Rise of the Titan

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Rise of the Titan Page 54

by Pressley James

  It was only them.

  Together, silently, they accepted it.

  When she halted before him, her breath hitched along with his.

  “A part of me is still afraid. Are you certain that you really want to be with me like this?” Her tear-brightened eyes met his. Reaching out, she touched her trembling fingers against his chest before planting both hands against it. Again, she was overwhelmed with guilt for her secret treachery. Would it be the one thing that would separate them eventually? “Our circumstances are less than ideal. They’re shameful in fact.” She dropped her eyes to his chest. “How can you stand to even look at me? I let him touch me. Doesn’t that make you sick? Doesn’t it prove that I’m nothing more than a whore---”

  “You are not a whore.” He gripped her chin in his large hand and forced her gaze to his. Within his, a tumultuous storm brewed. “Don’t degrade yourself in such a manner and never think that about yourself. Do you understand me?” The breath of surprise left him. “That’s it, isn’t it? You think that I harboring a secret hatred because you’ve slept with Vitali?”

  “Yes,” she nodded meekly, within his hold. “I mean, how could you not hate me for it---”

  “Listen to me.” His gaze turned stormier. “This thing that you have with Vitali started long before I even came into the picture. You said it yourself. The two of you were on a break when we met. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s me. As soon as I found out about the two of you, I should have backed away---”

  “No, don’t blame yourself,” she insisted with a surprised stare. “How could it be your fault? You had no way of knowing about our relationship---”

  “So, why don’t we just accept things as they are then? Fate wanted us together and brought us together.” He caressed her chin gently with the pad of his thumb. “Baby, we’re here right now because we’re meant to be.”

  “You are the one that I want.” Her words were low and tormented. “Not him.”

  “And I know that.” His hold firmed against her chin. “So, please, stop torturing yourself with this guilt. Regardless of what transpires between us, I could never hate you. Know what I think?” Releasing a deep breath, he paused. “I think that you hate yourself instead.”

  “I do.” In his hand, her chin quivered, and the hot tears finally spilled over. “I’d give anything to change our situation. I would’ve never let him touch me to begin with.” Her words were hardly audible or clear. The love in his eyes only worsened the guilt she held inside. Even now, even now, in this intimate revealing moment, she still wasn’t being all the way truthful. That very treachery cut to the core. “If I had the chance, I’d take away all the times that I’ve hurt you. I’d be a better person---”

  “Hey, hey, hey,” he soothed gently, pulling her in for a close hug. “You are not a bad person. It’s not like you planned this. Shit just happens sometimes.” Pulling back, his gaze perused hers, and gentleness shone in them. “You’re beautiful through and through, and nothing can sully that.”

  A silent war raged within her. “I want to believe that---”

  “This is partly my fault. During these last weeks, my treatment of you has been boorish. So, it’s only natural that you’d have doubts about things. Admittedly, my goal was to hurt you. Baby, I’m sorry,” he breathed, staring down at her with a guilty expression. “Please forgive me for that.”

  “We’ve both said and done things we’re regretful of. That’s all in the past. But, I don’t want to talk anymore.” Her look was wistful. “All I know is that I’ve missed you so much.” Swallowing past the hard tears, she made her needs known. “I want to be with you and only you.” Her longing gaze stole his again. “Please make the hurt go away.”

  “Come here.”

  As they drew closer, the air constricted in her throat, and their proximity was an immediate aphrodisiac. For he was fully naked while she barely wore anything---the anticipation of their coupling only invigorated things. As he suddenly grasped her nape, she released a fractured moan; the feel of his touch was too thrilling.

  “Braden,” she moaned deeply, edging closer to his naked body. At once, she sensed his sensual heat, though they’re bodies weren’t fully connected. “I want to feel you…all of you…only you can take away my pain…”

  “Where do you hurt, baby?” he asked sensually, leaning down, and pressed a gentle kiss alongside her lips. For a millisecond longer than necessary, his lips lingered against her skin, and her breath quickened at the contact. “Here?”

  Nodding, she bit her quivering lips. “Yes.”

  Breathing hard and fast, he kissed the other side of her mouth. “What about here?”

  Her two words were panted and short. “There too.”

  His strong arm snaked around her waist.

  An uncontrollable tremor rolled through her as he hauled her close.

  Falling prey to a powerful gravitational pull, their hungry bodies connected.

  Again, a perfect fit, she moaned deep.

  Like a hand to a glove…

  As his head lowered, her eyelashes fluttered in anticipation, and next thing her breath caught on a helpless whimper. Now, his sweet lips were only an air apart from hers, and his words were unsteady at best. “What about here?”

  “Especially there---”

  His lips stole hers.

  Her pent-up moan was swallowed whole inside his mouth. Along with it, he robbed her living air. Yet, the deprivation was an exceedingly pleasing. Throughout her system, the sensations speared her insides and outsides, to the point where sensual wonder was the only reckoning force.

  The strong band around her waist tightened.

  Moaning deep, looping both arms around his nape, she fell headlong into the crushing closeness. At her eager and selfless surrender, a satisfied grunt left him.

  For long moments, they explored, renewing their understanding of the other. As his tongue snaked out, hers willingly became embattled with the fierce tangling and wrangling. His free hand capped the back of her head, deepening his tongue’s intrusion inside of her mouth. Simultaneously, they passed sweet nectar, and it only glorified the feel of their coupling.

  Moaning deeply, they broke apart on a starving note.

  As they inhaled a needy breath, they came together again.

  “Braden,” she pleaded in a momentary, desperate breath and tightened her hold around his nape. Then, gloriously wondered, she surrendered fully to the deep French kiss again. Again, as she had many times before in his arms, she began free-falling. With breathy whispers, she made it known. “Ah…ah…ah…”

  Suddenly, she was stunned when he pulled back.

  “Baby, what is it?” she asked, confused.

  Yet, he was hardly confused.

  In fact, his gaze held clarity.

  For some reason or another, his eyes were especially hypnotic. As he buried both hands in her thick dark tresses, she was weakened further. With a passion-drugged look, she watched and waited.

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited to hold you like this again?” His eyes searched her face. “You’ve walked my dreams from the very moment we met.”

  Her eyes misted with tears. “I feel the same way.”

  “Will you jump off the edge with me?” He blinked against his flaring hope, still all the longing shone in his eyes. “You do understand, don’t you? After this, there will be no turning back.”

  “I don’t want to turn back. Like you, I’ve dreamt of this…holding you and loving you.” With no shame, she wept openly, and again, she was overcome with renewed desperation. Before all hell eventually broke loose, didn’t she have a right to this? “And I can’t lose you. I can’t.” Her eyes pleaded with his. “Please be with me…please…”

  “I love you so damned much,” he breathed, resting his forehead against hers, and closed his eyes. “You’re in my fucking bloodstream---the oxygen that swims within the red.” A splintered breath expelled from his chest. Finally, he looked at her again and his love sh
one. “You’re the only thing that I want.”

  “I love you,” she finally confessed, drawing closer. “I love you more than anything.”

  “Your words…I’ve ached to hear them.” Though his lips curled in a grin, his look was serious. But, soon, it was overtaken with a hungered gleam. “Doesn’t that make me a whipped bastard?”

  “No, it makes you my man, just as I’m yours,” she whispered, breathing labored. Being this close to him was clouding her judgment to everything. Feeling him was all that mattered, she realized, moving even closer to him. “Touch me…I need to feel your hands on me…”

  “All these months, being without you, it’s like I’ve been trapped in a recurring nightmare that I’ll never awaken from.” A profound need shone on his features. “Baby, I never want to be without you again---not for another minute.” His eyes searched hers with fervor. “Like me, you’ve been afraid, and I can tell that you still are, despite the things that you’ve been saying. But, I’m asking you to trust me. Give me the chance to prove that I can slay the ghosts that haunt you…Let me be that man.”

  “Oh, Braden,” she whispered brokenly. “I need you so much.”

  “I want you,” he said huskily, lowering his head. “And nothing else…”

  As his lips captured, her thoughts were smothered out.

  The intense feelings and emotions catapulted forward.

  Gentleness didn’t have a place.

  Expelling a tortured breath, he crushed her against him.

  All too willingly, she conceded to the rough, passionate embrace.

  Breathing fast and frantically, they broke apart.

  Together, they fumbled with the bra’s front clasp.

  When her full pliant breasts fell free, his hungry mouth found them.

  “Braden,” she moaned and clasped his head.

  His hot lips found a plump nipple and suckled it in.

  Panting hard and fast, she sucked her lip in.

  But, his hot mouth and lips were pleasurable destructors, no doubt.

  In and out, round and round, she mulled, crazed.

  His working tongue was bedazzling…

  Wet, hot, and budded, her nipple puckered inside his mouth.

  “Braden,” she cried, weakened, firming her hold. A ripple of pleasure tore through her, and her wicked sounds of pleasure escaped. “Yes, baby….that’s it…oh…oh…ah…oh…oh…”

  At the sound, he rose up and claimed her lips again.

  Their wild kiss was just that---wild and untamed.

  The blistering madness was that great…

  Amidst their desperate moans, they voiced their needs.

  Sobbing with both happiness and pleasure, she clung tighter.

  Somehow, they finally met a wall.

  On cue, on finely-tuned sexual instinct, they turned and once more, she found herself facing it. She cried out pitifully as he pushed her into it. Eagerly, selfishly, and shamelessly, she awaited his pleasurable assault. Behind her, she felt his movements as he slipped the robe off and kicked it aside. Then, once more, his hands found her naked body again, stroking and groping it everywhere.

  None-to-gently, he grasped the edges of her thong, stretching it tighter against her aching flesh. This wild sexual roughness, she breathed fast, it was exactly what she craved. For the intense moment hardly called for any gentleness or calmness. Under his breath, he tantalized her, vowing wicked and passion-deadly promises.

  And he was a man of his word, she gasped weakly, falling forward, and eagerly accepted the torrid position. Now, her soft pliant body was pressed close to wall. Against her backside, she felt his. Sweet mercy, his body was hungry. Hot, throbbing, seething with wetness, his bulging cock meshed into her ass.

  Slowly, rocking against her hips, he whispered in a pained breath. “Please…let me have you.” When she purposely thrust her hips backwards, he shuddered violently. “Bella…”

  Dazed and hungered, she stared into the wall.

  A passion war raged inside of her.

  Yet, there was no opposition.

  Only surrender…

  Her desperate word came out as a splintered breath. “Braden…”

  “You’re mine,” he breathed hotly at her ear. “And only mine…”

  Fumbling, needy, his hand reached the flimsy thong. On a timely exhale, her heady anticipation was released. Hadn’t her body been waiting for this---the cupping…his cupping.

  With one fast motion, he stripped the delicate piece from her hips before pushing it down. Carelessly and needlessly, the thong slid down her thighs but didn’t make a full descent. Magically, eloquently, they clung to her skin as he loved her.

  He worked his hand fast, knowing fully what she wanted and expected.

  Blinded, crying out, she gripped his working hand tightly and applied more pressure. Groaning deep, reeling internally with his own needs, he humped against her hips in a perfectly-timed slow, rhythmic motion. As the pleasure gripped him, her name became a distraught plea in his mouth. “Bella…”

  Slow was no longer viable.

  With a desperate moan, she made it known.

  All too eagerly, he complied.

  At a frantic pace, her writhing motions quickened against his hand, and his fast humping against her hips became wilder and erratic. Their shallow pants were deafening within the space, and the searing passion had reached its boiling point.

  “Oh…oh…oh…” she breathed, crazed, and the plastering white against the wall turned remarkably bright. The splintering sensations inside her were exceedingly great, seeking an entryway into a glorious unknown. Inside her body, the pressure built, and was all-consuming at once. Desperately, she pleaded for an act of mercy from him. But, the sexual punishment was justifiable and warranted. For wasn’t it exactly what she was begging for? Her desperate pleas said as much and came out as panted whispers. “…please…please…please…”

  Grunting hard, he fisted a hand in her thick tresses and arched her head backwards, only to plunder her lips. Their tonguing was soulfully deep, deliberately stroking at the precise timing action along with their writhing bodies. The earthshaking climax built inside of her, and she could no longer hold on.

  She cried out.

  Her body tightened in reaction, and her hot wet gushiness spilled into his hand and seethed onto hers. Sobbing into his mouth, trembling uncontrollably, she absorbed the shocking pleasure. Behind her, his body stiffened. At his own release, he shouted out violently, and the semen drained from his cock.

  Against her hips, she felt the hot wet run.

  In fine streams, it dripped along her body.

  Finally, the flimsy thong pooled at her feet.

  Sexually needy, lost, she turned to him.

  Their passion wasn’t done.

  It blazed hotter than hot.

  Kissing wildly again, they made way towards the sofa. With one fast maneuver, he dropped her down onto it before flipping her onto her stomach. Then, before she could react, he raised her ass before planting two hot lips against it. Oh, that very part of her was so sensitive, she learned, and shivered while his mouth moved along the cheeks. Against her flesh, a hot pleasing wetness was tracked and left behind in an indescribable wicked pattern. His breath seared her skin and bathed it with a masculine hotness.

  He maneuvered her again.

  Now, she was on her knees.

  Panting uncontrollably, arms stretched outward, she gripped the sofa’s arm.

  Behind her, she sensed his movements.

  Then, somehow, after edging forward, he braced himself about her.

  All over, in the naughtiest spaces, he touched her.

  Dipping here…sliding there…slipping inside….

  She gasped amidst the delirious pleasure.

  It was everything.

  A hot hand closed about her heavy breast.

  The other fondled her down below.

  She released a frantic sound.

  Sweet goodness, which feel should she
attend to first?

  A budded nipple was squeezed.

  There was a delicious slide within her inner lips below.

  “Oh…oh…oh…” she panted and gripped the sofa harder. Her short breaths were shuddering and scorching hot. “Please…keep doing that…”

  For a long breath-stealing moment, he did.

  The pleasure rose inside of her.

  Finally, she couldn’t withhold it any longer.

  “Braden,” she pleaded shamelessly. “Please love me.”

  Against her bare hips, she sensed movement.

  And there he was…

  Taking a single finger, he tested her for readiness.

  Upon finding her seething wetness, he breached her opening from behind.

  A shockwave of pleasure splintered through her.

  “Oh….oh…oh…” she gasped and the wild passionate sound became suspended in her throat. Then, there was no sound and only feelings plus motion. Forward and backward, slower than slow, he forced a passionate and damning rhythm.

  As the fiery sensations stormed through her system, she squeezed her eyes closed tightly. Yet, there was no blocking out the intense feelings. Taking a single hand, placing it against her mid-back, he maneuvered her again, and she found her face partially buried into the sofa. Inhaling fast and wild, she snagged the soft fabric between her teeth and absorbed the heat of her own breath. Simultaneously, it was restriction and friction, and the strange mixture of sensations was inexplicable.

  The near-suffocating feeling was a heady turn-on, she discovered, on and on, burying her face deeper into the cushion fully. Gloriously and mindlessly, she sunk into the sexually-frenzied euphoria. Against the cushion, her soft pleas were muffled. “Please…oh Braden…please…”

  His plunging strokes hastened.

  A fevered pitch, they so became…

  Somewhere, in the distance, she heard his deep and frantic grunting. When she neared her last breath, he filled his hand with her thick black tresses and forced her head up. As her head reared backward, she inhaled a much needed breath. Gripping the sofa’s arms hard, she rammed her hips backward, demanding a deeper insertion inside of her.

  He didn’t disappointment.

  With one fast hump, he buried deeper.


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