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Page 37

by Uc Amalu, Jr


  “Hey, Jayy,” Ben tried hard to keep his spirits high for

  Jay’s sake.

  Jay looked up at him from his hospital bed and forced a

  light smile. “Hey Benny boy.” He paused briefly and

  choked back his tears. “I dunno how to thank you…”

  “No thanks needed,” Ben replied, walking towards his

  bed, dragging a chair with him. “You’d have done the

  same for me.”

  “Damn straight I woulda!” Jay perked up a little. “All the

  same, what you did, that took guts. I owe ya buddy.”

  Ben sat back in the large padded chair and rubbed at the

  scar over his temple. He was at a loss for words, the last

  few days had been horrendous for Jay. Danni had lost

  the baby and he was stuck in hospital for a few more days

  with a broken collarbone and some minor cuts and

  abrasions. It tore him up seeing his partner like this and

  he felt powerless to do anything about it.

  “How’s Danni?”

  Jay sighed and lowered his head. “She’s alive. Pretty

  shaken up still. She’s staying with her mother until I get

  out of here.” He looked up at Ben. “She can’t bring herself

  to go back to the house, though, not on her own. I don’t

  know if she ever will, y’know?”

  “She’s been through one hell of an ordeal, Jayy. It’s

  going to take her some time.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Then a smile tugged at his lips. “She’ll

  be up here a little later, you wanna hang around? I know

  she’d love to see ya.”

  “Oh, I dunno…”

  “Course you’ll stay!” Jay’s eyes pleaded with him. “I want

  you to.”

  Ben threw his hands in the air in a surrendering gesture

  and laughed. “How can I say no to that?”

  “I really wanted that baby, Ben,” Jay’s voice fell to less

  than a whisper.

  “I’m so sorry. I should have moved faster, acted differently.

  I, I just…”

  “I’m not blaming you, mate, gees. Is that what you are

  thinking?” Jay pulled himself more upright in his bed

  and raised his words to a deep, steady tone. “Losing that

  baby was not your fault, and given the situation you were

  in, you did what you could, when you could. There’s

  nothing wrong in that Ben.” He rubbed his hands across

  his chin and then added. “Hell, if it wasn’t for you, neither

  of us would be here today. Christ man, we owe you our

  lives. So no more talk or thoughts about coulda’s and

  shoulda’s, okay?”

  All Ben could do was nod. He wanted to pour his heart

  out to Jay and tell him how petrified he had been and

  how he thought he was never going to see him again. The

  ordeal of two nights ago knocked the wind clean out of

  him. In his years of service, he had never been in that

  situation before. Not once had he been concerned that

  him or one of his mates was not going to be coming

  home. Trying to disguise his rising emotions, Ben

  coughed and held his hand over his mouth.

  “I know just how you feel, buddy.” Jay stared at him. “So,

  how about our psycho-morgue-tech, Ed? What’s the story

  with him?”

  Ben cleared his throat and sat up in his chair. “Good God,

  Ed! He’s as nutty as they come. He was trying to impress

  Augie, can you believe that?”

  “What? You’ve gotta be shittin’ me?”

  “I wish I was, Jay. I wish I could sit here and offer you a

  more valuable reason for those women losing their lives,

  and for your…” Ben cut himself short. “Hell, Jayy, I’m

  sorry. I didn’t mean for it to sound like that.”

  “It’s ok, really. I know where you’re coming from and what

  you’re trying to say, and I agree with you. But then,

  murder is always so senseless isn’t it?” He stared off into

  the distance.

  The pain on Jay’s face cut Ben to pieces. He didn’t know

  what to say to him and even if he did, it probably wouldn’t

  heal his wounds. Ben knew most of his own wounds

  would heal, but Jay’s? Can anyone truly recover from

  losing their unborn? Even though he had been to hell and

  back with Anna and her part in what had happened, Ben

  was at least able to rationalise things. But how does one

  rationalise what Jay has been subjected to?

  “So what was Ed’s big idea of impressing Augie, all

  about?” Jay kick-started the conversation.

  “Who knows? Apparently Ed had been wanting to advance

  up the ladder of pathology and thought that putting his

  surgical skills on display for Augie to see might just help

  his career.”

  “Talk about a twisted whisker! He’s gotta be a candidate

  for Greenholme, hasn’t he?”

  “I hope not Jay, that psychiatric institution is too good

  for the bastard. He deserves to rot in prison for the rest of

  his miserable life.” Ben’s anger was building inside him.

  “After the pain he caused, why should he be given the

  easy road of the justice system?”

  “I’m right with ya on that one,” agreed Jay. “But what


  “The foetuses?” Ben gently pressed him.

  “Yeah. What did he want with them?”

  “Just sick trophies of his sick surgery. What can I say, the

  boy was on a power trip. They reminded him of what an

  expert surgeon he was, in his eyes at least.”

  “Bloody hell, this world just gets weirder and weirder.‛

  ‘So what are your plans when you get out of here?” Ben


  “Well, I’m gonna take Danni on a long holiday and in a few

  months, maybe give her a ring and see if she’ll put up

  with me for a few more years, or maybe even the rest of

  her life!” He smiled broadly and then said, “From there?

  Who knows. Kids are still in the picture.”

  “Really? That’s fantastic, Jay, good on you.”

  “And how about you, Ben? You still on with that cute


  “Carolyn? You betcha! As a matter of fact we’re going out

  for dinner tonight.” Ben’s grin was ear to ear. “To tell you

  the truth, Jayy. I’m terrified.”

  “After all you’ve suffered this week, a cute nurse terrifies

  you?” Jay roared laughing. “You have some serious

  terror issues man, you might wanna see someone about


  Ben rubbed his scar and thought about Rose and Ed and

  then looked back at Jay, a smirk creeping over his face.

  “You’re right! If I can take on an abortionist and a serial

  killer, I can surely go on a date with a nurse who can patch

  me up afterwards.”

  “Am I missing something here?” Danni’s voice filled the


  The two men turned and smiled at her, standing in the

  doorway. She walked into the room and up to Ben, he

  rose from his chair and said, “How are you, Danni?”

  Without warning, she threw her arms around him and

  held him tight, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I don’t

  know how to thank you, Ben.”

returned her embrace but couldn’t find any words. She

  pulled back and stood in front of him, holding onto his

  hands. Danni turned her head and gazed over at Jay

  before leaning over and planting a kiss on his forehead.

  Ben felt it was his queue to leave. He stepped away from

  his chair and offered it to Danni. “Well, I think this is how

  it feels to be that third wheel everyone keeps talking


  “Oh please don’t leave, Ben. We’d love for you to stay and

  shoot the breeze or whatever it is you cops do.” she let

  out a little laugh.

  Jay beamed at her and said, “Stick with us kid and we’ll

  show ya what real cops do!”

  “Is that a promise?” she asked, her pretty face looked from

  Jay to Ben. “Is it?”

  “You can count on it,” laughed Jay.

  “It sure is,” Ben agreed.



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