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Our Treasure

Page 9

by S M Matthews

  He tilts his head a little, leaning into my petting, and his mouth opens slightly. You can see the points of both top and bottom fangs all the time, but when they open their mouths, that’s when you realise just how big the teeth are. These guys could really do some damage if they wanted to.

  And yet, I find I’m not bothered by that. I’m not worried about it at all. He’s this huge alien living weapon, and he’s purring whilst I scratch his ears.

  This isn’t as weird as I thought it would be, and the fact that he’s clearly enjoying my attention is turning me on. He’s very attractive to look at, in a beautiful, predatory sort of way.

  He seems to be enjoying himself immensely, and I twist my hips a little, curious, and press myself right into the juncture of his thighs. If there’s anything there I can’t feel it, but Ceph lets out a little grumbly hiss and his hands spasm and grip my hips tighter, pulling me a fraction more snugly against him. Interesting.

  I’m getting lost in this, I could probably keep going for quite a while. In fact, I don’t think I’d exactly object to the idea of taking things a little further.

  I have to land this kiss somewhere though, so I go for the end of his nose, and gently kiss him there.

  He very slowly opens his eyes, he is still purring, and I’m still exploring his soft cheek fur. His voice comes out all rumble, “Kiss?” I nod. He takes me completely by surprise, leaning forward he gives my cheek a massive lick with his broad tongue. I have time to note that it feels slightly rough. He has one of those stupid grins on his face. Then he nods at me, and says authoritatively “Kiss.”

  I laugh, even if I am using my sleeve to wipe the slightly damp trail of his spit off my cheek.

  “So…do you guys have,” I take a breath. I can sort of feel myself blushing, but I have to ask. “You know…the equipment.” I gesture vaguely at the general are of Ceph’s alien…whatever it is he has.

  “Cora!” He feigns shock. “Are you saying you want to see the merchandise?”

  He grins at me, and this time it’s absolutely feral. I laugh again. Well, thinking about it, that’s not actually a bad idea. I have no idea what it is I’m getting into. Might as well know now. I mean if ‘mating’ is their ultimate goal and then it turns out that it’s a no go…well. I’d like to know for sure now how different we are. Or similar, as the case may be. I back up and hop my butt onto another storage crate, opposite to his.

  I’ve just discovered that I’m not at all adverse to the idea of alien…petting, at least. Might as well see where this goes.

  “Go on then. Let’s have a ganders. Get it off.”

  He sits with his mouth open for split second, “really?”

  I nod, “Well yeah, you’ve all seen me naked already. Fair’s fair. In fact all three of you have been looking at a lot of naked women lately, a girl could take offence you know.”

  The top half is stripped quicker than I can blink, he is definitely up for this. And he is definitely not shy.

  I’ve seen the top half nearly naked enough times to have worked it out, with those sleeveless jacket’s they seem to favour sometimes. I’ve always found the temperature just a little colder than comfortable, which makes sense for them since they are wearing fur all the time. I take the time to inspect him though…if there is a belly button nestled in that short white fur, I can’t see it.

  The grey of their hands breaks up to almost white by the time you get past their elbows, and their stomachs are bright white. It’s only a little interrupted by some of the dots leaking around from the back; mostly over where their ribs are. I have no idea what these guys do as a workout routine but their abdominals are clearly visible, almost highlighted by the bright white fur.

  He strips off his trousers.

  I stare. I can’t help it. I stare more.

  “So…I can’t help but notice that there appears to be two, uhm, penises? Penii? What is the plural of penis?”

  He’s standing so proudly, his hands on his hips, toting not one, but two erections, one sat right above the other. The bright white fur continues down from his stomach and the little loose bit of fur his cocks have emerged from is also white. He’s white on the inside of his thighs too, I notice, as he strikes another pose. I drink it in, this is definitely going into the spank bank. The outsides of his thighs are dark with spotting, which continues to darken until just past his knees, where it becomes solid colour. It makes him look like his cat feet are dark boots.

  “Just so that we are clear right now; I will only ever be accommodating one of those at a time.”

  “Am I more than you’re used to?” He asks me, doing that somehow suggestive twist with his ears. With him naked it’s more outright lewd than it is just suggestive.

  “Oh yeah. This is full one hundred percent increase. Buy one, get one free. Total bargain.”

  “Well…we do like to make sure all our customers are satisfied.” I roll my eyes.

  My gaze goes back to his cocks, they are the same spotty grey pattern, and the darker skin makes them look even bolder standing out against the white fur.

  I fidget, my thighs rubbing together on their own. This is a lot hotter than I’d anticipated.

  Again I’m shocked at myself how quickly I’m finding this acceptable. And just how easily I’m finding a completely different species so attractive. His confidence is also massively attractive, he’s practically preening at my inspection. He strikes another pose, flexing his arms in what I would think of as a ‘strongman’ pose. He’s having fun. Oh well, Cora, I think to myself. Don’t fight it.

  I find myself saying “thank you”, and then laughing at how ridiculous it is that I’m thanking him for showing off his cocks. And muscular thighs. And abs. And…hell, all of it. “This has been a very informative experience.”

  He does a little chuff of a laugh, “You are very welcome. Would you like me to go and get dressed now?”

  “Well, if you want to parade around like that, I won’t stop you…You probably better had though.” He finds his clothes off the crate where he’d thrown them in his haste to get naked. “What happens with those? Where do they go?”

  “Now? Either they’ll go down in time and go back in, or I’ll have to go and deal with them. Once they’re out, they are out!”

  “But what happens? I couldn’t feel them earlier.” And there’s definitely no hiding those.

  He turns his clothes right from inside out, put doesn’t show any signs of actually getting dressed.

  “Yeah, when you’re dressed there's nowhere for them to go, so they can’t come out, and it can hurt a little, or a lot, until you let them out.”

  “So you can’t just put them back?” He lifts one thigh reflexively, as if to shield his cocks from the very idea. The grimace on his face is almost comical.

  “What just shove them back in?” He sounds horrified by the very suggestion. “By The Void Cora, you’ll frighten them back in if you keep saying things like that.”

  “Right, right sorry. Just curious, you know? So are you going to go and…you know,” I wave vaguely at them. “Sort that out?” I’m trying to shuffle this along now, because I’m sort of thinking I might have to go and do some sorting of my own.

  He grins at me, tilting his head. Then he grasps his bottom cock. I think my mouth drops open. This just went next level. “Why, you want to watch?”

  Well yeah, obviously I want to watch. I nod, mutely.

  Ceph’s hot. And the more I sit here, staring, the easier it becomes to match the physical ‘yes-they-are-aliens-so-they-look-different’ to the ‘they-are-people-too’.

  He drops the clothes back off his shoulder onto the nearby crate, but he doesn’t take his eyes off me.

  I know I’m wet, I can feel it. I keep fidgeting, my body looking for some…something. I briefly wonder if he can smell how turned on I am. I quickly realise I don’t care. In fact, if that’s the case, this is even hotter.

  He angles that bottom cock slightly downward, and slowly star
ts to work it. The other hand he runs through the fur on his abdomen. His head tilted back a little, his eyes slitted. But he still hasn’t looked away from me.

  I’m inching closer to the edge of my seat, my thighs rubbing together as I fidget.

  I lick my lips. He lets out a little growl.

  The hand on his lower cock is working at a slow and steady rhythm, while his other hand creeps down, circling the other cock just around the base.

  He stops abruptly. “Not here though, clean-up will be awful. Let’s go.”

  Wait, what? I’m shaken out of my Ceph fantasy. I realise at some point I’ve sat on my own hands. He picks up his clothes again.

  He calls back to me as he’s walking away, “You coming?”

  I bloody hope so, I think to myself, hopping off my box to follow him.

  The ass with the tails is not weird, I realise. Because that’s what I am full on perving over as I follow him back to his room. If anything, them swishing away over his fur is kinda hot. Is that weird? That tails are hot. I don’t think it is, but I think that’s because they are Ceph’s tails. And he wouldn’t be himself without them.

  I wish I had pockets to shove my hands into to keep them out of trouble, my palms are almost itching to reach out and see if I can grab the end of a tail.

  I couldn’t see Neb along the hall until Ceph turns into his room. He’s looking right at me, expression unreadable. I am almost immediately consumed with embarrassment. I skip into Ceph’s room to get out from under his gaze. He’s got to be thinking I’m having sex with Ceph!

  The door swishes shut behind me and I grimace to myself. How does this even work? I’m mortified just from this!

  I hear the water come on in the bathroom a second before Ceph shouts, “Cora?”

  I go through to the bathroom, he’s already under the water, and being wet makes all of his fur lie flat. It’s hot, all the last bits of definition that were hidden by his fluff are now very much on display.

  “You alright?” He turns to me, frowning.

  “Neb saw us! He’s your brother! He saw you with…those out.” I wave in the general direction of his cocks. I feel like I’ve been waving at a lot of cock.

  Ceph shrugs, “yeah?”

  He looks absolutely mystified.

  “Aren't you embarrassed? Won’t he be…I don’t know? Envious? How does this even work?”

  He grins at me, “Nope. He’ll be really pleased about it. Whatever you’re willing to do with me…you’re willing to do with him too.”

  “In your world maybe. Normal for me is having one man. What if I like you more than I like the other two and I don’t want them?”

  It’s getting steamy in here from the hot water, but he doesn’t come out from under the shower. He scratches at his mane, frowning at my question. He takes a breath as if to speak, but then doesn’t. I can’t help but notice that his cocks wilt a little bit…and then sort of retract.

  He’s really thinking about it. The blood has gone back to his brain. Do not say that out loud Cora, you might offend him.

  “Why?” He finally says. “Why wouldn’t you want them?”

  I don’t actually have an answer to that, because why wouldn’t I? Ceph is Ceph, he’s funny and sweet and silly. Neb’s thoughtful and caring, in a sort of lazy way. Lam is the most protective person I think I’ve ever come across, and all of it seems to be directed at me. They all look almost the same. And now I’ve gotten used to it, they are all definitely hot. My lady parts are telling me loud and clear just how willing I am to give this a go.

  “All right…theoretically then. I won’t lie. If you three are a package deal, I’m up to try that. But in theory, if that were to happen to anyone, that a female only wanted one brother, what would happen?”

  “Well…it just wouldn’t, because why would you only choose one when you could have all three? But…I guess the brothers wouldn’t go for it. You’d be split up…that’s…it’s just not right.”

  The idea of this is so foreign to him it has obviously, literally, never even crossed his mind. I’ve completely boggled him. Interesting though, that they would choose each other over me. Not that I would ever force them into that choice but…I like to understand. And it is…really nice that they mean that much to each other. They’ll always have each other’s backs.

  I take him in again…and realise I’ve killed the mood.

  “Sorry. Thanks for answering my questions though.”

  He shrugs his ears, flicking water when they spring back up. “You ask a lot of questions. It’s just…you.”

  I do ask a lot of questions. And they have always done their best to answer them. No matter what else has been going on.

  “You can make it up to me though, and you did get grubby digging through storage.” He takes a step back, further under the water.

  I dither in the doorway for a moment. I know I could just bail and he wouldn’t do anything to stop me.

  “Whatever you want to do, Cora.” He says quietly. Ironically, him not pressuring me at all is the thing that decides me. He cares about me, he won’t push me. I like that. I like it a lot.

  I know they’ve already seen me naked, and that makes me worry a little less. He knows what he’s getting. He knows humans are different, and he’s already over it. They all are. They’ve all made it pretty clear from the start what their intentions are. I suppose they’ve had more time to adjust to the idea that I’m different to them, since they’ve been invested since…well, since before we even met, really.

  I also know that they’ve seen quite a few other naked human females. Hopefully they aren't comparing.

  I strip off. Desperately trying to exude physical confidence that I just don’t have. I get under the water with Ceph, and he immediately goes for my hair with the bar of soap. There’s no preamble or awkwardness from him. He just gets on with scrubbing me as if we’ve done this a thousand times before.

  I can’t help but notice that his cocks make a quick reappearance, and now that I’m standing right next to him, I can clearly see the slight ridges the run along the front and back of both. Actual ridges. I think my insides flutter out of sheer curiosity.

  I reach out, then look to Ceph’s face before I actually take liberties and touch him, my hand hovering an inch from his upper cock. He grins down at me, “If you think I’m going to stop you, you’ve not been paying attention. At all.”

  Right. Okay then.

  I step a little closer so I can see properly, and investigate the ridges along the top cock with my fingertips. They are shallow, but definitely noticeable. There’s not much of what I would think of a ‘head’ either, just a more pronounced final ridge which I also investigate.

  Ceph’s gently stroking from the top of my shoulders and down to my elbows and back up. The purring started up almost as soon as I was touching him.

  He just stands there and takes it, giving me time to thoroughly explore what I’m seeing and get familiar with it. Again I surprise myself, it’s a lot easier than I would have thought to adjust to the idea of something that’s so different.

  It’s a bit tricky having both hands taken up, but I find a slow rhythm for stroking both at the same time. My fingers skimming over the tops of the ridges.

  Ceph makes a loud, appreciative-sounding growl that makes me shiver. I want this, I realise.

  “So, since you’ve got two, does that mean she-”

  “No more questions.” He leans down, brushing my hands out of the way. He hugs me, lifting me against his chest, and I squeak with surprise. I instinctively grab his shoulders and wrap my legs around his waist to stop myself from sliding down. He turns us, my back presses against the tiles and he drops his hands to my ass, adjusting me against him. I can feel the tips of his cocks pressing against both of my openings and I instinctively try and lift my hips away.

  “Woah woah buddy, nothing is going in there, that is an exit only.”

  He obliges and pulls his hips back a little, letting his lower
cock slide a little into me. The upper cock presses up through my folds and my insides clench at the feeling. Ceph pauses, taking a deep breath.

  The purring has gotten deeper and more like a growl. I’m confident now that between his hands under my ass and my back against the wall, I’m not going anywhere. I move my arms away from clinging to him, so that I can run my fingers through the fur on his cheeks, then up into his mane, flat now because of the water.

  He slowly allows me to slide down onto him, leaning back to look between us so he can watch himself entering me. I dig my fingers into his fur, gripping tighter as I concentrate on relaxing into this. He slides in, and the feeling of fullness is a relief to my tense, grasping muscles. I’ve been ready for this for a while, and I was starting to feel a sort of empty neediness.

  I have never been lifted like this, either, and it’s a little daunting being up here. But I feel safe, he’s making it look easy holding me up here. The hot water’s still hitting us, we both fit comfortably under the spray of the water and I have a brief moment of thinking how grateful that I am that everything is so oversized here.

  Ceph leans down, licking the water off my chest, I move to rest my arms on his shoulders, letting him do his thing. I close my eyes against the little bit of spray that's hitting my face, just enjoying the feeling of his rough, wide tongue. He goes a little lower, and I arch to make my breast a little higher. He grazes my nipple with his tongue, and I make a little gasping noise, it is all the encouragement he needs, and on the next pass he full-on lathes my nipple. It’s like a little lightning strike that makes my core clench on him, and he makes a surprised chuffing noise that breaks his purring.

  I deliberately clench again, he makes the same noise, and I grin to myself, still with my eyes closed.

  He sucks my nipple into his mouth, and I can feel where my breast is pressing against the hard lines of his fangs. His tongue plays across the tip of my sensitive nipple, and I squirm my hips as best as I can in this position. I want him to start moving.

  He does.

  He’s cautious at first, gently withdrawing so that he slides maybe halfway out before gently working his way back in.


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