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Everlonging Desires

Page 10

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Skyler and Dustin helped Trisha up the stairs to her room, so she could change and get ready for dinner. She had inquired if it would be formal and since it was to be their last dinner before the wedding everyone had agreed to dress up. Jeannie and Tony were even coming by to visit with the boys and enjoy some great food.

  Levi and Travis had been working hard in the kitchen making sure everything was perfect, and while Travis set the table; Levi ran to their room to get changed.

  Dustin and Skyler decided to wear nice jeans and button-up western themed shirts. Skyler, of course, was sporting his signature black cowboy hat and bolo tie. Dustin had decided to fix his hair instead of wearing a hat, and as they made their way down the stairs together, Travis and Levi smiled at them.

  When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Dustin shouted, “Mama, dinner’s ready!”

  Trisha yelled back, “Hold your horses I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Dustin sighed, this could be a while. The doorbell rang behind them, and Travis opened the door to find Jeannie dressed in a signature little black dress and red pumps. Tony was wearing blue jeans and a blazer with a neat ethnic patterned shirt.

  Tony extended his hand and greeted everyone with a warm smile. Jeannie, of course, greeted everyone with a rib-cracking hug.

  Tony tousled Levi hair, “What’s up little bro? I haven’t seen you guys much since we all got back from Jake and Shane’s wedding.”

  Levi quipped, “Yeah what’s up with that?”

  Tony shrugged, “I got to make that money to keep this woman looking fine.”

  He grinned at Jeannie, and she smacked his arm playfully, “Oh hush.”

  Travis interrupted their banter, “Oh, where are my manners? Tony this is Skyler Cooley and Dustin.”

  Tony gripped the boys’ hands firmly, “So nice to meet you, Jeannie told me you guys are getting married tomorrow?”

  Skyler was beaming as he replied, “We sure are!”

  He threw an arm around Dustin, “Can’t wait to make this little cowpoke mine.”

  Dustin blushed at the smooth man, and Tony grinned at him, “You’re a quiet one, no need to feel self-conscious around me. I’m cool.”

  Dustin smiled at him, and they saw Trisha emerge at the top of the stairs. They were all shocked and amazed at how pretty the woman cleaned up. She was wearing a red sequin dress that caught the lights in the chandeliers beautifully. She was wearing red flats to match her outfit, and she posed dramatically at the top of the stairs as she quipped, “I’m ready for my closeup.”

  Jeannie laughed with amusement and turned to Dustin, “Who is this?”

  Dustin beamed proudly, “That’s my mama!”

  Skyler rushed up the stairs and offered her his arm. She smiled at him, “Why mister I do declare, you could charm the morning dew off the honeysuckle.”

  Levi was dancing in place from excitement, it was the closest to a drag queen he was ever going to see, and Travis watched his boy with an exhausted expression.

  Once Trisha reached the bottom of the stairs Jeannie greeted her with a hug, and Tony kissed her hand, making the woman swoon from all the attention. She popped a hand fan from her sleeve and fanned herself wildly, “Now who is this fine man?”

  Jeannie grinned, “This is Tony Davis, Mrs. Trisha; he is my boyfriend.”

  Trisha grinned, “Well you are mighty fine.”

  Tony chuckled. Trisha turned her attention to Travis and Levi, “So, what’s for dinner, I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

  Levi had suppressed his laughter too long and erupted at the woman’s dramatic expressions. Travis continued to hold his composure, “Mrs. Trisha we are having your favorite Fried Chicken with collards and mashed potatoes.”

  Tony chimed in, “Her favorite? That’s mine too!”

  Trisha turned to the man, “A man after my own heart.”

  Jeannie giggled, “I like you, Mrs. Trisha.”

  She turned to Levi and Travis, “Well take me to the dining room boys, I’m ready to test the elasticity of this dress.”

  As they stepped around the corner and Trisha saw the beautiful antique furniture and the table setting she reached into her purse, “This is so pretty, I have to get a picture.”

  She pulled out an old Polaroid camera and snapped a picture when it popped out she fanned it and set it on the buffet. “There now while that develops let me get some of everyone all dressed up.”

  She took several pictures before taking her seat at the table. Travis and Levi excused themselves to the kitchen to bring everything in. The night was ripe with excitement as they dined together and talked until late in the evening.


  The next morning the house was silent, Travis and Levi were the only ones awake downstairs. They were always up this early. Travis was sipping his coffee on the front porch, and Levi was reading a book. The phone rang inside; it was Jeannie. She was calling to see if Dustin and Skyler were up and ready to try on suits at the shop.

  Levi hung up the phone and yelled upstairs, “Dustin! Sky! Jeannie’s on her way to the shop; she said to meet her there ASAP. Skyler groaned and rolled over to hug Dustin from behind. Dustin basked in the warmth of his body for a moment before speaking, “Good Morning, Mr. Cooley, are you ready for our big day?”

  Skyler smiled and moaned, “I have been waiting for this day for ten years.”

  Trisha hobbled her way down the hall to their door and knocked, “Boys its wedding day, time to get up, you have to meet Ms. Jeannie to try on suits.”

  Dustin shouted at the door, “We're working on it Ma!”

  She rebutted, “Y’all quit diddling in there and get up; there will be plenty of time for that on the honeymoon.”

  Skyler rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed; he stretched and yawned, and Dustin tumbled out of bed to make his way to the door. As he opened it, his mother was standing in the doorway smiling like a Cheshire cat. She chirped, “Morning sunshine!”

  Dustin groaned, “What time is it anyway?”

  Trisha glanced at her watch, “It’s 8 am babycakes.”

  She craned her head around him to look at Skyler, “Morning baby, get yourself up, showered, and shaved. You got to be looking spiffy for my boy here.”

  Dustin smiled at her, “We’ve got it from here Ma!”

  Trisha closed the door and made her way downstairs to harass Travis and Levi,

  “Mama’s up, and she’s hungry.” She shouted; her voice echoed down the stairs like a foghorn.

  Levi called back to her from the kitchen, “We’re in here Mrs. Trisha.”

  Travis was icing cinnamon buns, and Levi was pulling another tray from the oven.

  Trisha inhaled deeply; basking in the delicious smells wafting from the kitchen. She poked her head around the doorway and shouted, “Are them cinnamon buns?”

  Travis laughed and turned to answer her, “Why yes ma’am they are.”

  Trisha purred with delight as she tip-toed over to Travis and the serving tray with ones he had finished icing. Travis stepped back as the woman slowly reached to snatch one. Levi was watching with an amused expression.

  “I take it you like them,” Levi chuckled.

  Trisha turned to him her face highlighted with a serious expression, “Let’s just say there are two things I used to love in life, making love and eating sweets, and since I can’t do the other anymore. This is like a mouthgasm for me.”

  Travis grimaced at the expression and Levi erupted in laughter, Trisha moaned with delight after taking the first bite of the bun. She whispered to the bun while smacking her lips, “That’s the spot baby, Why don’t we take this to the bedroom.” She turned to leave the kitchen and then turned back to grab another.

  She winked at Travis, “It’s so good I might want it twice.”

  Travis was red with embarrassment, as Trisha sauntered out of the kitchen while eating the first one, and turned to go back upstairs. Levi turned to hug the man, Travis rested
his head on Levi’s shoulder; he mumbled, “When do they leave?”

  Levi mumbled, “Aw poor baby, not until tomorrow.”

  Travis sighed, they separated and made their way to the dining room. They had fixed other things for breakfast as well. They enjoyed their quality time together, and with the house being full all weekend, they took advantage of every quiet moment they could get together.

  Upstairs, Dustin had thrown on some jeans and a t-shirt while Skyler showered and got ready. He could smell the cinnamon buns his mama had brought upstairs to her room, and they were making him hungry.

  As he passed the bathroom, he peeked in the door at Skyler who was standing in his towel trimming his beard.

  Skyler smiled at him, “Hey cowpoke, what you need?”

  Dustin blushed, they had been together for almost six months now, but something about the day was making him feel vulnerable and shy. It was a big day for both of them. It was a day Skyler had planned with Jimmy, that due to unfortunate events never happened, and it was his first and only wedding day.

  “I’m going to go downstairs and grab some breakfast,” Dustin replied.

  “Bring me one of those cinnamon buns, will you?” Skyler grinned.

  “You smelled them too?” Dustin quipped.

  Skyler grinned, “How could I not, your mother sounded like she was making love in there a few minutes ago.”

  Dustin whined, “Eww!”

  Skyler laughed as Dustin closed the door behind him and made his way down the stairs to the dining room.

  Travis lowered his newspaper and nodded at him, “Hi Dustin, How are you this morning kiddo?”

  Dustin smiled, “Super nervous, but happy.”

  Travis sat his paper down on the table and grabbed his cup of coffee, “There is nothing to be nervous about, you love Skyler, and he loves you. Relax and enjoy the day.”

  Levi was in the kitchen; he heard them conversating and shouted, “Good morning Dustin, would you like a cinnamon bun?”

  Travis added, “I iced them!”

  Levi emerged with a plate full of cinnamon buns the size of softballs and handed them to him. Dustin was impressed by how delicious and pretty they were.

  “Did you guys make these?” he asked.

  Levi quipped, “Yeah, we make everything here!”

  Dustin replied, “They look divine, are these for us?”

  Levi grinned, “Of course they are, take some to Skyler!”

  Travis smiled at Levi; he loved seeing the boy playing homemaker. There was something sweet and alluring about it. He often thought Levi would make a great parent, but he knew Levi liked to be the center of attention and had no desire for them to have kids.

  While Dustin conversed with Travis and Levi, Skyler had finished grooming in the bathroom and had gone back to the bedroom to get dressed. The importance of the day weighed heavy on his heart as the morning progressed to noon. He was lost in thoughts of Jimmy, the boy he never got to marry. He remembered the day he proposed to him. The boy was so surprised he could not find the words to speak.

  Skyler could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, remembering his beautiful face and the joy of that moment in time. He could not hold them back any longer and as his teardrops traced their way down his cheeks; he felt a rush of cold air from behind him. He turned to see Jimmy standing in the sunbeams reflecting from the window.

  Skyler flinched in fear and took a step back. His thoughts were racing, and he swallowed hard before speaking to the smiling apparition. “Jimmy?” he whispered.

  The spirit spoke softly, “Hi Cowboy.”

  Skyler stood to attention and wiped the tears from his face. He choked, “It’s been a long time Jimbo.”

  The boy moved closer to him, the light breeze blowing through the window made the curtains dance hauntingly. Jimmy continued, “I just came to wish you luck.”

  Skyler shouted, “But why now, All the years I spent praying to see your face just one more time. I would have sold everything I owned just to touch you one last time.”

  Jimmy lifted his hand to touch Skyler’s face, and Skyler could feel the light pressure of the wind caress his skin. He closed his eyes and began to weep, His hands folding to his face to feel Jimmy’s.

  Jimmy spoke again, “I will always love you. No matter where you are I am with you like the desires you had for us in your heart, they are everlonging, and I will linger forever in the pathways of your mind. If you ever find yourself longing to see my face just know what we shared can never be erased.”

  Skyler couldn't speak even though there was so much he wanted to say he just let his tears fall, as the boy's voice resonated through the empty room. Jimmy continued, “I like Dustin, he has the patience and innocence I did not, and I can rest in peace knowing you aren’t alone.”

  Skyler whined, “I miss you so much.”

  Jimmy whispered, “I don’t have much time, but I wanted to see you before you were no longer mine. I wanted to say that all of the times you were hurting so badly all you could do was cry; I was with you, and all of the moments you felt so lonely that you wondered if life was worth living, I was with you. ”

  Jimmy wiped away the tears from his eyes and whispered, “I saw every tear, I felt every fear, and I want you to know I have been and always will be here.”

  Skyler opened his eyes to look into Jimmy’s, and as he spoke squeezed the last few tears from his eyes, his voice was hoarse as he spoke: “There was never a day that went by where I didn’t think about you.”

  Skyler leaned in to kiss the boy one last time, and with a flicker of light and a silent goodbye, Jimmy was gone leaving him standing there alone with his thoughts.

  The door to the bedroom opened, and Dustin entered munching away on his cinnamon bun, “What’s wrong Sky? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Skyler threw his arms around the boy, and squeezed him tightly, “I love you so very much,”

  Dustin lowered his head on his shoulder, “I love you too Sky.”


  Skyler didn’t want to tell Dustin about his visit with Jimmy, his life with him was just a memory now. He was looking forward to his bright new future with Dustin, but the experience gave him something no one else could; closure.

  After Skyler was dressed and ate one of the cinnamon buns Travis and Levi had made, the boys made their way downstairs. They had to meet Jeannie at the shop to pick out what they were wearing. Skyler didn’t care much for suits, and to say the least, he was reluctant to go, but since it was such a special day and Dustin was so excited about it; he was happy to oblige if it made Dustin happy.

  Travis and Levi were waiting on the porch to drive them into town. Travis greeted Skyler with a friendly handshake, and they all proceeded to the truck. Once they had arrived in town, Dustin was awestruck at all the little shops and stores. There were more stores on one street than in the whole town of Shenandoah where he and Skyler lived.

  They pulled up to the historic little boutique with the pink neon letters that read Jeannie’s. Skyler groaned, “Aw man, this is a lady store.”

  Levi quipped, “What did you expect?”

  Skyler reached around his seat and poked Levi in the ribs, making him call out in pain, “Travis; He poked me!”

  Travis could not help but feel like a father watching over a group of restless children. He yelled, “Why can’t you all be like Dustin?”

  Levi turned and stuck his tongue out at Skyler, who mimicked his gesture. Travis gripped the side of Levi’s cheeks with his thumb and forefinger, “Am I going to have to whip you right here in the truck in front of all the church people?”

  Skyler snickered from the back seat, and Travis turned, “You know I can whip your ass, ever since we were teenagers.”

  Skyler lifted his hands in surrender, “I’m cool.”

  Dustin grinned at the commotion, and Travis smiled at him while shaking his head in frustration. Dustin finally joined in the game and shot Skyler a smug glance,
“I’m a good boy.”

  Skyler quipped, “You weren’t such a good boy when you were licking my…”

  Travis yelled, “Skyler! Let’s just get inside and get this over with.”

  As they opened the door to Jeannie shop, the smell of perfume was thick in the air. Mannequins adorned with fabulous prom dress, and designer clothing were scattered strategically through the store.

  Jeannie shouted from the other side of the store, “I’m back here boys!”

  They passed through a curtained doorway to see Jeannie holding several suits and flipping through racks. She glanced at Skyler and smiled at him making him feel nervous.

  She screeched, “First victim!”

  Dustin gave him a nudge, and Jeannie grabbed his hand holding several very suave looking black tuxedoes up to his frame.

  Her face contorted as she observed the way each of them looked on him, She finally muttered, Mmm hmm and shouted, “This one!”

  She handed him the black jacket with a shiny black collar, it was double breasted to accent his pecs, and the pants were white, “Here, go try this on!”

  Skyler glanced at her inquisitively, and she waved at him, “Go on, get, the dressing rooms are back there.”

  Once Skyler had left she turned her attention to Dustin, “Are you still wearing Levi’s suit or do you want to try something different?”

  Dustin smiled at her, “Well, I wouldn’t mind trying something different, but I’m not sure.”

  Jeannie rolled her eyes and turned to Levi, “Do you mind if he tries on something else?”

  He turned to Dustin, “No not at all!”

  Jeannie turned back to Dustin, “Alright kid lets see what we’ve got.”

  She flipped through a few suits and stopped; she glanced at Dustin and then at the suit. She yanked it from the rack with excitement, “This one!”

  It was off-white with a matching vest and pants. The creamy color accented nicely with Dustin’s pale skin. She ran to the back to check on Skyler before giving Dustin his suit to try on. She yelled, “Everything okay in there?”


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