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Dark Crown: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 8)

Page 4

by JL Madore

  “Fine. Fuck you. I was just asking.”

  He pivots and rebounds back at me. “What is it with you three thinking my private space is open for visitors. First the bear last night, then the wolf this morning, and now you. What does a guy have to do to get some slecking alone time?”

  I point a finger into his chest and try to reel in my temper. “I just defended you to Doc, saying you’re a solid guy that would never hurt Keyla intentionally. If I’m wrong, tell me now and I’ll let him come in here to nut-punch you as he planned.”

  “Why would he want to do that? What did I do?”

  “Keyla is hurt that you ghosted her this morning. She did a nice thing and when she woke up you were gone.”

  “I didn’t ghost her. I woke up and Vik was glaring at us from the doorway. I followed him to his room to have it out and when I got back, she was gone.”

  “That’s all it was? You weren’t pushing her away? Or snubbing her attentions?”

  “No. I don’t understand why she was here in the first place but I’m not the kind of asshole that would ghost her to teach her a lesson.”

  I didn’t think so.

  “She was here because she sensed your dragon’s turmoil from our bed. At four o’clock this morning, she sat up and said your dragon needed comfort. I said I would come to check on you. She insisted it wasn’t me he needed. Your dragon craves to be near her.”

  “I don’t know anything about that, but yeah, my dragon was content to have her wolf here when I woke up. Why would she think she needed to get out of bed in the middle of the night and come to me?”

  I run my fingers under the blond screen draped in front of his eyes and flip his hair back so he can see me. “I’m not sure. She possesses an amazing level of empathy, like her brother, and she is developing powers we don’t yet understand. She said your dragon was restless and needed her. Doc and I didn’t argue. Then she came back looking like you kicked her kitten.”

  Now it’s his turn to look confused. “I just went to Vik’s room so we could fight in private. It wasn’t a commentary on her in any way.”

  I tilt my head toward my suite. “Maybe take a moment to explain that to her before we begin our day.”

  His dragon lets off a low growl. “I shouldn’t have to apologize. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I’m not asking for you to apologize. I’m saying explain to her what happened. Jaxx told me a human saying the other night, ‘A happy wife makes a happy life’. And in this case, it will also keep you from getting nut-punched by an angry bear.”



  Lukas and I find Creed and Rhylan in the hallway outside the dragon’s room. I give our fourth a serious once-over laden heavily with stink eye and he meets the hostility. He growls back at me. “I didn’t ghost her. I’ll go talk to her and explain. Stay away from my nuts.”

  When he storms off, Lukas casts me a curious glance. “Do I want to know?”

  I fight the urge to follow Rhy inside and pound on him. “Likely not. It’s mating madness.”

  The guy winces like I’m talking about a disease that makes your face fall off. Stepping back, he holds up his hands. “That mating madness shit is contagious. Don’t give it to me.”

  I chuckle and gesture to Creed. “It’s not all bad. There are perks. Have you met my mate, the King of Dornte? He’s pretty fucking great… and pretty great at fucking.”

  Creed offers me a sexy smirk. “You coming on to me, Bear?”

  “Is it working?”

  “Maybe. We have a few minutes before we leave.”

  Lukas rolls his eyes and brushes past us. “No, you don’t. Get your mates together and I’ll see who’s coming from the quint. I think it’s only Brant. Kotah and Hawk need to go to Travon to establish the gate coordinates and settle up a few favors Hawk promised last week. Calli and Jaxx said they’d stay with your sister.”

  When Lukas strides down the hall toward the Auburn Suite to connect with the quint, I follow Creed back inside ours. “What did the dragon say for himself?”

  Creed leads the way toward the kitchen while he explains to me how Rhylan woke up with Vik leering at them and then he vacated his bed to go to Vik’s room to have it out. Keyla was sleeping, so he didn’t disturb her.

  “So, it was just bad timing then?”

  Creed checks the oven and there is a tray of breakfast quiches the chamber staff brownies left warming for us. “Seems so. We’ll let them work it out and see where we end up for the day. Keyla said there were many strained days with the quint while things aligned.”

  I chuckle. “True story. Brant and Hawk didn’t get along at all. Hawk wanted nothing to do with Calli. Jaxx got hissy and pissy with anyone who upset Calli. Everyone loved Kotah, though.”

  Creed pulls out four glasses and sets them on the island countertop. “It seems impossible not to. Keyla said her brother’s omega genes are incredibly rare, but I’d be surprised if she doesn’t possess some of the same gifts. Her empathy for others is incredibly strong. I think that’s how she knew she needed to go to Rhy this morning.”

  I see why he’d think that.

  Keyla is more than the woman she appears. With each day that passes, there seems to be more greatness budding inside her. I’ve noticed the omega similarities myself, but there’s also been her ability to open mental communication and call the Amberloq power during battle and a bunch of other little things.

  Creed pulls the tray of quiche pastry bundles out of the oven when Keyla and Rhylan come in to join us.

  “Is everything smoothed out?” I read Keyla’s easy smile and am relieved. “You two are sorted, then?”

  Keyla comes to me for a hug and then turns to assess the food. “I think all the extra mental energy is making me more sensitive than usual. I’m sorry I caused a scafuffle.”

  Creed and Rhylan both chuckle.

  “What is a scafuffle, Little Wolf?” Creed asks, setting the tray on the counter as he grabs a plate.

  “Exactly what it sounds like. An upset. A ripple in the waters.”

  Creed dishes a couple of breakfast pastries onto plates and slides them toward us.

  I find the cutlery drawer and set us up. “Well, I’m glad we’re good. We know from experience it makes for a long day of team investigation when people aren’t getting along.”

  Creed chuckles. “That’s mine and Rhylan’s wheelhouse over the past two years. The two of us mastered hostile tension.”

  “Past tense,” Keyla says. “Now it’s sexual tension. That’s much better.”

  He grins. “Much, much better.”


  The four of us finish our breakfast and by the time I’m sliding a few things into a backpack, Lukas arrives and says we’re almost ready to roll. I look over the group and think ‘ready’ might be overstating things.

  Rhylan is putting on a good front, but he’s hurting and feeling lost and betrayed. He didn’t elaborate on what Vikarus said to him this morning, but it cracked the foundation of his world.

  Lukas checks his FCO watch and reads an incoming message. “The team leader for the four men watching the witch’s building confirms the redhead went into the building last night and has yet to come out. It’s safe to assume she either has a lover living there or she lives there herself.”

  “Has your mating beacon given you any other directions for us to follow?” Rhylan asks.

  I focus on the buzz in my blood that has been part of me since the moment I first laid eyes on Creed. In that moment, a lightning bolt of fae energy lit me up from the inside and it is still crackling with power.

  It’s not nearly as invasive or persistent as it was, but it has never gone away. “It has more to say but not right now. It seems content at the moment.”

  Creed chuckles. “If you can consider a magical beacon of the universe content.”

  Doc grins. “It’s better than discontent.”

  “That’s very true.” I finish with the backpac
k and Doc slings it over his shoulder. “So, are we ready?”

  Lukas leads us back to the main living room and then jogs across the hall to knock on the suite door for the quint. “Roll out, people.”

  My brother and his mates exit their suite in a rush of joking and chatter. It fills my heart to see them interact as they do. We’ll get there. In four months we’ll be as happy as they are.

  I believe that with everything in me.

  Calli hugs me good morning and Jaxx bends down to kiss my cheek. “Mornin’ beautiful. You whippin’ these boys into shape?”

  I giggle when he winks at me. Jaxx is a flirt and an easy friend to have and I love him to bits. “I’m not sure what kind of shape we’re in just yet, but we’re getting there… one misunderstanding at a time.”

  Brant laughs. “Been there, done that.”

  “And look where you are now.”

  Calli grins and eyes up my guys. “I have no doubt they’re worth the effort.”

  “Hey, did you cook?” Brant lifts his chin and sniffs the air, his head turning toward the scent. “Whatever you had smells better than what we had.”

  Creed chuckles and points toward the kitchen. “Help yourself to whatever is left.”

  “Grab yours to go, Bear,” Hawk says. “Kotah and I have a timetable. We’re meeting the Prince of Travon in less than an hour.”

  Creed perks up. “Satune. Good guy. He portrays himself as a bit of a pompous prick, but it’s an act. People tend to take advantage of nice guys in this realm, so taking an offensive is often the best way of shutting people with selfish intentions down.”

  “Good to know,” Hawk says. “Then Kotah will do most of the talking. People sometimes take me as a bit of a pompous prick myself, but everyone loves our wolf.”

  Kotah rolls his eyes and waves away the fawning of the group.

  Brant returns with the baking sheet in hand and four quiches left. “Anyone else hungry?”

  Calli snags one and holds her hand underneath to catch any crumbs. “Okay, I’m going to check in on my girl. Have a great and successful day. Come home safe and tell us all about it later.”

  “Will do.” Kotah kisses her and then bends to kiss her belly. “Be good for your mama, baby. Your daddies will be back later.”

  I smile at the sight of my brother gushing over his unborn baby phoenix. I always knew he’d be a great dad, but didn’t realize it would be so soon.

  As long as he does exactly the opposite of everything our parents did with us, he’ll win father of the year.

  “All right. We’re off.” Brant kisses Calli next and then Hawk moves in to say goodbye. Once that’s taken care of, the eight of us stride through the halls of Thornbane castle and head for the shuttle loop.

  “So we’re all going to the portal hub together and then splitting up?”

  Hawk nods. “Kotah and I have our meeting with the prince and then a couple of other appointments set up with the gentleman who financed our little raid last week. We’re hoping to get everything taken care of today and be back by dinner.”

  “Do you want me to assign you an escort?” Creed asks. “I realize you’re very capable, but you don’t know the lay of the quadrants well yet.”

  “That’s true, but I’ve made arrangements. The liaison for Travon offered himself up as a guide for the day and I accepted. We’ll let them lead the way for now and see how that works. We want to get a sense of who we’re dealing with.”

  “Honestly,” Creed says, “the leaders of the other quadrants have always been competitive and a little standoffish, but respected and civil neighbors.”

  “So, where did Laryssa come from?”

  “One of the wealthy families living in exile in the fringe. My father had her father removed from the quadrant council for hateful speech against members of our fae races and inciting violence between species.”

  “And she decided to get even,” Rhylan says.

  I feel the anguish Creed suffers over that and sense how deeply he mourns his parents—as family, as mentors, and as leaders of the quadrant.

  “You’ll do them proud,” I say, sliding my branded hand into his. Even now with our mating secured, there’s still an overwhelming pleasure when our brands connect. “We’ll work together every day to live up to their expectations for the quadrant.”

  Creed winks down at me and squeezes my hand back. How do you always know exactly the right thing to say to me?

  I pay attention. You’re my perfect other half. I know how I would feel at this moment if I were you.

  He glances down at me and shrugs his broad shoulders. You and your brother are in virtually the same situation. When will you tell Kotah about Laryssa and Sebastian poisoning your father to make him king?

  Hawk sent a man back to Pennsylvania last night to instruct his business partner to start gathering proof. Once they finish in Travon, I’ll tell him so he can return to our realm and take care of things.

  We arrive at the shuttle loop at the back of the castle and two men rush out to wave in a conveyance. The royal shuttle pulls up and we start loading. “Would you like a driver, Majesty?” the concierge asks.

  “No, that’s fine,” Creed says. “We’re headed straight to the portal gate. Nothing worth wasting the time for a driver. Thank you, though.”

  The man dips his chin and I can tell he’s deciding about whether or not to say something more.

  “Is something on your mind, Gantley?” I ask, reading his name off his nametag. “You look like you have something to say.”

  The man blushes and nods. “Only that I’m pleased to have a Thornebane back at the helm of the quadrant. It’s been a difficult couple of years. We’ve missed having your family in power. A great many people were affected by the actions of the usurper queen.”

  I reach out and squeeze his hand. “There is a saying my father used to tell people in our realm. He’d say, You are not the darkness you suffer. You are the light that endured and survived.”

  The man smiles up at me. “You are as wise as you are beautiful, my queen.”

  “Are you flirting with my mate, Gantley?” Creed asks, giving the guy a stern look.

  Before the poor man has a heart attack, I chuckle and wave away Creed’s words. “He’s teasing. You are sweet and we thank you for your thoughts. I look forward to speaking with you again at the staff interviews.”

  He grins. “As do I. Have a wonderful day.”

  I wave goodbye as Creed sweeps me up the steps of the shuttle and we take our seats. “Dornte portal hub.”

  “Dornte Portal hub,” the automated voice says. “Estimated arrival time twelve minutes.”

  And with that, we settle into our seats and begin our first day as rulers of the Dornte quadrant.


  We arrive at the purple building in Clarinta by ten and Lukas directs us into the office tower across the street. Keyla told me Hawk and Lukas would take care of things but I never expected them to go to these lengths.

  Hawk rented a vacant office suite on the tenth floor that overlooks the main entrance of the witch’s condominium tower across the street and has a four-man team in place for surveillance on my behalf.

  When we arrive, two men leave their equipment at the windows and rise to greet us.

  “Is she still in there?” Lukas asks.

  The man who comes to shake our hand nods. “Henry is in the parkette at the back of the building reading a book on a bench. Unless she glamored herself to change her appearance, she hasn’t exited the front or back of the building.”

  I stare across the street, my fingers curling into fists. When we were in Clarinta last week, our beacon drew us straight into the witch’s path and we followed her to that building. Now, all we have to do is capture her and force her to remove the spells she cast on Honor and me.

  “Is everyone clear on the plan?” Lukas asks.

  We all nod. We’ve gone over it a dozen times.

  “We’ve got one shot at this,” he s
ays. “My guess is if she gets away, she won’t come back for us to take another run at her.”

  “We’ll get her,” Keyla says.

  “Damn straight.” Doc accepts a firearm from Hawk’s men and checks the magazine. “Locked and loaded. We’ll get her.”

  “Dead or alive,” I say, liking the first option considerably more.

  “No. Not dead,” Lukas says, his voice tense. “She’s a powerful foe. If she won’t release the spells voluntarily, which I suspect she won’t, I need to study her magical signature to unravel the damage she’s done.”

  All I can picture is her dead.

  “Creed? Are you hearing me? If you plan on killing her outright, I’ll bench your ass and you can wait here.”

  I scowl. “You could try. It wouldn’t work, but you could try.”

  Lukas purses his lips and growls. “Why do I always end up helping moody assholes?”

  Keyla steps into the standoff and grips my arm. “We understand, don’t we? Honor’s best chance at recovery is having the Blood Witch captured for Lukas to study. Removing the curses is our priority over revenge, right my love?”

  As much as I want to pull away and go murder the bitch across the road, once again, Keyla’s soothing touch has tamed the beast in me. “I understand. We need her alive for my sister’s sake.”

  “And yours,” Keyla says, reaching to cup my jaw. “You can be free of the beast and restored to the man you were before the raid.”

  I shake my head. “Even if the curse is removed, I’ll never be that man again, Little Wolf.”

  Her smile is soft and sad. “No. I suppose not. Eyes on the horizon then. Our future is ahead of us.”

  I nod. “Agreed. We end this and start living our future today.”

  “Done deal,” Lukas says. “Where’s the door card?”

  His man points to the top of an otherwise empty desk in a vacant cubical. “Henry stole it this morning from a businessman heading off to work. He likely won’t realize it’s missing and cancel it until tonight.”

  Lukas collects the purple square and slides it into his pocket. “All right. Rhylan and I will enter the building first, Keyla and Creed are the loving couple coming in next, and Doc and Brant have our six. Got it?”


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