Book Read Free

Omega Magic

Page 12

by Maggie Hemlock

  Jessie let out a sleepy laugh as he leaned against the counter.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You didn’t want Ross to know, but you told Darian.”

  “Well, I had to call in. What was I supposed to tell him?” I whined.

  “Whatever you want to,” Jessie walked across the room and sat down next to me. “When you’re in heat, naked, and eating ice cream right out of the carton you’re allowed to say whatever you want.”


  The day morphed into a rhythm of sleeping, mating, and eating whatever was easiest to put into my mouth. At first, Jessie slept too, but after a while he was awake every time I reached for his comfort when I woke scorching hot and in need of his affection.

  Shortly after noon, my normal lunch time, I woke not with an urgent need for his knot inside of me, but food. Just as I had at breakfast time.

  “I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the neck right now,” I apologized to Jessie. “It’s like I’ve lost my mind. I’m horny and then hungry and then too tired to do anything.”

  “Want me to run out and pick up take out?” he offered.

  “No,” I clung to him. “Don’t leave me! What if it hits me again and you’re not here? I don’t want to be alone right now!”

  “I’m not going anywhere, mate,” he held me tight.

  “Logan? Jessie?” Wrynn called out instead of knocking.

  “I’ll get it,” I wrapped the sheet around my waist. I must have looked like a drunken pharaoh after a hard night of partying by the Nile.

  “Hey,” I answered the door.

  Wrynn held a bag of food from the Rickshaw and a basket of fruit, cheese cubes, jerky, and other finger foods.

  “Thanks, I’m ravenous,” I grinned. “I’d invite you in, but I’d rather not right now.”

  “It’s alright. I understand,” Wrynn smiled. “Call me if you guys need anything else.”

  “What are you having?”

  “For lunch?” Wrynn flashed me a bemused look.

  “No, your baby,” I reached out to touch his tummy.

  “A baby boy. Just one this time, thankfully. I’m not ready for triplets again,” he smiled.

  “I wanna pup,” I whined. “I really do. They’re so cute and cuddly and…”

  “Don’t worry, heats usually result in pups,” Wrynn laughed.

  “I really hope so. I’ve never thought about it so much before. I really want a pup.”

  “You’ll have a houseful before you know it,” Wrynn patted me on the shoulder.

  “Has your claim mark ever itched?” I asked him remembering what happened the evening before.

  “Sometimes before I go into heat,” Wrynn nodded.

  “Good, because I was worried at first. I need to go eat now. Thanks again for bringing food,” I gave him a quick one-armed hug before shutting and locking the door.

  Not long after lunch my heat spun out of control again and Jessie took me right on the dining room floor.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Good morning, sleepy head,” I ran my hand gently over Logan’s forehead. “Want me to make you a fruit salad for breakfast?”

  My omega didn’t even stir in is sleep. I double checked the clock. It was six. He’d fallen asleep for the last time around eight last night and he was an early riser.

  “I’ll wake you up when it’s ready,” I whispered and kissed him on his forehead and headed for the shower.

  Three days passed since I saw the sunlight in person. At first, his constant need was sexy, passionate, and drove me crazy, but as the hours turned to days it was less about sex and more about relieving his discomfort. I’d never witnessed an omega in heat before. It wasn’t nearly as hot and satisfying as I thought it’d be. Halfway through poor Logan was miserable and there wasn’t anything I could do. Hormones can’t be tracked and put down.

  “You awake yet, honey?” I asked after my shower.

  Logan was still out cold cuddled around a pillow and buried under the blankets. Heading into the kitchen I made a fruit salad. I couldn’t remember whether we actually managed dinner last night or not, but if I was starving my omega was too.

  “You want breakfast?” I slid onto the bed holding the fruit salad. His nose didn’t even twitch. My wolf paced inside my chest growing more worried by the second. Setting aside the bowl, I grabbed my phone and called Bane.

  “Bane speaking,” he answered.

  “I have a really weird question,” I told him.

  “Just what I love on my private line at six thirty in the morning, Jessie,” he yawned. “Go ahead. I’ve heard it all before.”

  “Is it normal for an omega to sleep a lot after a heat? I can’t get him to wake up. Not even with food.”

  “How long has he been asleep?” Bane asked.

  “About ten hours I think.”

  “You two have been locked in that house for almost four days. I wouldn’t be surprised if he slept until tomorrow morning.”

  “So, it’s normal?”

  “Yes, it’s normal, Jessie. Relax. He’s fine. He’s just exhausted.”


  “That’s what I’m here for,” he ended the call.

  “Who’s on the phone?” Logan yawned.


  “Are you sick, Alpha?” He sniffed the air and grabbed the bowl of fruit.

  “I was worried about you,” I slid back into bed with him and kissed him on top of the head.

  “Me? Why? Was I talking in my sleep? I do that sometimes when I’m really tired,” he said.

  “No, you wouldn’t wake up.”

  “Oh, sorry, Alpha,” he leaned against my side.

  “It’s alright,” I wrapped my arm around his shoulders thankful he rejoined the waking world.

  “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  “It’s my job to worry about you. How are you feeling this morning?” I asked him. His scent was calmer, less tangy, but I wasn’t sure if his heat passed or not.

  “I’m just tired. I think my heat is over. I never want another one.”

  I kissed him on top of the head.

  “I think we waited too long to mate,” he managed a tired laugh. “My wolf was fed up and my hormones weren’t playing nice either.”

  “I’m just glad you’re feeling better. I didn’t like seeing you so uncomfortable.”

  He set the bowl aside and nuzzled into my chest. I held him close for a few minutes before he set back up.

  “I need a shower before I fall back asleep.”

  “I’ll change the sheets.”

  “Thanks, Alpha,” he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before sliding out of bed.


  After tucking Logan back into bed and staying home long enough to make sure he actually went back to sleep I headed to check in with Darian. It was only a quarter till eight, but his job as dean made him an early riser.

  “Anyone awake?” I walked inside.

  “He’s in the backyard,” Wrynn yawned and shook his head. “Jake’s back. Someone thought they smelled Lee. I don’t know what’s going on yet.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m too pregnant for coffee,” he rubbed his belly. “And I really need coffee. This tea isn’t cutting it for these late nights and early mornings.”

  “Your pup will be here soon, won’t he?” I asked.

  “A few more weeks and he will be. At least it’s only one this time. I’m not reduced waddling around just yet,” he managed a laugh. “I just miss my morning cup of coffee.”

  “Jessie?” Darian called from outside.

  “Go on,” Wrynn waved me off. “I’m going back to bed until the kids wake up.”

  “What’s up?” I walked into the back yard.

  “Welcome back to the land of the living, brother,” Darian laughed.

  “Glad to be back. I never knew how hard a heat could be on an omega,” I joined the others.

  “It doesn’t get any
easier no matter how many times you have to watch them go through it,” Jake said. “Birth control helps, but also prevents pups. It can be a tough call to make.”

  “Any news?” I asked not really comfortable discussing Logan’s birth control or lack there of with Jake.

  “Yes,” Jake said, but I was looking at Darian.

  “A couple of our brothers thought they picked up Lee’s scent. They were right, but it disappeared into the woods. Tonight, you two go into the woods. Plan to be gone a few days, because it’s a lot of area to search.”

  “Got it.”

  “Is Logan okay to be without you?” Jake asked.

  “I think it’s passed,” I nodded.

  “We’ll head out at sunset then,” Jake nodded.

  “I’ll meet you at the gate.”

  We had to get him away from his captor this time. The guy was getting reckless and not ensuring his safety. He was mugged in an alley just off a busy street. Just more proof that this asshole didn’t care about him anymore than he cared about the omegas he lured into his breeding farms and more often than not left for dead when things got out of hand.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Alpha?” I woke when the front door opened. “Is that you?”

  “It’s me, mate,” Jessie said. “I picked up orange chicken.”

  “Yummy,” I padded out of the bedroom yawning. “Did you talk to Darian and them yet?”

  “Yeah,” he nodded.

  “That look on your face doesn’t say good news.”

  “It might be,” Jessie set the food down on the table and pulled me into a tight hug. “We have a large wooded area to search. It’s similar to other spots they’ve set up at.”

  “How long will you be gone?” I looked up at him.

  “Two days, more or less.”

  “Oh,” I frowned. I didn’t want him to leave. For the last few days he was my anchor to sanity. The rock I held onto when my body revolted against my mind and all logic. He was the only person I wanted to see or hear from today.

  “I wouldn’t go if I didn’t think there was a good chance of getting this guy,” Jessie said.

  “I know,” I bit my lip. “I’ll miss you.”

  “We still have the whole day together. We aren’t leaving until sundown.”

  “You’re going at night? Isn’t that more dangerous?”

  My wolf stirred lifting his head from his content slumber. His ears perked, and he tilted his head to listen. He didn’t like the idea of Alpha in the woods at night with bad guys either. We knew all too well how that could end.

  Jessie sat down at the table and pulled me into his lap. He set out the food and put chopsticks in my hand.

  “More dangerous for them. They won’t see us coming.”

  “Vampires have very good night vision. My old neighbor could spot a penny on the sidewalk a mile away at night or at least he claimed to be able to.”

  “We’ll be fine. This is what we do best,” Jessie kissed my cheek.

  “I know, Alpha. It’s just. . .” I stopped in my tracks. I never told him how my parents died and wasn’t sure now was the time. I didn’t want to think about those long passed sad and frightening days.

  “Are you okay, mate?”

  “Yeah, I’m just a little sad you’re going to be gone,” I lied even though I knew Jessie could smell it.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll be back in your classroom on Monday to stand guard.”

  “I know,” I smiled and pushed away the memories. “Besides, this might be my chance to show off too.”

  “Show off?” Jessie asked. “You’re not coming with me, mate. You’re staying here where it’s safe.”

  “Come on. Let me show you what I mean,” I put the chopsticks down and slid out of his lap. “It’s in the cellar.”

  “In the cellar?” Jessie arched a brow.

  “Potions hold better down there. Yes, your true-mate is a crazy alchemist,” I laughed and opened the hatch that led downstairs. “This is where I keep the good stuff.”

  “The good stuff?” Jessie asked.

  “What you think I only brew burn creams and bottled flashlights?” I grinned. “No, I got into alchemy for creative defense tactics.”

  “This should be fun,” Jessie kissed my cheek as I pulled the string to turn on the overhead light.

  “This is where I keep the stuff that isn’t for the students. Most of them never become serious enough to brew these babies up, but if you’re going out into the woods at night and hopefully taking down that Alpha asshole I’m going to make sure your armed to the teeth.”

  “I’m always armed to the teeth. You’ve figured that out by now, right?” Jessie laughed.

  “How could I miss it?” I hugged him and wiggled the hilt of his side dagger. “But magic can give you the upper hand and the advantage of being unseen.”

  “As a tracker it’s my job to be unseen and have the upper hand,” Jessie said.

  “Look, I’m not saying you’re not good at your job, because obviously you are. You should just know when the man who cooks your food offers you help you should take it.”

  “Woah watch it. I’ll have to start calling you Ross,” Jessie laughed.

  “All jokes aside, Alpha, I want to help. I can’t go out there and fight. My job is here, but I want to help. I want to make your life easier and I want you back here as soon as possible. So, can I please help?” I bit my lip when I finished speaking. Lots of Alphas get crabby when they think you’re insulting their prowess. Jessie was more than capable, but I couldn’t send him out there without giving him every advantage possible. History taught me better than that. Even the strongest can fall if they’re not prepared for everything.

  “Okay, show me what you got, mate,” Jessie smiled and kissed my forehead.

  “You’ve already seen that. Now, let me show you what I can do,” I pulled away from him and walked to the locked cabinet.

  “O neg spray,” I pulled a bottle from the shelf. “I started working on this after the organization found out it was a vampire running the breeding farms. It’ll make you smell like an O negative blood type. That’s the universally accepted blood type. It can sustain any vampire. If he’s hungry, it might lure out the omega.”

  “Good to know. Does it interfere with pheromone blockers?” Jessie asked.

  “Nope. It goes on over them and works like a charm,” I kissed his cheek before taking another glance inside the cabinet.

  “Bottled stitches,” I said picking up a blue bottle. “This will be handy if there’s another farm with injured omegas. It works for any sort of cut or wound. We don’t heal as fast as you guys.”

  “Why haven’t you stocked up the organization before?” I asked him.

  “They’re not my mate and they haven’t asked. I kept waiting for Darian to ask for more than just pheromone blockers, but he never did. So, I just left it alone and kept stockpiling potions in case he ever did.”

  “What else do you have?”

  “Plenty,” I grinned.


  By sunset I equipped Jessie with every potion he was willing to take. We arrived at the gate before Jake and Gary and I was glad for our last few moments alone.

  “You be careful out there,” I told him for the one millionth time.

  “I always am, mate,” he pulled me into a tight hug. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back home before you know it.”

  “You better,” I buried my face in his chest and reveled in his warmth. The pheromone blockers kept me from smelling his normal scent. My wolf shook his head in disdain.


  Yes, pheromone blockers were unnatural, but the magic and science behind them is what set us apart from our wild feral counterparts. We adapted to our environment just like they did.

  “Ready?” Jake walked up hand in hand with his omega Gary who held onto their squirming baby girl named Rose.

  “Yeah,” Jessie nodded. “You thr
ee head back as soon as we’re gone. If you need to pick night blooming herbs while we’re gone ask someone to go with you and not just Wrynn.”

  “I will, Alpha,” I managed a smile for him, but just the thought of him walking out of that gate into danger turned my stomach.

  “Do you want to stay over tonight?” Gary asked.

  “I’m alright. I have some work to do and stuff at the house,” I said before I realized he might not want to be alone tonight. “But you and Baby Rose can come stay at my place, if you like. I just have some brewing to do.”

  “Alright, but we have to swing by and pick up her stuff. She’s not good at traveling light,” Gary grinned.

  “Call Bane,” Jessie said. “He’ll help get you guys settled in. I don’t like the idea of you running around in the dark right now.”

  “I second that,” Jake said.

  “Okay, we’ll call him,” Gary nodded.

  Jake took a moment to say goodbye to his mate and daughter and I turned to Jessie.

  “I’m not going to tell you to be careful again.”

  “Thanks, but you be careful. Don’t let Ryan blow up the classroom again,” he laughed and pulled me into a tight hug. When it was time for him to go, I didn’t want to release him. I wanted to stay wrapped up in his strong warm arms forever in the place we were both safe.

  “Go save the world. We’ll be fine,” I said and gave him a quick kiss.

  We waved our Alphas off and watched them drive away until the SUV was no longer in sight.

  “It never gets any easier,” Gary smiled at me. “I know other omegas are mated to organization Alphas, but they’re not trackers. Trackers are gone a lot more often when things go badly.”

  “They’ll be okay,” I said, because I knew it’s what he needed to hear.

  “I know. They always are. I still worry, though.”

  “Let’s order in and make it a movie night,” I wrapped my arm around Gary’s shoulders and turned him towards the clinic where I knew Bane would be. I was fine outside in the dark and I was sure Gary was too, but with the curfew in full effect and all hell threatening to break loose I didn’t want Baby Rose out after dark.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Tracking is usually a solitary task. Alone in the woods with your thoughts and if you’re a good tracker whoever or whatever you’re tracking. Tracking with Jake was different. He liked chit-chatting on the pack link. The lack of idle chit-chat was my favorite thing about tracking alone.


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