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Rise of the Titan

Page 8

by Pressley James

  But, no words escaped her lips.

  Instead, her body spoke a language that he easily understood.

  She moved again, making their contact more intimate.

  Her passion-stunned gaze clung to his.

  The dark need lanced them to the bone.

  On instinct, his thighs fell open and granted her further access.

  As if she’d been meant to be there forever, she settled on his erection.

  He sucked in a desperate breath.

  Sweet goodness, there was a glorious heaven.

  The heat between them nearly seared him alive. It clawed at his flesh and ripped his resolve to shreds. No longer would his barely restrained self-control be a barrier. “Take what you want from me,” he whispered huskily, staring in to her eyes. “Any and all of it.”

  At his surrender, she emitted a soft sound.

  In her eyes, he saw his deliverance.

  Releasing a deep guttural sound, he freed a hand before closing it about her nape. His action caused her to breathe more shallowly. A desperate sound escaped her lips, and it seemed that she was holding back a small part of herself. Still, though, her naked desire seethed at the very edges, and he’d gladly be the catalyst for its unleashing.

  Together, they seized a ragged breath.

  Stealing any existing breathing air between them…

  He firmed his grip against her head, all the while hauling her closer, and absorbed the sound of her pleased gasps. His rightful and just punishment was another deep stroke against his erection, and he accepted the blatant action with a satisfied growl. But, she was intent on destroying him, he realized, drawing in a short breath. For now, her movements were more scandalous and inviting. Somehow, at some point, he’d changed positions in the chair, and now she was in perfect riding position. As he arched his body upward, a deep shudder racked through her heated body, and easily, he absorbed her shocks of pleasure.

  Stroke for stroke, his traitorous body matched her movement.

  The pace was agonizingly slow.

  Together, they accepted the blinding intensity.

  Their breathing was fractured and lost within the music.

  A barefaced need electrified the room.

  All pretending was lost.

  Yes, they were mere strangers.

  But, a dark need and want was hurtling them over the edge.

  Their breaths mingled.

  A tantalizing mix of whiskey, cheroot, wine, and mint…

  And damn, she smelled so sweet, he noted, fixating his gaze on her lips. Probably, she tasted sweeter than honey…her luscious lips and every inch of her beautiful brown flesh….

  Hypnotized, their stares lengthened.

  Within their gazes, they reveled at the sight of a mutual destruction.

  As her hold tightened about his nape, she made a gasping sound.

  Eagerly, he accepted her not so subtle demand.

  Releasing a ragged breath, he hauled her closer, bringing their bodies into closer contact. A scant breath separated their lips, and it was clear that neither of them would be capable of walking away from the sensual lure. In a synchronized movement, they initiated a closer hit and stroked against one another with a damning sinful finesse. The feeling reverberated down to the deepest core of him. A rush of keen sensations flowed throughout his system and splintered his already scattered senses.

  She trembled against him.

  While she said nothing, he understood her unspoken needs.

  His deep growl met her soft moan.

  He thrust his hips upward and stole her next breath.

  “Oh,” she whispered, dazed and squeezed her eyes shut. Then, forcing them open, she watched him before snaking her tongue along her lips. “Oh…please…oh…”

  His gray eyes darkened while tracking the movement.

  Shit, she’d just slain him.

  Suddenly, their slow pace couldn’t appease the raw ache.

  It gnawed away at him.

  The heat seared his needy flesh.

  The sweet agony of pleasure was becoming too great.

  He closed his eyes tight against the soaring feelings, but pondered how much longer he’d be in control. A distraught whisper of need left him. “Fuck.”

  How had things spiraled out of control so fast?

  She was just a dancer.

  Just a woman…

  It was all a game.

  No, that was hardly true, he mulled darkly, growing fascinated with every passing second. In this rare moment, they’d connected profoundly on an intimate level. Besides that, there was something uniquely special about this beauty. When had one ever seized hold of his mind and body this fast?

  Her broken gasp jolted him from his pleasurable reverie.

  Still, their bodies writhed in sync.

  The strain shone on her face just as it did his.

  At any given moment, the game would be over.

  Together, they’d come.

  But, he didn’t want to assume that she wanted to go all the way, he thought dazed and matched her body’s tempo. Anything and everything had to come from her. She had to take the initiative.

  Just at that point, fully realizing it herself, she pulled away. Now, rather than meeting his gaze, she avoided it, and the invisible walls came up between them. With reluctance, he released her, and his disappointment increased ten-fold as she crossed the room. Moving fast, she scooped the thin coverlet from the floor and shrugged in on fast. When she met the steps, the song suddenly ended, yet it didn’t kill the sensual mood. Even from the short distance, he could see that she was trembling. Trembling with need and not fear…

  He stood up abruptly from the chair. “Wait. Tell me your name.”

  For a brief second she hesitated on the bottom stair. Then, as if coming to her senses, she bolted up the stairs before running across the stage. A second later, she’d escaped, leaving him alone to suffer within his own folly.

  “Shit,” he sighed heavily with regret and combed a hand through his hair. “What just happened?”

  The silence was deafening.

  Still, it roared with remembrance of what’d transpired within the room.

  He made a fateful step.

  Suddenly, his right foot met her discarded costume, the flimsy white fabric that practically covered nothing. After scooping it from the floor, he crumpled it in his large hands, and for some reason, the soft fabric burned his skin. It was only a stark reminder of how close he’d come to losing it. Then, closing his eyes, he brought it to his nose before inhaling it. As scanty as it was, her sweet and tantalizing scent clung to the fabric.

  “Just a truth that I already know,” he whispered and opened his eyes. “You’re one hell of a woman.”

  Chapter 4

  She clutched the thin covering close against her nude body. Still, it was a flimsy shield that failed to hide her curvaceous form. As she bypassed other dancers, stage hands, and bystanders, there was a mixture of envious, pleased, and lust-filled stares. Yet, she hardly paid any attention to them while fleeing past. But, even as she scurried along the narrow corridor, she couldn’t escape the painful and scarring truth.

  There was no denying it.

  It’d finally happened.

  She’d met her darkest hour.

  She was dangerously attracted to a notorious criminal…

  In the field, the superiors always warned of the dangers. Becoming intimately and emotionally involved during a covert operation could potentially lead to a downfall of epic proportions. The fine lines between truth and lies would be easily blurred. In the end, a possible result could be a jeopardized case or even worse, obstruction of justice. So, during initial training sessions as an agent, they spent weeks on desensitization and other coping strategies---all with the intent of conditioning to not feel. In the world of espionage, feelings and emotions hold no place.

  She’d been trained to know these things.

  So, how did she end up at this point?

rtainly, she prided herself on being strong and practical.

  Yet, her treacherous actions tonight had only proven one thing, she thought guiltily, hurrying her strides. Just like everyone else, she was human and fallible; and truth told, for the first time since Gage’s death, she actually felt human.

  A week ago, when she’d first come upon Braden Jameson’s photo, deep down, she’d recognized her attraction. For weeks, she’d combed through the files and secretly grown fascinated by the moment. But, she’d downplayed it to being nothing and just a budding interest in the case. However, seeing him face-to-face, she could no longer stay in denial.

  At the root of her attraction, there was a criminal.

  One that she’d totally and justly destroy…

  And Braden “Titan” Jameson was one of the most dangerous and vilest yet, she reminded herself quickly and veered around the corner. It was a fact that she couldn’t afford to forget, and it was an attraction that she’d never act upon. To her relief, the single bathroom was just right there and vacant. She made a speedy entrance inside before twisting the lock. With a relieved sigh, she sagged against the door before closing her eyes.

  She combed a hand through her disheveled tresses. “What’s wrong with me?” Then, pushing away from the door, she stumbled to the vanity sink. She turned the sink on full blast before splashing the cold water against her face. Finally, she met her skittish gaze in the mirror and was further horrified at what she saw.

  A woman in full need faced her.

  There was no escaping it.

  “Damn you,” she whispered distraught. “How dare you do this to Gage. You’re supposed to avenge his death. Not behave like a whore and lust after the very spawn of the man who murdered you. What does that make me?” A pained expression crossed her face. “Maybe it’s because I’ve been off the case too long, and I’m losing focus.” Inhaling a fast breath, she nodded before facing her reflection again. “Yes, that’s it. I just got caught up in the moment.”

  She paused in thought.

  And the moment had been an unforgettable one…

  Braden “Titan” Jameson was power within himself.

  The man literally breathed fire.

  In such little time, it’d nearly consumed her.

  That was the only explanation for her reaction.

  Yet, one thing was for certain.

  He was attracted to her.

  Not just a little.

  A whole damn lot…

  She’d seen it in his eyes.

  Felt his silent touch against her skin while she danced…

  Her hand trailed to her nape.

  When her body had settled atop of his, she’d been hurled into an obscured world where only their mutual attraction lived. Beneath hers, his masculine form was a perfect fit. Every muscular line had contoured a perfect connection with her heated one. It’d breathed with a fiery need that was undeniable.

  His hard body had quaked with need.

  While they’d been shrouded in darkness, there was a sense of wild freedom and abandonment. Though he’d been clothed, her hot sticky wetness had cradled every hard ridged line of his erection.

  But, but, but….

  What about her…the betrayal of her body?

  After all these years of being dormant, her true selfish sexual cravings had emerged with a dangerous vigor. The unleashing of them had hurtled her towards an uncharted destination.

  She raised her eyes to the smoky mirror.

  Finally, she confronted the woman inside.

  There was a bright spark within her brown depths.

  Within them, there was a resurgence of renewed life.

  Breathing unsteadily, she speared her fingers apart against her flesh, and again, since encountering him tonight, she felt unbalanced. There was no disputing the fact. Every thing about the notorious criminal was upsetting her carefully ordered world.

  As she eyed her reflection, the rest of the world became a haze.

  She had to see what was real.

  Her senses demanded it.

  Disregarding the intimate moment would be a crime against herself.

  Together, they’d been dangerously wicked.

  In the dark sinful cresses of her mind, she’d embraced every forbidden and wanton thought that was buried inside of her. The secret part of her knew the daunting truth.

  She’d wanted him inside of her.

  Her breath hitched.

  Even now…

  That part of her ached.

  Yearned for something that only he could appease…

  If he touched her, really touched her, what would’ve happened?

  Would her orgasm be as powerful as she imagined----

  “Would you stop it?” Shaking her head, she cut the scandalous and forbidden thought off. “Get a grip and do your damn job, Bella!” she chastised before passing an angry glare at her reflection. Then, she shrugged the thin coverlet back on and straightened her shoulders. “Solving this case---that’s what you’re here for. You can not and will not lose sight of that fact.” She braced both hands against the sink and stared at herself point blank. Still, though, she pondered who she was encountering, the woman or the agent. “Braden Jameson has taken the bait. Now, it’s time to start reeling him in.”

  With those words, confident of herself again, she left the bathroom.

  Thank goodness tonight is over, she mulled, a short time later, snapping the button closed on her denim jeans. Then, she tugged the light blue top further down her curvy hips. Other than that, the less of crowd the better, especially with the way she was feeling.

  The dressing area was nearly deserted except for herself and two other women. At the far end of the room, a petite brunette and a buxom red head conversed quite openly as they dressed. Therefore, she couldn’t help but hear every single word of their lively conversation.

  “Girl, have you seen Vitali’s son up close?” the red head countered with a low whistle. Fluffing her hair, the woman played kissy-face with herself in the mirror before straightening. “He’s sexy as hell.”

  “I’d do him in a heartbeat.” The brunette snapped her fingers before giving a catty laugh. Then, the woman sprung forward in her chair. “Bet he knows how to really fuck hard. A man like that definitely knows how to sex you up. Can you imagine what he would do with his mouth? Honey, I bet he’d take you straight to glory---”

  The nerve of them!

  Surely, they knew what kind of monster he was!

  But, was that really why their comments bothered her?

  Or was it because she’d actually come this close to sleeping with him.

  Once more, she forced the last thought back.

  She snatched her handbag from the chair with too much force. So hard, that the two women turned in her direction. Still, she ignored their pointed stares.

  After slinging the handbag across her shoulder, she stalked from the room.

  A half hour later, the hard rain poured from the dark sky.

  As the lightning sizzled across the sky, she jumped.

  “No, I won’t freak out…I won’t freak out,” she chanted over and over. “I won’t freak out…it’s just a storm…I won’t freak out…”

  She slowed the vehicle before making a slight right turn, and just as she did, a loud horrible pop sound resonated and sent the car into full shakes. The smell of burning rubber only meant one thing---a flat! The dreaded action sent the car into a full out unsteady wobble, and only proved her theory true.

  “Are you kidding me?” she said aghast and gripped the steering wheel more firmly. The small compact vehicle wobbled as she maneuvered it towards the right shoulder. “This can’t be happening! Damn it!” Fuming, she shoved the gear in park and peered past the slashing wipers. Still, though, she failed to see any kind of road sign. A few miles back, she’d taken a wrong turn and now was clueless as to where she was. Blowing a fast breath, she slumped against the seat in defeat. “Brilliant, Bella. Lost and stuck out in the middle of no
where. How could it get any worse?”

  Frowning, she leaned over and began digging through her handbag. When she grabbed the cell phone from the designer tote, she let out a frustrated scream. The cell phone’s battery had completely died. “Oh, no---the charger’s at the apartment.” Groaning, leaning forward, she rested her forehead against the steering wheel. “I swear that I have to be the most stupid person alive right now.” She fell back against the seat. “Can’t call a tow truck or any emergency help---now, what?”

  The lightning pealed and electrified the stormy skies.

  Along with it came another outpouring of hard driving rain.

  “I guess I have my answer,” she muttered with growing concern, quickly noticing the water settling in full pools alongside the car and the opposite side of the road. “But, is it going to be safe for me to just sit here and do nothing.” Sighing, she closed her eyes. “Dear God, what do I need to do?”

  The thunder rumbled and shook the grounds.

  Now, the driving rain pelted against the glass with a furious force.

  “Okay, I’m listening.” With widened eyes, she peered through the driver’s side window. In dizzying streams, the water trailed down the glass. “I’ll stay put for a bit and let the rain slack before I try to change the tire.”

  Sixteen minutes later, the roughest part of the storm had tracked onward, and now, a steady rain fell. “Thank goodness,” she sighed with the fast shake of her head. Then, squirming, she altered her position before climbing over to the passenger’s seat. Grunting, now on her knees, she reached for the yellow rain slicker on the back seat. “Like it or not, it’s time to make something happen.”

  A moment later, dressed in the rain slicker, she popped the trunk.

  “Where in the hell am I?” she mulled aloud and ignored the cold rain splashing against her face. Scowling, she looked along the darkened roadway. Still, there wasn’t a road sign anywhere. Then, mumbling under her breath, she removed the spare tire before slamming the trunk closed. “As soon as I get this baby changed, it’s onward and forward.”

  She hoisted the spare tire closer to her body.

  With concern, she took in the rising waters.


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