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Savage Dragon: Earth Dragons Series: Book 2

Page 4

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “You okay?” he asked, pulling out of her. Obsidian sat back. She fell onto her elbows as he pulled away. The horror of how this was going to affect not just her, but others, descended on her. Demi couldn’t help it. It was like the gates to her emotions had just been opened, she burst into tears. The reality of her life finally sunk in.

  Chapter 5

  Obsidian felt extreme euphoria as his blood rushed through his veins. His whole body vibrated, still coming down from a high.

  He’d just had the best rut of his entire life, so it was to be expected. It even beat out his first rut ‒ and by a mile. He’d never felt a pussy quite so tight or so wet. Never had a female so vocal or receptive. Her eyes were beautiful. So dark. So lovely. Just like every part of her. He loved how hazy they became as he fucked her. He loved how she chewed on her lip and then clenched her jaw just before she had come. He loved how she felt on the end of his cock. He loved the beautiful golden color of her skin and how soft it felt. All of it shocked him. A wolf ‒ and in her skin at that ‒ should not be so attractive to him. He’d never taken a female on her back before, had never looked into her eyes while he rutted. He had enjoyed it far too much. Then again, it had been a very long time since he had rutted. That had to be it.

  Obsidian was trying to decide whether to rut her again or whether to lick her slit until she creamed all over his face. He was still debating when she tensed up underneath him. She made this little noise that told him all was not well.

  By scale but maybe he had hurt her. Or worse ‒ he felt himself panic ‒ what if she hadn’t wanted this at all? Maybe she had given him mixed signals. Maybe she had felt so good he hadn’t heard her say ‘no’. Maybe he’d terrified her so badly that she hadn’t been able to say ‘no’.

  That couldn’t be though. No fucking way! He pulled back. “You okay?” he forced himself to say the words rather than to snarl them. “Hurt?” he growled. “Hurt you?” He moved until he was sitting, lifting her onto his lap. Obsidian smoothed the hair from her face.

  The female was crying. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She was all out sobbing. Pausing to pull in deep breaths. She turned her head into his chest.

  By scale, he didn’t know what to do. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. She had definitely come. Twice. And hard. Surely she had wanted the rutting? Surely he hadn’t hurt her? “Demi,” he said her name as he suddenly remembered what it was.

  “I’m fine,” she pushed out between sobs, but her shoulders only shook harder. Her cries of anguish grew louder.

  “Please.” He rubbed her back. “Tell me. You are not fine.” He was at a total loss. “This is not fine.”

  “Hold me. Just hold me.” She put an arm around his waist. She sobbed between hard breaths. “It’s not you. Not…” He felt her shake her head. “I’m sorry.”

  Oh! Yes! It made sense to him then. It was the sadness he had seen in her eyes. She’d mentioned other emotions as well. Sadness was the main one though. He’d seen it, scented it, it was unmistakable. Obsidian had thought that he was sad. It wasn’t just sorrow or depression he felt. Although he was angry a lot too. It sometimes got him into trouble. His biggest feeling was that of loneliness. He suspected she might be suffering from the same.

  Obsidian hooked an arm around her, pulling her in close. He cupped the back of her head in his hand. “I’ve got you,” he whispered as she sobbed against his chest.

  He held her like that for a long time. Her breathing finally slowed, as did her sobs. She fell asleep in his arms. Obsidian didn’t move, although he suspected she wouldn’t wake even if he did. He wasn’t willing to take the risk. This female was completely spent.

  He sat there until his back ached. Until his right butt cheek went completely numb. The sun finally set, the forest falling to shadows. The shadows gave way to night.

  Only then did she stir in his arms. Demi lifted her head with a startled intake of breath. Her eyes were hazy. “Where…what?” Her voice was hoarse with sleep. She glanced his way, her eyes widening. She scrubbed a hand over her face. “Oh shit!” she announced, trying to get off his lap. “It’s dark,” her voice sounded panicked, “I need to get home. I can’t believe I slept…so long and,” she forced out a breath, “so deeply.” She tried to stand up a second time.

  Obsidian held onto her. “Wait.” He gulped. He’d never been good with words. “Are you…okay?”

  She looked sheepish, looking down and then back up at him. “I’m fine.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. He could scent fear as well, which worried him.

  Obsidian narrowed his eyes. “Why are you afraid?”

  “I’m not…I’m…” She stopped. “I’m going to be in trouble when I get back…that’s all. I’m fine though. I haven’t slept like that in a long time.” Her eyes softened. “I guess I, I needed it. All of it.” She leaned in and kissed him. Touching her lips to his for half a second.

  Obsidian was too startled to do anything. He had never kissed anyone before. This was the second time she had done it to him, and he found he liked it.

  “Thank you,” she said, drawing his attention to her.

  “Still sad.” He cupped her cheek, seeing the emotion in her eyes. Dark and lovely but filled with such sorrow that it made his own chest tighten, even though he didn’t know this wolf. He somehow felt connected to her now, after they’d rutted, which was idiotic. It was just fucking. Nothing more or less. Two people needing release and finding it with one another. She did intrigue him though. He wouldn’t have been there otherwise.

  She bit down on her lower lip and shrugged. Like her sorrow was just one of those things. “I’ll be fine.”

  “You sure? Not good at talking but I’m a good listener.” His voice was sharp and jagged from disuse. Like he’d swallowed barbed thorns. It was good to speak again though. Now that he had a reason to do so.

  This time he let her get up. She was gorgeous under the moonlight. All long limbs. She smiled. “Listening…that’s not all you’re good at.”

  Obsidian smiled back. He felt his cheeks heat, feeling like a whelp again.

  “I should get going.” She toed the sand. It didn’t matter what she said. He had learned to look past words, he could see that she didn’t really want to leave.

  “But you don’t want to.” He stood up as well, stretching out his aching muscles.

  She shook her head. “What? Get back to reality? Not at all, but I have to.”

  “I want to rut you again.”

  She laughed. “Straight to the point.”

  “Yes.” Thankfully she seemed to like that about him. “I think you would feel better if—” What was that? His senses twitched. Obsidian lifted his chin, he sniffed the air.

  “What is it?” She frowned.

  “Something is approaching.”

  “I can’t hear anything.” She looked worried, her eyes moving upwards and then from left to right. “Are you sure?” she whispered.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “More than one body, and with purpose. Not human. Still far away but moving fast.” Obsidian frowned. “Wolves and something bigger…heavy…” He sniffed the air, trying to lock down on the scent.

  “A bear.”

  “Yes…that’s it. It’s a bear. Wolves and bears…a strange combination.” He frowned.

  “Shit!” Her eyes clouded with fear. “It’s probably Cody. It’s night time already. I don’t normally stay out this late. We had a fight…he might have checked up on me and found me gone.” Her eyes were wide. The female dropped down into a crouch, her eyes narrowing and her back arching slightly. She whined once, looking like she might shift at any second.

  He could scent adrenaline. Why was she reacting like this? Who was this male? They couldn’t be together, since he hadn’t scented anyone on her. Demi was sad and fearful for a reason though. He didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  “Go.” She moved back to her full height and pushed at him. “You shouldn’t be here when they arrive,” she added,
starting to look panicked. “I don’t want any trouble.” She looked in the direction they were coming from. “We shouldn’t have rutted.”

  Obsidian shook his head. “You’re afraid. I’m not leaving. I will wait until this Cody gets here. I will make sure you are safe.”

  “I am safe,” she insisted, but he wasn’t buying it. Her body’s reaction told him “Please, I’m fine. Just go,” she whispered, pushing at his chest again. “I don’t want any trouble for you. I’m in a boatload as it is.” More fear wafted from her. More adrenaline. Her eyes flashed to the sound of the approaching males and then back to him.

  “Is someone hurting you?” he growled, trying to keep his voice low.

  “It’s not what you think,” she whispered.

  “Why are you so worried?” he insisted. Warning bells clanged inside his mind.

  “It doesn’t concern you!” she snapped, lifting her chin in defiance. “Thank you for the rut. I enjoyed myself. Even though you shouldn’t have, thank you for letting me sleep for so long.” Her whole demeanor softened. “I need to get back to my life now. It was nice just to forget about everything for a little while, but…it’s over now. You need to go…if they find you here with me after what just happened…you’ll be hurt. They may even kill you.”



  The sorrow in her eyes.

  Obsidian didn’t give a shit about himself. He was sure he could take a few shifters easily. He was worried about Demi. Were these others going to hurt her? They were getting closer now. So close that she could hear them now too. Her eyes widened, her heart went nuts.

  Fuck it!

  Obsidian partially shifted. It took him less than a second. It was a little trick he had learned. He’d have the strength and speed of a dragon without the size and massive wingspan. He picked the female up and began to run through the dense forest.

  * * *

  What the hell was he doing?

  Obsidian ran so fast her eyes stung. “No!” she yelled, looking in the direction they had just left. Her pack was hot on their heels. She could just make out the sounds of their padded footfalls, their yips and growls as her scent must have grown stronger. It would be Cody, her father, her brother maybe. There might even be one or two members of the wolf pack.

  She cringed. They would be able to scent what she had done. Shame burned inside her. It quickly gave way to anger. Screw it. She had never agreed to mating Cody. Why were they even there looking for her? After their conversation, Cody must have assumed that she had run away. Demi had been tempted and still was. They entered a sparse section of the forest.

  Before she could think about it anymore, she heard more cracking. Demi felt more scales erupt from the skin beneath her fingers. Then he was taking to the air through a gap in the canopy, flying so swiftly her eyes watered and her vision briefly faded black. Flickering a few times before coming back into focus. The ground pulling away so rapidly it made her feel nauseous.

  Why was he doing this?

  Why not just leave like she had asked?

  Surely, he didn’t think there was something between them after one rut? It had been good, but it didn’t change things for her. It hadn’t meant anything.

  They flew for five or ten minutes, the ground a blur below them. For such a big male, he was quick, his wings silent. They landed next to a river. It flowed fast, the water surging and churning.

  She watched open-mouthed as Obsidian, still in dragon form, waded into the water. The male was strong. Water moving at that speed, currents like those, would have taken most who dared try that. She inhaled and headed to the bank herself. Demi drank deeply and then, wading to her knees, she washed as best she could. Even here, so close to the bank, the currents were fierce.

  Demi walked back out and folded her arms, waiting for Obsidian. A minute later, he waded out as well, giving his big body a shake. Water droplets went flying. Then he walked over to where she was standing and growled.

  “Why did you bring me here? My home is back there.” She pointed in the direction they had just left.

  Obsidian made a growling, grunting noise.

  “I’m afraid I don’t speak dragon. You need to take me back.” She tried to keep her voice even. She might not know the male, but she believed him to be a good man. Big and powerful but harmless.

  Obsidian shook his great head. He growled low. Then he started shifting. The process long and laborious. Not as bad as before though.

  “Wow,” she said, as he finally stood before her in his skin. “That looked…difficult. Possibly even painful.”

  “I spend too much time…” he cleared his throat, his voice thick, deep and corded, “in my scales.”

  “I’m being told the same more and more often of late. About my fur, that is.” She smiled. “Although I’ll bet I’m not half as bad as you. Why did you bring me here?”

  “You’re sad and afraid. The approach of others was making you worse. I couldn’t leave you there.” He clenched and unclenched his fists. “Are you in trouble?”

  “No.” She shook her head. It felt so good to have someone actually care. To actually see her. Hear her, even though she hadn’t said anything. “My sister died,” her voice choked up.

  “I’m sorry.” He moved towards her, clutching a hand around her elbow. The gesture was friendly and warm. It was gentle, as was the concern in his eyes.

  “A freak accident. A car accident if you would believe it?” She felt her eyes well with tears. “Her soon-to-be mate was driving.” She blinked a couple of times. “They went over a cliff. The car rolled and ended up wrapped around a tree. Her…her…” She swallowed. “It was bad,” she finally said, shaking her head. Trying not to recall the state her older sister was in when they had pulled her from the wreckage.

  “Why do I get the feeling this gets worse?” Obsidian squeezed her upper arm.

  “Because it does.” She clutched her hands together in front of her. “Brie died a little over a year ago. She was my older sister. The promised Alpha of the Vale Creek wolf pack. Cody is the promised Alpha of the bear pack, who resides in the same territory. The two packs used to be at war. For many years there was blood shed over who had control of the two packs, since neither pack would leave. Both felt they had a right to be there. The elders always say that you had to live during that time to truly understand.”

  “I understand.” Obsidian nodded. “We are four different dragon species…we have lived through terrible wars amongst our own. There are still tensions.”

  “I am told that there are still tensions amongst the two packs as well. None that I can see but I am told they are there, and that war could break out at any time. That is why we have an agreement in place with the bears. There is an event that takes place every forty years that ensures a wolf and a bear mate. Not just any, but the strongest of each species. We hold a tournament for the children of the village. The winning male and female are called The Promised. They must be of the opposite sex. Bears and wolves take turns on who the male Alpha will be. One generation it is the bear and the next it is the wolves’ turn. This because the male decides what the offspring will be. If the male is a bear, then the young will be bear-shifters. Same with the wolves.”

  He nodded. “It is the same for dragons.”

  “Everything is done to ensure fairness and that the peace is kept between our species.”


  “There are runners-up. It is a hugely prestigious occasion. The winners are showered with praise.” She widened her eyes for a moment. “Cody and Brie, my sister, won the event and became promised to one another as children. Brie was fourteen and Cody was fifteen. The future Alpha male and female. They were raised with the knowledge that they would mate one day.”

  “Forgive me, but that’s…it’s…” Obsidian was frowning.

  “Weird?” she offered.

  He nodded. “Very strange. At least, that it is still enforced.”

  “It’s tradition.
It’s normal. It’s…how it is. Thankfully Cody and Brie were very much in love. They belonged together. They were a week away from their mating ceremony when...” Her lip quivered.

  “The accident?”

  “Yes.” She nodded, clearing her throat and the lump that had lodged itself there. “The worst day of our lives. We were so close. She was my best friend. We spoke about everything. Her first kiss…how much she loved Cody, their mating…all of it. I missed her unbearably, I still do. That’s why, when my father called me in for a meeting. When he told me what would be expected as next in line…” She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. “You see, I was the runner-up the day of the tournament. When Brie died, I became the promised female. The future Alpha female wolf.”

  She could see Obsidian processing the information. His eyes narrowed and his jaw tensed. “Don’t tell me.” He shook his head, letting her arm go. “They expect you to…to pick up where your sister left off?”

  She nodded. “At first I outright refused. Then I begged and pleaded. Cody has always been in full agreement with me. He has hated the idea as much as I have.”

  “It’s sick,” Obsidian growled. “I’m sorry, but…”

  “No, you’re right. It is sick and yet, it’s being forced on us. On me.” She licked her lips. “Especially since Cody is on board with the whole thing all of a sudden. He changed his mind. I’ve noticed a change in him since he was ordained Alpha. He spoke to me today to convince me to go with it, to give him…us a chance. How can I be expected to mate my dead sister’s lover? Her promised one? How? I’ve only ever seen him as a brother. I will never see him as more.”

  “That’s why you are so sad?”

  She nodded. “I’m sad because I lost my sister. Sad because of what is expected from me now that she is gone. Angry at the same time. I also feel guilty because I am letting my pack down. Refusing to mate Cody could bring on a war. I’m also lonely…” She laughed. “Hence what happened between us, I guess.”

  Obsidian had this look in his eyes that she couldn’t interpret. He finally nodded once. “Okay,” he said.


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