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Dark Crown: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 8)

Page 2

by JL Madore

  Unlike mine.

  I’m not so naïve to believe she doesn’t bear other scars. I was there when Laryssa had her brutalized by the guards. I have no idea what other kinds of horrors she suffered while under Laryssa’s control.

  I don’t even want to imagine.

  “Okay, so that’s the update,” Calli says, patting her arm. “You can be really proud of your big brother. He set the quadrant straight and set the framework for the Thornebanes to kick ass and take names.” She looks over at me and winks before straightening. “Now, I gotta bounce and spend some time with my guys. I’m across the hall if you need me, girlfriend. Keep healing and working your way back to us. Lurve you.”

  When I rise to walk them out, Calli gives me a playful smack to my abs. “Don’t look so worried. She’s in there and she’s fighting her way back to us. I have no doubt her eyes will open soon.”

  I force a smile and try to believe that. “From your lips to the ears of the gods.”


  While Creed, Keyla, and Doc deal with family drama, I retreat to my suite, grab a couple of bottles of ale out of my fridge, and let the new normal sink in. We’ve only been back in the quadrant a few hours. We took the time to shower, change, and ready for Creed’s address.

  Now that the whirlwind of the past week and a half is slowing down, the reality of my life is setting in. I chose Creed over my family and Vikarus will never forgive me. I’m a traitor in the eyes of my dragon brood. And I’ve likely condemned my family name to be erased from the ancient scrolls in disgrace.

  Wow. I accomplished a lot in one week.

  The only good to come out of any of it—I’m not alone in the fallout of my life.

  I’m mated to Creed now—and by extension, Keyla and Doc. They’ve got my back even though Vikarus wants nothing to do with me.

  “My brother… my real brother would know that nothing is more important than our family honor.”

  But what is a man’s honor worth if he sacrifices his soul to save face and please the wrong people? Doesn’t it preserve my honor to make the hard choice and commit to what’s right no matter what the cost?

  I set the bottles of ale on my table and sit to unlace my combat boots. When those are off, I unbutton my shirt, pull it off, and hang it over the back of my chair.

  Pssst. The hiss of the seal breaking as I open the first bottle is a balm to what hurts. I’ll hear that sound a lot tonight because I intend to get obliterated and pass out unconscious on my bed.

  It may have been three days since the raid at the compound but between getting Honor back to Travon, finding a clinic, and waiting for a med-tech to clear her for portal travel, there wasn’t time to evaluate what life would be like when we got home.

  I tip my head back, get my throat moving, and guzzle the first bottle to start this ride off hard and fast. A knock behind me brings my attention to the open door of my suite and I lift my chin to greet Dillan. He’s the other plus-one mate in this messed-up marriage.

  “You need something, Bear?”

  Stocky, muscled, and educated, he’s one hell of a solid guy. He’s hot too. He’s got the same dark black hair as his bear’s pelt, is a scrappy fighter, and one hell of a soldier.

  There are some things only men who serve in a military capacity can understand.

  I get the feeling Doc gets me more than most.

  I hand him one of the chilled bottles and go back to grab a few more. “Yes, I’m avoiding the foursome. Yes, I’m brooding and wallowing in my misery. Have you been sent to bring me in?”

  Doc holds up his hands in surrender. “Nothing like that. Everyone is busy doing their thing, and I thought I’d check-in and make sure you’re okay. Being back here now that everything has changed can’t be easy.”

  No. It’s not.

  I twist off the cap of my next bottle and take a long gulp. “I don’t know why I thought he’d understand. Vik has a thick skull and a code of conduct that demands things remain either black or white. There is no coloring outside of the lines or veering from the mission for him. All he sees is me betraying my station and dishonoring our family.”

  “It’s early days. Trust me. When it comes to stubborn hotheads, Vik’s got nothing on the bears in my family. He’ll come around once he gets over the shock.”

  I don’t think so, but it’s nice to hear.

  Doc opens his beer and tosses the lid onto the table with the others. I watch his throat bob as he guzzles down the liquid inebriation and breathe a little deeper.

  Before this mess, this is exactly the kind of night I’d sneak across the corridor and obliterate my reality with a few hours of punishing sex with Creed.

  That man is a machine.

  Now that’s not an option.

  Maybe I’m hyper-focused on Vik so I don’t have to think about the mating stuff. I chug back a few more gulps. I don’t want to think about the mating stuff.

  It’s a tough situation all around.

  “I guess we’ve got some awkward conversations ahead of us. What do we do? Take turns? Have designated nights? Draw names?”

  Doc chuckles. “Been there. I said almost exactly the same thing to Keyla last week. The three of us have pretty much worked through the worst of things now. Drinking helped at first, but time spent together helped more. We’ll get there. There’s no rush.”

  I set down empty number two and crack open the next bottle. The buzz of my mental tailspin is slowing a little in my mind. Another couple of bottles and I should be able to sit still long enough to relax. “I’m honestly not interested in getting into it tonight. I’m bagged and in no mood to jostle sleeping arrangements. Four in a marriage… it’s more than a bit messed up.”

  “Nah. It’s fine,” the bear says. “There’s no ‘have to’ with this. You had the shit kicked out of you over the past week. Don’t force it. Just know we’re here when you’re ready to talk it out or lose yourself in some warm and wet or even if you want to fuck away some hostility. The bed might be crowded, but we’ll manage.”

  “Honestly, a couple of those options sound pretty slecking good right about now. Except, I’m in a shit mood. No offense, but I think for tonight I’d rather drink, wallow, and black out.”

  Dillan raises his bottle and clinks mine. “Understood. Enjoy your solitude. Just remember if you need us, we’re across the hall. You don’t need an invitation. You belong in there with us. We are your mates.”

  That will take some time to wrap my head around. “Thanks, Bear. I appreciate it. And don’t worry. I’ll sort my shit out and get my head in the game… just not tonight.”

  Dillan raises his bottle in a toast. “Fair enough. Just know we’ll be naked and down and dirty the moment we’re settled in. If you change your mind and want to lose yourself, join us. It’s always a good time.”



  Leaving Rhylan to his thoughts, I head back across the hall and into Creed’s suite. Huh, I suppose I should start thinking of it as our suite. Rhylan’s not all wrong. The way the four of us ended up mated is a little messed up and takes some getting used to. Still…

  This is us.

  With Keyla across the hall in the quint’s suite talking to Hawk, Brant, and Jaxx, and Creed in with Calli, Kotah, and Lukas checking on Honor, I’m left to a rare moment of finding myself on my own.

  Growing up in a big family of foster brothers and sisters, and then enlisting and serving overseas, I’m accustomed to a lot of people around most of the time.

  I’m good with that.

  Truth be told, I prefer quiet time—one-on-one.

  Or maybe in this case two on one.

  Or three on one.

  Images flare in my mind and my cock stirs in my jeans. I’ve witnessed some of the sexual hijinx Brant and the quint get into. I understand why Keyla wants that. I don’t blame her. Now that I’ve opened myself up to the possibility—I do too.

  I never imagined myself in a polyamorous marriage. Growing up, I had
my future mapped out: great girl, a house on a little patch of land, and eventually a bunch of cubs to raise. Perfect, right?

  Now I’m in a foreign realm with three mates.

  I still ended up with a great girl—though it’s a castle in a large quadrant of land. And she’s much too young to start thinking about cubs. Now that I am thinking of it, maybe they won’t be cubs.

  Creed mentioned that the first two kids in his lineage are always a boy then a girl to stand as heirs to the Dornte throne. And after the mind fae children? Will the rest be bears or dragons or wolf pups? Does it matter?

  Talk about a mixed marriage.

  It’s different for the quint. As the mythical phoenix, Calli can only conceive if all five of them participate and the resulting young will be a phoenix, like mommy.

  With us… I guess it will be a surprise.

  Not that it’s time to think about that. Things aren’t on the right track yet. Not all the way, anyway.

  Deciding to take a step toward rectifying that, I grab a couple of the candles out of the living room and take them into the bedroom. The nightstands on either side of the bed seem like the logical place to set the mood.

  Not that we need ambiance…

  But Keyla deserves a bit of romance. A lot happened and she didn’t get a choice in much of it. I think she deserves to be courted and swept off her feet a little, even if it’s after the fact.

  After lighting the candles, I turn down the sheets and pull some supplies out of my duffle. I managed a side trip to the pharmacy when we were at the Travon med clinic and picked up some condoms, lube, almond oil for massage, and some sweet treats.

  What can I say… I’m a bit of a teddy bear.

  My bear’s heightened hearing pricks as I capture the soft sound of footsteps approaching from behind. The quickening of blood pumping in my veins is silly. I’m not a horny teenager trying to get lucky.

  Why do I feel like one?

  “Got something in mind for the evening, Bear?”

  My eyes roll closed as Creed presses up behind me. Strong arms wrapped around my ribs as the male nips my neck. “Keyla’s not back from across the hall yet, but Kotah and Calli just left, so I’m sure she won’t be long.”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to unwinding. We’ve been on the move for days. I think we need to relax and get back to the three of us bonding.”

  Creed’s hand drops down my front and he unbuttons the front of my jeans. “Three? Rhylan isn’t included in this plan of yours?”

  “I paid him a visit and invited him but he’s twisted up about his brother and the decisions he’s made. He needs a night on his own to decompress.”

  “I respect that. Thank you for including him.”

  As a reward, he slides his hand into my pants and palms the length of my quickly stiffening cock. I flex my spine, pressing tight against Creed’s groin.

  The deep-throated groan he lets off makes me smile. “I made it clear what I had planned and told him to join us if he changes his mind.”

  “I appreciate you looking forward to getting us alone together. Up for more torture, are you?”

  “If the torture you’re offering is more of the delicious penetration and rough riding of our last session the answer is a definite yes.”

  I turn, caged between Creed’s embrace and the footboard of his massive paneled bed. The male is tall and broad and I relish how our physical connection affects him: the scent of his arousal, the anticipation dancing in his dark eyes, the unmistakable bulge filling out the front of his pants…

  It’s all so fucking hot.

  Creed has an alpha dominant streak and when he grips my clothes and starts to strip me down, that’s fine by me. Jeans and boxers get shoved down the muscled trunks of my thighs and pool at my ankles. My shirt’s next. He yanks it up my ribs and over my head, discarding it onto the floor.

  “Keyla didn’t mind catching up the last time she caught us together, so I say we get things started.”

  I step out of my clothes and grunt as I’m shoved back and my ass bumps against the footboard. “No, she didn’t mind. By her scent that night, she loved it. Our girl is more than a little sexually curious.”

  “I love that she’s adventurous.” Creed unbuttons his shirt and lets it hang open, putting those rows of muscled abs on display. He unbuckles his belt and his slacks drop to the floor next to mine.

  As usual, he’s free-balling it under his fancy pants.

  So, hot.

  Before he starts getting hot and heavy, I ease my fingers under the fabric of his shirt and stroke the scarred flesh on his back. “You don’t need to hide a part of yourself from us. We’ve got you. Whatever the pain is, you’re safe with us.”

  He swallows and dips his chin. “I know… and I appreciate that. May I leave bearing my soul to another night? As you said, it’s been a busy few days and we need to reconnect.”

  I lean forward and brush his lips. “That’s what being safe is all about. There’s no wrong answer. You decide what to share and when. Just know that it won’t change anything. We’re building something great here.”

  Creed’s smile softens and he kisses me back. The guy is usually wild and a little aggressive, but there are these moments, few and far between, where I see the softer, more vulnerable side in him.

  I understand why he doesn’t show that side much. Growing up a prince and now the king of a war-torn world, I’m sure vulnerable wasn’t an option.

  His mouth seals over mine as his hands cup my jaw. The kiss is tender and I get the feeling he’s sharing a part of himself he doesn’t expose often. I’m honored.

  Easing back, he offers me a genuine smile. “Thank you for being you, Bear. I understand why Keyla refused to give you up. You are an incredible man.”

  When he drops to one knee and looks up at me, my cock twitches forward in anticipation of what I think is coming next. “I took over last time. Are you good if I take charge again?”

  “With me, yeah. I’d like to shift to sensual and sexy with Keyla though. I’m hoping to romance her tonight. You know… slow things down and dig deeper.”

  “All right. You and I can take the edge off then and slow things down after.”

  “Sounds perfect. Thanks.”

  Gripping my cock at the base, he parts his lips over my crown and sucks me into the hot depths of his mouth. My breath hisses from my lungs.

  I grab the wooden frame of the bed behind me and brace myself. The suction is amazing and when he scores his teeth along the soft flesh sheathing the solid shaft I’m pretty much seeing stars.

  Creed is an aggressive lover.

  I’ve seen him gentle with Keyla once but other than that, he’s pretty hard core. “Tell me if I’m too rough.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m a big boy.”

  He pops off the swollen head of my cock and grins up at me and winks. “Yes, you are.”

  I curse as he resumes. “Life with you won’t be boring, I am certain of that.”

  In answer, Creed’s body releases a wave of dark promise. The scent of his arousal has changed since the mating. It is as glorious and spicy as ever, but now it also carries the mixed scents of Keyla, Rhylan, and I.

  Mmm… and by the time the three of us collapse to the mattress tonight, Keyla and I will be covered in it.

  You’re mine, Bear, he says directly into my mind. If you want to dig deeper, know that. Too much was taken from me. Never again. I fight for what’s mine and you are mine as much as the others.

  My fingers grip into the silky-soft length of Creed’s hair. With my hand on the back of his head, I hold him in place as I rock my hips in lazy pushes of in and out.

  Wet suction seals the two of us together and my throat tightens as he moves up and down my shaft.

  In and out.

  “Fuck that’s good. Tell me you love doing that.”

  He opens up the shared mind-link and I’m hit hard and fast with his sensations. The building of pressure in his balls.
The ache of him needing to shove his cock inside me and sate his hunger. The hot rush of blood thundering through his veins.

  In and out.

  I fight the tingling tide of my release unwilling for this to end. It won’t be long though. It’s too good to last.

  Hot. Slick. Silky.

  I’m hungry for your cum, Bear. Feed me.

  I don’t want it to end, but there’s no reason to fight it. This is just the first of many orgasms tonight. Focusing on how good it feels, I let his hunger wash over me.

  I let off a throaty grunt as my muscles shudder and the orgasm pushing at the head of my cock breaks free. My hips unhinge, my body jacking forward as I pump hot streams of cum into his mouth.

  Fuck me, it’s so good.

  In the back of my mind somewhere, I worry I’m now creaming straight down the back of his throat but the guy doesn’t balk.

  Creed devours every ounce I give him, his fingers gripping the flesh of my ass with bruising force. I close my eyes and let the glory of the moment take its course.

  So, so, soooo good.

  As my thundering pulse begins to settle, I fall back against the footboard and lock my knees to keep from assplanting. Creed is a demanding lover but he’s also endlessly attentive.

  When he straightens to his full height, he offers me that crooked grin of his. Stepping in so we’re chest-to-chest, he grips my jaw and pulls me into a soul-searing kiss. I taste the salty aftermath of my cum on his tongue and damn, it triggers another round of hard and horny.

  “That was quite a warm-up,” I breathe, my voice unsteady. “Thanks for that.”

  “My pleasure.”

  I laugh. “No. It was definitely my pleasure. Now, how about we go find our girl and get her naked too?”


  It’ll never get old. Walking in and seeing Creed and Dillan lost in a moment of carnal pleasure has become a fantasy fulfilled. Part of me hopes to catch them getting all dark and dirty with one another every time I enter a room. This time, I got lucky.

  Unlike last time though, I don’t interrupt.

  I let them have their moment and watch from the doorway. They left it open for me to come and join them, and I have every intention of doing that… but not until they have their fun.


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