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Rise of the Titan

Page 58

by Pressley James

  She held her breath. “What are you suggesting?”

  Maneuvering her again, he rolled her onto her back before bracing himself about her. As he stared down at her, his gaze was hopeful. “I’m suggesting that you move here with me. Mama pretty much has taken claim to the garden home, and Carmine is there most of the time. So, I was thinking that we, the two of us, can make this home.”

  “Really?” she asked wide-eyed.

  His lips curled in a half-grin. “Really.”

  Her smile was breathless. “I’d love that very much.”


  “I promise that I won’t hog the bed.”

  “Trust me, that won’t be a concern.” His grin was arrogant and roguish at once. “Besides that, I’ll be buried inside of you so much that worrying about whose taking the most space won’t even be an issue.”

  She punched him playfully in the gut. “What makes you think I’m that easy?”

  “You really want to go there?” he teased, raising a brow. “I have some pretty strong evidence that indicates that you are, especially when it comes to me.”

  “You are unbelievable!” she giggled.

  His deep laughter was infectious. “And the lady doesn’t deny that’s its true.”

  “Guess there’s no point in me lying. If there’s one thing that I can’t resist, it’s you.” Then, she sobered quickly. “I know that you’ll probably tire of hearing this. But, I love you.”

  “And I love you.” Now, his expression was as serious as hers. Yet, it also held a mix of sexual interest and need. Against her soft pliant body, his showed signs of arousal, and it spurred hers on. “Seems like we have more room for celebration.”

  “Yes, it does,” she confessed softly. “So, why don’t we?”


  The smartphone vibrated on the nightstand for the hundredth time.

  “What?” he muttered in annoyance and finally sat up. As he caught sight of the caller on the ID, his irritation worsened. Releasing a pent-up breath, he was careful as he left the bed. Once he was standing outside the bedroom and in the hallway, he answered. “Palmore, why the hell are you calling me at this late hour?”

  “After you didn’t return my call earlier, I decided to try again,” the P.I. rambled fast. “Also, since our business relationship has became more personal, and I’ve taken on the responsibility of keeping a close eye on things…” Palmore sighed heavily. “Considering the high stakes, this information couldn’t wait.”

  “It better be damned good.”

  “Oh, it’s better than that. As a matter of fact, I don’t think that you’ll like what I’m about to say.” The P.I. hesitated for a long minute. “Like I said, it’s about Isabella Spencer---”

  “If you’re here to tell me that she’s involved with Carlo Vitali, save your breath. Weeks ago, I learned that news myself---”

  “No, it’s not that.”

  The alarm spread through him.

  “Then what?”

  “Ms. Spencer has been spending time with a different gentleman, a man that goes by the name of Jason Rowell. There’s no secret as to who this man is. He’s the department head of the FBI unit in Atlanta.”

  The shock reverberated through him.

  “You’re lying.”

  “Unfortunately, I’m not,” Palmore shot back quick. “It seems that our Ms. Spencer is an undercover agent, and you’re her pigeon. If I were you, I’d be careful of what I said and what I did. The feds are after Carlo Vitali’s blood, and they’re going to take you along with him.”

  The call went dead.

  He stared unseeingly into the darkness.

  Inside, so was he.


  “Carmine,” she probed, later that night, the following day. She eyed him from her perch on the sofa. “Have you seen Braden? He’s been gone all day.”

  “Good question.” Carmine frowned before tinkering with the tiny items on the coffee table. With great care, he arranged the delicate figurines. “I saw him in passing. Something’s heavy on the boy’s mind, I could tell. Anyway, he muttered something about checking in with Cassius on something, and that’s about it.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sure he’s fine. The boy does tend to get a bit moody at times, in case you haven’t figured it out yet.”

  “You’re not wrong on that.” A disappointed sigh left her. “Guess I’ll just hang out here a bit until he gets back.”

  “I’d stick around, but you know how Lola gets when I’m late,” Carmine muttered, and his brown features became flushed. “I’m not in the mood for her hen-pecking.”

  She reserved a smile.


  They were pecking something, but it had little to do with a hen.

  “Don’t mind me, Carmine,” she insisted, adjusting the throw pillows behind her back. Assuming a more comfortable position, she began reading a novel that she’d begun weeks past. “Go ahead and take care of Lola.”

  Carmine shrugged his heavy coat on. “Alright, I suppose I’ll be on my way then.”

  She gave a fast wave. “See you tomorrow.”

  By 8:30 pm, she’d grown restless.

  Her concerned gaze shot to the open window.

  Night really had come.

  Still, he was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where are you, baby?” she asked out loud. “Couldn’t you have at least called? You haven’t pulled a stunt like this since we met.”

  As soon as she spoke the words, his headlights hit the drive.

  She sagged against the sofa in relief.

  He was finally home.

  Several moments later, she was waiting at the living room entrance.

  As he trudged down the hallway, she watched with a big smile.

  When he reached her, she moved to hug him.

  “Hey, baby, I’ve missed you.” But, her happiness dissipated as he side-stepped her and moved on past. Frowning with concern, she stood there for a second, watching as he crossed to the fire. Like usual, he stoked the flames, but his movements held an angry motion. Folding both arms along her chest, she edged towards him and stopped when she was a few feet away from him. “You want to tell me what’s up?”

  “Nothing’s up,” he snapped, jabbing the logs harder.

  She raised a perfectly arched brow. “Is that why you’re stabbing that poor log to death?” Sighing heavily, she moved directly behind him before placing a gentle hand on his back. “Listen. Baby, I know that you’re worried about everything---”

  Again, he moved away from her.

  “You’re upset with me.” she asked, hurt. “There has to be a reason. Why?”

  “Upset with you?” Whirling around slowly, he faced her, and a strange look held his features captive. It was a mix of many emotions, and at the moment, anger pervaded. “What reason would I have to be?”

  “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.” She reached out again, and the hurt lanced her again as he stepped back. “Braden, talk to me.”

  “Talk to you?” His features were devoid of any warmth. “You’re real big on talking, aren’t you?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes. If not, how could anything really be resolved?”

  “Alright.” The poker clattered as he dropped it onto the hearth. A chill filled the air, not from the burning fire, but him. “Let’s talk. But, not here---let’s go to the study.”


  In silence, they treaded there.

  The gulf was between them again.

  By why, she pondered with increasing fear.

  While he sat behind the desk, she took the chair.

  But, as soon as they were eye to eye, he jumped up and went to the window.

  Keeping his back to her, he peered out at the silent night.

  “What’s going on, Braden?” To her chagrin, the tears came sooner than she wanted. She swallowed them back hard. “There has to be a reason as to why you’re suddenly treating me like a stranger.”

  “Isn’t tha
t what you are?” he asked, and his body tensed. “A stranger?”

  The air lodged in her throat.

  A fresh pain squeezed within it.

  “I don’t know what you mean---”

  She started as he whirled around fast.

  Now, he didn’t bother to mask his boiling anger.

  “Of course, you know what the hell I mean,” he bit out in a clipped tone. “So, why don’t you give it to me straight? No lies…no pretending…no games...”

  Her voice trembled. “You’re confusing me.”

  “Well, why don’t you help clear it up, then?” he demanded forcefully, clenching his jaw tight. “Let’s start with you telling me who the hell you really are.”

  Her lashes fluttered nervously. “You know who I am---”

  His eyes snapped with pure anger. “The hell I do.”

  “Braden, nothing that you’re saying is making any sense---”

  “Jason Rowell,” he cut in quick, observing her closely. “You know him?”

  Her voice stammered. “M---maybe I’ve heard of him---”

  “Do you know him or not?” he snapped again. “Tell me the damned truth. That is if you’re capable of it.”

  “Yes, I know him.”

  “How well do you know him?”

  A guilty flushed stained her brown features. “I know of him.”

  “You know of him?” he scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “Even now, face to face, you’re lying to me.” He flicked an angry gaze over her fast. “I know the truth about you. I know who you really are, Agent Spencer. You were sent here to pick information from me. In other words, I’m your fucking pigeon.”

  Stunned, she stared back at him.

  An awful hollow silence breathed.

  It roared in her ears and quieted everything except her tormented thoughts.

  But, the anguished look in his eyes…

  That’s what tore her apart and knowing that she was the one fully responsible.

  A heartfelt sob was torn from her. “Braden---”

  “Tell me the truth.” He clenched his jaw tight, and a dead coldness settled on his face amidst the hurt. “Don’t you at least owe me that?”

  Her quiet whisper was hoarse. “I’m sorry---”

  “You’re sorry?” he muttered in disbelief. Across the way, he struggled to mask his hurt and anger, yet failed. “Haven’t we’ve been down this road before? Remember when you were sorry about your earlier deception---namely that you were involved with Vitali?” He gave a laugh that didn’t resonate. “No, the only thing you’re sorry about is that your house of cards has tumbled down. Your lies, secrets, and deceits are finally out in the open.” After making a fateful step away from the window, he studied her coldly. “Good news, sweetheart. You don’t have to pretend anymore.”

  “I’m not pretending,” she murmured in a wobbly voice, and desperation seethed at the edges of it. She swallowed hard at the sudden lump in her throat, and now, he was a blurry image across the way. “If you’d just give me a chance to explain---”

  “Explain what? Tell me what’s left to explain!” He pounded a hard fist against the desk. “We didn’t meet by pure chance. Anything and everything that happened between us was perfectly orchestrated from the very beginning. The truth of the matter is that you were running a con game. You don’t give a damn about me---”

  “No, you’re wrong!” As her desperation kicked in, she edged closer to the desk. “I’m guilty of a lot of things. But, if there’s one thing that’s true---it’s my feelings for you. They’re the reason why we’re strung up in this situation. They are why things are not so simple. With everything in me, I fought not to care.” Her tearful gaze clung to his. “But, the very moment that I saw you, it changed everything---”

  “No, I don’t want to hear it.” His jaw line set further in a tighter line. “Spare me a bout of your useless and pathetic lies---”

  “Our love and what we feel for each other is not a lie!” She clutched her head with trembling hands and fought against the turmoil. “Within all of this, it’s the only thing that’s true.” Chest heaving fast, she pleaded further. “Please, you have to give me a chance to fix this. I love you---”

  “Don’t throw at me! Especially not now!” He hauled in a breath of exasperation. “You may say the words as many times as you want. But, the fact of the matter is, they’re not true---”

  “No, you’re wrong,” she sobbed quietly. “I love you more than anything---”

  “You don’t even know the meaning of it!” With a pained look, he took in her guilty expression. “Loving someone means being completely honest with them, and that’s something you haven’t been!” Now, his words were thickened with tears. “If you loved me, why have you continued with this deception? Why didn’t you trust me with the truth? Instead, you did the unforgivable. You lied to be, and then built more lies on top of the first ones.”

  “I was scared, okay!” She bit her trembling lips. “And I was going to tell you, I swear I was. I was going to find the right time---”

  “The right time being when you got all the information that the feds needed, right?” His eyes were as cold as a glacier. “Now, it makes sense---this sudden push for me to be honest and walk on the right side of the law. You weren’t concerned about me. The goal is simple---you wanted information, and you got it.”

  “My concern is for you and only you. That’s why I wanted you to contact an attorney. If anything, I know how tough things get in situations such as yours. The odds are stacked against you, and it’s a fact that’s been true since the beginning.” Her eyes shimmered with tears. Gulping hard, she moved behind the desk, and he openly flinched as she halted before him. “Is it wrong that I was afraid of losing you?”

  “The only thing that’s wrong is you continuing with this façade right now.” He backed away from her as if burnt. Both his body and features were tensed with finality. “Don’t you get, Bella? Me, you, and the con game you’ve been running---it’s done, finished, and over with.”

  “Baby,” she whispered tearfully, edging forward, and grasped his waist. “Please look at me…please.” As his tortured gaze met hers, she fell apart. “I love you, please believe that.”

  “Damn it, Bella.” At his distraught whisper, the tears glistened bright in his eyes. “You’re saying the words, but they ring hollow. Your actions are speaking a different language entirely.”

  “I made a mistake---”

  “A mistake? No, it’s worse than that.” He shook his head as if to clear it. Yet, the daunting situation couldn’t possibly offer clarity. “You openly deceived me---”

  “What I did was wrong, I know that. But, everything was happening so fast, and it became easier to just say nothing.”

  “Is that confession supposed to make things better?” he scoffed and shook his head. “If nothing else, it just confirms that you were going to say nothing.”

  “I was going to tell you the truth,” she cried. “Why won’t you believe me?”

  “When, Bella?” he broke in angrily. “Today, tomorrow, next month, next year?”

  “I---I don’t know. The right time just never seemed to come, okay? My fear of losing you was greater than my need to tell the truth. Does that make me selfish? Probably so, and I’m ashamed that my very selfishness has led to this.”

  “I trusted you.” His hurt look worsened. “I told you things that I never told another soul. All this time, you were just laughing at me.”

  “No,” she wept openly. “I’d never do that.”

  “How could you?” Sucking in a painful breath, he struggled against his own tears. “How could you look at me, and lie to me over and over again? All the times that we’ve made love…all the times that I touched you…every time our souls met in the lightness and the darkness…you knew how much I loved you, and you took advantage of that. How could you betray me?”

  “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.” As she bit her badly trembling lips, she tasted the hot
tears. Their saltiness nearly choked her up further. “I broke our trust, and that’s one of the worst things to do.”

  “And you know how highly I value that. But, yet, that wasn’t enough. Standing here, looking at you, I’m wondering what’s the truth and what’s a lie; and your words of love…do they really hold any merit?”

  “You have every reason in the world to doubt me. But, deep down…the truth about me and what I feel for you, you know it. I love you,” she whispered again, and the pain constricted in her throat. “Right now, you’re upset with me, and that’s understandable. So, I’ll give you the time and space to think about this.”

  “Time?” he gave a short laugh. “How are we to get through this if there’s no trust?”

  “We can work to rebuild it. Our love is strong enough.” She edged forward, and nearly brought their bodies together. Blinded by tears, she stared into the wall of this chest, and then summoned enough courage to peer up at him again. “Once, you asked me to fight for us. Well, I’m doing it now. So, please…tell me what I need to say or do to right this.” Sobbing softly, stepping closer, she embraced him, but he stood there unmoved. His rigid form was as solid as a brick wall. Still, though, she hugged him closer. “I’ll do whatever you ask of me. Please just don’t push me away.”

  “There’s nothing further to say.” Carefully, he disengaged himself before stepping back to the window. Once more, after turning away from her, he stared moodily at the starless night. “I want you gone. You’re no longer needed or welcomed here.” The tension was outlined in his every muscle. “Arrangements will be made to take you back to Jameson’s Corporations. Stay at the CEO apartment while I sort out this situation with Vitali. The guards are still on standby 24/7, round the clock, so you’ll be safe there. Once the smoke has cleared and Vitali’s behind bars, I never want to lay eyes on you again.”

  Her voice wobbled with fresh tears. “You don’t mean that.”

  “The hell I don’t.” His body stiffened with more anger. “Don’t call me. Don’t contact me. As a matter of fact, lose my number. We’re done.” Turning, he faced her again and seemed as a total stranger. “Get out of my sight.”


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