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Omega Magic

Page 10

by Maggie Hemlock

  Jessie leaned forward forcing his cock deeper into my mouth. His strong hands cupped my ass cheeks through my pants, massaging hard and fueling the fire deep inside my belly. I worked him faster as his hands slid down my pants caressing and squeezing every inch of bare flesh they encountered.

  “You’re so wet this morning,” Jessie let out a husky growl.

  “Mmm…” I moaned against his cock as his hips rocked back and forth meeting my mouth’s every movement.

  His hands slid between my cheeks bringing them apart. Lightning bolted through me and I thrust my hips higher offering myself to him even though time and situation wasn’t on our side. His warm fingers rubbed over my omegahole tingling every nerve they encountered until he finally slid two inside of me.

  I’m definitely going to need another shower before work.

  His fingers thrust inside me, probing deep, and filling part of the void my longing for his thick knot left. He moved in time with my mouth working over his cock and racing hearts synced to beat in time as one. Tension swirled through me, stiffening me from head to toe, as his long skilled fingers pounded into my omegahole pushing me fast towards the edge of no return.

  I let out a garbled moan stifled by his cock still in my mouth as pleasure and spent passion blurred my vision. His fingers continued their nimble work inside of me as I sucked him faster seeking to bring him over the edge of pleasure with me. He twitched in my mouth and his body tensed shuddering as it prepared to spill his seed. Breathing through my nose, I worked him still, my mouth begging for a taste of him before we parted. With his fingers still buried inside of me he exploded in my mouth giving me a salty reward for all my hard work.

  Chapter Sixteen


  After dropping Logan off at work, I napped in the car in front of the Juda Hall. It wasn’t the first time I called a reclined driver’s seat bed, but it was the first time I called it bed because I slept better with someone within scenting distance. When I could scent Logan, I knew my mate was safe and only then could my mind be at ease.

  I woke up just in time to swing through the Rickshaw’s drive thru and pick up Logan’s favorite lunch of orange chicken and fried rice. I pulled back into my technically illegal parking space in front of the Juda Hall just as he and Wrynn came out for lunch.

  “Jessie’s here. I’ll see you in a bit,” Logan waved him off.

  “Kiss him for me too!” Wrynn laughed as he headed into the sunny main lawn of the building where most students and professors had lunch.

  “Brought your favorite,” I said and stole a kiss as he slipped into the passenger’s seat.

  “Thanks,” he smiled and took the takeout containers. “I’m alright. You really didn’t have to sleep out here in the car. It couldn’t have been comfortable.”

  His sweet scent filled the car rousing my still slumbering wolf.

  “It’s my usual bed when I’m working,” I laughed.

  “Sometimes I nap under my desk in between classes,” Logan smiled.

  “If I didn’t know better I’d say you’re nesting up like a dragon.”

  “I wish,” Logan laughed. “Then I could roar fire at disobedient students.”

  “Are they acting up today?”

  “No, they’re pretty somber today. I think the accident woke them up to how dangerous it can be to ignore the recipes.”

  “How are they?”

  “Leslie and Ryan? They’re better than ever actually. She’s still milking her injury to get him to do the grunt work for her potions, but I’ll let it slide since she did spend three days in the clinic.”

  “Her family causing trouble?”

  “Not yet, but if they do I’ll turn them into toads.”

  His forty-five-minute lunchbreak passed too quickly for my liking. I loved how passionate he was about teaching and how much he cared for his students but watching him walk back into the building without stopping him left me with a physical pain. The explosion meant we spent a week together developing a schedule and routine. In the wild, wolves live by routine sometimes moving along with the prey or weather. They live by the cycles of nature and my wolf didn’t like the disruption to the cycle that put Logan out of our reach.

  “It’ll get easier once you claim him,” Monta’s voice reached my ears. His scent wasn’t anywhere to be found.

  “Anti-scent spray,” my wolf grumbled. “Good for catching prey. Bad for avoiding stupid little wolves who you won’t let me eat.”

  “I hope so,” I said as he came into view. “Anyone spot him?”

  “That little thing couldn’t catch a dead rabbit on a string much less a vampire.”

  “No, but I think we’ll have more luck when night falls.”

  “Ross seen anything?” I asked.

  “No,” he shook his head, “but he’s carrying around his diamond Juda amulet like it’s his life support.”

  “Distract him. Visions won’t come until they do. So, distract him with other things or he’ll drive himself crazy,” I said.

  “I’m trying.”

  “Do you need me to go sit with him while you go to class?” I arched a brow.

  “He’d kick both of our asses for thinking he needed a babysitter,” Monta laughed.

  “Then why are you standing at my car all expectant?” I cut to the point.

  My phone rang.

  “Talk to me,” I answered.

  “Jessie,” Ross’s voice met my ears. “I took a nap. I’m late.”

  “Late for what, honey?”

  “Don’t honey me. I’m waiting for a vision not dying,” Ross laughed.

  “Why is he here?”

  “Because when you go to buy a bigger bed you’re going to need someone to help you get into that house. It’ll fit in the bedroom. I saw it, but the small house made it awkward weight since you had to buy the dragon model.”

  “Oh,” I blinked. It had crossed my mind to get a bigger bed before tonight, but then I considered taking him out into the woods.

  “It’s going to rain tonight. You can’t take him into the woods,” Ross said.

  “Are you sure the sight isn’t just mind reading?” I laughed.

  “No, I know you. You’d rather be out there away from all of us. No chance of Darian bursting in and interrupting things. Be nice. Let him help. He’s pack now too, and I can’t stand you two arguing anymore.”

  “Thanks, Ross.”

  “I mean it, Jessie, be nice.”

  “I found my omega, so you can’t threaten to poison me anymore.”

  “I shouldn’t have to. Now, go on. So, you’ll finish before Logan gets home,” Ross said.

  “Take care and do something besides wait, brother,” I said and ended the call.

  “Get in.”


  “Keep your eyes open,” I told Monta as we pulled off Mage Street and into what I called the real world. Hemlock Academy protected its students in a calm bubble of education and values, but the rest of the world didn’t follow its lead.

  “Always do,” Monta said.

  “Why am I babysitting this Alpha?” My wolf grumbled. “Can’t he do something more useful?”

  “I know you don’t like me,” he started but I stopped him.

  “Look, we’re not here to be bosom buddies. You’re only in my car, because Ross wants me to play nice. He’s good like that.”

  “And why do you think I’m trying to find middle ground?”

  “Here’s how I look at it. You’re his true-mate, but he deserves better. I don’t give a fuck where you came from. I don’t care if you grew up in a cave brushing your teeth with shit on a twig. Since I was your daughter’s age and maybe before that too, Ross talked about meeting you. He was always nervous and excited whenever Darian walked into his house. He had this ritual of being in the perfect spot to align with the vision trying to make it come true. That day should’ve been perfect for him. Yeah, omegas sometimes get flighty when they meet their true-mates, but you ran out on him. Y
ou ruined the day he looked forward to for eons!”

  “Are you telling me you’ve never doubted yourself with Logan?” Monta asked.

  “Nosy baby Alpha,” my wolf growled, and I shoved him back down before he started something I had to explain to Ross later.

  “No,” I shook my head. “And no, that’s not because I’m a Hemlock. It’s because nature knows the way. It’s that simple. Some of them will try to explain it all magically and spiritually and at the end of the day we are nature. From this life to the next. Even when we were in the Other World. We’re nature. Nature goes in cycles of what works. If true-mates worked out in the Other World they’ll work out here. When a wolf goes against nature it rubs me the wrong way.”

  A flash of bright red hair caught my attention and I didn’t hear what Monta said next. I pulled a U-turn in the middle of the road to pull up next to the redhead.

  “Excuse you,” a fox omega frowned. “Why are all you Hemlocks badgering me today? Is it illegal to use pheromone blockers now?”

  “No, we’re just looking for someone.”

  “Well, quit running into me!” He rolled his eyes and huffed off.

  “Poor guy,” Monta said.

  “Well, better him badgered that us missing our target,” I said turning the car back around.

  “Look, you take care of your kid sister and you’re probably a decent guy, but Ross was around more than my parents when I was a kid. So, I’m protective over him. I’m protective over all of them and. . .”

  A faint coppery scent reached my nose.

  “Is that blood?” Monta asked.

  “Shush up,” I spoke the way I spoke to Zoey and the others out of habit. I needed my ears free to hear.

  “HELP!” It was the high-pitched squeak of the fox omega we just spoke with.

  I spun my car around narrowly missing the bed of a Chevy.

  “Watch out, fucker!” The driver honked the horn.

  I held up my Hemlock Security badge to the window, but I was driving to fast for him to ever see it.


  I laid on the break and slid out of the open window as soon as the car stopped leaving Monta to his own device. I followed the sounds of his shrieks to an alley way.

  The redhead was curled against the wall in a ball nursing his arm.

  “HE BIT ME!” The little fox omega shrieked.

  I inhaled allowing my wolf to erupt from my chest and force my shift as I took in the scents of the city. The same faint smell from last night filled my head and I was off. Paws to the concrete and mouth open to take in every scent so I didn’t miss him. I had to get him before he got back to the demandable poor excuse for an Alpha.

  I spotted his flaming red hair just as he slid behind the wheel of a car. Two delivery trucks passed between us and he was gone. I followed the road, but just like the day before his scent faded quickly.

  “Scent blocker inside the car. Both cars,” my wolf mused. “Bad little omega. Come play with the wolves and stay away from bloodsuckers.”

  “Jessie! He needs a medic!” Monta reached out on the pack link.

  Turning tail, I raced back to the alley. Monta had sat the omega up, but his arm was still bleeding.

  “The omega’s never bit someone before. Maybe he’s hungry? Hungry makes everyone stupid.”

  “He bit me!” The fox squealed again.

  I shifted back and assessed the damage.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Nick,” he said looking away.

  “Nick, you’re going to be fine,” I scooped him up. “I have supplies in the car.”

  “Want me to bring it around?” Monta asked.

  “You will never drive my car,” I growled and carried Nick past him. To shut him up I shared the experience of chasing the vampire and the car through the pack link.

  “Here, honey,” I slid Nick into the backseat and grabbed my first aid kit. “I have some spray here that’ll stop the bleeding from a vampire bite. We’ll have the doctor look at you too.”

  “I don’t need a doctor!” Nick scooted to the other side of the car. “Where’s my bag?”

  “This isn’t his bag, Jessie,” Monta said plundering through its contents. “It belongs to Lee Night.”

  “The vampire?” I whipped around to look at him.

  “Don’t tell on me! You’re a Hemlock! You don’t understand!”

  “What don’t I understand, honey?” I put on the voice I used when my omega siblings were upset and slid into the car with him.

  “My rent’s due and my boyfriend broke up with me. I need the money in the bag,” Nick whined, and tears swelled up in his green eyes.

  “There’s no money,” Monta said.

  “Crap! I got bit for nothing?” He slapped the seat with his uninjured hand.

  “You mugged him?” I almost laughed.

  “I didn’t know he was a vampire! He was crying in the alley and I thought he’d be easy money. I walked up and asked if he was okay. He didn’t answer so I just took his bag and tried to run. He bit me and only let go when he heard you guys coming. Are you going to take me to jail now?”

  “No, we’re taking you to see a doctor.”

  “I don’t have any money for a doctor! I’m broke!” He whined.

  “That’s alright,” I said fastening his seatbelt and using the spray on his arm.

  “That burns, dog breath!” He growled yanking his arm away.

  “We’ll be to the clinic soon,” I slid out of the backseat and into the driver’s seat. “Come on, Monta.”


  Once Nick was safely at the clinic with Bane, Monta and I headed to Darian’s office. He and Jake were waiting with the brandy poured.

  “A fox omega mugged him?” Jake asked when we walked in.

  “Yes, and somewhat successfully,” I laid the bag on the table. “He was bit, but he got the bag.”

  “Good, we can pass the scent around.”

  “I thought I’d head out while you guys sort through it,” I said turning to leave.

  “Actually, Jake will go. You need to claim him before he goes into heat or all the waiting sends you into a rut,” Darian said. “He’s spooked right now and since you saw him we have to assume he saw you too.”

  “Why would he run, though?” Monta asked. “In Ross’s vision he said he didn’t want to help anymore.”

  “Yes, but he’s an omega and likely afraid of the Alpha.”

  “Then why not come to us for help?” Monta asked.

  “He doesn’t know we’re the good guys and he doesn’t know that we’re not going to arrest him. He assumes that he’ll be in just as much trouble as the Alpha. He’s seen what happened at the other breeding farms.”

  “He’s seen you too and Monta,” I said. “When he ran into the woods near Nightshade Bear Territory.”

  “Yes, and Jake too,” Darian nodded. “But Monta has an evening class and Wrynn has an ultrasound. Life moves forward. You know that.”

  “Too many paws out there and we’ll start tripping over one another,” I nodded.

  “That and I don’t want you and Jake exhausted at the same time. We don’t have many trackers as good as you two.”

  Darian emptied Lee’s bag onto the desk when he finished speaking. Inside, were two blood pouches, both O negative, his wallet with the dated photo id listing his name as Lee Night and his last known home address in a little town on the West Coast, condoms, two shirts, and a handful of change.

  “I’ll contact the closest coven to this address and see if they know him.”

  “It’s a fake id,” Monta said.

  “What? How do you know?” Darian asked.

  “Because back in high school, Clyde and I made a fortune selling them. That and it doesn’t have an expiration date all identification cards issued by the government have some sort of expiration date.”

  “Still wouldn’t hurt to reach out to them,” Darian said.

  Bane’s scent reached the office befo
re he opened the door.

  “How’s Nick?” I asked.

  “He’s fine. He’s agreed to go North to the sanctuary. He’s just hit hard times after growing up in a foster home and hooking up with a less than stellar Alpha boyfriend.”

  “He’ll like it out there,” Monta said. “There’s at least one other fox omega there.”

  “What about the mugging? He’s still convinced he’s going to jail,” Bane said.

  “Nothing,” Darian shook his head. “Usually, there’d be a trail, but we have more important things to do. If he didn’t mug Lee, we wouldn’t have his scent.”

  “Something about the whole thing irritates me. He’s not a bad kid and he’s a kid. He’s just eighteen, but now I’m irritated.”

  “Nothing bothers you,” Darian laughed.

  “To be fair, I think we’re all irritated with the breeding farm situation and this guy being on the loose.”

  “Mugged on top of everything else. That omega’s been through enough,” Bane said and walked out.

  “I’ve got to go home and pick up Wrynn for his ultrasound so everyone out of my office!” Darian growled.

  “Geez, Alpha,” Monta laughed. “We’re going.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Thank you!” I flopped onto the new bed and rolled around to cover up the scent of the betas who delivered it.

  “It’s the dragon model,” Ross chuckled. “It’s strong enough to hold two dragons and three full-sized dragon eggs. So, you guys shouldn’t manage to break it.”

  “It’s so comfy!” I smiled up at him. “You’re forgiven for barging into my house.”

  “Good. Jessie was going to buy it, but they ran across an injured fox omega and spotted our little omega vampire.”

  “Our little omega vampire?” I arched a brow.

  “That’s what Monta and I call him. He’s been through so much and he’s going to need somewhere to belong. So, we decided that whether or not Darian likes it he’ll be the first Hemlock vampire.”

  “You guys have never crossed with vampires? I find that hard to believe.”

  “Nope,” he shook his head. “Wolves, dragons, bears, obviously, and a few others, but never a vampire.”


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