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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

Page 5

by Nicole S. Goodin

Damn, he smells amazing.

  He smelled the way a real man should smell, clean but masculine. I couldn’t even put a name to the scent.

  “I don’t know who you work for, but you’d be better off working for me, sweetheart,” he whispered against my hair. I could feel his warm breath on my face and I nearly passed out. This guy had me all tied up in knots and he’d barely said two words to me.

  Working for him... Wait, what?

  He brushed past me and walked out into the underground garage.

  “Excuse me?” I yelled after him as I stalked out of the doors after him. “Why in the hell would I want to work for you?”

  He stopped and turned back to me, a smirk playing on his gorgeous face, like I’d just walked into some sort of trap. “Because you’d look good sitting at the desk outside my office.”

  I was lost for words.

  What. An. Asshole.

  I couldn’t believe how arrogant this guy was. I was fuming that he was making assumptions about me and my career options based on my appearance.

  I don’t know where the hell I got my confidence from all of a sudden, but I found myself following him out of the lift, and as he turned back to face me I stepped right into his space and took hold of his tie.

  “Look, asshole, I’ll have you know that I don’t sit outside anybody’s office. People sit outside of mine.” I scowled at him. “And you’re more than welcome to come and sit there whenever you like.” I looked him up and down and raised one eyebrow. “Shit, you might even look good doing it.” I let my hand slowly slide down the length of his tie as I stepped backwards, before letting it fall back against his body. I smirked at his surprised expression and took the moment to quickly unlock and climb into my Jeep.

  God, I can’t wait to tell Quinn about this sexist pig. I bet women never speak back to him like that.

  I backed out and caught site of the arrogant bastard leaning against a giant black truck. He was just watching me drive away with a wide grin on his face.

  God, what a wanker.

  A hot-as-hell wanker.

  But a wanker all the same.

  6. Quinn

  As soon as I jumped into El’s Jeep, I could tell something had happened. She was riled up. I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears.

  “What the hell is up with you? I thought I was the one stressing?”

  El glanced over at me and took a deep breath as she pulled out into traffic.

  “Oh yeah, since you mention it, I might have good news. Weston has a roommate looking for work. Macie, I think he said her name was. He thinks she’ll be perfect for the position and he is going to talk to her about coming in on Monday for an interview.”

  “Oh wow, that’d be awesome. If Weston rates her then she must be good. That boy is a damn godsend.”

  El grinned at me. “Yeah, he really is.”

  “But anyway, back to you and whatever the hell happened during the 20 minutes since I talked to you last?”

  I listened as El spilled the story about this amazingly hot guy she’d encountered in the office elevator.

  “Wait, so what was him name? Does he work for Lawson?”

  “God, I have no idea. The asshole made me so mad. I told him off and got the hell out of there.” She grinned. “But yeah... I guess he probably does work for Lawson, since he sure-as-shit doesn’t work for us.”

  She breathed out a heavy breath. “He was a tool, Q. God he was so good looking... but I’d put money on the fact he knows that, and uses it to his advantage too.” She snorted. “You would have gone crazy with how much of an ass he was to me.”

  I pushed against her shoulder. “Maybe you just had a bit of sexual tension going on, El,” I baited her.

  “That guy saw nothing but my boobs and how good I’d look sitting outside his office – his words, not mine. A guy that good looking... he’d only be after one thing. And he is certainly not going to be getting it from me.”

  “I doubt that, girl. He’s right, you would look good, because you’re the hottest bitch I know. You know the way men are always staring at you. But then as soon as he got to know how smart and amazing you are, he’d be stupid to let you go.”

  She burst out laughing. “Quinn, they’re looking at you. Not me for God’s sake.”

  El had had pretty low self-esteem ever since Baxter had cheated on her. I think she thought she wasn’t enough for him in the end, that maybe she wasn’t pretty enough, or skinny enough. But I knew for a fact that wasn’t the case. She was stunning. On so many occasions I couldn’t even count, I’d watched men check her out and look to make a move but then notice her wedding band. I don’t think she had even realized how often it had happened. There was no wedding band now though, and she was going to be fighting them off.

  El had actually been out on a couple of dates since we moved here. Evan, the guy who had shown us around the office space had eventually worn her down and she’d agreed to go for a drink with him after work. She’d gone out with him once more after that – for dinner. Apparently he was the most boring human being that she had ever met. They’d had absolutely nothing in common, and no spark either.

  I had laughed my ass off when she’d told me about the look on his face after she’d explained to him that she wasn’t interested in seeing him again. It sounded hilarious. He seemed to think that everything was going great, and that there was the possibility of a future between them.

  Delusional male.

  El was ranting about the elevator guy again. I knew she was attracted to this guy. Like, really attracted to him. And that was why she was still simmering away about the things he had said to her. I was trying not to laugh about the way she was currently trying to describe this guy. I really hoped for his sake that he didn’t get in her way again.

  “And then I told him that I had my own office and he was welcome to sit outside it any time he liked.”

  I busted out laughing yet again. El had a backbone. It had disappeared for a while there, but it seemed this guy had got my girl back. I’d have to thank him if I ever ran into him.

  “Now that I would like to see. Maybe he could be my PA. God knows I could use a good-looking guy to get me through my work load,” I joked. “Maybe I should ask Lawson who this guy is. We could all go for a drink. See if he can get under your skin a little more.”

  El’s mouth dropped open again. “You wouldn’t. I’m serious, Q. Don’t you dare.”

  I held my hands up in mock surrender. “I’m joking. I promise I’ll leave the douche bag to bother someone else.”

  If this guy has even half a brain he’ll find a way to run into her again anyway.

  7. Ellerslie

  It was Saturday afternoon and I had decided to head into the office to catch up on an hour or two of work. I worked well in the peace and quiet, and I had got nearly everything done when my phone rang. I checked the screen.

  “Hey, Q.”


  Wow, she was excited about something.

  “Lawson called, he’s just got back and wants to take us to dinner tonight, I want to invite Reeve too but I haven’t called him yet.”

  “That sounds perfect. I really need to have a relaxing night and maybe even a few drinks. We could make a night of it and catch a cab back later?”

  “Read my mind, girl. You call Reeve and make a plan with him, okay? Lawson wants to pick me up and show me where he lives beforehand, so can I just text you where you should meet us?”

  “That sounds good, have fun with your brother, Q.”

  “I will. Love ya, byeee!”

  Holy shit, she was pumped about seeing her brother. I couldn’t blame her, I loved spending time with my siblings whenever I could too.

  I finished the last of my paperwork, called Reeve, who was keen for the night out, packed up and left the office.

  I couldn’t help myself from picturing the sexy stranger when I got into the elevator. His cocky grin, handsome face and smoking hot body.

sp; So arrogant.

  But so sexy.


  Quinn had already left by the time I got back to the apartment. I was looking frantically through my wardrobe for something to wear when I heard a text come through.

  “Hey girl, meet us at The Heights Bar and Restaurant, 7pm? Can’t wait for you to meet Law. P.S. he doesn’t know who Mr. Hot and arrogant is. And before you lose your shit, I didn’t tell him anything about your little run in! Cya soon! x”

  Dammit, Quinn! If that girl has sold me out to her brother, I swear to God I’ll kill her.

  I sent her back a quick message telling her that we would meet them there, and added on a threat for her life if she brought up that man to Lawson again.

  “HAHA. You worry too much. P.S. wear something hot. We’re going clubbing!”

  Something hot?

  I was already having a hard time trying to find something to wear and now I was supposed to look ‘hot’.

  Just freaking great.

  I eventually decided on a little black dress.

  You can never go wrong with a little black dress.

  It wasn’t too short – just a few inches above my knees, it had a high neckline, capped sleeves and cut outs in the sides revealing the skin covering my ribs. It made my waist, the only part of me that I would refer to as small, look even smaller. It also clung to my curves in a way that I was learning to love. I accessorized with a pair of bronze studs and a thick, heavy bronze cuff. I put on an edgy pair of black heels and threw a small black bag down on my bed. I was going to completely freeze if we spent too much time outside.

  I had decided to leave my hair loose tonight, I’d tried to rein in some of my curls with some product, and I was pretty happy with the overall look. I applied my makeup a little heavier than I usually did for a night out. I loved doing my makeup, it just wasn’t something I got around to very often. I created a smoky eye, and brought in bronze tones to tie in with my accessories. I used a nude tone on my plump lips and highlighted my cheekbones with a natural blush.


  I threw some of my makeup, my phone, wallet and ID into the small bag and grabbed my black leather jacket off its hanger before I headed out to call Reeve down to my apartment. I walked into the living area and jumped at the figure sitting on my couch.

  “Jesus, Reeve, you scared the shit out of me,” I practically screamed at him. “How hard is it to ring the damn bell when you come in?”

  “Sorry, El, shit... I forgot about the bell. I didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart.”

  I was working on returning my heart rate and breathing back to normal. “Don’t worry, I just got a fright. Sorry I cussed you out.”

  Reeve chuckled. “I’ve heard worse come out of that mouth of yours.”

  I looked my brother over – he looked handsome. He was wearing a pair of dark denim jeans, light-brown suede shoes and an open-collared light-blue shirt. He had a black jacket thrown over the back of my couch. I couldn’t figure out how he didn’t have a woman in his life; he was hardworking, mature, funny, handsome, kind and generous.

  “I ordered a cab for six-thirty, so we had better head down. Are you ready to go?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  We headed down to catch our cab, which was already there waiting for us. I decided to text Quinn my vibe.

  “The Black Eyed Peas – I Gotta Feeling.”

  I was really excited for tonight. I hadn’t let my hair down in a long time, getting to spend time with my brother and best friend together was a rare treat – then finally meeting Lawson was just icing on the cake.


  When we arrived at the restaurant, Reeve’s eyes lit up; he had been here a couple of times before and assured me that it was delicious and had a great atmosphere.

  This place is huge.

  It was already pretty busy with some people having dinner, and others drinking in the bar. I gave the young girl at the front desk the name Pierce and she informed us that the rest of our party was already seated in one of the large booths at the back of the restaurant. I thanked her and told her we could find them without her assistance.

  Reeve and I walked through the dining space, and I smiled as I caught sight of Quinn sitting in the booth, she looked relaxed and so happy. I nudged Reeve and pointed out the direction of where we were heading. I took two quick steps towards the table before my gaze caught sight of who was sitting and laughing alongside Quinn.

  I saw red.

  Son of a bitch! I’m going to kill her. I’m actually going to kill her.

  Sitting next to Quinn, looking right at home, was Mr. Hot and arrogant. I couldn’t believe Quinn had done this. She must have lied when she said Lawson didn’t know who the guy was.

  Not only did she lie, but then she invited him here with us.

  She was topping my shit list right now.

  I must have completely stopped in my moment of shock, because Reeve walked straight into the back of me.

  “Ow shit! El, what the hell are you doing?” Reeve demanded – very loudly.

  I didn’t even answer him. I was too angry for talking. I looked back up and caught Quinn’s eye. She must have heard Reeve’s outburst. Rage surged through me, and I could feel a shit-fit coming on. I stalked over to the table and pulled Quinn towards me by the arm.

  “What the hell, Quinn, why would you do this? You promised not to mention him again,” I hissed at her.

  Quinn looked confused. I flicked my eyes over to the man next to her and saw that he was looking pretty shocked. Whether he was shocked at my outburst, or at seeing me here I wasn’t sure.

  And I don’t care either.

  I noticed it was just the two of them at the table.

  Where the hell is Lawson?

  “El, what the hell has gotten into you?” I heard Reeve ask behind me. I hadn’t even realized that he had followed me over here.

  Quinn was looking at me like I’d completely lost the plot.

  I knew I looked like a crazy person standing here like this. I looked quickly back and forth between the two people sitting at the table.


  The resemblance hit me.

  Dark hair. Olive skin. Tall. Green eyes.

  Oh, sweet Jesus.

  My legs just about went out from under me.

  “Ah, El.” Quinn gave me an evil eye and pulled her arm from my grip. “Meet my brother, Lawson.”

  Fuck. My. Life.

  8. Lawson

  I couldn’t fucking believe it.

  What the hell is this girl doing here?

  I was sitting in a booth with Quinn at the restaurant, waiting on her friends.

  My restaurant.

  We’d had a great time together this afternoon. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed her company. I’d shown her around my home earlier and I couldn’t wait to see where she was living with her best friend and co-worker, Ellerslie.

  I had heard all about Ellerslie Rush for the past five years. Every phone call I had with Quinn, she had gone on and on about the woman. I’d never met her but I felt like I already knew her. I knew that she had recently split from her husband and that he had moved on with one of their best friends soon after they had parted ways.

  What a douche.

  I knew Quinn loved Ellerslie like a sister and that meant that I respected her already. We were meeting her here tonight for dinner, and Quinn had even managed to talk me into going clubbing with them later on.

  I had heard someone yell, and I thought I heard the name El. I looked up and found myself staring directly into a pair of baby-blue eyes... the exact same eyes that had been invading my mind since the evening before.

  Shit. Please don’t be a stalker, please don’t be a stalker, I chanted internally.

  She must be here for dinner with the guy that had just walked straight into the back of her. The pang of jealously that was brought on with the thought was completely unwelcome.

  Clumsy bastard, doesn’t even kno
w how to handle himself around a beautiful woman.

  And shit she was beautiful.

  Actually, beautiful wasn’t the right word. She was mindblowing. She was tall, curvy and blonde. She oozed sex appeal, and I’d had to adjust myself just from looking at her. But it wasn’t only that – I would have thought it was impossible, but she had become even more attractive when she’d spoken to me the way she did.

  I’d walked into the elevator last night and nearly tripped over my own jaw when I’d caught sight of the stunning woman leaning up against the wall. She was engrossed in her phone, and thankfully didn’t notice me staring at her like a bloody horny teenager. I’d never seen her before and I knew for a fact that she wasn’t a member of my staff – which meant that she worked for Rush Communications.

  She had been wearing a tight-fitting dark-blue sweater that showed off her breasts perfectly.

  Shit she was blessed in that area.

  She had a tiny waist, long legs and curvy hips and ass. Her fitted black pants had showed off all of those assets. I had moved to the back of the elevator so I could watch her without being in her line of sight. She had all of a sudden seemed to realize she wasn’t alone anymore. I could see that she was making small talk with Phillip’s PA, Karen. But I didn’t hear a word either of them said, I was too focused on the way her lips were moving, and wondering how they would taste.

  She’d smiled at Karen, and I’d just about lost it.

  God, she was gorgeous when she smiled.

  I wasn’t sure why I’d acted the way I did after that. I knew I’d come across as cocky and arrogant. But I just couldn’t seem to help myself. She’d turned me on beyond belief when she had so openly checked me out. I’d felt a connection between us just from the few moments that our eyes had met – it had completely put the shits up me. I hadn’t felt a real connection with a woman since...

  Don’t even go there.

  Since... her.

  I’d never had a shortage of women in my life, and I’d even liked a few of them. But I’d never felt like I needed them in my life, like I needed to know more about them.

  I had gone into self-preservation mode from that moment on. I’d tried to hide the burning desire within me to find out who this woman was, and how to make her mine. It definitely hadn’t helped that she had stood up for herself and put me in my place without hesitation.


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