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Her Safe Haven

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by Mia Jones

  He didn’t know a lot about her background, but he pictured her childhood with both parents, maybe a few siblings, and, of course, a dog. Something he’d always wanted. A large house in the suburbs with a white picket fence.

  He grew up with an alcoholic mother who never worked and liked the state to take care of her so she could sit around and smoke and drink all day. He’d never met his dad, and they had lived in the poorest part of the town he’d grown up in. His mother still lived there. Nothing in her life had changed except she didn’t get any money for the kid she hadn’t wanted.

  He mentally shook off his dark memories.

  “How about we get you to bed?”

  Lilah felt the need to lie down but was afraid. “Are you going home?”

  Kaden smoothed the hair off her face. “No, I’ll stay here tonight. Tomorrow, I’m going to put new locks on everything.”

  Lilah wanted to say something, but slumber was dragging her down. She would tell him tomorrow that she’d take care of it.

  He lifted her easily and carried her into the bedroom. He pulled back the blanket for her and then smoothed it out and tucked it around her shoulders.

  Her eyes widened when he turned to go. “I thought you were going to stay the night?”

  “I am on the sofa.”


  “I’ll be right out here, call if you need anything,” he interrupted her.

  Kaden partially shut the door, so he’d be able to hear her and then made his way into her living room.

  He sat on the sofa and leaned forward, setting his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his hands.

  He couldn’t get the pictures out of his head. As long as he lived, he’d never forget the sight of her being attacked. Her tiny little body pressed between the hard, unforgiving, brick wall and the violent man.

  Kaden thought long and hard about if he should call the police. He knew it was the right thing to do, but then when he found the bastard, and he would, he wouldn’t be able to put him in the ground where he deserved to be.

  His hands shook with the need to take the man’s life. It scared him, but also seemed to calm something inside of him that had declared Lilah his from the very first sight of her.

  He wiped a hand down his face and then lay back on the sofa. Of course, the piece of furniture didn’t fit his size. He remembered it took a long time to find the furniture that did fit him and was comfortable. Nothing before or since fit his massive frame.

  He stuffed the small colorful throw pillow under his head and stretched his one leg over the armrest and the other he set his foot on the floor. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get any sleep that night and it all had to do with the pictures in his head that wouldn’t give him peace.

  In the morning, he would call his friend in the sheriff’s department and then have one of his employees go buy the heaviest locks he could find and change out her door and windows, making them as secure as he could.

  Chapter Five

  Lilah watched him turn the light off and step out of the room, leaving the door partially open, so she got some of the light from the lamp in the living room that made it so she could see.

  She had to bite her tongue hard to prevent herself from calling out to him. She’d been hoping he’d lay down with her at least for a little while, but she wasn’t going to push him into anything that would make him feel uncomfortable. He’d saved her that night. Most notably from rape and a possibility of murder. She would always be grateful to him for that.

  She clutched at the top of the blanket. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but her eyelids grew heavy. Maybe they’d have time in the morning. At that moment, all her thoughts scattered as a blanket of sleep dragged her under.

  Lilah awoke when the light turned on in her room. She bit back a scream at the large man in her doorway until she recognized Kaden.

  She realized she was sitting up in bed and sweating profusely.

  “What happened?” she croaked.

  Kaden carefully moved into the room and sat beside her on the mattress.

  “You screamed. It scared the hell out of me.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered and gripped her hands in her lap to hide how badly they shook.

  “Sweetheart, I was expecting something like this. I’d be worried if tonight hadn’t affected you.”

  Kaden stood and walked into her bathroom. He came out a minute later with a glass of water and a wet washcloth.

  “Here, drink this.”

  Lilah gratefully took the glass and drank the water until it was gone.

  He took the glass from her and then started wiping the sweat off her face and neck.

  “There, do you feel better?”

  Lilah nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

  “More water?”

  She shook her head.

  “Anything else I can do, sweetheart?”

  Lilah shook her head a second time.

  “Alright, let’s see if you can get more sleep,” he said and tucked her back under the covers.

  Lilah watched as he stood and started walking away from her.

  “Kaden,” she called out and waited for him to turn. “Would it be possible for you to sleep in here with me?”

  Lilah saw a cluster of emotions race over his face too fast for her to catch them all. What she did see was what looked like irritation.

  Lilah sighed. “I’m sorry. I know that made you uncomfortable. I’ll be fine. I swear. Just knowing you’re here is enough.”

  Her heartbeat accelerated when she saw Kaden turn off the light and then come back to the bed. She felt the mattress tilt when he lay down beside her. She noticed he had his back to her and didn’t move after lying down beside her.

  She could see how uncomfortable it was for him, but at that moment, she was desperate to feel some semblance of safety.

  Before sleep drug her down, she vaguely wondered if that night was the only night they’d ever lay together. It made her sad to think like that and tried to get it out of her mind. There was nothing she could do about it that night, and she desperately needed her rest.

  The next morning was a test to her strength.

  When she came out of her bedroom after showering and dressing, she found Kaden, Derek, and Marley, who were deputies in town. She’d met them a few times at the hospital when a child was involved with a domestic disturbance.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” she asked and faced the three.

  Kaden answered without looking at her. “I called these guys to get our statements about what happened last night.”

  Lilah opened and then shut her mouth. She knew it had been unreasonable to think she could keep the incident between the two of them. She finally nodded and walked to the sofa, sat, and put her hands in her lap.

  “Please have a seat,” Lilah said and indicated the two chairs.

  The deputies sat in chairs across from her. She looked over her shoulder to see where Kaden was. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the wall by the door.

  The look on his face told her without words. He was keeping his distance from her. She turned back to face the deputies and ignored the interested looks as they looked back and forth between her and Kaden.

  She cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. She’d done this before. She would get through this, she thought.

  “I’m ready.”

  Forty grueling minutes later, Derek finished with the questions.

  Marley stood and picked up a small case she’d brought in with her. “Lilah, you and I need to go into the bedroom so I can take pictures for the records.”

  Lilah looked at Marley in dismay. Something else she forgot about. She knew, even though Marley was very sweet and professional. It would still make her feel invaded and leave her feeling sick.

  Lilah nodded and walked to the bedroom without looking at Kaden.

  Marley was very thorough and didn’t want to miss anything, but Lilah just wanted it do

  A loud buzzing sound startled her as Marley was taking pictures of her back.

  “It’s just a drill,” Marley said. “Kaden is changing out your locks.”

  Lilah tried to relax. He’d mentioned something about it the night before.

  Lilah opened the bedroom door and thanked Marley as she made her way to Derek.

  Lilah looked around. “Where’s Kaden?”

  Derek cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable. “He took off. Said he had a job to get to.”

  “Oh,” Lilah said in dismay. “Okay, well, thank you guys for coming today.”

  Derek handed her his business card.

  “Call me if you think of anything else or have a question.”

  Lilah smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You can always call me too for whatever you need. Even if it’s just to talk,” Marley said.

  Lilah swallowed and blinked back her tears.

  “Thank you both so much.” Lilah showed them out and then locked the door. She leaned back against it and looked around, dazed.

  She noticed a dusting of sawdust on the windowsills and on the floor in front of the door. Only then did she take a good look at the locks Kaden had put in.

  The locks were some of the biggest she’d ever seen. It should have made her feel better, but she guessed with time she would feel more at ease with being alone. She also admitted to herself that the only way she would feel really safe was if she was with Kaden.


  Kaden watched her from the doorway as he was about to walk away. He saw her settle in and close her eyes, but he also saw how tense she was, and it would prevent her from sleeping for a while.

  He wiped a hand down his face. He turned off the light, took off his boots, and moved to the other side of the bed. He lay on top of the mattress facing away from her.

  Kaden lay on his side and looked out the window and waited until her breathing leveled out. It took close to thirty minutes, but finally, she fell asleep. He turned over. She faced him with her hands tucked under her cheek.

  That night he didn’t get a bit of sleep. He couldn’t take his eyes off her for a second. He memorized every part of her features he could see, which was her face, neck, and hands.

  The first thing Kaden did the next morning was call Derek to take their statements and then one of his employees to buy the heaviest, best locks they had and bring them to Lilah’s with the tools.

  He was talking to Derek when Lilah came out of the bedroom. He gritted his teeth to keep from howling in rage at the bruises that stood out starkly on her pale skin.

  He was already in a rage at having to talk about the bastard that hurt her, plus lack of sleep, he was running on a slim edge of temper and knew that anything could throw him over and he’d lose it and put his fist through a wall.

  That would be the last thing Lilah would need. She already looked fragile; he didn’t want to make it worse.

  He leaned against the front door and listened as Derek questioned Lilah. Derek had already asked him the same questions, but hearing Lilah’s answers made it more real, somehow.

  Derek had already called in an APB on Terry Kluck, the bastard that had put his hands-on Lilah. Hopefully, they would hear back soon that he’d been picked up but didn’t hold their breaths. The guy tended to take off when he got into trouble. Derek had told him that Terry had lived in the town his whole life and had been in one bad situation after another.

  Since Kaden had just been around ten years, he was vaguely aware of the man but had never had to deal with him.

  Kaden relaxed when Derek finished with the questions but stiffened again when Marley took Lilah into the bedroom to take pictures.

  He wanted so badly to go to Lilah and put his arms around her, but he was afraid he’d never be able to let her go again. The last thing she needed was to have a man like him in her life.

  As much as she seemed to want to be with him, Kaden knew when she got to know him and realized how dominant and controlling, he was and how much control he needed, it would send her running from him. He knew himself enough to know if he had a taste of her, he’d never be able to let her go, and that would end up hurting both of them.

  Better to keep his distance. It hurt him, but he knew it would hurt a million times worse if she became his and then he lost her.

  Chapter Six

  Lilah waited for a week for Kaden to call, but there was never a voicemail or text from him. She tried to call him once and left a message, but that didn’t even get a response.

  She sighed as she stepped into the break room at the hospital, grabbed a bottle of water, and sat on the old, green, fake leather sofa in the nurses’ lounge.

  Addison walked in and pulled a diet soda out of the refrigerator before sitting down beside her.

  “How are you holding up?”

  Lilah nodded. “I’m doing fine.”

  Her friend snorted. “The bruises from the attack are fading, but the bruises under your eyes are getting worse. You’re not sleeping.”

  Lilah sighed. Even with the heavy-duty locks Kaden had put on her doors and windows, she still didn’t feel safe.

  “No, not really.”

  “How about you spend the night with me tonight or as long as you need?”

  Lilah lifted Addison’s hand. “Thank you, but no. I’ve got to deal with this fear before it gets out of hand and starts to consume my life.”

  “You could give yourself a bit of time first. No one says you have to get over the attack now. In fact, you know this will affect you for a long while.”

  “I know.”

  “Did Kaden ever call?” Addison asked.

  Lilah shook her head. “That’s something else I need to get over. The man doesn’t like me. I need to leave him alone.”

  “I guarantee the man is hot for you. I see the way he stares at you when you’re not looking.”

  “Then why is he avoiding me?”

  Addison shrugged. “Who knows with men. They are from a different planet.”

  A smile lifted Lilah’s lips a bit. “I really think I need to move on.”

  “I know I warned you against him, but that’s not the Lilah I know. She wouldn’t give up so easily.”

  “What can I do?”

  “Let’s go to the bar again. I guarantee he’ll be there.”

  Lilah shook her head. “I’m not ready.”

  “I get that. It doesn’t have to be this weekend or even this month. We’ll go, and I’ll watch you get that man you’ve been obsessed with since you moved to town.”

  “Maybe in a week or so.”

  “Has there been anything on the investigation?”

  She shook her head. “Kaden knew him. The police tried to find the guy, but he ran. They haven’t been able to find him yet.”

  “Damn. I want that son of a bitch in jail.”

  “Me, too,” Lilah agreed.

  Addison nodded, leaned over, and kissed Lilah’s cheek.

  “I’ve got to get back to work. Wait for me, and I’ll drive home behind you and make sure you get home and in safe.”

  “I’d appreciate that.”

  Lilah worked until the end of her shift; every hour more excruciating than the last. Her body felt worse than when she’d been attacked. She knew if she didn’t change something, she would end up sick. She’d lost weight, and she ended up with a headache every day from nerves and stress.

  On the way home that night, Lilah kept checking her rearview mirror to make sure Addison was still behind her. After she parked in front of her house, she looked all around. Thankfully it was still light out, but there were shadows that looked menacing to her around every tree and corner. She breathed a sigh of relief when her friend pulled up behind her.

  She grabbed her bag and purse and slipped out of the car.

  “Thank you for this. It helps.”

  Addison slid her arm through Lilah’s. “Any time. I’m here whenever you need me.”

  “How did I get
such a great friend?”

  “One, you’re just lucky,” Addison said and ignored Lilah’s snort. “And two, I’m going to owe you for the rest of your life for getting me through nursing school.”

  Lilah rolled her eyes. “You were going to be fine.”

  Addison rolled her eyes. “No, girlfriend, I wasn’t. I was pretty close to flunking out of the program.”

  Lilah just shook her head. It was an argument they’d had several times.

  They were both quiet as Lilah unlocked the door.

  “I wish you had a security system like ADT.”

  Lilah had thought about it. “I can’t afford something like that. I’ve got too many school loan’s I’m trying to pay off.”

  Thankfully, Addison caught sight of all the bottles and cans she’d set on the windowsills and by the door and didn’t say anything.

  Lilah had to do everything she could to get her through the nights.

  Addison moved through the house, looking in every closet and crevasse. At the front door, Addison turned and hugged Lilah.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come home with me? You can have the sofa or bunk with me like we used to do.”

  Lilah shook her head. “As much as I’d like to, I have to find my way now. I feel it will be harder later on.”

  Addison scowled. “You’re just too used to doing things on your own.”

  “I didn’t have a choice most of my life, and now I’m afraid if I depend on anyone and I lose them, it would damage me.”

  Addison hugged her tightly. “You’ve had a shitty life.”

  Lilah cleared the tears and emotion that clogged her throat. “I have a career, my own house, and several good friends. I feel lucky to be where I’m at, and I don’t want to lose it.”

  “You won’t. You’ve got people who love you. Just remember you’re not alone,” Addison reminded her.

  “Thank you so much for coming home with me.”

  “Get some sleep if you can.”

  Lilah waved her friend off and then locked the door. She walked around the house to check again and make sure everything was locked up.

  Lilah sat down heavily on the sofa. She had the weekend to get rest and feed herself. She didn’t have to leave the house for anything. She planned to read, watch TV, and sleep as much as she could.


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