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Savage Dragon: Earth Dragons Series: Book 2

Page 8

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “Shall we do the blood-joining ceremony to consummate the union?” The elder removed and unsheathed a dagger. It was a plain gold blade with a bone handle.

  For a moment she was stunned, her eyes glued to the glinting blade. Blood-joining was more of a vampire tradition. One the other species used sometimes. “No!” She shook her head. “No…um…thank you,” she quickly added.

  The elder raised a brow. “I assure you it won’t hurt. It… Your father said that…”

  “No,” Cody said. “We appreciate the sentiment, but we will consummate the mating in…the usual fashion. Thank you, but no.”

  “As you wish.” The elder bowed his head and put the knife back into the sheath. He went on to tell a story that Demi barely heard.

  “And now,” the elder clutched his hands together, “we have come to my favorite part. With the rising of the sun, Cody of the bear pack and Demi of the wolf pack, you will be mated.”

  Dread filled her. This was not how she envisioned this moment. Her blood running cold. Disbelief rising with the passing of each second. It was stupid but she’d somehow thought that this moment wouldn’t come. That someone would stop it. Cody, her father, her mother…someone. Him. Had she been expecting the dragon shifter? Had she somehow expected Obsidian to swoop down and save her?

  The elder said something she didn’t hear. Demi turned to leave but Cody put a hand on her hip, turning her to him. “We must kiss,” he said.



  She took a steadying breath, looking up at him through the lace. He was such a handsome male. Ultimately a good male. She wished hard, and not for the first time, that she felt something for him. Just thinking that brought fresh waves of guilt.

  Cody lifted her veil, allowing it to fall down her back. He frowned, his jaw tightening. Fresh tears tracked down her cheeks. He leaned in, placing a kiss on the corner of her mouth. The whole thing was over in half a second and lord help her, but it had her heaving out a sigh of relief. He took her hand and they turned towards the crowd.

  This was normally when the whole village would erupt with cheers, shouts and catcalls. Not today. They rose to their feet and clapped. The air was serious, too serious.

  Demi worked hard to hold it together as they walked down the aisle. Her mother gave her a tight hug. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, sniffing.

  “It’s okay,” she said past the lump in her throat. It wasn’t her mother’s fault.

  Her father hugged her as well, whispering something to her that she didn’t register.

  Next, she hugged Serge. His expression reminded her of the day they had buried Brie. Just as grave.

  Lastly, she embraced her new family. First her mother-in-law and then her new father. She responded with a nod when they offered words of welcome. Every eye glued on them. She didn’t look left or right, or at any individual face. Everything was a blur. She felt completely numb.

  Should she tell Cody she wasn’t feeling well? That she needed to lie down? She couldn’t handle trying to make small-talk with everyone at the gathering. They were supposed to be happy and celebrating. Instead, her stomach churned at the thought of food. Her heart felt heavy.

  On the other hand, she needed to delay being alone with Cody for as long as possible. She didn’t think that she could handle what…would be expected of her.

  Cody turned to her slightly as they walked. “Let’s head home,” he whispered.

  She nodded once, not trusting her voice. The walk to their new residence took forever and at the same time it felt like mere moments. Demi wanted to hide away but didn’t want to be alone with Cody. The thought terrified her.

  The cottage they had been gifted was beautiful. It was a quaint three-bedroom stone and thatch double-story that bordered the forest and had a quaint garden and orchard.

  “Brie would have loved this.” The words came out before she could stop them.

  “Yeah, she would have.” His voice was wistful. “We will too,” he added, injecting something else. Something forceful.

  Demi didn’t say anything.

  Cody opened the door for her and stood to the side. As soon as the door was closed, he took off his jacket, hanging it over the back of a chair. Then he unbuttoned his cuffs. “We’d better get this over and done with.”

  The air seized in her lungs as she watched him take his shirt off. “Get what over and done with?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” He unbuttoned the top button of his pants. “We need to consummate this mating.” His eyes blazed and his jaw was tight.

  Chapter 10

  Stone’s eyes brightened as they landed on him. “Glad you could make it.” He smiled for half a second before he turned back into the serious team leader he was.

  Obsidian nodded. He grunted once. He was there, not for any other reason than that his brother had asked it of him. He owed Mountain for dragging him out of his mating bed the night before. So, when Obsidian had received the call to ask him to attend training this afternoon, he’d been obligated to be there. A waste of time, if you asked him. He was strong and fast. Better than every male in attendance. Training was obsolete. Training was for those who needed it. Not for him! His brother would argue that it had to do with teamwork. Blah blah blah… All hot air. He was already bored. Already itching to be in his scales and he’d only just arrived.

  “We’re going to focus on aerial combat,” Stone addressed the group of males, most of whom groaned at the news.

  Aerial combat. Good! Now this was a training session he could get into. He’d be able to take out some of his frustrations. He clicked his knuckles, eliciting a couple of dirty looks from the males closest to him.

  “You all know the rules. I don’t have to go through them with you. You are no longer whelps.” Stone let his eyes drift over the crowd.

  “Maybe you should, just to be on the safe side,” Clay said, his red hair giving him away immediately. He glanced back at Obsidian as he spoke, a deep frown creasing his brow.

  “You all know the rules.” Stone sounded a strange mix of both bored and irritated.

  “Some of us don’t come to training very often,” Clay growled out the words. “Maybe we’ve forgotten. Maybe we need reminding.” He clenched his jaw, his eyes still on Obsidian. He’d broken the asshole’s leg once. It had been an accident. Boo fucking hoo! Clay was such a loser.

  “Has anyone forgotten the rules?” Stone allowed his eyes to drift across the crowd once again. “Anyone?” he added unnecessarily as his gaze landed on Obsidian, where it stayed for a few beats. “That’s what I thought.” He nodded once. “We’re not whelps,” he muttered again under his breath. “This is a training session…not a war zone. That’s pretty much all you have to keep in mind.”

  “Yeah, right!” Clay grumbled, shaking his head.

  “All that is left,” Stone ignored the male, “is to decide on sparring pairs. Pick someone quickly.”

  Obsidian folded his arms across his chest and rolled his eyes. This was the part where everyone did as Stone said, except, no one would pick him. They never did. Bunch of pussies! So he had broken a couple of bones when he was younger. Didn’t mean it would happen again. The males quickly partnered up. No one approached him. Big surprise!

  Clay shoulder-bashed his partner a little too hard. It was Ore. A male much smaller in stature. Trust Clay to orchestrate an unfair partnership. One which assured him victory. It was stupid too, since Clay was a big male. He was good too. He didn’t need to always take the easy road. Poor Ore went flying into the males next to him, who thankfully kept him from falling.

  Stone got an unsettled look, his jaw tightening for a moment. Then he turned back to the general crowd. “Anyone aside from Obsidian and Flint who doesn’t have a partner?”

  Obsidian had to bite back a laugh when he saw the look on Flint’s face. The male was shitting himself. This was why he didn’t come to training very often. He’d go easy on the male. He’d remember the rules
and obey them.

  “Okay.” Stone nodded once. “I want to change things up though. Clay…” he pointed to the male, “I want you to team up with Obsidian.”

  Clay narrowed his eyes. “Ore and I have already—”

  “This isn’t a discussion,” Stone growled. “Clay, I want you with Obsidian. Flint and Ore, the two of you are against one another.”

  Great! At least Clay would be better competition. The male in question muttered a curse under his breath.

  “Obsidian knows the rules. He will obey them,” Stone said.

  “Like hell!” Clay grumbled under his breath. “Fucking savage,” he muttered some more.

  “It will…” Stone began. “Oh.” He frowned. “I didn’t expect to see you today.” His eyes had moved to the rear of the balcony, where they focused on someone. “Welcome.”

  Obsidian followed his line of vision, turning to face the back. Mountain stood in the door opening, his expression grave. Their eyes locked for a moment before Mountain turned his attention back to Stone. “I need a quick word with Obsidian.”

  Stone nodded. “Of course. We’ll get started. Clay, I suggest you start warming up.” He smiled.

  The male muttered some more curses and shook his head. The sound of the males shifting filled the balcony as Obsidian made his way to his brother.

  “It sounds like Clay is excited about your sparring session,” Mountain said.

  Obsidian put his hands on his hips. “I had planned on going easy on Flint. Clay on the other hand…” He raised his brows.

  Mountain laughed. “Please don’t do anything stupid.”

  “I won’t! I’ll mess with him a little though. He needs to be brought down some. Did you enjoy the rest of your evening?”

  “Evening?” Mountain snorted. “It was early morning by the time I made it back to Page.” His eyes grew stormy. “She was already asleep, but I enjoyed a glorious morning with my mate.”

  “So, it’s official.”

  “Yes,” Mountain grinned, “it’s most definitely official.

  Obsidian grunted. “What made you get out of bed then?”

  Mountain lost his goofy grin in an instant. “Something…something shitty.” He scratched his forehead.

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s the wolf female,” he said, a strange expression on his face.

  “Demi.” His heart beat faster. “Did something happen to her? Is everything okay? Did that—”

  Mountain held up his hand. “You are immediately concerned for her wellbeing,” Mountain shook his head, “when you should be concerned for yourself.”

  “Why? I am fine. I—”

  “The wolves did not take kindly to what happened. Her father was still calling for your head this morning, even after her safe return.”

  “Why?” Obsidian growled, his scales rubbing. “I didn’t—”

  “I know,” Mountain used a soothing tone. “We discussed this, and I believe you. It looks like things have been resolved though.” Something flashed in Mountain’s eyes.

  Obsidian wasn’t sure what it was. He set his jaw, not liking where this was going. “How has it been resolved?”

  “The female mated with the bear shifter earlier today.” There it was again. That look. Obsidian realized that it was pity. His brother pitied him.

  Anger. Disappointment. Frustration. More anger. “They forced her!” He clenched his fists.

  “I am told that it was her choice and that she willingly mated with the male.”

  “They’re lying!” he growled. “They made her do it somehow. I know it.” Just like he knew his own damned name.

  “It has nothing to do with us,” Mountain spoke in soft soothing tones. “I told you this because I didn’t believe you when you said you would stay away. You need to stay away from her.” Mountain clutched his arm. “She is no longer your concern. She has a mate. The wolf, Demi, belongs to the bear shifter now. You dodged a bullet here. I see this as a positive.”

  Obsidian bit back a snarl.

  “I feel bad for you, but at the same time, this takes the pressure off. You have to stay away!” Mountain’s hand clutched him a little tighter. “Please.”

  Everything in him bristled. Adrenaline surged. He pulled away from Mountain. “I need to get to training.”

  “Take the day off rather. Tomorrow is another day.”

  “I can’t!” Obsidian growled. “Clay is waiting for me.” He pointed at the sky where the male was circling.

  “Are you okay? You only spent a handful of hours with this female. It wasn’t serious.”

  Like hell it wasn’t!

  At least to him. His dragon had recognized something in the female. Something special. Obsidian nodded once, despite feeling that way.

  “Now that you’re…more you again, you should think about going on another Stag Run.”

  “I was banned. Humans are afraid of me, remember?”

  “You seem far less…feral. That female was good for you. Even after such a short time. There are positives in this.”

  Demi had been amazing for him.

  The best.

  “I’ll talk to Granite. About going again.”

  Obsidian grunted, not sure how to respond. He didn’t want to go on a Stag Run but he didn’t want to seem ungrateful either.

  “I will see you in a couple of days. I want to spend some quality time with my mate.”

  Obsidian nodded.

  “Stay out of trouble. I’m so glad you’re doing better.” Mountain grinned, looking relaxed.

  Obsidian tried to smile but his teeth wouldn’t unclench. They said their goodbyes and he watched as Mountain walked away.

  Obsidian looked up at the dragon above. Clay gave a loud roar, clearly telling him to hurry the fuck up. Obsidian contemplated shifting and getting the hell out of there, but Clay roared again. This time smoke wafted from the male’s nostrils.

  Okay then.

  Obsidian shifted in a second flat. The pants he had been wearing shredded from his body as he changed. He had forgotten he was wearing them since he hardly ever donned clothing. It took him a few seconds to reach the male. He sucked in a deep breath, trying hard to temper his emotions.

  As much as he wanted to take his frustrations out on this asshole, it would be a mistake. He couldn’t believe that she had gone through with it. As much as she insisted that it was the direction she was going in, he just hadn’t thought she’d do it. Saying you were going to do something and actually doing it were two very different things.

  That bear shifter— Obsidian snarled as Clay bashed into him. The male’s claw catching his underbelly. He could scent blood. His own. Fuck!

  One hard flap of his wings and he was rebalanced. His focus moving to Clay, who was already coming at him again. So much for this being a friendly encounter. He moved aside at the last second and lashed out at Clay, smelling fresh blood again. This time Clay’s. Much better!

  Clay howled in both pain and anger. He roared as he came at Obsidian. Every muscle was bunched. His claws out in full force. Even the male’s teeth were bared in a snarl. Again, Obsidian moved, dropping at the last second, just missing those razor-sharp claws by half an inch. Clay growled in frustration. Obsidian growled as well; a warning. His dragon was already agitated. It wanted him to down this fucker and to head for wolf territory. It urged Obsidian to see for himself what was going on with Demi.

  Clay came at him again. The male was allowing anger to take over. It had always been his one major weakness. He wasn’t thinking rationally anymore. Clay hated Obsidian. He had done so ever since Obsidian had beat him out, finishing top of their class. Obsidian may have accidentally broken the male’s leg to get there. Clay had always been an obnoxious prick. His mouth and his temper too big for his own good. Nothing much had changed over the years.

  Obsidian moved away. He wanted to give Clay some space. Wanted him to cool down. His own adrenaline was pumping. A good dose of testosterone flooded his system. Clay didn’t
take the hint though. The male roared as he charged at Obsidian, who waited, darting to the side as the male got in close. Unfortunately, he didn’t get away with it this time. Two sets of claws raked across his side, slicing him open.

  Obsidian snarled, seeing red. Bright, flashing red. Like a hundred neon signs in a small room. Motherfucker! He did a one-eighty, lashing out at Clay, who tumbled from the sky.

  The male fell, head over tail, like a dragon snowball, down…down…down… Crashing hard into the ground below in a puff of sand. It was only then that he realized he had Clay’s left wing hanging from his claw, which he was clutching tightly.


  Oh fuck!

  Obsidian let the wing go, watching it fall, much in the same way the male had. It landed on the ground below, next to the downed male. And there it was, his own major weakness, at least when it came to training. He was strong and quick ‒ and sometimes forgot how strong and how quick. Especially when instincts took over. Obsidian roared, feeling like a dick, but at the same time, justified. He had tried to go easy. Clay hadn’t let him.

  Without a backward glance, he headed for the skies. Mountain had been right. He needed to stay away. Demi was not his problem. If he was really honest with himself, as much as he wanted to believe otherwise, she never had been.

  * * *

  The cottage was spacious even though it didn’t feel it right then. “We’d better get this over and done with.”

  Air…she needed air. “Get what over and done with?” Demi asked, knowing full well where he was going with this.

  Cody looked angrier in that moment than she’d ever seen him before. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” He unbuttoned the top button of his pants. “We need to consummate this mating.”

  Demi gulped. “What?” she asked again, because she was obviously a sadist. Not just that. She was a hard of hearing sadist, just to make things worse.


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