the boy and stroked a hand over the child’s moist forehead. Cade knew it wouldn’t work immediately, but soon, the boy would feel much better.

  “Here,” Tilly said, taking PJ out of Cade’s arms, “let me watch him until he falls asleep. You look plum tired, Mr. Hamilton.”

  He felt exhausted, but it was more from knowing that he had figured out how to treat poor PJ.

  “If you don’t mind,” he said with a smile, “I’d like to stay up just a little while longer and keep a watchful eye over my patient.”

  Tilly’s eyes widened. “Patient?” She smiled. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  Chuckling, he moved beside the older woman and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He leaned in and kissed PJ’s forehead and then met Tilly’s questioning stare.

  “Yes. That means what you think it means.”

  “Oh, that’s the best news ever, Mr... um, Doctor Hamilton.”

  His heartbeat flipped with happiness. It did feel good to be recognized as a doctor again.

  “But I must say,” Tilly continued, “how surprised I am that you’d use an herb to treat your patient instead of trying to force some of that nasty medicine down the boy’s throat like normal doctors do.”

  “Actually, Tilly,” he stepped away from the maid, “there’s a good explanation for that. When I was working with another doctor, he showed me how to use the herbs method. We had several patients who wouldn’t take the medications we gave them.”

  “That’s just brilliant,” Tilly cheered. “There was a reason you were guided toward Last Chance. This town needs great doctors like yourself.”

  Had the woman been correct? Was it Cade’s fate to come to this town, especially with his knowledge of both types of medications? He wanted to think so. “Thank you, Tilly. It does my heart good to hear you say that.” He kissed her cheek, and her face bloomed with color.

  Tilly took PJ back into the nursery, and Cade went to the cupboard to find some regular tea for him. He needed something to keep him awake for another hour until he knew PJ was sleeping more comfortably. He found himself grinning the longer he thought of what Tilly said. Surprisingly, he was excited to start his practice in town. Of course, he didn’t want to be away from his wife and son for very long, so perhaps he could build a little cabin out back on the land to be nearby. After all, he planned to have a large family with his wonderful wife.

  He prepared his tea and walked back to the table and sat. He stared at his teacup while his mind spun with ideas. Getting started on his practice would have to begin soon. This town had been without a doctor for far too long.

  A gentle hand touched his shoulder, mere seconds before he smelled Carrie’s fragrance. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her standing next to him. Sleep was evident in her eyes, and he was happy that she had gotten a little rest.

  “What are you doing out of bed?” he asked.

  “I woke up suddenly. I don’t know why, but when I peeked into the nursery, Tilly gave me the good news.”

  He nodded. “Yes, I figured out what was wrong with PJ.” He turned and slid an arm around her waist, pulling her to sit on his lap. She came willingly and hooked her arms around his shoulders.

  “I knew you could do it.” She kissed his lips briefly.

  “Thank you for having faith in me, even when I didn’t have it.”

  Her smile softened, and she caressed his cheek. “Do you have it now?”

  “I do.” He tightened his arms around her. “And I’ve decided that I want to be the town’s doctor.”

  Her pretty brown eyes twinkled. “Why?”

  “Because it felt good to help cure someone. However, this time, I’ll let God help me.”

  “That’s the best way to do it.”

  Cade couldn’t believe how beautiful she was, even with sleepy eyes and messy hair, he’d never seen anyone lovelier before – and he never would.

  “Are you ready to come to bed?” she asked.

  “Not yet. I’m going to monitor my patient first.”

  Sighing, she cuddled against him. He stroked his hand down her hair and back, loving the closeness. “I don’t think I’ve told you, but,” he kissed her forehead, “I’m very much in love with you, Mrs. Hamilton.”

  She tilted her head and l
ooked into his eyes. “Good because I love you more and more each day.”

  When he kissed her, he knew this was the perfect way to stay awake while monitoring PJ. Of course, Cade would have to make sure nothing more happened until he and Carrie reached the bedroom. At least that would be in his immediate future.


  “Happy Thanksgiving,” Carrie said as she carried the cooked turkey to the table where her small family was gathered around. Both Tilly and PJ felt so much better, which made this very special day even more special. And... because Carrie cooked the turkey all by herself, this was definitely the year for accomplishments.

  Thankfully, Tilly stood behind Carrie and watched her to make sure she did everything right. Starving her family wasn’t a good thing to do.

  Cade’s evergreen eyes glistened with love when he looked at Carrie. He stood and kissed her briefly before taking the fork and carving knife in his hands. She sat, waiting for him to begin. Instead, he glanced around the table, looking at everyone for a few seconds before moving to the next person. Carrie had never seen him so happy.

  “I want to thank you for accepting me into your home and into your lives.” He rested his gaze on Carrie. “And thank you for loving me, unconditionally.”

  She touched his arm, smiling. “It’s you who we should be thanking. You have come into our lives and literally saved each one of us.”

  “God is good,” Tilly said with a nod. “We have been blessed.”

  “Indeed, He is.” Cade placed the knife and fork down. “I think we should offer a prayer of thanks before we begin.”

  Carrie nodded, her heart growing larger than before. How had she gotten so lucky to marry this man?

  “Doctor Hamilton?” Tilly asked. “Please, let me say the prayer.”

  “Of course.”

  Everyone closed their eyes, and as Tilly began to pray, Carrie peeked at her family. Although she’d not been loved in her first marriage, she had to experience all of that for a reason. During those five years, the trial God put her through was to help her grow stronger and accept true love when Cade came into her life. She also had to learn how to forgive and forget, and she was working on that with Michael right now. But she was so very grateful this year for her love that grew daily for Cade Hamilton.

  Tilly ended the prayer, and everyone said Amen. As Cade started carving the turkey, the heavenly scent of a well-cooked bird wafted through the kitchen, making her stomach grumble. Tilly had helped her prepare other items for their meal, but Carrie was proud of herself for the turkey.

  Cade took a piece of meat and plopped it into his mouth. Closing his eyes, he released a low groan of pleasure. “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

  This was another reason Carrie loved him so much. He was always so quick to praise her for things she’d done. “Then will you hurry and cut it so the rest of us can have some?”

  Laughing, he looked at her and winked. “Hand me your plate.”

  Soon, everyone had their plates full of wonderful food. During the meal, she noticed that Cade kept looking at her. She would always love his dreamy eyes. However, this time she knew exactly what he was thinking. The past few nights had been Heaven on Earth as she and Cade put PJ to bed early only so that they could have private time under the covers of their own bed. She realized that as soon as dinner was over, she would start getting PJ ready for bed.

  The thought of what would happen later tonight had her hurrying through her meal. Cade seemed to eat his food a little faster, as well. She didn’t mind. After all, she’d never had a real honeymoon before.

  And... if Carrie had her way, every night would be a honeymoon for her and Cade... for the rest of their happy lives.


  READERS - You will read about what happens to Rebecca Sterling in my series “Runaway Brides.” Her story will be “Dane’s Bride.” Also, Cade Hamilton’s sister (Savannah) and brother (Jacob) will have stories in the “Runaway Brides” series, as well.

  Blizzard Brides series link –

  Other published stories by Marie Higgins

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  Author’s Bio

  Marie Higgins is an award-winning, best-selling author of clean romance novels that melt your heart and have you falling in love over and over again. Since 2010, she’s published over 90 heartwarming, on-the-edge-of-your-seat romances. She’s broadened her readership by writing mystery/suspense, humor, time-travel, paranormal, along with her love for historical romances. Her readers have dubbed her “Queen of Tease” because of all her twists and unexpected endings.

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