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Once Upon a Holiday

Page 12

by Claudia Burgoa

“Baby, it’s okay. I’m here with you,” he says smoothly, the baritone of his voice soothing me just like his big hand drawing circles on my back. “Beck’s searching for crackers.”

  The low rumble of his voice is comforting.

  “This isn’t going to be pretty,” I say, once I’m done.

  Brushing my teeth, I spot him leaning against the doorframe looking at me. Smiling.


  He shakes his head. “I’d rather help you with this than have that conversation while you pity me.”

  “I didn’t.” I shake my head. “I wish you wouldn’t have to go through this or while you have to face it you weren’t alone. Alex wasn’t. He had us—me. Where’s your family?”

  “As I explained, Wes lives in Tahoe, I try to avoid them because Abby and Lance don’t deserve to be in the middle of this shit show. I’d die if anything happens to them.”

  “If you ever need a friend.”

  “You don’t need my shit either.” He lifts his arms and holds his head tight, shaking it. “How are we supposed to protect the little ones? Maybe you should …”

  “Hey, I get to decide if I want to deal with your shit or not. I can manage crazy well enough.” I reach out for his hand. “You have a team. I know people too and we will protect our babies. They’ll grow happy and safe.”

  He pulls me to him, and it’s become like a habit for us to end up entangled. His mouth kisses the top of my head. “What if they do something to you guys, how am I supposed to live with that?”

  “You don’t look like the kind of guy who’d be afraid of anything,” I mumble. His face is so close to me.

  “Not usually, but you scare the fuck out of me, Juniper. I don’t understand you and yet, you’re so easy to read. I trust you. I stopped trusting people years ago.”

  “How about your brother?”

  “He’s different. We get each other and the same with Abby though I have to keep them away …”

  “Safe,” I finish his sentence, and he nods. One of his hands slides to the back of my head, his fingers lacing through my hair. Gripping gently, he tilts my head. Our gazes connect and those fiery eyes are burning—for me.

  Sterling’s mouth brushes slowly over mine before settling in. The tenderness of this kiss is unsettling, arousing. My knees give out, thankfully he’s holding me so securely with one arm. One of his hands comes up to my jaw. Our tongues swirl around. The kiss is endless. Soft, loving. New to us.

  His hand slides down my hips, pushing me closer to him. He’s unbelievably hard—everywhere. We kiss and I feel a desperate ache. I’m losing myself and my thoughts. This isn’t taking things slow or starting from the beginning, it’s—

  “Juniper Spearman, what the fuck are you doing here?” I hear Jackson’s voice and there’s a loud banging on the front door. “June, open up. I know you’re there, open the fucking door.”

  “Who is that?” Sterling asks, gasping for breaths.

  “June, I can’t stop him for too long.” I hear Alex’s voice. “Open up, Junie bee.”

  I grunt. “My brothers,” I say, untangling myself from him. “Are you ready?”


  Ever since we were kids, Jack has always known when I borrow his things without permission. I knew going into his garage might trigger some camera. He has a tight security system. To top it all, I stole his Internet connection.

  But hey, I needed my equipment and a faster Internet connection. Sterling’s slows down when we stream movies.

  What’s the best way to keep myself connected while we are lounging?

  I hooked up my electronics to his Internet.

  It’s Jackson’s fault. The guy always brags about it being so powerful he can connect to it even if he’s hiking a couple of miles away from his property. Well, the geek is right. I’m less than a mile away from his home and I’ve been taking advantage of it.

  He’s in the city, after all. He won’t notice until he comes back and hopefully by then, I’ll be gone.

  “I thought you had bodyguards to take care of unwanted company,” I growl, marching toward the door.

  He snorts. “I’m sure they know and that’s why they’re letting your brothers do whatever they want—to interrupt me.”

  We walk to the main door and what do we find?

  Not one, but three very annoying Spearman brothers glaring at me—and Sterling.

  “Juniper?” Jackson crosses his arms.

  “Jackson?” I cross mine too and give him the glare. He might be taller, older, and meaner but I’m not letting him treat me like I’m five years old. “Do I go to your house and bang on the door at odd hours of the day? Mom will be disappointed with your manners.”

  “This isn’t your house,” he corrects me. “And it’s three o’clock.”

  Sterling surprises me when he says with a firm voice. “It is her house.”

  We all turn to look at him. I’m totally dumbfounded by his answer.

  “I like you, Spearman, but watch your tone.” He looks at my brother darkly.

  “I thought we were friends, man,” Alex says with disappointment. “You’re breaking the bro-code.”

  “Seriously, June,” Jason says with a tone of disappointment and brushes some strands of my hair. “At least fake it.”

  I open my mouth to protest but stop myself. Saying I look like shit because I’ve been puking all day is going to open the can of worms I want to keep closed for a few more weeks—months even. Maybe I’ll have the babies and tell them about it when they turn four or eighteen.

  “Not to interrupt this amusing family reunion, but it’s cold as fuck outside and she’s not wearing a jacket,” Sterling says, pulling me into his arms. “How can I help you, gentlemen?”

  “Let’s go home, June,” Jackson orders.

  Sterling turns to me, his eyes soft. “Do you want to leave?”

  I shake my head.

  “You heard the lady. She’s with me,” Sterling barks back. “She’s also not your property to order around.”

  Butterflies fluttering and all aside, I compose myself. Because no one wants to speak with a puddle of mush, and say, “I came with him and will leave with him.”

  “Mom doesn’t know where you are,” Jackson starts nagging. “She’s freaking out because she went to visit you and your neighbor said you’re out of town. The first thing she did was call me because I’m responsible for you when our parents are out of town.”

  “Jason.” I appeal to the one who isn’t as possessive.

  “You know I love you and I support you,” he says. “But this wasn’t cool. At least text me your whereabouts. What’s going on with you? I heard you’re selling your company.”

  “You took the month off,” Alex adds. “What if I need you?”

  “This is so unlike you,” Jackson says frustrated. “I get it from Jeannette but you …”

  “Me what, Jackson? Just because I decided to change my life that doesn’t mean I’m a failure. You changed yours, just like Jason did. I can’t search for my own happiness?”

  He frowns and closes his mouth tight.

  “Cool it,” Jason says, and I realize he’s talking to Sterling who is glaring at Jackson, nostrils flaring. “Let these two fix their shit.”

  “We’re moving this party inside. It’s getting cold, baby,” Sterling whispers. “Gentlemen, you’re welcome to follow us or leave. As I said, it’s cold and she doesn’t have her coat.”

  My brothers frown and surprisingly, they follow us.

  “Look, I’m not sure what’s happening with you,” Jackson says. “If I’m upset it’s because you upped and left without telling us. If you want to sell your company, that’s cool. I’ll help you find the best buyer or with whatever you need. Why didn’t you come to me and ask for help? You used to tell me everything and call me every day. Now I’m lucky if you answer my calls once in a while.”

  “It’s Em, I already told you that,” Alex answers for me. “She hates your wife.”
/>   “I like her,” I mumble.

  Okay, confession time. I hated her when they started dating but it’s because she lied to him. She wasn’t upfront with him—later I found out that he wasn’t either though. I did what I had to do. My brother married an ugly bitch once, I wasn’t going to let that happen again.

  Now, I like her. In fact, I like her so much that I won’t tell Jackson she’s the one who helped me realize I needed a break from the family. To step out of my comfort zone and reach for my dreams.

  The last thing I want is for them to end up having problems because of me. Though, he’s right about me pulling away from him. Emmeline brought it up too and as I promised, I’ll fix my shit with him once I am done with myself.

  “Sorry, it’s been a hard couple of years,” I conclude. “You have your life and I didn’t want to…”

  “You have to come to me, June. We’re in this together. The five of us. I have Em and the girls but that doesn’t mean the four of you aren’t important.”

  “Same goes for me,” Jason says. “What’s happening? You don’t like Eileen? I can dump her if you want.”

  I laugh. “You’re an idiot,” I tell him, knowing he loves Eileen too much to even consider leaving her for an overnight trip.

  Knowing him, she’s next door waiting for him.

  “The point of this isn’t that we’re the five musketeers. It’s why the fuck are you with him?” Alex protests.

  “That’s enough, Alexander,” I protest.

  “He’s just like your clients. Selfish, self-absorbed, and not what you need,” Alex concludes.

  “It’s like you’re looking in a mirror,” I retort. “Me being here isn’t any of your damn business. I’m spending a few days with Sterling Ahern in Steamboat.”

  “We’re heading back to the city early next week,” Sterling informs them. “We’ll be happy to send you the address of our home in Denver, and I appreciate it if you’re discreet about it.”

  “Your fans, man. If something happens to her,” Alex says with a warning glare that matches Jason and Jackson’s.

  Sterling nods and hugs me tightly. “My security team has orders to keep her safe. She has her own security detail.”

  He has a bodyguard assigned to me. Two new guys arrived after the incident on the slopes. I already set a few alerts to make sure there aren’t any pictures of us together. So far, no one has spotted me.

  As for how long I’m staying here is to be determined. We’re having a good time together. No, it’s great. But also, I know I have to figure out our future. Being with him isn’t sustainable in the long run. He’s not the kind of man I want to raise my kids with. Not because he isn’t a great guy but let’s get real. The groupies, the chaos, and the lack of human interaction aren’t good for children.

  I wouldn’t take away his parental rights. However, I don’t see how this co-parenting would work. I’m giving myself some time to just relax and not worry about a future with Sterling in my life. He lives here and I live in California. That’s already a problem.

  So, for now I’m not going to think about any of this. Once he goes to his penthouse and I … I should just go back to San Francisco.

  “Hey, we agreed, no thinking,” Sterling whispers in my ear and kisses my temple. “Gentlemen, if you don’t mind visiting hours are over.”

  Jackson glares at him. He hates him. This is going to be messier than I thought but if I got over Em, he can see past whatever is bugging him about Sterling.

  “Dinner,” Jackson says.

  “What about it?” I ask.

  “Both of you are invited to have dinner at the house. Em wants to see you,” Jackson explains.

  I look up at Sterling who shrugs. “It’s up to you.”

  “Okay,” I agree.

  “See you in a couple of hours then,” Jackson says, and my brothers leave.

  “Intense,” Sterling says. “I’ve always said that guy needs to get that stick taken out of his ass.”

  He glances at me amused. “We should play with yours.”

  “Leave my ass alone.” I slap him playfully on the chest. “We’re not having sex, Sterling.”

  “We just had a moment—interrupted by those three.” He takes me into his arms and I’m a sucker for his embrace, so I let him hold me.

  “But we shouldn’t.” My voice comes out throaty because his mouth is so close to my ear it makes me shiver and needy.

  “I want this, and I know you do too.” His mouth drags gently along my throat. “There’re so many things we haven’t tried yet. So much I need to learn from you. What makes you tremble, cry my name with pleasure, and smile.”

  “Can we learn to be friends?” I change the subject, because, God, I want all that. “Think about the little ones, not us.”

  Sterling presses my hips closer to his. The heat between us intensifies and I can feel how hard he is—for me. He winks and I dissolve into a puddle of wanton goo. I’m unraveling and he hasn’t even touched me. I close my eyes and hold back the whimper. “Us, I keep thinking about the four of us. But in the meantime, I want to replay how we made them.”

  “We shouldn’t,” I insist. “Let’s learn how to get along and be friends. This isn’t a marathon. What’s going to happen if we ruin it before they turn eighteen?”

  He nuzzles into the sensitive place behind my ear. “You’re the only one ruining the moment. Live by it. Let things go.”

  “Let me get ready for dinner,” I say, pushing him away before I succumb to his seductive voice and tender touch.

  “We have a couple of hours.”

  I wave a hand around my body. “I look like I’ve been puking all day.”

  He studies me. “You’re not telling them?”

  “Are you bringing your security team to protect you?” I lift my hands and pretend to wash them. “Because I won’t defend you.”

  He laughs. “I can take them if you want to tell them.”

  I shake my head. “Mom should learn about it first, then Jeannette,” I sigh because I’m not sure what I’m going to tell my parents just yet. “Actually, let me call Mom. She might drag Dad to Denver and cancel her trip to … I can’t remember where they were going after Peru.”

  When I reach my phone, I grin and before I dial Mom, I text Em. She’ll take care of Jack.

  June: What is wrong with your husband?

  Em: Sorry, tried to stop him.

  June: It’s okay, I handled him. Heads up would’ve been nice.

  Em: Sorry, I meant to text you but I’m dealing with the girls and … Multitasking after motherhood gets complicated.

  June: No hard feelings. I’m calling Mom.

  Em: Good, she’s worried. I haven’t told her anything, but she knows I know what’s wrong with you.

  June: You’re a good friend, love you.

  Em: I’ll give Jack a little hell. Love you too.

  “That’s a scary grin, what did you do?” Sterling asks.

  “Payback,” I say, winking at him while I call Mom.


  “You have no right,” Em, my wife, chides me. “As I said, call her, confirm she’s there, and invite her over.”

  “I controlled myself,” I say defensively. “She’s in Sterling Ahern’s house. We’ve seen the crazy parties he throws. What if she’s having an orgy?”

  “I’ve been at those parties,” Jason adds. “We used to party together. Do you think I want my little sister with him?”

  Eileen stares at him and crosses her arms. “What are you saying, that I should dump your ass because when you were younger you were …”

  “But I’m not like that anymore,” Jason protests.

  “How do you know he is?” Em questions and stares at the two of us. “I saw the parties, but they stopped long ago. The only guests he has are Wes and Abby. You know, I’m happy she’s with someone different from the usual assholes she dates.”

  I glare at Em because she knows something. She’s hiding something from me.
r />   “How long have they been together?”

  She smiles and shakes her head. “I don’t know. You just told me they are together. I haven’t even confirmed it.”

  I run a hand through my hair. “What’s happening to June?”

  She shrugs. “That’s her story, not mine. You know my rules.”

  I’m not sure if I should be pissed at them or glad that they’re finally getting along. It was killing me that my sister kept her distance from me, and Alex continuously said it was Em. I love them both, I can’t leave my wife but losing my sister hurt.

  “Is she safe?”

  “You have to trust her. She’s not a kid and you’re not responsible for her. Barging into your neighbor’s house trying to drag her home was pretty fucked up. If she’s not mad at you, I am. June isn’t going to show up at your door and say, I got married.”

  “Jeannette moved to Hawaii—after doing just what you said,” I complain.

  “We have tickets for January. We’ll be there for a couple of weeks. Now, help me cook. The girls are taking a nap.”

  I nod, put a hand behind her head, and take her mouth. She’s right, I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. I could blame my mother for calling me at five o’clock in the morning mortified because her daughter wasn’t home. Why didn’t she call me last night? She didn’t want to wake up my daughters. Better call me at five when she can wake up the entire house.

  “Love you,” I mumble. “Not sure why you put up with me.”

  She smiles and hugs me tight. “Because you love me as much as I do you. We just have to work on a few kinks because you’re going to be a better father than you are a big brother. If you ever do that to our girls, I won’t be happy.”

  “I’ll try.” I don’t make promises I know I’ll break.

  Now the question is, how am I going to ensure that June doesn’t end up with that fucker?


  “Invite them to stay with us,” I say, while June’s on the phone with her mom.

  “I’d rather talk about it in person, Mom,” she insists. “No, I didn’t get married like Jeannette, and Teagan wasn’t a stranger.”


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