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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

Page 7

by Nicole S. Goodin

  “Let’s do this, girl.” I grinned at Quinn as we left the table and linked arms.

  Reeve and Lawson launched into conversation behind us. I had no idea what they were talking about. I had a buzz on and I was ready to shake my ass in a club. I turned my head back and was surprised to see Lawson’s dazzling smile, I tried to be strong, but I caved and returned it with one of my own.

  Lawson looked like he’d had his fair share to drink too. This whole situation should have been making me feel a little nervous – instead I was pumped for the night ahead.

  I wonder if Mr. Hot and arrogant can hold his own on the dance floor?

  13. Quinn

  I’d had to hold back a giggle when Lawson told the waitress to only charge El’s credit card for one drink. It was even funnier when she’d brought the credit card and receipt back and El hadn’t even noticed.

  I wasn’t sure why Lawson didn’t want her to know he owned this place – it wasn’t really my business anyway, he’d obviously asked for the bill to be brought over to keep up appearances for this weird little game he was playing.

  I’d never seen my brother act the way he was tonight – it was as though he wanted El, but at the same time he was trying to keep her away.

  I could see El was a little intimidated by Lawson.

  I guess he was quite intimidating.

  He was tall and had huge broad shoulders. But it was more than that – his whole presence exuded power.

  Poor El was gonna have her work cut out.

  I’d noticed the way her eyes had sparkled during the conversations where Law had let his arrogant façade slip and he was charming and smart.

  I had a feeling that my best friend was screwed.

  Totally and utterly screwed.

  My brother hadn’t been in a real relationship for the better part of the past ten years. He seemed to be more interested in short-term casual flings nowadays, and that wasn’t El – not even a little bit, she was big on the trust and respect that went with a relationship.

  Well, she had been until that little fucker.

  I don’t know why I was even thinking about this – they looked like they wanted to rip each other’s clothes off, not play happily ever after.

  I’ll just leave them to it.

  I was ready to dance. I was over the push and pull that they were playing tonight. I was letting my hair down and having some fun. It’d been way too long since El and I had done this, and even longer since I’d had a night in the clubs with my big brother.

  Reeve told us about a club nearby called ‘The L’. He said it was the hottest club in the area, and when our cab arrived and I saw the massive line snaking down the street, I knew he was right.

  “Holy hell, Reeve! I’m gonna get hypothermia waiting in this line,” El whined.

  Reeve just grinned at her, grabbed her arm and led her to the front of the queue with me and Lawson following.

  “Rush!” A huge burly-looking guy called out from the doorway. He was even bigger than Lawson – which was an achievement in itself. He was obviously a security guard for the club.

  Reeve shook his hand and introduced us all. I didn’t miss the look that Lawson gave him when he shook El’s hand, and I also didn’t miss the slow head-to-toe appraisal he gave my body before shaking my hand also.

  Tank, huh? Fitting name.

  The guy was massive.

  “Come on in.” He winked at me and gestured for us to follow him inside the club. He took our coats and led us to a corridor down the side of the building, up some stairs, and out onto a platform that looked out over the crowded dance floor.

  Shit yeah, VIP.

  I bumped my shoulder into Reeve’s and grinned at him. This place was amazing.

  The elevated VIP section had a couple of private bars, booths, and there looked to be access to a few private rooms at the back. There were quite a few people up here and I idly wondered what made them all so important.

  Tank leaned in and whispered in my ear, “You know where I am if you need me,” before giving me a suggestive smile and walking back towards the stairs.

  Oh he’s good. I bet he pulls all the time in this place.

  “Eeeee!” El squealed over the pumping dance music. She pulled Reeve in for a hug. “This is amazing! How did you do all this?”

  “My business partner, Harrison – he and his brothers own this place. You’ll probably meet Colt later... maybe Mitch. Harrison is more of a silent partner so I don’t think he’ll be here.”

  The club had a great vibe and I was already dying to get down on the dance floor. I grabbed El and jumped up and down a little bit – all this drinking had me feeling giddy and excited.

  “Drink then dance?” I asked her.

  “Hell yeah!”

  Reeve laughed at our excitement and Lawson shook his head and let out a chuckle.

  El and I headed for the bar in the corner.

  “If you two think you’re getting away that easy, you are very wrong, boys,” El tossed back over her shoulder.

  I giggled at her teasing, it was so good to see playful El in full swing. She was glowing and was actually acting like a carefree 27-year-old rather than a heartbroken, successful businesswoman in charge of a multimillion-dollar company. El always put so much pressure on herself – we both did really – it was so good to relax, unwind and have some fun.

  I looked back to see that the boys had both followed us over.

  Looks like neither one can say no to her.

  El went straight to the bar and caught the eye of the bartender.

  “What can I get you, gorgeous?” he asked as he looked El over.

  She smiled widely at him and batted her eyelashes a little.


  “Eight tequila shots, please.”

  “Lemon and salt?”


  Did she just wink at him?

  “Did you just wink at him?” I whispered as he went to get the shot glasses.

  El just laughed at my question.

  “Shit, girl, I’m impressed. I should feed you up on alcohol more often.” I laughed. “But really, El, I’m happy that you’re back to your old self again, I missed happy El.” I gave her arm a light squeeze.

  She just gave me a shy smile in return.

  Reeve and Lawson arrived just as the bartender was pouring the last shot.

  “Tequila shots? Are you kidding me, Q?” Lawson asked – a teasing smile on his face.

  “Hey! I like how you automatically assume that it’s my idea. I’ll redirect your complaint to El, since she’s actually the one who ordered them all.” I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “What’s the matter, cowboy? Can’t handle a couple of shots?” El taunted him as she licked the salt off her hand, downed a shot and then bit into a slice of lemon – her eyes never leaving his. “C’mon. Live a little.”

  I laughed out loud at Lawson’s expression; he looked like he would rather take a bite out of her. A moment passed before he remembered how to move – he leaned forward, pressed up against El ever so slightly and reached around behind her to grab one of the shots.

  God these two are gonna drive each other bat-shit crazy.

  Her breathing became a little heavier, and I couldn’t help but think that these two had met their match with one another.

  Reeve was watching the whole exchange with amusement. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the bar. I took a shot and quickly chased it down with the lemon.

  Shit, I forgot how much tequila burns.

  Reeve didn’t seem to be enjoying it much more than I was, we bumped our remaining shot glasses together and slugged them back.

  Now I’m ready to dance.

  “He smiled and all I could think was ‘oh shit’.”

  - Author unknown

  14. Ellerslie

  Those tequila shots had gone down a little too smoothly and were working their magic already. Quinn and I caught each other’s eye as a club remix of Iggy Azalea
and Jennifer Hudson’s ‘Trouble’ came on.

  I sniggered at the lyrics. “Fitting song!” I yelled to Quinn and tilted my head at her brother.

  She busted out laughing and grabbed my arm – pulling me towards the stairs.

  The dance floor was pumping. There were bodies grinding everywhere. Quinn found some space and we started dancing.

  I looked around for Reeve and Lawson and spotted them a short distance away, leaning against a ledge. It looked like Reeve had found someone he knew.

  Lawson was staring at me out on the dance floor. I gave him my best sultry smile and gestured with my finger for him to join us. I don’t know what had come over me all of a sudden, but I didn’t care if I was being a tease – I was ready to have a good time.

  Lawson gave me a grin that sent my pulse racing into overdrive.

  Oh hell...

  Reeve lightly smacked his arm and gestured to the guy he was talking to. He broke our eye contact and turned to shake hands with him.

  Oh well. His loss.

  I looked back to Quinn, she looked hot as shit. She was wearing a short, fitted emerald-green dress that dropped way down at the back. I envied the fact that she could go out without wearing a bra. She had on cream heels that matched the bag she’d left upstairs. She’d piled her dark hair up on top of her head and her heavy eye make-up, combined with her green dress made her eyes look greener than ever.

  I threw my hands up in the air and tipped my head back, letting my long hair fall down my back. I let the music pulse through me as I moved my hips to the beat.

  I loved the free feeling that dancing brought me. It had been an amazing outlet for me when things had turned to shit with Baxter.

  Quinn pulled me towards her and snapped me out of my thoughts. We danced right in close to one another – the music seemed to get louder and more consuming.

  I watched the way Quinn moved to the beat. She was a lot more precise in her movements than I was. She always looked as though she was performing a perfectly choreographed routine. I just moved the way the music made me feel. Quinn always said my style and body shape made my dancing look sexy and sensual.

  ‘How deep is your love’ by Calvin Harris blasted through the speakers.

  “Oh hell yeah, girl!” Quinn yelled to me.

  We both loved this song and had danced our asses off to it in my apartment numerous times.

  I let the beat wash over me. I twisted my hips and ass in time to the music and moved my arms around myself.

  Q had drawn the attention of some guys dancing nearby, and they moved in to dance closer to us. Quinn smiled at the taller guy with dark hair and he moved in to dance against her body – she easily slipped into sync with him as they moved and grinded their bodies together.

  “Do you mind, beautiful?” I felt his friend breathe into my ear.

  I looked him up and down. He wasn’t bad looking. A little taller than me, with blond hair and brown eyes.

  He’ll do for a dance.

  I smiled at him and nodded. I put my hand on his chest, he rested his hands on my hips and we moved to the music. It was nothing like the raunchy dancing that Quinn had going on, but it was fun. We danced at the same distance for another two songs before he pulled me in closer, flush against his body. I’d barely had time to decide if I wanted to dance with this guy again before I saw a hand reach out from behind me and rest on his shoulder.

  “I’ll take it from here.” His deep voice cut through the noise in the room and I shuddered involuntarily at his closeness.

  The guy I’d been dancing with must have realized how huge Lawson was because his pissed-off expression quickly disappeared when he looked up to meet his glare.

  “Thanks for the dance, gorgeous, I’ll keep an eye out for you later,” he said as he stepped away.

  Lawson tightened the grip that he still had on his shoulder. “No you won’t. She’s with me.”

  I turned my body around to face him, suddenly furious with the claim he was staking on me – but I found myself a lot closer to him than I had intended. He was everywhere, like a giant wall of muscle and flesh. My anger evaporated as he reached behind me and tugged gently on my long hair, forcing me to bring my face up to look at his – his eyes burned into mine, and I had to resist the urge I had to press my body up against his.

  I was mesmerized.

  “Did you want that guy?” He spoke over the music.

  Huh? What guy?

  “Because he wanted you, Ellerslie.” His eyes were laced with an emotion I couldn’t place.

  Anger? Jealousy?

  It took me a minute to be able to think clearly enough to remember the guy I’d been dancing with. I hadn’t realized that Lawson had been watching me – I wasn’t used to having an audience.

  My anger was long gone and I found myself wishing that he would stake another claim over me. I pushed up onto my tiptoes so I could talk into his ear. “It was just dancing, cowboy. But no. I didn’t. That’s not how I’d dance if I wanted somebody.”

  I felt him smile against the side of my face – it was intoxicating being this close to him. He was making me feel as tipsy as the shots we’d had earlier. He smelled perfect, all male and delicious.

  “Show me,” he commanded.

  Holy shit. A man in control.

  I hadn’t thought that I would find it attractive to have a man speak to me in that tone – but god I was wrong. I had to press my thighs together to try and ease the buildup I felt. My imagination was running wild wondering if he was always like this.

  I bet he controls the bedroom too.


  Calm down, girl.

  This tension was getting seriously out of hand.

  He’s your best friend’s brother for God’s sake!

  He pulled me in closer to him – I could feel every hard plane of his body against mine. His hands burned into my flesh where it was exposed through the cut-outs in my dress. I pressed both of my hands to his muscular chest and I just about died.

  He was cut – like, cut to shreds.

  I couldn’t stop my hands from roaming over his broad shoulders and up his neck. My fingers curled in the hair at the back of his neck and I pulled on it slightly. He let out a moan that coursed through my body and had me instantly turned on.

  Jesus Christ, how can he have this effect on me from just dancing?

  Lawson’s eyes were smoldering as he ran one of his hands down my back to the curve of my ass, leaving a trail of fire behind it. He moved his other hand to the center of my shoulder blades, causing my breasts to press against his firm chest. He was only an inch or so taller than I was with my heels on and I could easily keep my eyes fixed on his as we moved in unison to the music.

  Hottest. Moment. Ever.

  I’d never wanted a man this much in my whole life.

  Not even my damn husband.

  I suddenly felt a wash of gratitude that it had ended with Baxter. If it hadn’t, I would still be back there, holding onto something that didn’t exist, and I certainly wouldn’t be here rubbing up against a man that was so far out of my league it was laughable.

  ‘Fast Car’ by Taio Cruz began pumping through the speakers.

  Perfect song for a show.

  I pushed against his chest and gave myself enough space to spin around in his arms. I leaned back into him and tucked my face into the side of his neck – nuzzling into him as I began to grind my ass against his body.

  I had to give him credit – he barely missed a beat. His hands gripped my hips and moved with me. His body moved in sync with mine as he stayed firmly pressed up against me. I was shocked when I realized that I could feel his hard length pressed against my back – I guess I was having an effect on him after all.

  I’d never danced this provocatively in my life. Then it hit me where we were.

  Holy shit we’re in public.

  This man had the ability to make everything else fade away. The song ended and I dropped my hand from Lawson’s neck. I look
ed around and found that Quinn had left the dance floor and was standing over with Reeve.

  Oh hell.

  She would have seen me practically screwing her brother on the dance floor, and no doubt, my own brother had seen as well.

  Lawson followed my gaze and chuckled as he whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry about Quinn. She would have enjoyed your little show, Ellerslie.”

  Screw it – she’ll get over it.

  “And what about you, cowboy? Did you enjoy the show?” I teased.

  His eyes blazed as he took in my body. “Hell yes I did.”

  I laughed out loud as he winked at me. He grabbed my hand and tugged me behind him.

  Quinn’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head as we approached.

  Uh oh. I’m in trouble.

  Before she could voice her disapproval at our very public display, we were intercepted by Reeve, who grinned at us and threw his arm around my shoulders – pulling me from Lawson’s reach.

  “El, this is Colt, Harrison’s youngest brother. Remember I was telling you about them owning this place?”

  “Yeah, yeah I remember.” I nodded at Reeve. “Nice to meet you, Colt, this place is amazing.” I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

  “Jesus, Reeve, are all the women you know so good looking?” he asked my brother as he shook my hand and smiled warmly at me.

  I liked this guy already, he seemed genuine and open. He was pretty good looking too; tall, light blond hair, dark hazel eyes and a slim build.

  Exactly the kind of guy Quinn goes for.

  He glanced over to Quinn and winked at her.

  Is she blushing?

  “Dude, this is my sister.” Reeve sounded disgusted.

  Colt laughed at his expression. “I know, man. I’m just winding you up.” He dropped my hand and clapped Reeve on the shoulder. “Let’s go upstairs, drinks are on the house.”

  As we began to follow, Quinn slipped into the space between me and Lawson and gave him a little push in the direction the guys had gone.

  “I’ll give you two a minute.” He chuckled as he followed after them.


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