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Omega Magic

Page 8

by Maggie Hemlock

  “She’ll be glad to have someone to discuss it with. I’m not much for makeup myself,” Logan laughed. “And I’m sure Darian didn’t put out a memo like that. It might take a while to find your niche here, but you will.”

  “I hope so, because otherwise it’s just me, Ross, the pup, Kimi, and Monta every night. That’s getting boring fast. They’re all mushy mushy face and sneaking off to the bedroom leaving me with Kimi and Baby Syra. And I don’t know what to do for Kimi. She always asks before she sits at the table with me and they say she had a hard life. But on top of it all she doesn’t like the Grim Howlers either.”

  “You’ll see them in concert someday. Maybe not next week, but they’ll be more concerts.”

  “I hope they cut the balls off the guy running those horrible places,” Zoey said.

  I bit back at laugh. I’d never heard her use that word before.

  “I’m sure they’ll do a lot more than that,” Logan said grimly. “It’s time to clean up so you can be home in time for dinner.”

  Fear and frustration dotted his scent at the mention of the breeding farms and the bastard behind them still on the loose.

  “When do we meet up again?” Zoey asked.


  “I can’t wait. This was a lot more fun than I thought it would be,” Zoey smiled.

  I walked around the side of the house and waited for Zoey to leave. As usual, my little sister was oblivious to what was going on around her. With her headphones in she walked away from the house as the sun started to sink low in the sky.

  “She’ll be okay,” Logan said leaning on the porch banister. “She has her head in the clouds, but she’s here and security is everywhere. Did you know they stand on porches now and listen? Or is that just when they’re true-mates to the occupant?”

  “I didn’t want to interrupt your lesson,” I flashed him a sheepish grin and jumped over the banister to join him on the porch. “How’d it go?”

  “She’s a handful, but I think that’s because she’s been so overshadowed by so many siblings. She acts dramatic, because that’s when everyone starts paying attention to her.”

  “She gets plenty of attention,” I smirked.

  “Well, after you get past her dramatic personality she does have a bit of a natural inkling towards alchemy,” Logan said as I pulled him into my arms.

  “Huh! I wouldn’t have thought she had the patience for it.”

  “She doesn’t yet,” Logan laughed, and I stole a kiss.

  “Dinner’s just about ready to come out of the oven,” Logan said when the kiss broke.

  “Breakfast and dinner. An Alpha could get used to this,” I scooped him up and carried him inside.

  “Don’t get so excited. It’s only meatloaf,” he giggled.


  After a delicious dinner, Logan cleaned up the kitchen and I called to check in with Darian. There wasn’t any news on the pack link, but I wanted to double check. The sooner we put this nasty bastard down the sooner everyone could get on with their lives. The sooner fear would no longer tinge the scents of our omegas.

  “No news, but I want you to meet with Jake tomorrow,” Darian answered the phone without saying hello. “That way you two can get used to each other’s way of doing things, because sooner or later you’ll have to work together.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”


  “Night, brother,” I ended the call.

  Logan joined me in the living room and settled onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder. His scent filled my head, but it wasn’t as intense as yesterday. He still smelled delicious, but my need to mate him wasn’t immediate.

  “What would you like to do this evening?” I asked him.

  “I was going to ask you that,” he laughed.

  “Well, I asked first,” I kissed his cheek.

  “My ideas are usually boring, and I don’t want you to get bored of hanging around with me,” Logan looked down at his lap.

  I lifted him and turned him around to face me.

  “I could never get bored of you,” I wrapped my arms around him and rested my forehead against his. “I just met you. There’s still a million things I want to know. I could spend hours just counting the shades of blue in your eyes.”

  He blushed and hid his face in my shoulder.

  “So, now that’s out of the way. What would you like to do tonight?” I asked him again.

  “Lay out and look at the stars,” he said.

  Standing up, I carried him outside to the big backyard. Usually, it was shared with the occupant of the second duplex, but since no one lived there we had the whole thing to ourselves. We stretched out in the grass and Logan cuddled into my side. The sky was the lightest shade of night blue just dark enough for the stars to peak through here and there. Crickets chirped in the background and somewhere nearby a frog croaked happily. Probably excited for the singing buffet he called dinner.

  Chapter Thirteen


  A week passed before my classroom was considered safe enough for class to resume. I didn’t mind the well-timed break which allowed me to spend long lazy days with Jessie. Even when he went to work I tagged along happy just to be wherever he was.

  Nights were still complicated. Sometimes we slept in the bed. Other nights we fell asleep under the stars. We messed around with and without the aid of my ‘pink friend’ as Jessie dubbed my vibrator, but we still hadn’t gone all the way. He hadn’t claimed me yet either, but I already felt more at home in his arms than anywhere else in the world.

  “Are you happy to get back to work?” Wrynn asked me as we walked into the Rickshaw, our favorite Chinese restaurant just off campus.

  “I am,” I nodded, but other things weighed on my mind.

  “What’s up with you?” Wrynn asked as he slid into his side of our usual booth. In a few weeks, he wouldn’t fit into it anymore. His pregnant belly was beginning to show even through his loose-fitting shirts.

  “The usual, boys?” I was saved by, Sasha, our usual waitress.

  “Yes, but extra fried rice today. I’m starving,” Wrynn said and Sasha left me alone with him to answer the question.

  “Tonight’s the night,” I whispered across the table.

  “For what?” Wrynn asked.

  “The night,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “The night we resurrect Elvis for a once in a lifetime concert?” Wrynn laughed.

  “No!” I hissed under my breath. “The night I go all the way with Jessie.”

  “Huh?” Wrynn’s mouth hung open for a second. “Wait. What? You haven’t already?”

  “No, we’ve stuck to other stuff. We’re waiting until we’re ready,” I blushed and stared down at the smooth white table.

  “Wow. You have the self-control of a god,” Wrynn laughed.

  “No, I just want our first time to be special. So, I stopped at the clinic and told Doctor Bane I wanted to come off my birth control. He said it might take awhile for my last shot to wear off, but it was impossible to tell exactly how long.”

  “You two are going to have adorable pups! But all the Hemlock pups have huge heads. I thought Bobby was going to get stuck,” Wrynn laughed.

  “Wow, what a way to make me want to do this,” I bit my lip. “I’m trying not to think that far ahead yet.”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. If you’re not just bite Nurse Barry. It really helped me calm down last time,” Wrynn laughed.

  “I don’t think it helped poor Nurse Barry, though,” I sighed.

  “He was fine. Nurses are tough! Besides, once they put your pup in your arms you’ll forget about how much everything hurts. There’s no real way to describe it. It’s just something you won’t understand until you experience it for the first time.”

  “I can’t wait,” I admitted with a small laugh. “Little feet pitter-pattering around the house. Jessie teaching him how to hunt and me teaching him alchem
y. Or her. I wouldn’t be against a daughter. A little girl with my blonde hair and Jessie’s brown eyes. She’d be adorable.”

  “You are so ready. In fact, this may be the price you pay for waiting too long,” Wrynn laughed. “You’ve been bitten by the pup bug.”

  Sasha brought our food out and we settled into the comfortable silence of friendship.

  “Does he know yet?” Wrynn asked when we were preparing to leave.

  “Who Jessie? Not yet,” I blushed. “I’m sort of just hoping he’ll be up for it.”

  “Oh, believe me, he’s a Hemlock Alpha. He’ll be up for it,” Wrynn laughed. “Now, excuse me. Darian’s pup is using my bladder for kick boxing practice.”


  I arrived home before Jessie and stuck a roast in the oven. Then I was left with nothing but time to worry about breaching the subject. Jessie hadn’t brought it up again since the first day we met. I knew he wanted to but wasn’t bringing it up for my sake. He was sweet to wait, but tonight all of our waiting would end.

  I took a quick shower and shaved. Then opened all my drawers and my closet to figure out what to wear. Jessie was a real wolf’s wolf so maybe nothing would be the best option. It would certainly get the point across.

  My wolf lounged lazily in my chest ignoring my particularly human dilemma.

  Even if I waited for him in the buff there was the question of where to wait. The bed? The sofa? The kitchen table? Out on the front porch? No, not there. Anyone could walk by and see. I tried each option out (except the porch, of course), but nothing felt right. I was overthinking things again.

  Maybe I should just get dressed and wait for him to come home? Maybe he’ll want to undress me?

  Back in the bedroom, I looked through my closet for things to wear and found a black thong I’d bought for a vacation that never happened. I put it on and tried out the places again. Nothing, except for rattled nerves. In the end, I got dressed fully and just waited for him in the kitchen where I could keep an eye on dinner while looking over my notes for tomorrow’s class. We’d finally get to cover the burn cream. Though, I’d long since used all the ingredients Zoey helped me prepare and the students would have to cut and prep their own come tomorrow.

  Jessie’s key turned in the door and I ran my fingers through my hair to ensure it looked perfect. Sure, he spent the last week seeing me with bed head every morning, but tonight needed to be perfect. We’d only get one official first time.

  “Honey, I’m home!” Jessie called out.

  Sure, it was corny humor, but I still laughed.

  “Any thing new on the organization front?” I asked when he came into the kitchen. I wanted to get it out of the way upfront, so it didn’t come up later.

  “No, but dinner smells delicious,” he gave me a quick kiss.

  “Pot roast, but it won’t be done for a while,” I grinned up at him.

  “Why do you smell so nervous?” Jessie sniffed my neck.

  “Umm. . .” I paused. “You just wrecked my train of thought.”

  “Is everything alright, mate?”

  “Yes, I just have an idea of how we can spend the few hours that the roast still needs in the oven,” I blushed and looked down at the table.

  “What did you have in mind?” Jessie arched a brow and flashed me that sexy come-hither grin that always left me weak in the knees and undone.

  “Well,” I drew the word out to give myself time to find the perfect way to say what was on my mind. “I stopped by the clinic today and Doctor Bane and I discussed stopping my birth control.”

  “I told him to leave you alone about that,” Jessie frowned.

  “He didn’t bring it up. I did.”

  A mischievous light danced through Jessie’s brown eyes.

  “Now is when you should say something,” I blushed.

  “Not until you say the words. Otherwise, if I’m wrong I’m just an assuming asshole.”

  “You want me to say it,” I stood up fighting against my shaky knees to walk to my Alpha.

  “Yep. I wanna hear the words come from that pretty mouth,” Jessie grinned.

  “Okay then, Alpha,” I grinned and gathered up my nerves and shoved them out of the way. Jessie’s scent bathed the kitchen and my wolf’s ears perked up. “I want you to strip me naked, drive me crazy, and when I can’t take it one more little second I want you to knot me until I can’t think straight.”

  Jessie’s brown eyes shifted to his wolf’s golden eyes as he pulled me in for a long hard kiss. I pressed myself against his hard-muscular body reveling in the heat and strength radiating from my Alpha. Reaching between our bodies, I made quick work of his fly wanting to feel his hard cock in my hand. With just a little affection from me, he grew to full length in seconds. He let out a husky growl and picked me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and kissed him for dear life as he carried me through the house.

  “Sofa’s closer than the bed,” he sat me down and I pulled him onto the sofa with me. Now that we started I didn’t want him out of arms reach. For a week, I held my tongue and didn’t say just how much I wanted him. Scared to be too eager or boring, but now none of that mattered. My wolf howled inside my chest celebrating the moment quickly coming upon us.

  Jessie broke the kiss long enough to pull his shirt off over his head and then take mine off. He kissed up and down my throat sending little lightening bolts of pleasure through me. His strong hands caressed my chest and shoulders working their way down to my fly.

  I bucked my hips forward urging his hands downward. He growled a delicious sound telling me to be patient. I let out a whimper of anticipation and leaned in for another kiss. His mouth conquered mine demanding more and more of my tongue with each passing second.

  He jerked down my pants in a single swift motion leaving me clad only in the black thong I forgot to change out of. A hot blush spread across my face as his hands caressed and teased my inner thighs.

  “Too much?” I asked when he looked down at my hard cock stretching the fabric of the thong.

  “Perfect, beautiful,” he murmured and kissed me again.

  He stood up long enough to strip from the waist down and I pulled him back onto the sofa with me. He hovered over me and I wrapped my legs around him as we kissed. Reaching between our bodies I wrapped my hand around our cocks, forcing them together and did my best to stroke them both at once. His girth made it a difficult task.

  “I’m already so slick, Alpha,” I whined as he bucked his hips breaking free of my grasp and sliding his cock along the underside of mine.

  “Smells delicious mate,” he growled and kissed my neck again. He kissed across to my shoulder leaving behind a hot trail of desire that ended right over my claim gland. I bucked up my hips begging for him. He’d barely touched me yet, but my wolf’s mind was made up. Today was the day we let go of all the silly human worries and surrendered to our Alpha.

  Jessie slid down my body kissing as he went. Then he rose to his knees and forced my legs further apart. Lifting my legs to his shoulders, he took ahold of his own thick beautiful cock. A second later, his thick mushroom like head brushed against my omegahole. My heart skipped a beat and my breath caught in my throat as I waited for him to slide into my body and claim me as his and his alone.

  The doorknob twitched, and Jessie looked over his shoulder.

  “What the fuck, Darian?” Jessie growled as the door swung open.

  “Is Zoey here guys?”

  “Does it look like she’s here?”

  I crawled behind Jessie and pulled down the old-fashioned quilt from the back of the sofa. This wasn’t what my brother-in-law had in mind when he sewed the delicate pieces together, but it was all I had to hide myself from the dean.

  “Sorry, guys. She’s missing. She’s not on campus.”

  “The concert’s tonight!” I growled and tossed a pillow at Darian. “Get out of my house! I’m naked you, cave-Alpha.”

  “Jessie, five minutes and go-time,” Darian said and ste
pped outside before Alpha had a chance to respond.

  “I’m going to haul her ass back to Hemlock Mountain myself,” Jessie said pulling his shirt back on.

  “It’s okay, Alpha,” I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Go find her. I’ll be alright. We have all the time in the world, remember?”

  I wasn’t happy about the rude interruption either, but I didn’t like seeing Jessie mad. As his omega it was my job to soothe his temper when the outside world annoyed him.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” I managed a smile. “Go find her and bring her home safely. I’m sure she’s just at the concert.”

  After Jessie left I flopped onto the sofa and stared at the ceiling.

  “Juda, am I cursed?” I sighed.

  I wasn’t a very religious wolf, but that night I was starting to wonder if curses were real.

  Might just be me and my pink friend tonight.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “You’re a little older than our usual crowd,” a bald bouncer with a toucan sized snout laughed. He wore a purple t-shirt with big white printed letters reading ‘security.’ The Howl Room mostly catered to omegas attending ear bleeding fests like the one going on tonight and the owners thought purple was a friendlier color.

  Magical sound barriers kept the music inside leaving the outside quiet. Without them the Howl Room wouldn’t be allowed to operate so close to two residential neighborhoods.

  “We’re looking for a minor omega,” Darian said.

  “Tickets?” the guy held out his hand.

  I glanced to Jake and jerked my head to the side of the building. While attending Hemlock Academy I worked security for The Howl Room. Two side doors were usually left unattended and unlocked by the stage staff sneaking out for cigarettes or to snog a groupie they convinced of their fictional close relationship to whatever band was playing that night.

  “Darian Hemlock, Patriarch of the Hemlock Wolves,” Darian shook his hand. Confusion danced through the bouncer’s eyes, but I didn’t stick around to see what happened next. Security staff were trained to be a pain in the ass. The guy wasn’t a Hemlock and would probably have to find someone who could vouch for Darian’s identity before he let anyone in. A century ago, Hemlock Pack Lands were off-limits to outsiders. Now, non-shifter communities popped up here and there and the lone shifter or unaligned families lived amongst them. Darian encouraged them into the cities to open entertainment venues and other economy aiding businesses.


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