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Rise of the Titan

Page 34

by Pressley James

  “Powder Springs, huh?” he probed, lifting a brow, and his gray eyes became even more unreadable. “I’ve heard of the area. Sort of a cul de sac.”

  “I guess you could describe it that way.”

  “What kind of profession are you in?” Braden asked calmly, keeping his steely gaze on her. Obviously, he was interested in how far she’d carry the lie. “Retail? Designing?”

  She kept her features straight.

  He knew damn well what she did!

  At least in her pretend life!

  “I’m a dancer at Sinful Shades.” She froze a smile in place. His expression showed that he was pleased by her discomfort. “Of course, you’re already knowledgeable of the place. There’s no secret that its part of your father’s flourishing empire.”

  “The sinful and chaotic world of exotic dancing…A place where daring, beautiful women create falsehoods and illusions. The only truth about it---there’s nothing real or of substantial value that comes from the encounters.” His gray eyes held something else. “I’d say that like the rest of the women there, you’ve mastered the art of lying.”

  There it was!

  The truths that he really felt…

  His words reverberated straight to her core.

  He believed that she was a liar.

  Well, wasn’t she?

  “Are you trying to insult me?” she asked past the hurt.

  “Why would I do that?” he challenged softly, and his steely gaze hardened. “It’s not as if I really know you.”

  His words were a verbal slap to the face.

  There was no denying his implications.

  Craftily, he was weaving the truth within her lies.

  In so many unspoken terms, he was relaying that he didn’t know her.

  All the extremely pleasurable and life-changing moments that they’d spent together were nothing but a lie. But, there was only truth to the hurt that she was feeling now, she mulled with a straight face, yet she was dying inwardly.

  How could she continue such a farce?

  She started when Vitali broke in.

  “Unfortunately, my son Titan is short on manners. Not most of the time, but all of them,” Vitali said sharply, placing a hand on her knee. When she subtly tried to move away, he firmed his hand about it, and his touch held a warning. “Though his words are demeaning in a sense, he speaks all truths. Those very truths are why Sinful Shades plays a vital part in my wealth.” Grinning slyly, he kissed her cheek. “Isabella, without a doubt, is one of the best. She casts an illusion that binds you within her grip.”

  A light flickered in his eyes. “I have no doubts about that.”

  “Isabella is a valuable asset to me in more ways than one,” Vitali boasted, squeezing her knee, and then gently massaged the area. “Business wise and personally. She’s brought about advantages that I deemed impossible. Her talents are unmatched, and that makes her an incredibly powerful woman in many ways. I guess you could say that she’s my secret weapon.”

  She risked a glance at him.

  His eyes were dead centered on Vitali’s hand.

  For a millisecond, a flash of anger crossed his face.

  Then, his eyes flicked to hers.

  She caught her breath again.

  His gray eyes simmered with hostility.

  Quickly, she dropped hers.

  The sight of his burgeoning hatred was too distressing.

  The Italian opera died in the background.

  “Forgive me for a moment. It seems that our entertainment has taken a brief hiatus. Mauricio knows that I need my music set on automatic replay. What will it take to get competent servants?” Scowling, Vitali stood up. “I’m going to change the selection. You two carry on.”

  She nearly sagged in relief.

  Even if it were for a brief second, being away from him was akin to finding freedom. As her gaze clashed with his again, her relief was plain in them, and he noticed it easily. In his own, she saw the acknowledgement along with confusion.

  “Will you fix me another drink while you’re up?” he asked his father, keeping his gaze fixated on her. After Vitali made a sound of agreement, he turned his attention on her fully. “Don’t know what it is. But, suddenly, I feel the need to put a fire out inside of me. Have you ever felt that way, Ms. Spencer?”

  “W---what do you mean?” she stammered nervously, licking her lips.

  “It’s a nameless provoking---one that can’t be voiced out loud.” A dangerous smile spread across his handsome face, and he relished the sight of her flushed features. “Oh, come on. Listening to my father, it sounds like you’re a very crafty woman. I’m sure that you can read between the lines and figure out what I’m thinking.”

  She blinked at him fast. “Carlo has the tendency to oversimplify my abilities---”

  “For the first time, I think he hasn’t,” he interrupted quickly, and his gaze hardened further. “In just a few moments, it’s obvious that his assessments about you are true. Your talents are unmatched, and without a doubt, you’ve used them for your advantage---or rather his. Without a doubt, you are his secret weapon.”

  His words were killer.

  Stunned, she stayed silent and offered no rebuttal.

  Now, he gave credibility to Cassius’s early assertions!

  That she’d been working for Vitali!

  Sadly, right now, she couldn’t give any defense.

  The Italian opera began again.

  A strong Mezzo-Soprano type this time, and the singer’s voice was more haunting than the first one. Somehow, it fit the tumultuous mood that enveloped them. It hit a high crescendo, and she held her breath.

  Didn’t the music signify a climatic moment?

  “Isabella’s talents will be beneficial at Jameson’s Incorporations,” Vitali said smoothly, handing Braden the drink, and then joined her on the sofa again. This time, to her relief, he didn’t touch her. “She possesses a tremendous amount of intelligence, not to mention her infectious wit.”

  “Just what in the hell is she supposed to do exactly?” Arching a high brow, he asked the words with steadfast calmness, but tension locked his jaw line. “Do a dance number? Tap her little stilettos when a client comes in?” He gave an abrupt laugh. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Mr. Jameson, I find your comments to be rather insulting,” she interrupted fast, growing angry herself. Didn’t she have to find an outlet for her discord in some way? Well, this was the way that she could. “On top of that, you’re making insinuations that I don’t approve of.”

  “Insinuations?” He gave an abrupt laugh. “What kind could I possibly be making?”

  “Like most people, you’re stereotyping. You think that because I’m a stripper that I have no common sense. I mean, how is it possible, especially since I take my clothes off before a room full of strangers, right?” She eyed him haughtily. “Quick news flash---I do harbor some intelligence. As your father stated, I can be a valuable asset to you.”

  “Give me one reason how, Ms. Spencer,” he said quietly, and his head whipped in her direction. “Name one.”

  “I’m good with math, and my critical thinking skills are more than average. I can, uh----” Face growing hot, fledging to find the words, she gulped hard. “True, at the present time, I don’t know the necessary lingo to get my point across---”

  “Why don’t I help you out then?” he interrupted smoothly, staring at her hard. “Your ability level is the same of that of a highly capable 5th grader. Hell, if that’s what I’m after, I might as well make a trip down to the local elementary school and recruit some kids. Word is they’re all tech-savvy---which is an added bonus.” His smile was lazy, yet no humor played on his face. “Don’t take it personally, Ms. Spencer, but I don’t quite think you make the grade. Like I said, keep your stilettos at Shades. They have no place in my company.”

  Pursing her lips, fuming, she looked at him in a huff.

  Irate, Vitali eyed him with disdain. “Boy, listen to reason--

  “Come on, man. There is no reasonableness in your request,” he murmured with exasperation, and his eyes snapped to Vitali. “Quit acting so butt hurt about it.”

  “Butt hurt? Oh, I’ll show you that alright,” Vitali threatened. “In the end, Titan, we both know that I have the final say.”

  “Jameson’s Incorporations is my fucking company.” Carefully, he placed the glass onto the side table. Then, he eyed his father with equal coldness. “If there’s anyone that makes the decisions, it’s me and only me.”

  “Sure your name is on the building and you sign the paychecks.” Glowering, Vitali waved a dismissive hand in the air. “Granted, when it comes to the company, I generally stand out of the way. Guess in small words, I’m letting you play boss.” Now, his eyes held a warning. “With that being the truth, we don’t want to comb through all of the logistics, do we?”

  “That meager 1% argument of yours doesn’t mean anything to me,” he snapped, no longer pretending, and showed his full anger. From roots to face, he was flushed a burning red. “I can’t believe that you drag me out here in the middle of the night for this. Asking me to baby sit your girl Friday here is a new low for you.” Ignoring her gasp of surprise, he continued. “You’ve asked for some crazy things before, but this is a bit much.”

  “Damn it, Titan!” Vitali yelled, standing up, and moved a few steps away from the sofa. “These juvenile tendencies of yours are absurd and tiring. We’re in the presence of a lady, and you should at least pretend that you’re somewhat civilized.”

  “I’ve never been civilized and never will be, thanks to you,” he clapped back, standing himself. Then, he passed a disgusted look between the both of them. Finally, his gaze zeroed in on her, and once more, she witnessed his discord. In his eyes, there were questions that he wanted and needed her to answer. But, her continued silence only infuriated him further. Snapping his gaze away from her, he looked at his father again. “That’s it. I’m out of here. The two of you can go back to playing house or whatever the fuck you’re doing. Go play your sick and twisted games with someone else.”

  Trembling, staying silent, she watched him across the room.

  He was holding nothing back now.

  Certainly, she had no right or the ability to say anything!

  The frightening thing, though, was the menacing look on Vitali’s features.

  The fear shook her.

  For her safety and Braden’s.

  By a thread, Vitali was holding onto his simmering violence.

  When the criminal suddenly began speaking again, she started.

  “In my world, dangerous games are the only thing that matter. Take a look around, Sir Titan. You’re miles away from civilization, and these are my killing fields. If you walk out of this house, there will be serious hell to pay.” Vitali flexed both hands along his side, and they shook with unrestrained violence. “I swear on my life that you will regret it---”

  “Is that so?” Unperturbed, features hardening, he stepped forward. Backing down clearly wasn’t an option that he was choosing. A dangerous light flickered in his eyes at the threat. “What are you going to do, huh? Try it. Whatever the hell it is, you better make it count. I can damn guarantee you that I’m going to come up swinging.”

  At those words, she jumped up, and her eyes nervously switched between the two of them. Easily, she sensed the underlying currents. If there were ever a volatile relationship, it was the one between this father and son. But, things were spiraling out of control fast, and if she didn’t intervene, what would happen?

  “Stop it, the two of you. This is certainly not worth fighting over. I think that we all need to take a collective breath and calm down.” She stepped between them. Helplessly, her gaze went to Braden and clung for a long second. In her eyes, she silently pleaded, and his gaze cooled upon reading her thoughts. Then, she looked at Vitali who was past apologetic. His hard expression showed that he wanted more escalation rather than less. Still, she mouthed an eager plea. “Please, do it for me.”

  A terse second passed.

  She held her breath.

  Desperate, fear mounting, her gaze moved between them.

  Finally, to her relief, Braden acquiesced with a curt nod, and she sagged in weak triumph.

  “I’m sorry, Ms Spencer. Please forgive me for my blatant act of disrespect, not to mention my barbaric behavior,” he said politely, stepping back. “My father is right. For your sake alone, I should embrace some act of civility.” His words drew her gaze to his unwillingly, and again, so many unspoken things were between them. “Again, allow me to apologize.”

  “You’re forgiven. I accept your apology.” Question was---would he ever forgive her? Not in this lifetime or any for that matter, she realized with distress. Face flushing warming again, she looked away. Then, forcing a smile, she turned her attention to Vitali. “Is dinner ready? I’m starving. Usually, Mauricio would have announced it by now.”

  “You’re right, darling.” Leaning forward, Vitali kissed her smooth cheek. “I suppose that I should check and see what’s holding dinner.” He shot Braden a warning glance. “Play nice.”

  He gave a mock salute. “Will do.”

  Vitali sailed from the room.

  Finally, they were alone.

  “W—why don’t we sit down,” she suggested quietly, already moving back to the sofa. To her chagrin and delight, he sat down beside her, and her surprised gaze went to his. The tension radiated from his body in waves. “What are you doing?”

  “Relax, I’m not going to say anything. At least, not while we’re here,” he quipped tightly, growing rigid beside her. Still, the raw heat exuded between them. “We need to talk. Tonight. Alone.”

  Her startled gaze held his. “I---I can’t imagine what we’d need---”

  “Damn it, Bella!” he hissed, biting back a curse. “I’m losing my patience with you. No more games.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want an explanation.” His handsome features were taut. “Something tells me that you don’t want to talk about it here.” He paused for a second. “After midnight---meet me at the Chateau, the sixth floor of this forsaken monstrosity.”

  An unsuppressed thrill chased through her. “You’re staying here tonight?”

  “It wasn’t my intention.” His stare was piercing. “But, seeing as how things have transpired tonight, I don’t think that I have any other choice.” There was movement outside the door and the sound of voices. Quickly, to her disappointment, he stood before crossing back to the chair. As he sat down, he made his request again. “Don’t forget---after midnight.”

  When the door opened, they were both fully composed.

  Dinner was designed to be divine feast.

  A glorious serving of filet mignon, Italian salad, and wine… Desert entailed cannoli---a cannoli shell filled with creamy filling and chocolate chips.

  All throughout, while eating, she tried not to choke on it.

  The tension in the room was nearly unbearable.

  Somehow, they all managed conversation.

  By 9:30, she was past stressed and fatigued.

  Quickly, she excused herself.

  To her relief, Vitali heeded her request.

  Together, father and son had meandered towards the study area while she ventured for the stairs. The journey upward, while long, had given her time to regroup.

  But, now, lying alone in the bed, she was restless.

  “Why is this happening? It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Everything is all wrong,” Then, turning on her side, she hugged the pillow close, and unshed tears burned her eyes. “How am I going to get through this?”

  Chapter 14

  By 11:00 pm, he was mind-dead to everything but the woman upstairs.

  Even the Italian opera playing in the background failed to drown his longing, depressing, and disturbing thoughts.

  There was only one truth.

  His obsession with her was worsening.
r />   Seeing her again had only compounded that fact.

  All during the evening, he’d struggled to find some focal point.

  Yet, she was all that he saw.

  Lounging against the sofa, staring in a dead haze across the room, he continued drinking himself towards a blind stupor. With a slightly trembling hand, he carried the half-empty bottle to his lips. Still, though, the burning sting of the liquor brought no satisfaction.

  Instead, it only fueled his thoughts further.

  Forgetting her was like asking him to cease breathing.

  For the past months, he’d literally lived and fed off the memory of her.

  Now, she was here in the flesh.

  He gulped more alcohol down.

  But, everything was all wrong.

  She shouldn’t be here of all places.

  With the one person that he hated---

  Even worse, before his eyes, she’d transformed into a complete stranger.

  The dazzling woman in red wasn’t her.

  Outwardly, yes.

  Inwardly, no.

  Throughout the night, when she didn’t think he noticed, she watched him with an intense fervor that left him in a sweat. The crippling need was visible in her beautiful brown eyes, and in quick flash, he saw the real her.

  His damsel…

  As soon as he turned his attention to her, though, her careful façade would be back in place, and he was faced with a beautiful stranger again. But, her brief fraught return to her real self was turning him inside out.

  Hell, what was wrong with him?

  Of course, he was imagining all of this, he mulled, growing angered again.

  Seeing only what he wanted to see…

  Months ago, hadn’t she proven what she wanted?

  She’d walked away and hadn’t looked back.

  Sighing, he closed his eyes against the alcohol’s burn.

  That was the truth.

  Not the foolish nonsense dancing inside his head!


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