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Widow's Undoing

Page 8

by L. Wilder

  “Ugh.” I leaned my head back with a groan. “I forgot about that.”

  “Sorry, Sis. I already...”

  “I know. It’s fine. I’ll be here to open for you. You go have fun tonight, and good luck with your hair appointment tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, chicka. And you enjoy your night off of mom duty.”

  “I’m gonna try.”

  I never really enjoyed the weekends when the kids were at their dad’s. I was always too worried something would happen, so I spent the entire weekend feeling anxious, dreading a phone call that may or may not come. Just thinking about it put me in a mood which was only made worse when Marc called. I was still sitting at my desk as I picked up my phone and sighed with annoyance. I knew it was going to be something bad, and I was right. As soon as I answered, he started fussing, “You wanna tell me why in the hell you put my son on Zoloft and didn’t tell me about it.”

  “I didn’t put him on it, Marc. The doctor prescribed it.”

  “Well, he’s a fucking idiot. My son doesn’t need fucking Zoloft, Frankie. He’s just a kid.”

  “The doctor wouldn’t have prescribed it if he didn’t think he needed it.”

  “And what exactly does he need it for? The kid already has enough drugs pumping through him with all that marijuana he’s been smoking. And here you are giving him more drugs. Hell, he’s liable to get addicted to that shit, too, and we’ll have another damn problem on our hands.”

  “It was prescribed.”

  “Prescribed for what?”

  “His anxiety.”

  “Anxiety? Are you kidding me?” Marc snapped. “What’s he got to be anxious about? He’s just a kid. He needs to grow up and realize life isn’t all sunshine and fucking rainbows.”

  I wanted to tell him that he was the reason why our son was feeling anxious, that his constant outbursts kept us all on edge, but instead, I simply said, “That’s not for you to decide, Marc.”

  “It’s not for you to decide either!” He roared back. “You should’ve told me what was going on.”

  I could’ve continued to fight with him, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. He was too angry to actually listen to what I was saying, so I simply said, “You’re right. I should have told you.”

  “You’re damn right you should have. He’s my son, and I have a right to know what’s going on with him!”

  “Well, if you would just stop and listen to him, maybe you’d see for yourself why he’s so anxious all the time. I know you want to blame me for all this, but this isn’t about me. It’s not about you either. This is about our child, and right now, he needs help. We need to at least try this medicine and see what it can do for him.”

  “You can’t solve a problem with a damn pill, Frankie.”

  “I’m aware of that, Marc. That’s why he’s still going to counseling. I’m trying to get him the help he needs, and if you care about him, you’ll do the same.”

  “Fine, but the next time something like this comes up, I expect to hear about it.” He was practically growling as he asked, “Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Marc. Understood.”

  Without saying goodbye, he ended the call. It pained me to know Sean and Corry were stuck there with him. I sent them both a text, letting them know I was thinking about them. Sean was quick to reply, saying everything would be fine. I wasn’t surprised. He always tried his best to smooth things over. Thankfully, they had his basketball game as a temporary escape. Hopefully, it would be enough to cool Marc off a bit. It was times like these I wished I was able to go to all of Sean’s games, but Marc had insisted that I not attend the games on his weekends, saying it would make things easier for the kids if we weren’t both there. I knew it was more about the new wife, but I decided not to fight him on it. I was beginning to think it was time to change that. Actually, it was time to change several things in my life.

  I glanced over at the bottle of wine Sydney had left on my desk, and before I had time to really think, I picked it up and carried it into the kitchen. Once I had it open, I poured some into a coffee cup. I didn’t sip it like I normally did. Instead, I drank it quickly and poured myself another. After turning on some music, I carried it over to the sofa and sat down. We’d been closed for over an hour, so I didn’t have to worry about anyone coming in. I kicked my feet up and sipped on my wine, trying my best to put my phone call with Marc out of my mind. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen until I started on my third cup. By then, I didn’t have a care in the world. In fact, I was feeling pretty good. I even found myself eyeballing the vibrator my sister had given me. One thought led to another, and it wasn’t long before my mind drifted to Widow. A smile swept across my face when I remembered that his number was still in my purse. The more I thought about it, the more tempted I was to go get it.

  Hoping for a little liquid courage, I took another big sip of wine, and then went into the office for my purse. Butterflies were dancing in the pit of my stomach as I reached into my wallet and took out the card he’d given me. I was feeling fairly confident as I picked up my phone and dialed his number, but the nerves kicked in the second I heard his voice on the other end of the line respond, “You got Widow.”

  Chapter 7


  I left Frankie’s place with the mindset I wouldn’t be seeing her or her boys again. That didn’t mean I hadn’t thought about them. It seemed I couldn’t get them off my mind. Hearing the stories Corry had shared about his piece of shit father got to me. Hell, they haunted me. I hated to think that he or Frankie had been forced to suffer a past so similar to my own, but Corry had something I didn’t have. He had a mother who was strong enough to find a way out. But that was Frankie. Strong and determined. A woman who would stop at nothing to protect the people she loved.

  When I’d given her my number, I never actually thought she’d use it, so I was surprised she’d texted to thank me for dropping off the new spare. I was even more surprised when she called to tell me she was sitting alone in her coffee shop drinking fucking wine. Not only that, she was pretty insistent that I come see her. I couldn’t tell her no—not after hearing the low, intoxicating tone in her voice. I told myself I was just going to check on her, that she’d been drinking and I needed to make sure she made it home okay. Deep down, I knew that wasn’t the case and I was fucking up, but that didn’t stop me from getting on my bike and driving over there.

  When I pulled up to the shop, there was only one light on, and I didn’t see any sign of Frankie anywhere. I knocked on the door, and after several seconds, I spotted her walking in my direction. I was pleased to see that she seemed to be walking just fine. In fact, she looked in complete control as she turned the lock and opened the door. She batted those long eyelashes at me and smiled. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” I stepped inside and waited for her to lock the door behind me. “You doing okay?”

  “Better now.”

  “Is that right?”


  “How’s that wine treatin’ ya?”

  “It’s made me forget what an asshole my ex-husband is, so I’d say it’s treating me pretty good.” Her eyes skirted around the room as she said, “I probably should’ve waited until I got home to open the bottle, but then...I probably wouldn’t be seeing you right now if I did that.”

  Her eyes darkened as her gaze drifted to my lips. I’d seen that look in enough women to know what she was thinking. Hell, I was thinking the same damn thing, and I knew it would only lead to trouble. Big fucking trouble. I took a step back, hoping a little distance would ease the burning need I was feeling. Unfortunately, it didn’t ease a damn thing. She was so damn beautiful, so fucking tempting. I knew it was wrong to want her like I did, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. Hell, it took all I had in me to fight the urge to reach for her and pull her close. Damn. “Frankie, I’m not sure what you have in mind here, but you should really think about it.”

  “I’ve already thought about it. I’ve thought about it
a lot actually.”

  “And what exactly have you been thinking?”

  “I’ve been thinking that you should kiss me.”

  Her words caught me by surprise. From the moment I’d met her, she’d seemed reserved and a bit guarded, so I hadn’t expected her to be so brazen. But I liked it. Hell, I fucking loved it. I leaned forward with my mouth hovering over hers for what seemed like a lifetime, giving her a chance to stop me. When she didn’t resist or show the slightest hesitation, I lowered my mouth to hers and kissed her, long and hard. I hadn’t wanted to let myself admit it, but it was a kiss I’d been waiting for since the moment we’d met. I felt her body tremble as I delved further into her mouth, exploring every inch with my tongue. A light moan of need escaped her throat as we both inched closer.

  Damn. I’d tried to fight it, but I wanted this woman. I wanted every fucking inch of her, and if this kiss was any indication, she felt the same. Things were starting to get heated, really fucking heated, so I stepped back, breaking our embrace. Disappointment filled her crystal blue eyes as she muttered, “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, Frankie. You didn’t do anything wrong. As far as I’m concerned, you did everything right.” My eyes left hers as I said, “But you’ve been drinking. I need to know this isn’t just the wine talking.”

  “It’s not the wine, Widow. I know what I want.”

  “Roman.” It was a name no one had called me in years, but standing there with her in my arms, I needed to hear it. I needed to hear it from her. “When it’s just me Roman.”

  “Roman. Umm. The name suits you.”

  “I need you to be sure about this, Frankie.” There was no doubt I wanted to fuck her. Hell, I craved her and couldn’t wait to bury my cock deep inside her, but before I could do that, I had to let her know where I stood. “Can’t promise you anything more than tonight. This moment. Right here. Right now. After that, there are no guarantees.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t change anything.” I held her gaze as she lifted her hand to my face, gently running her fingertip across my bottom lip. “I want this, Roman, and that’s not the wine talking. It’s me. All me.”

  I have no idea who moved first, but the next thing I knew, her lips were back on mine. A light moan vibrated through her chest when my tongue slid across her bottom lip with a lazy glide, and my hand gripped the back of her neck for better access as I delved deeper into her mouth. My tongue tangled with hers as she arched her hips towards me. Her fingers dove into my hair, and she pulled me towards her, crashing her mouth against mine in a hungry kiss. The kiss quickly became heated, making my cock throb with need. I’d never wanted anyone like I wanted her. Everything about her got to me.

  Her scent.

  The soft caress of her lips.

  The warmth of her body pressed against mine.

  The uncontrollable need that burned inside of me whenever she was close.

  It was too much. I couldn’t fucking resist. Not a single moment longer. I took a charging step forward, pinning her back against the counter. I looked down at her and watched the rise and fall of her chest as she tried to control the rush of need coursing through her veins.

  “Dammit, woman. You’re killing me,” I told her as my hand dropped to her jeans. With a quick twist, I undid the button, then slipped my hand down between her legs. A light hiss escaped her lungs when I eased the lining of her lace panties to the side and grazed her center with the tips of my fingers—my already hard cock pulsed against my zipper when I found she was already soaked. “You’re so fuckin’ wet.”

  She gasped as I used my free hand to undo the first few buttons of her blouse—just enough to reveal her perfectly round breasts. I cupped her breast in my hand, loving the feel of her delicate skin against my own. Her nipple was hard and begging for my mouth. I slid her bra strap down, and with her eyes on mine, I lowered my mouth and began swirling my tongue around her sensitive flesh. Her head fell back as she moaned, “Oh God.”

  I nipped and sucked, relishing the sounds of her little moans and whimpers as I teased her with my tongue and my teeth. Becoming impatient, she reached for the waistband of her jeans. Desire flashed through her eyes as she lowered them, along with her panties, to the floor. Seeing her standing before me in nothing but her white button down took my fucking breath away. “You have any idea how bad I want you right now?”

  “Um-hmm.” She purred. “Just as much as I want you.”

  I started to lift her up on the counter when she glanced behind us at all the store front windows. I knew what she was thinking even before she muttered, “Office. Office. Office.”


  She pointed down the hall. Without a moment’s hesitation, I lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around me as I carried her into her office. I was pleased to find that she had a large desk centered in the back of the room. I quickly carried her over to it and lowered her onto the wood surface. I was so thirsty for her that I could barely think as I eased her legs over my shoulders and lowered my mouth between her thighs. She inhaled a deep breath when the bristles of my beard brushed against her soft skin, her back arching off the table as my tongue skimmed across her smooth center. I spread her trembling legs wider, and a needful moan echoed through the room as I began to nip and suck her delicate flesh. “Damn, baby. You taste so fucking fucking heaven.”

  Frankie’s breath became uneven and hitched as I slipped my finger deep inside her. Focused and unrelenting, I teased her g-spot with a slow and steady rhythm. Her hips inched forward as she tensed around me, and goosebumps prickled across her skin. Loving how her beautiful body responded to my touch, I continued grazing and teasing her clit with my tongue, tormenting her as she writhed beneath me. Overcome by her impending release, her hips lifted up from the desk, begging for me to give her more. I instantly drove another finger deep inside her while I played with her clit using the pad of my thumb until she got exactly what she needed.

  Her head thrashed back as she gasped, “Yes!”

  “That’s it, baby.” Adding more pressure, I demanded, “Come for me.”

  That’s all it took. While muttering my name incoherently, she submitted to her release and clamped down around my fingers. Damn. Seeing her come undone turned me on more than I could’ve ever imagined. I couldn’t wait a moment longer. I had to be inside her. She was still in the throes of her release when I grabbed a condom from my wallet, lowered my jeans enough to free myself, and slid it on. Her eyes locked on mine as I slipped my hands under her ass and pulled her to the edge of the desk. Fuck. She looked so damn beautiful sprawled out and waiting for me with that wanton look in her eyes. I brushed my throbbing cock against her slick center and nearly lost it.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I tried to calm the storm of need that was raging inside of me, but Frankie was eager for more. Unable to wait a moment longer, she wrapped her legs around me and forced me deep inside. I froze. She felt too fucking good. I slowly withdrew, watching her expression as I asked, “You like having my cock inside you?”

  She managed a slight nod as she muttered, “God, yes!”

  A slight hiss slipped through her teeth as I drove into her again and again—each time a bit faster and more unforgiving. Her heels dug into my back and she moaned, “Roman.”

  As much as I loved having her this way, I wanted more. I needed to feel her, touch every inch of her gorgeous body, so I lowered my hands to her hips and carefully lifted her from the desk. I carried her over to the sofa, pushed my jeans down a bit further, then lowered us down onto the cushions, letting Frankie’s knees straddle me. I dropped my hands to her waist and started guiding her over my cock in an unforgiving rhythm. She placed her hands on my shoulders, trying to steady herself as she shouted, “Roman!”

  Fuck. There was something about hearing her call out my name that sent an intense heat coursing through my body. I burned for her, every fucking inch of me was consumed by my need for this woman, and I feared I might never
feel this way for anyone else. Shifting her hips upward, she continued to rock against me. When I slammed into her again, I could feel her muscles contracting all around me as her second orgasm started to take hold. My body grew rigid as my release inched its way through me. Her head fell back as she cried out, “Oh yes. Yes!”

  I fisted my hand in her long hair, giving it a gentle tug, as I thrust forward, driving inside her once again. She was so fucking hot, so tight, and it was all too much. Damn. I couldn’t imagine a better feeling. I drew back and slammed into her again, taking her harder and deeper.

  “Fuckkk!” I shouted out as my throbbing cock demanded its release. My fingers dug into her hips as I guided her forward in a feverish rhythm until I came deep inside of her. We both stilled, fighting to catch our breath, and after several moments, Frankie eased off me and over to the spot next to me. I stood and tossed the condom in the trash, then pulled up my jeans before sitting back down next to her. She didn’t move. She just sat there watching me from the corner of her eye. “You doing okay over there?”

  “More than okay.” She finally turned to me and asked, “What about you?”

  “Same.” I let my eyes skirt over her body and smiled. “You’re incredible.”

  “I don’t know about that.” A look of insecurity flashed through her eyes as she tugged at her blouse. As she tried to cover herself, she glanced back over at me and mumbled, “It’s been awhile since I’ve with anyone.”

  “I meant what I said. You were incredible.” I stood and zipped up my jeans then started out of the office. “And if it’s been awhile, I sure couldn’t tell.”

  I picked up her jeans from the floor and carried them back into the office. A light blush crossed her face as I offered Frankie her jeans and panties. I turned my back, giving her a moment of privacy as she got dressed. I was taking a look around her desk when I noticed a small box next to her laptop. Not sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing, I stepped closer for a better look, and to my surprise, it was a mid-sized, purple vibrator. I picked up the box and held it up where she could see as I asked, “What’s this?”


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